import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtMultimedia 5.13 import Qt.labs.qmlmodels 1.0 import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 import AppLayouts.Wallet 1.0 import AppLayouts.Node 1.0 import AppLayouts.Browser 1.0 import AppLayouts.Chat 1.0 import AppLayouts.Chat.popups 1.0 import AppLayouts.Chat.views 1.0 import AppLayouts.Profile 1.0 import AppLayouts.Profile.popups 1.0 import AppLayouts.CommunitiesPortal 1.0 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Layout 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import AppLayouts.Browser.stores 1.0 as BrowserStores import AppLayouts.stores 1.0 import "popups" Item { id: appMain anchors.fill: parent property alias appLayout: appLayout property alias dragAndDrop: dragTarget property RootStore rootStore: RootStore { } // set from main.qml property var sysPalette Connections { target: rootStore.aboutModuleInst onAppVersionFetched: { rootStore.setLatestVersionInfo(available, version, url); if (!available) { } else { } } } Connections { target: rootStore.mainModuleInst onDisplayUserProfile: Global.openProfilePopup(publicKey) } Connections { target: Global onOpenLinkInBrowser: { browserLayoutContainer.item.openUrlInNewTab(link); } onOpenChooseBrowserPopup: { Global.openPopup(chooseBrowserPopupComponent, {link: link}); } onOpenDownloadModalRequested: { const downloadPage = downloadPageComponent.createObject(appMain, { newVersionAvailable: available, downloadURL: url, currentVersion: rootStore.profileSectionStore.getCurrentVersion(), newVersion: version }) return downloadPage } onOpenProfilePopupRequested: { var popup = profilePopupComponent.createObject(appMain); if (parentPopup) { popup.parentPopup = parentPopup; } popup.openPopup(publicKey, state); Global.profilePopupOpened = true; } onOpenActivityCenterPopupRequested: { Global.openPopup(activityCenterPopupComponent) Global.activityCenterPopupOpened = true } onOpenChangeProfilePicPopup: { var popup = changeProfilePicComponent.createObject(appMain); popup.chooseImageToCrop(); } onOpenBackUpSeedPopup: Global.openPopup(backupSeedModalComponent) onDisplayToastMessage: { appMain.rootStore.mainModuleInst.displayEphemeralNotification(title, subTitle, icon, loading, ephNotifType, url); } onOpenEditDisplayNamePopup: { var popup = displayNamePopupComponent.createObject(appMain) } } function changeAppSectionBySectionId(sectionId) { mainModule.setActiveSectionById(sectionId) } property Component backupSeedModalComponent: BackupSeedModal { id: backupSeedModal anchors.centerIn: parent privacyStore: appMain.rootStore.profileSectionStore.privacyStore onClosed: destroy() } property Component displayNamePopupComponent: DisplayNamePopup { anchors.centerIn: parent profileStore: appMain.rootStore.profileSectionStore.profileStore onClosed: { destroy() } } Component { id: downloadPageComponent DownloadPage { onClosed: { destroy(); } } } StatusImageModal { id: imagePopup onClicked: { if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) { imagePopup.close() } else if(mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { contextMenu.imageSource = imagePopup.imageSource contextMenu.hideEmojiPicker = true contextMenu.isRightClickOnImage = true contextMenu.parent = imagePopup.contentItem contextMenu.setXPosition = function() { return mouse.x + Style.current.smallPadding } contextMenu.setYPosition = function() { return mouse.y - Style.current.smallPadding } } } Connections { target: Global onOpenImagePopup: { imagePopup.contextMenu = contextMenu imagePopup.openPopup(image) } } } property Component profilePopupComponent: ProfilePopup { id: profilePopup anchors.centerIn: parent profileStore: appMain.rootStore.profileSectionStore.profileStore contactsStore: appMain.rootStore.profileSectionStore.contactsStore onClosed: { if (profilePopup.parentPopup) { profilePopup.parentPopup.close(); } Global.profilePopupOpened = false; destroy(); } } property Component changeProfilePicComponent: Component { ImageCropWorkflow { title: qsTr("Profile Picture") acceptButtonText: qsTr("Make this my Profile Pic") onImageCropped: { appMain.rootStore.profileSectionStore.profileStore.uploadImage(image, cropRect.x.toFixed(), cropRect.y.toFixed(), (cropRect.x + cropRect.width).toFixed(), (cropRect.y + cropRect.height).toFixed()); } } } Audio { id: sendMessageSound store: rootStore track: Qt.resolvedUrl("../imports/assets/audio/send_message.wav") Component.onCompleted: { Global.sendMessageSound = this; } } Audio { id: notificationSound store: rootStore track: Qt.resolvedUrl("../imports/assets/audio/notification.wav") Component.onCompleted: { Global.notificationSound = this; } } Audio { id: errorSound track: Qt.resolvedUrl("../imports/assets/audio/error.mp3") store: rootStore Component.onCompleted: { Global.errorSound = this; } } AppSearch { id: appSearch store: appMain.rootStore.appSearchStore } StatusEmojiPopup { id: statusEmojiPopup width: 360 height: 440 } StatusAppLayout { id: appLayout anchors.fill: parent appNavBar: StatusAppNavBar { height: parent.height communityTypeRole: "sectionType" communityTypeValue: sectionModel: mainModule.sectionsModel Component.onCompleted: { mainModule.sectionsModel.sectionVisibilityUpdated.connect(function(){ triggerUpdate() }) } property bool communityAdded: false onAboutToUpdateFilteredRegularModel: { communityAdded = false } filterRegularItem: function(item) { if(!item.enabled) return false if(item.sectionType === if(communityAdded) return false else communityAdded = true return true } filterCommunityItem: function(item) { return item.sectionType === } regularNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { id: navbar objectName: + "-navbar" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 onClicked: { changeAppSectionBySectionId( } } communityNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { objectName: "CommunityNavBarButton" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 onClicked: { changeAppSectionBySectionId( } popupMenu: StatusPopupMenu { id: communityContextMenu property var chatCommunitySectionModule openHandler: function () { // // we cannot return QVariant if we pass another parameter in a function call // // that's why we're using it this way mainModule.prepareCommunitySectionModuleForCommunityId( communityContextMenu.chatCommunitySectionModule = mainModule.getCommunitySectionModule() } StatusMenuItem { text: qsTr("Invite People") "share-ios" enabled: model.canManageUsers onTriggered: Global.openPopup(inviteFriendsToCommunityPopup, { community: model, hasAddedContacts: appMain.rootStore.hasAddedContacts, communitySectionModule: communityContextMenu.chatCommunitySectionModule }) } StatusMenuItem { text: qsTr("View Community") "group-chat" onTriggered: Global.openPopup(communityProfilePopup, { store: appMain.rootStore, community: model, communitySectionModule: communityContextMenu.chatCommunitySectionModule }) } StatusMenuSeparator {} StatusMenuItem { text: qsTr("Leave Community") "arrow-left" type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger onTriggered: communityContextMenu.chatCommunitySectionModule.leaveCommunity() } } } navBarProfileButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { id: profileButton objectName: "statusProfileNavBarTabButton" property bool opened: false name: icon.source: appMain.rootStore.userProfileInst.icon width: 32 height: 32 identicon.width: width identicon.height: height identicon.icon.charactersLen: 2 identicon.icon.color: Utils.colorForPubkey(appMain.rootStore.userProfileInst.pubKey) identicon.ringSettings.ringSpecModel: Utils.getColorHashAsJson(appMain.rootStore.userProfileInst.pubKey) badge.visible: true badge.anchors { left: undefined top: undefined right: profileButton.right bottom: profileButton.bottom margins: 0 rightMargin: -badge.border.width bottomMargin: -badge.border.width } badge.implicitHeight: 12 badge.implicitWidth: 12 badge.border.width: 2 badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusAppNavBar.backgroundColor badge.color: { switch(appMain.rootStore.userProfileInst.currentUserStatus){ case Constants.currentUserStatus.automatic: case Constants.currentUserStatus.alwaysOnline: return; default: return Style.current.midGrey; } } onClicked: userStatusContextMenu.opened ? userStatusContextMenu.close() : UserStatusContextMenu { id: userStatusContextMenu y: profileButton.y - userStatusContextMenu.height + profileButton.height x: profileButton.x + profileButton.width + 5 store: appMain.rootStore } } } appView: ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent ModuleWarning { id: versionWarning width: parent.width height: 32 visible: appMain.rootStore.newVersionAvailable color: btnWidth: 100 text: qsTr("A new version of Status (%1) is available").arg(appMain.rootStore.latestVersion) btnText: qsTr("Download") onClick: function(){ Global.openDownloadModal(appMain.rootStore.newVersionAvailable, appMain.rootStore.latestVersion, appMain.rootStore.downloadURL) } onClosed: { appMain.rootStore.resetLastVersion(); } function show() { versionWarning.visible = true } } ModuleWarning { id: versionUpToDate width: parent.width height: 32 visible: false color: btnWidth: 100 text: qsTr("Your version is up to date") btnText: qsTr("Close") Timer { id: timer } function show() { versionUpToDate.visible = true timer.setTimeout(function() { versionUpToDate.close() }, 4000); } onClick: function(){ versionUpToDate.close() } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true StackLayout { id: appView anchors.fill: parent currentIndex: { if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === { return } else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === { for(let i = this.children.length - 1; i >=0; i--) { var obj = this.children[i]; if(obj && obj.sectionId && obj.sectionId == { return i } } // Should never be here, correct index must be returned from the for loop above console.error("Wrong section type: ", mainModule.activeSection.sectionType, " or section id: ", return } else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.communitiesPortal) { return Constants.appViewStackIndex.communitiesPortal } else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.wallet) { return Constants.appViewStackIndex.wallet } else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.browser) { return Constants.appViewStackIndex.browser } else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.profile) { return Constants.appViewStackIndex.profile } else if(mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === Constants.appSection.node) { return Constants.appViewStackIndex.node } // We should never end up here console.error("Unknown section type") } onCurrentIndexChanged: { var obj = this.children[currentIndex]; if(!obj) return if (obj.onActivated && typeof obj.onActivated === "function") { this.children[currentIndex].onActivated() } if(obj === browserLayoutContainer && == false){ = true; } if(obj === walletLayoutContainer){ walletLayoutContainer.showSigningPhrasePopup(); } } // NOTE: // If we ever change stack layout component order we need to updade // Constants.appViewStackIndex accordingly ChatLayout { id: chatLayoutContainer Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillHeight: true chatView.pinnedMessagesListPopupComponent: pinnedMessagesPopupComponent chatView.emojiPopup: statusEmojiPopup contactsStore: appMain.rootStore.contactStore rootStore.emojiReactionsModel: appMain.rootStore.emojiReactionsModel rootStore.openCreateChat: createChatView.opened chatView.onProfileButtonClicked: { Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.profile); } chatView.onOpenAppSearch: { appSearch.openSearchPopup() } onImportCommunityClicked: { Global.openPopup(communitiesPortalLayoutContainer.importCommunitiesPopup); } onCreateCommunityClicked: { Global.openPopup(communitiesPortalLayoutContainer.createCommunitiesPopup); } Component.onCompleted: { rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule = mainModule.getChatSectionModule() } } CommunitiesPortalLayout { id: communitiesPortalLayoutContainer Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillHeight: true contentPrefferedWidth: appView.width } WalletLayout { id: walletLayoutContainer Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillHeight: true store: appMain.rootStore contactsStore: appMain.rootStore.profileSectionStore.contactsStore emojiPopup: statusEmojiPopup sendModal: sendModal } Component { id: browserLayoutComponent BrowserLayout { globalStore: appMain.rootStore sendTransactionModal: sendModal } } Loader { id: browserLayoutContainer sourceComponent: browserLayoutComponent active: false Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillHeight: true // Loaders do not have access to the context, so props need to be set // Adding a "_" to avoid a binding loop // Not Refactored Yet // property var _chatsModel: chatsModel.messageView // Not Refactored Yet // property var _walletModel: walletModel // Not Refactored Yet // property var _utilsModel: utilsModel property var _web3Provider: BrowserStores.Web3ProviderStore.web3ProviderInst } ProfileLayout { id: profileLayoutContainer Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillHeight: true store: appMain.rootStore.profileSectionStore globalStore: appMain.rootStore systemPalette: appMain.sysPalette emojiPopup: statusEmojiPopup } NodeLayout { id: nodeLayoutContainer Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillHeight: true } Repeater { model: mainModule.sectionsModel delegate: DelegateChooser { id: delegateChooser role: "sectionType" DelegateChoice { roleValue: delegate: ChatLayout { property string sectionId: Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillHeight: true chatView.pinnedMessagesListPopupComponent: pinnedMessagesPopupComponent chatView.emojiPopup: statusEmojiPopup contactsStore: appMain.rootStore.contactStore rootStore.emojiReactionsModel: appMain.rootStore.emojiReactionsModel rootStore.openCreateChat: createChatView.opened chatView.onProfileButtonClicked: { Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.profile); } chatView.onOpenAppSearch: { appSearch.openSearchPopup() } Component.onCompleted: { // we cannot return QVariant if we pass another parameter in a function call // that's why we're using it this way mainModule.prepareCommunitySectionModuleForCommunityId( rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule = mainModule.getCommunitySectionModule() } } } } } } CreateChatView { id: createChatView property bool opened: false rootStore: chatLayoutContainer.rootStore emojiPopup: statusEmojiPopup anchors.topMargin: 8 anchors.rightMargin: 8 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right width: parent.width - chatLayoutContainer.chatView.leftPanel.width - anchors.rightMargin - anchors.leftMargin visible: createChatView.opened Connections { target: Global function onOpenCreateChatView() { createChatView.opened = true } function onCloseCreateChatView() { createChatView.opened = false } } Connections { target: mainModule onActiveSectionChanged: { Global.closeCreateChatView() } } } } Connections { target: rootStore.mainModuleInst onMailserverNotWorking: { if (!appLayout.mailserverNotWorkingPopup) { appLayout.mailserverNotWorkingPopup = Global.openPopup(mailserverNotWorkingPopupComponent); } } } } // ColumnLayout property var mailserverNotWorkingPopup: null Component { id: mailserverNotWorkingPopupComponent MailserverConnectionDialog { onClosed: { appLayout.mailserverNotWorkingPopup = null destroy() } } } Component { id: chooseBrowserPopupComponent ChooseBrowserPopup { onClosed: { destroy() } } } Component { id: inviteFriendsToCommunityPopup InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup { anchors.centerIn: parent rootStore: appMain.rootStore contactsStore: appMain.rootStore.contactStore onClosed: () => { destroy(); } onSendInvites: (pubKeys, inviteMessage) => { const error = communitySectionModule.inviteUsersToCommunity(JSON.stringify(pubKeys), inviteMessage); processInviteResult(error); } } } Component { id: communityProfilePopup CommunityProfilePopup { anchors.centerIn: parent contactsStore: appMain.rootStore.contactStore hasAddedContacts: appMain.rootStore.hasAddedContacts onClosed: { destroy() } } } Component { id: pinnedMessagesPopupComponent PinnedMessagesPopup { id: pinnedMessagesPopup emojiReactionsModel: appMain.rootStore.emojiReactionsModel onClosed: destroy() } } Component { id: genericConfirmationDialog ConfirmationDialog { onClosed: { destroy() } } } Component { id: activityCenterPopupComponent ActivityCenterPopup { id: activityCenter height: appView.height - 56 * 2 // TODO get screen size // Taken from old code top bar height was fixed there to 56 y: 56 store: chatLayoutContainer.rootStore chatSectionModule: chatLayoutContainer.rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule onClosed: { Global.activityCenterPopupOpened = false } } } DropArea { id: dragTarget signal droppedOnValidScreen(var drop) property alias droppedUrls: rptDraggedPreviews.model property var chatCommunitySectionModule: chatLayoutContainer.rootStore.chatCommunitySectionModule property int activeChatType: chatCommunitySectionModule && chatCommunitySectionModule.activeItem.type property bool enabled: !drag.source && !!loader.item && !!loader.item.appLayout && ( // in chat view (mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === && ( // in a one-to-one chat activeChatType === Constants.chatType.oneToOne || // in a private group chat activeChatType === Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat ) ) || // In community section mainModule.activeSection.sectionType === ) width: appMain.width height: appMain.height function cleanup() { rptDraggedPreviews.model = [] } onDropped: (drop) => { if (enabled) { droppedOnValidScreen(drop) } else { drop.accepted = false } cleanup() } onEntered: { if (!enabled || !!drag.source) { drag.accepted = false return } // needed because drag.urls is not a normal js array rptDraggedPreviews.model = drag.urls.filter(img => Utils.hasDragNDropImageExtension(img)) } onPositionChanged: { rptDraggedPreviews.x = drag.x rptDraggedPreviews.y = drag.y } onExited: cleanup() Loader { active: dragTarget.enabled && dragTarget.containsDrag width: active ? parent.width : 0 height: active ? parent.height : 0 sourceComponent: Rectangle { id: dropRectangle color: Style.current.background opacity: 0.8 } } Repeater { id: rptDraggedPreviews Image { source: modelData width: 80 height: 80 sourceSize.width: 160 sourceSize.height: 160 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit x: index * 10 + rptDraggedPreviews.x y: index * 10 + rptDraggedPreviews.y z: 1 } } } // Add SendModal here as it is used by the Wallet as well as the Browser Loader { id: sendModal active: false function open(address = "") { = true this.item.addressText = address; } function closed() { // this.sourceComponent = undefined // kill an opened instance = false } property var selectedAccount sourceComponent: SendModal { store: appMain.rootStore contactsStore: appMain.rootStore.profileSectionStore.contactsStore onClosed: { sendModal.closed() } } onLoaded: { if (!!sendModal.selectedAccount) { item.selectedAccount = sendModal.selectedAccount } } } Action { shortcut: "Ctrl+1" onTriggered: Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType( } Action { shortcut: "Ctrl+2" onTriggered: Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.browser) } Action { shortcut: "Ctrl+3" onTriggered: Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.wallet) } Action { shortcut: "Ctrl+4, Ctrl+," onTriggered: Global.changeAppSectionBySectionType(Constants.appSection.profile) } Action { shortcut: "Ctrl+K" onTriggered: { // FIXME the focus is no longer on the AppMain when the popup is opened, so this does not work to close if (channelPicker.opened) { channelPicker.close() } else { } } } Action { shortcut: "Ctrl+F" onTriggered: { // FIXME the focus is no longer on the AppMain when the popup is opened, so this does not work to close if (appSearch.opened) { appSearch.closeSearchPopup() } else { appSearch.openSearchPopup() } } } StatusSearchListPopup { id: channelPicker x: parent.width / 2 - width / 2 y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2 searchBoxPlaceholder: qsTr("Where do you want to go?") model: rootStore.chatSearchModel delegate: StatusListItem { property var modelData property bool isCurrentItem: true function filterAccepts(searchText) { return title.includes(searchText) } title: modelData ? : "" label: modelData? modelData.sectionName : "" highlighted: isCurrentItem sensor.hoverEnabled: false statusListItemIcon { name: modelData ? : "" active: true } icon { width: image.width height: image.height color: modelData ? modelData.color : "" } image { source: modelData ? modelData.icon : "" } } onAboutToShow: rootStore.rebuildChatSearchModel() onSelected: { rootStore.setActiveSectionChat(modelData.sectionId, modelData.chatId) close() } } } StatusListView { id: toastArea anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 8 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 60 width: 343 height: Math.min(parent.height - 120, toastArea.contentHeight) spacing: 8 verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop model: appMain.rootStore.mainModuleInst.ephemeralNotificationModel delegate: StatusToastMessage { primaryText: model.title secondaryText: model.subTitle model.icon loading: model.loading type: model.ephNotifType linkUrl: model.url duration: model.durationInMs onClicked: { appMain.rootStore.mainModuleInst.ephemeralNotificationClicked( = false } onLinkActivated: { Qt.openUrlExternally(link); } onClose: { appMain.rootStore.mainModuleInst.removeEphemeralNotification( } } } Component.onCompleted: { Global.appMain = this; Global.pinnedMessagesPopup = pinnedMessagesPopupComponent; Global.communityProfilePopup = communityProfilePopup; Global.inviteFriendsToCommunityPopup = inviteFriendsToCommunityPopup; const whitelist = appMain.rootStore.messagingStore.getLinkPreviewWhitelist() try { const whiteListedSites = JSON.parse(whitelist) let settingsUpdated = false // Add Status links to whitelist whiteListedSites.push({title: "Status", address: Constants.deepLinkPrefix, imageSite: false}) whiteListedSites.push({title: "Status", address: Constants.joinStatusLink, imageSite: false}) let settings = localAccountSensitiveSettings.whitelistedUnfurlingSites if (!settings) { settings = {} } // Set Status links as true. We intercept thoseURLs so it is privacy-safe if (!settings[Constants.deepLinkPrefix] || !settings[Constants.joinStatusLink]) { settings[Constants.deepLinkPrefix] = true settings[Constants.joinStatusLink] = true settingsUpdated = true } const whitelistedHostnames = [] // Add whitelisted sites in to app settings that are not already there whiteListedSites.forEach(site => { if (!settings.hasOwnProperty(site.address)) { settings[site.address] = false settingsUpdated = true } whitelistedHostnames.push(site.address) }) // Remove any whitelisted sites from app settings that don't exist in the // whitelist from status-go Object.keys(settings).forEach(settingsHostname => { if (!whitelistedHostnames.includes(settingsHostname)) { delete settings[settingsHostname] settingsUpdated = true } }) if (settingsUpdated) { localAccountSensitiveSettings.whitelistedUnfurlingSites = settings } } catch (e) { console.error('Could not parse the whitelist for sites', e) } Global.settingsHasLoaded(); Global.errorSound = errorSound; } }