import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Models 0.1 import StatusQ.Internal 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups.Dialog 0.1 import shared.controls 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import utils 1.0 import AppLayouts.Wallet.views.collectibles 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 StatusScrollView { id: root required property var collectiblesModel property bool sendEnabled: true signal collectibleClicked(int chainId, string contractAddress, string tokenId, string uid) signal sendRequested(string symbol) signal receiveRequested(string symbol) signal switchToCommunityRequested(string communityId) signal manageTokensRequested() QtObject { id: d readonly property int cellHeight: 225 readonly property int communityCellHeight: 242 readonly property int cellWidth: 176 readonly property bool isCustomView: d.controller.hasSettings // TODO add respect other predefined orders (#12517) function symbolIsVisible(symbol) { return d.controller.filterAcceptsSymbol(symbol) } readonly property var renamedModel: RolesRenamingModel { sourceModel: root.collectiblesModel mapping: [ RoleRename { from: "uid" to: "symbol" } ] } readonly property var regularCollectiblesModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: d.renamedModel filters: [ ExpressionFilter { expression: { d.controller.settingsDirty return d.symbolIsVisible(model.symbol) && !model.communityId } } // TODO add other sort/filter using ManageTokensController (#12517) ] sorters: [ RoleSorter { roleName: "name" enabled: !d.isCustomView }, ExpressionSorter { expression: { d.controller.settingsDirty return d.controller.lessThan(modelLeft.symbol, modelRight.symbol) } enabled: d.isCustomView } ] } readonly property var communityCollectiblesModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: d.renamedModel filters: [ ExpressionFilter { expression: { d.controller.settingsDirty return d.symbolIsVisible(model.symbol) && !!model.communityId } } // TODO add other sort/filter using ManageTokensController (#12517) ] sorters: [ RoleSorter { roleName: "name" enabled: !d.isCustomView }, ExpressionSorter { expression: { d.controller.settingsDirty return d.controller.lessThan(modelLeft.symbol, modelRight.symbol) } enabled: d.isCustomView } ] } readonly property bool hasCollectibles: d.regularCollectiblesModel.count readonly property bool hasCommunityCollectibles: d.communityCollectiblesModel.count readonly property var controller: ManageTokensController { settingsKey: "WalletCollectibles" } function hideAllCommunityTokens(communityId) { const tokenSymbols = ModelUtils.getAll(communityCollectiblesModel, "symbol", "communityId", communityId) d.controller.settingsHideCommunityTokens(communityId, tokenSymbols) } } ColumnLayout { width: root.availableWidth spacing: 0 ShapeRectangle { visible: !d.hasCollectibles && !d.hasCommunityCollectibles Layout.fillWidth: true text: qsTr("Collectibles will appear here") } CustomGridView { cellHeight: d.cellHeight model: d.regularCollectiblesModel visible: d.hasCollectibles } StatusDialogDivider { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: Style.current.padding Layout.bottomMargin: Style.current.halfPadding visible: d.hasCommunityCollectibles } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: Style.current.padding Layout.rightMargin: Style.current.smallPadding Layout.bottomMargin: 4 visible: d.hasCommunityCollectibles StatusBaseText { text: qsTr("Community collectibles") color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } StatusFlatButton { Layout.preferredWidth: 32 Layout.preferredHeight: 32 "info" textColor: Theme.palette.baseColor1 horizontalPadding: 0 verticalPadding: 0 onClicked: Global.openPopup(communityInfoPopupCmp) } } CustomGridView { cellHeight: d.communityCellHeight model: d.communityCollectiblesModel visible: d.hasCommunityCollectibles } } component CustomGridView: StatusGridView { id: gridView Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: contentHeight interactive: false cellWidth: d.cellWidth delegate: collectibleDelegate // For some reason fetchMore is not working properly. // Adding some logic here as a workaround. visibleArea.onYPositionChanged: checkLoadMore() visibleArea.onHeightRatioChanged: checkLoadMore() Connections { target: gridView function onVisibleChanged() { gridView.checkLoadMore() } } Connections { target: root.collectiblesModel function onHasMoreChanged() { gridView.checkLoadMore() } function onIsFetchingChanged() { gridView.checkLoadMore() } } function checkLoadMore() { // If there is no more items to load or we're already fetching, return if (!gridView.visible || !root.collectiblesModel.hasMore || root.collectiblesModel.isFetching) return // Only trigger if close to the bottom of the list if (visibleArea.yPosition + visibleArea.heightRatio > 0.9) root.collectiblesModel.loadMore() } } Component { id: collectibleDelegate CollectibleView { width: d.cellWidth height: isCommunityCollectible ? d.communityCellHeight : d.cellHeight title: ? : "..." subTitle: model.collectionName ?? "" mediaUrl: model.mediaUrl ?? "" mediaType: model.mediaType ?? "" fallbackImageUrl: model.imageUrl ?? "" backgroundColor: model.backgroundColor ? model.backgroundColor : "transparent" isLoading: !!model.isLoading privilegesLevel: model.communityPrivilegesLevel ?? Constants.TokenPrivilegesLevel.Community ornamentColor: model.communityColor ?? "transparent" communityId: model.communityId ?? "" communityName: model.communityName ?? "" communityImage: model.communityImage ?? "" onClicked: root.collectibleClicked(model.chainId, model.contractAddress, model.tokenId, model.symbol) onRightClicked: { Global.openMenu(tokenContextMenu, this, {symbol: model.symbol, tokenName:, tokenImage: model.imageUrl, communityId: model.communityId, communityName: model.communityName, communityImage: model.communityImage}) } onSwitchToCommunityRequested: (communityId) => root.switchToCommunityRequested(communityId) } } Component { id: tokenContextMenu StatusMenu { onClosed: destroy() property string symbol property string tokenName property string tokenImage property string communityId property string communityName property string communityImage StatusAction { enabled: root.sendEnabled "send" text: qsTr("Send") onTriggered: root.sendRequested(symbol) } StatusAction { "receive" text: qsTr("Receive") onTriggered: root.receiveRequested(symbol) } StatusMenuSeparator {} StatusAction { "settings" text: qsTr("Manage tokens") onTriggered: root.manageTokensRequested() } StatusAction { enabled: symbol !== "ETH" type: StatusAction.Type.Danger "hide" text: qsTr("Hide collectible") onTriggered: Global.openPopup(confirmHideCollectiblePopup, {symbol, tokenName, tokenImage, communityId}) } StatusAction { enabled: !!communityId type: StatusAction.Type.Danger "hide" text: qsTr("Hide all collectibles from this community") onTriggered: Global.openPopup(confirmHideCommunityCollectiblesPopup, {communityId, communityName, communityImage}) } } } Component { id: communityInfoPopupCmp StatusDialog { destroyOnClose: true title: qsTr("What are community collectibles?") standardButtons: Dialog.Ok width: 520 contentItem: StatusBaseText { wrapMode: Text.Wrap text: qsTr("Community collectibles are collectibles that have been minted by a community. As these collectibles cannot be verified, always double check their origin and validity before interacting with them. If in doubt, ask a trusted member or admin of the relevant community.") } } } Component { id: confirmHideCollectiblePopup ConfirmationDialog { property string symbol property string tokenName property string tokenImage property string communityId readonly property string formattedName: tokenName + (communityId ? " (" + qsTr("community collectible") + ")" : "") width: 520 destroyOnClose: true confirmButtonLabel: qsTr("Hide %1").arg(tokenName) cancelBtnType: "" showCancelButton: true headerSettings.title: qsTr("Hide %1").arg(formattedName) tokenImage confirmationText: qsTr("Are you sure you want to hide %1? You will no longer see or be able to interact with this collectible anywhere inside Status.").arg(formattedName) onCancelButtonClicked: close() onConfirmButtonClicked: { d.controller.settingsHideToken(symbol) close() Global.displayToastMessage( qsTr("%1 was successfully hidden. You can toggle collectible visibility via %2.").arg(formattedName) .arg(`` + qsTr("Settings", "Go to Settings") + ""), "", "checkmark-circle", false, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success, "" ) } } } Component { id: confirmHideCommunityCollectiblesPopup ConfirmationDialog { property string communityId property string communityName property string communityImage width: 520 destroyOnClose: true confirmButtonLabel: qsTr("Hide all collectibles minted by this community") cancelBtnType: "" showCancelButton: true headerSettings.title: qsTr("Hide %1 community collectibles").arg(communityName) communityImage confirmationText: qsTr("Are you sure you want to hide all community collectibles minted by %1? You will no longer see or be able to interact with these collectibles anywhere inside Status.").arg(communityName) onCancelButtonClicked: close() onConfirmButtonClicked: { d.hideAllCommunityTokens(communityId) close() Global.displayToastMessage( qsTr("%1 community collectibles were successfully hidden. You can toggle collectible visibility via %2.").arg(communityName) .arg(`` + qsTr("Settings", "Go to Settings") + ""), "", "checkmark-circle", false, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success, "" ) } } } }