Update to latest version to see a nice image here!
") message: Utils.removeGifUrls(root.message) anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: isEmoji ? 2 : 0 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right // using a padding instead of a margin let's us select text more easily anchors.leftMargin: -leftPadding textField.leftPadding: leftPadding textField.rightPadding: Style.current.bigPadding onLinkActivated: { if (activityCenterMessage) { root.clickMessage(false, isSticker, false, null, false, false, false, false, "") } } } Loader { id: chatImageContent active: isImage anchors.top: chatText.visible ? chatText.bottom : parent.top anchors.topMargin: active ? 6 : 0 z: 51 sourceComponent: Component { StatusChatImage { playing: root.messageStore.playAnimation imageSource: messageImage imageWidth: 200 isActiveChannel: root.isActiveChannel onClicked: { if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) { root.imageClicked(image) } else if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { // Set parent, X & Y positions for the messageContextMenu root.messageContextMenu.parent = root const mappedPos = root.mapFromItem( this, mouse.x + Style.current.smallPadding, mouse.y - Style.current.smallPadding) root.messageContextMenu.setXPosition = function() { return mappedPos.x } root.messageContextMenu.setYPosition = function() { return mappedPos.y } root.clickMessage(false, false, true, image, false, true, false, true, imageSource) } } container: root.container } } } Loader { id: stickerLoader active: contentType === Constants.messageContentType.stickerType anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: active ? Style.current.halfPadding : 0 sourceComponent: Component { Rectangle { id: stickerContainer color: Style.current.transparent border.color: isHovered ? Qt.darker(Style.current.border, 1.1) : Style.current.border border.width: 1 radius: 16 width: stickerId.width + 2 * chatVerticalPadding height: stickerId.height + 2 * chatVerticalPadding StatusSticker { id: stickerId anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: chatVerticalPadding anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: chatVerticalPadding contentType: root.contentType stickerData: root.sticker onLoaded: { if(!root.messageStore) return // Not refactored yet // root.messageStore.scrollToBottom(true, root.container) } } } } } MessageMouseArea { id: messageMouseArea anchors.fill: stickerLoader.active ? stickerLoader : chatText z: activityCenterMessage ? chatText.z + 1 : chatText.z -1 enabled: !root.isChatBlocked && !placeholderMessage messageContextMenu: root.messageContextMenu messageContextMenuParent: root isHovered: root.isHovered isMessageActive: root.isMessageActive isActivityCenterMessage: activityCenterMessage stickersLoaded: root.stickersLoaded onClickMessage: { root.clickMessage(isProfileClick, isSticker, isImage, null, false, false, false, false, ""); } onOpenStickerPackPopup: { root.openStickerPackPopup(root.stickerPack); } onSetMessageActive: { root.setMessageActive(messageId, active); } } Loader { id: linksLoader active: !!linkUrls height: item ? item.height : 0 anchors.top: chatText.bottom anchors.topMargin: active ? Style.current.halfPadding : 0 sourceComponent: Component { LinksMessageView { linkUrls: root.linkUrls container: root.container messageStore: root.messageStore store: root.store isCurrentUser: root.amISender } } } Loader { id: audioPlayerLoader active: isAudio anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: active ? Style.current.halfPadding : 0 sourceComponent: Component { AudioPlayerPanel { audioSource: audio } } } Loader { id: transactionBubbleLoader active: contentType === Constants.messageContentType.transactionType anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: active ? (chatName.visible ? 4 : 6) : 0 sourceComponent: Component { TransactionBubbleView { transactionParams: root.transactionParams store: root.store contactsStore: root.contactsStore } } } Loader { active: contentType === Constants.messageContentType.communityInviteType anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: active ? 8 : 0 sourceComponent: Component { id: invitationBubble InvitationBubbleView { store: root.store communityId: root.communityId } } } } Retry { id: retry height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0 anchors.left: chatTime.visible ? chatTime.right : messageContent.left anchors.leftMargin: chatTime.visible ? chatHorizontalPadding : 0 anchors.top: chatTime.visible ? chatTime.top : messageContent.bottom anchors.topMargin: chatTime.visible ? 0 : -4 anchors.bottom: chatTime.visible ? chatTime.bottom : undefined isCurrentUser: root.amISender isExpired: isExpired timeout: timeout onClicked: { // Not Refactored Yet // rootStore.chatsModelInst.messageView.resendMessage(chatId, messageId) } } } Loader { active: !activityCenterMessage && (hasMention || pinnedMessage) height: messageContainer.height anchors.left: messageContainer.left anchors.top: messageContainer.top sourceComponent: Component { Rectangle { id: mentionBorder color: pinnedMessage ? Style.current.pinnedMessageBorder : Style.current.mentionColor width: 2 height: parent.height } } } HoverHandler { enabled: !activityCenterMessage && !chatLogView.flickingVertically && (forceHoverHandler || (typeof root.messageContextMenu !== "undefined" && typeof Global.profilePopupOpened !== "undefined" && !root.messageContextMenu.opened && !Global.profilePopupOpened && !Global.popupOpened)) onHoveredChanged: { setHovered(messageId, hovered); } } Loader { id: emojiReactionLoader active: reactionsModel.count > 0 anchors.bottom: messageContainer.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.halfPadding anchors.left: messageContainer.left anchors.leftMargin: messageContainer.messageContent.anchors.leftMargin sourceComponent: Component { EmojiReactionsPanel { id: emojiRect store: root.messageStore emojiReactionsModel: reactionsModel onHoverChanged: { setHovered(messageId, hovered) } isMessageActive: isMessageActive isCurrentUser: root.amISender onAddEmojiClicked: { if(root.isChatBlocked) return // First set parent, X & Y positions for the messageContextMenu root.messageContextMenu.parent = emojiRect root.messageContextMenu.setXPosition = function() { return (root.messageContextMenu.parent.x + root.messageContextMenu.parent.width + 4) } root.messageContextMenu.setYPosition = function() { return (-root.messageContextMenu.height - 4) } // Second, add emoji that also triggers setXYPosition methods / open popup: root.addEmoji(false, false, false, null, true, false); } onToggleReaction: { if(root.isChatBlocked) return if(!root.messageStore) { console.error("reaction cannot be toggled, message store is not valid") return } root.messageStore.toggleReaction(messageId, emojiID) } onSetMessageActive: { root.setMessageActive(messageId, active); } } } } }