import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import utils 1.0 CalloutCard { id: root signal dismiss() signal enableLinkPreviewForThisMessage() signal enableLinkPreview() signal disableLinkPreview() implicitHeight: 64 borderWidth: 0 topPadding: 13 bottomPadding: 13 horizontalPadding: Style.current.padding contentItem: RowLayout { spacing: Style.current.halfPadding ColumnLayout { spacing: 0 Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true StatusBaseText { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true font.pixelSize: Style.current.additionalTextSize font.weight: Font.Medium wrapMode: Text.Wrap elide: Text.ElideRight maximumLineCount: 1 text: qsTr("Show link previews?") } StatusBaseText { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true font.pixelSize: Style.current.additionalTextSize color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 wrapMode: Text.Wrap elide: Text.ElideRight maximumLineCount: 1 text: qsTr("A preview of your link will be shown here before you send it") } } ComboBox { id: optionsComboBox Layout.leftMargin: 12 Layout.preferredHeight: 38 leftPadding: 12 rightPadding: 12 hoverEnabled: true flat: true contentItem: RowLayout { spacing: Style.current.halfPadding StatusBaseText { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter font.pixelSize: Style.current.additionalTextSize elide: Text.ElideRight text: qsTr("Options") color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } StatusIcon { Layout.preferredWidth: 16 Layout.preferredHeight: 16 icon: "chevron-down" color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } } background: Rectangle { border.width: 1 border.color: Theme.palette.directColor7 color: optionsComboBox.popup.visible ? Theme.palette.baseColor2 : "transparent" radius: Style.current.radius HoverHandler { cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor enabled: optionsComboBox.enabled } } popup: ContextMenu { y: - (height + 4) onEnableLinkPreviewForThisMessage: root.enableLinkPreviewForThisMessage() onEnableLinkPreview: root.enableLinkPreview() onDisableLinkPreview: root.disableLinkPreview() } indicator: null } StatusFlatRoundButton { id: closeButton Layout.preferredHeight: 38 Layout.preferredWidth: 38 type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary "close" icon.color: Theme.palette.directColor1 onClicked: root.dismiss() } } component ContextMenu: StatusMenu { id: contextMenu signal enableLinkPreviewForThisMessage() signal enableLinkPreview() signal disableLinkPreview() hideDisabledItems: false StatusAction { text: qsTr("Link previews") enabled: false } StatusAction { text: qsTr("Show for this message") "show" onTriggered: contextMenu.enableLinkPreviewForThisMessage() } StatusAction { text: qsTr("Always show previews") "show" onTriggered: contextMenu.enableLinkPreview() } StatusMenuSeparator { } StatusAction { text: qsTr("Never show previews") "hide" type: StatusAction.Type.Danger onTriggered: contextMenu.disableLinkPreview() } } }