import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Layout 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 Column { spacing: 10 StatusToolBar { width: 518 headerContent: StatusChatInfoButton { width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width) title: "Some contact" subTitle: "Contact" asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7 type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.OneToOneChat } } StatusToolBar { width: 518 headerContent: StatusChatInfoButton { width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width) title: "Muted public chat" subTitle: "Some subtitle" asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7 type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.PublicChat pinnedMessagesCount: 1 muted: true } } StatusToolBar { notificationCount: 1 hasUnseenNotifications: true width: 518 headerContent: StatusChatInfoButton { width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width) title: "Group chat" subTitle: "Group chat subtitle" asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7 type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.GroupChat pinnedMessagesCount: 1 } } StatusToolBar { width: 518 headerContent: StatusChatInfoButton { title: "Community chat" subTitle: "Some very long description text to see how the whole item wraps or ellides" asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7 type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat pinnedMessagesCount: 3 } } StatusToolBar { headerContent: StatusChatInfoButton { title: "Very long chat name" asset.color: Theme.palette.miscColor7 type: StatusChatInfoButton.Type.CommunityChat pinnedMessagesCount: 1234567891 } } StatusToolBar { notificationCount: 1 hasUnseenNotifications: true width: 518 StatusTagSelector { namesModel: ListModel { ListElement { publicId: "0x0" name: "Maria" icon: "" isIdenticon: false onlineStatus: 3 isReadonly: true tagIcon: "crown" } ListElement { publicId: "0x1" name: "James" icon: "" isIdenticon: false onlineStatus: 1 isReadonly: false tagIcon: "" } } toLabelText: qsTr("To: ") warningText: qsTr("USER LIMIT REACHED") } } Row { spacing: 5 Button { id: btn text: "Append" onClicked: { buttons.append({ name: "Test community", tooltipText: "Test Community" }) } } QtObject { id: appSectionType readonly property int chat: 0 readonly property int community: 1 readonly property int wallet: 2 readonly property int browser: 3 readonly property int nodeManagement: 4 readonly property int profileSettings: 5 } StatusAppNavBar { sectionModel: ListModel { ListElement {sectionId: "chat"; sectionType: 0; name: "Chat"; active: true; image: ""; icon: "chat"; color: ""; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 12} } regularNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: autoExclusive: true checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 } } StatusAppNavBar { communityTypeRole: "sectionType" communityTypeValue: sectionModel: ListModel { ListElement {sectionId: "chat"; sectionType: 0; name: "Chat"; active: true; image: ""; icon: "chat"; color: ""; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 12} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0001"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 12} ListElement {sectionId: "wallet"; sectionType: 2; name: "Wallet"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "wallet"; color: ""; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "browser"; sectionType: 3; name: "Browser"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "bigger/browser"; color: ""; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "profile"; sectionType: 5; name: "Profile"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "bigger/settings"; color: ""; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 0} } property bool communityAdded: false filterRegularItem: function(item) { if(item.sectionType === if(communityAdded) return false else communityAdded = true return true } filterCommunityItem: function(item) { return item.sectionType === } regularNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: autoExclusive: true checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 } communityNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: autoExclusive: true checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 popupMenu: communityPopupMenu } } StatusAppNavBar { communityTypeRole: "sectionType" communityTypeValue: sectionModel: ListModel { ListElement {sectionId: "chat"; sectionType: 0; name: "Chat"; active: true; image: ""; icon: "chat"; color: ""; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 12} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0001"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 12} ListElement {sectionId: "wallet"; sectionType: 2; name: "Wallet"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "wallet"; color: ""; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "browser"; sectionType: 3; name: "Browser"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "bigger/browser"; color: ""; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} } property bool communityAdded: false filterRegularItem: function(item) { if(item.sectionType === if(communityAdded) return false else communityAdded = true return true } filterCommunityItem: function(item) { return item.sectionType === } regularNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: autoExclusive: true checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 } communityNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: autoExclusive: true checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 popupMenu: communityPopupMenu } } StatusAppNavBar { communityTypeRole: "sectionType" communityTypeValue: sectionModel: ListModel { ListElement {sectionId: "chat"; sectionType: 0; name: "Chat"; active: true; image: ""; icon: "chat"; color: ""; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 12} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0001"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0002"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0003"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0004"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "wallet"; sectionType: 2; name: "Wallet"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "wallet"; color: ""; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "browser"; sectionType: 3; name: "Browser"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "bigger/browser"; color: ""; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "profile"; sectionType: 5; name: "Profile"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "bigger/settings"; color: ""; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} } property bool communityAdded: false filterRegularItem: function(item) { if(item.sectionType === if(communityAdded) return false else communityAdded = true return true } filterCommunityItem: function(item) { return item.sectionType === } regularNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: autoExclusive: true checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 } communityNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: autoExclusive: true checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 popupMenu: communityPopupMenu } } StatusAppNavBar { communityTypeRole: "sectionType" communityTypeValue: sectionModel: ListModel { ListElement {sectionId: "chat"; sectionType: 0; name: "Chat"; active: true; image: ""; icon: "chat"; color: ""; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 12} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0001"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 12} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0002"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0003"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0004"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 1} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0005"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0006"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 3} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0007"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 5} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0008"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0009"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "0x0010"; sectionType: 1; name: "Test Community"; active: false; image: ""; icon: ""; color: "#00ff00"; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 11} ListElement {sectionId: "wallet"; sectionType: 2; name: "Wallet"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "wallet"; color: ""; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "browser"; sectionType: 3; name: "Browser"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "bigger/browser"; color: ""; hasNotification: false; notificationsCount: 0} ListElement {sectionId: "profile"; sectionType: 5; name: "Profile"; active: false; image: ""; icon: "bigger/settings"; color: ""; hasNotification: true; notificationsCount: 0} } property bool communityAdded: false filterRegularItem: function(item) { if(item.sectionType === if(communityAdded) return false else communityAdded = true return true } filterCommunityItem: function(item) { return item.sectionType === } regularNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: autoExclusive: true checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 } communityNavBarButton: StatusNavBarTabButton { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter name: model.icon.length > 0? "" : model.icon icon.source: model.image tooltip.text: autoExclusive: true checked: badge.value: model.notificationsCount badge.visible: model.hasNotification badge.border.color: hovered ? Theme.palette.statusBadge.hoverBorderColor : Theme.palette.statusBadge.borderColor badge.border.width: 2 popupMenu: communityPopupMenu } } } Component { id: communityPopupMenu StatusMenu { StatusAction { text: qsTr("Invite People") "share-ios" } StatusAction { text: qsTr("View Community") "group" } StatusAction { text: qsTr("Edit Community") "edit" enabled: false } StatusMenuSeparator {} StatusAction { text: qsTr("Leave Community") "arrow-left" type: StatusAction.Type.Danger } } } }