#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eof pipefail [[ $(uname) != 'Darwin' ]] && { echo 'This only works on macOS.' >&2; exit 1; } [[ $# -ne 1 ]] && { echo 'notarize-macos-pkg.sh ' >&2; exit 1; } # Credential necessary for the upload. [[ -z "${MACOS_NOTARIZE_TEAM_ID}" ]] && { echo -e "Missing env variable: MACOS_NOTARIZE_TEAM_ID" 1>&2; exit 1; } [[ -z "${MACOS_NOTARIZE_USERNAME}" ]] && { echo -e "Missing env variable: MACOS_NOTARIZE_USERNAME" 1>&2; exit 1; } [[ -z "${MACOS_NOTARIZE_PASSWORD}" ]] && { echo -e "Missing env variable: MACOS_NOTARIZE_PASSWORD" 1>&2; exit 1; } # Path to MacOS bundle created by XCode. BUNDLE_PATH="${1}" # Notarization request check intervals/retries. CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC="${CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC:-30}" CHECK_RETRY_LIMIT="${CHECK_RETRY_LIMIT:-20}" # Unique ID of MacOS application. MACOS_BUNDLE_ID="${MACOS_BUNDLE_ID:-im.status.ethereum.desktop}" # Xcode altool log file paths NOTARIZATION_ERR_LOG="${NOTARIZATION_ERR_LOG:-${PWD}/notarization.out.log}" NOTARIZATION_OUT_LOG="${NOTARIZATION_OUT_LOG:-${PWD}/notarization.err.log}" function show_xcrun_altool_logs() { echo "FAILURE!" echo "STDERR:" cat "${NOTARIZATION_ERR_LOG}" echo "STDOUT:" cat "${NOTARIZATION_OUT_LOG}" } trap show_xcrun_altool_logs ERR function xcrun_altool() { # STDERR goes to /dev/null so we can capture just the JSON. xcrun altool "${@}" \ --team-id "${MACOS_NOTARIZE_TEAM_ID}" \ --username "${MACOS_NOTARIZE_USERNAME}" \ --password "${MACOS_NOTARIZE_PASSWORD}" \ --output-format "json" \ > >(tee -a "${NOTARIZATION_OUT_LOG}") \ 2> >(tee -a "${NOTARIZATION_ERR_LOG}" >/dev/null) } # Submit app for notarization. Should take 5-10 minutes. echo -e "\n### Creating Notarization Request..." OUT=$(xcrun_altool --notarize-app -f "${BUNDLE_PATH}" --primary-bundle-id "${MACOS_BUNDLE_ID}") # Necessary to track notarization request progress. REQUEST_UUID=$(echo "${OUT}" | jq -r '."notarization-upload".RequestUUID') if [[ -z "${REQUEST_UUID}" ]] || [[ "${REQUEST_UUID}" == "null" ]]; then echo "\n!!! FAILURE: No notarization request UUID found." >&1 echo "Full output:" echo "${OUT}" exit 1 fi echo -e "\n### Request ID: ${REQUEST_UUID}" # Check notarization ticket status periodically. echo -e "\n### Checking Notarization Status..." while sleep "${CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC}"; do OUT=$(xcrun_altool --notarization-info "${REQUEST_UUID}") # Once notarization is complete, run stapler and exit. if $(echo "${OUT}" | jq -er '."notarization-info".Status == "in progress"'); then ((CHECK_RETRY_LIMIT-=1)) if [[ "${CHECK_RETRY_LIMIT}" -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\n!!! FAILURE: Notarization timed out." exit 1 fi echo "In progress, sleeping ${CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC}s..." elif $(echo "${OUT}" | jq -er '."notarization-info".Status == "success"'); then echo -e "\n### Successful Notarization" break else echo -e "\n!!! Notariztion Error" echo "${OUT}" >&2 exit 1 fi done # Optional but preferrable to attach the ticket to the bundle. echo -e "\n### Stapling Notarization Ticket..." xcrun stapler staple "${BUNDLE_PATH}" exit $?