import QtQuick 2.13 import QtWebEngine 1.10 import "../panels" import "../stores" import utils 1.0 WebEngineView { id: webEngineView anchors.topMargin: browserHeader.height focus: true webChannel: channel onLinkHovered: function(hoveredUrl) { if (hoveredUrl === "") hideStatusText.start(); else { statusText.text = hoveredUrl; statusBubble.visible = true; hideStatusText.stop(); } } function changeZoomFactor(newFactor) { // FIXME there seems to be a bug in the WebEngine where the zoomFactor only update 1/2 times zoomFactor = newFactor zoomFactor = newFactor zoomFactor = newFactor } settings.autoLoadImages: appSettings.autoLoadImages settings.javascriptEnabled: appSettings.javaScriptEnabled settings.errorPageEnabled: appSettings.errorPageEnabled settings.pluginsEnabled: appSettings.pluginsEnabled settings.autoLoadIconsForPage: appSettings.autoLoadIconsForPage settings.touchIconsEnabled: appSettings.touchIconsEnabled settings.webRTCPublicInterfacesOnly: appSettings.webRTCPublicInterfacesOnly settings.pdfViewerEnabled: appSettings.pdfViewerEnabled settings.focusOnNavigationEnabled: true onCertificateError: function(error) { error.defer(); sslDialog.enqueue(error); } onJavaScriptDialogRequested: function(request) { request.accepted = true; var dialog = jsDialogComponent.createObject(browserWindow, {"request": request});; } onNewViewRequested: function(request) { if (!request.userInitiated) { print("Warning: Blocked a popup window."); } else if (request.destination === WebEngineView.NewViewInTab) { var tab = tabs.createEmptyTab(currentWebView.profile); tabs.currentIndex = tabs.count - 1; request.openIn(tab.item); } else if (request.destination === WebEngineView.NewViewInBackgroundTab) { var backgroundTab = tabs.createEmptyTab(currentWebView.profile); request.openIn(backgroundTab.item); // Disabling popups temporarily since we need to set that webengineview settings / channel and other properties /*} else if (request.destination === WebEngineView.NewViewInDialog) { var dialog = browserDialogComponent.createObject(); dialog.currentWebView.profile = currentWebView.profile; dialog.currentWebView.webChannel = channel; request.openIn(dialog.currentWebView);*/ } else { // Instead of opening a new window, we open a new tab // TODO: remove "open in new window" from context menu var tab = tabs.createEmptyTab(currentWebView.profile); tabs.currentIndex = tabs.count - 1; request.openIn(tab.item); } } onQuotaRequested: function(request) { if (request.requestedSize <= 5 * 1024 * 1024) request.accept(); else request.reject(); } onRegisterProtocolHandlerRequested: function(request) { console.log("accepting registerProtocolHandler request for " + request.scheme + " from " + request.origin); request.accept(); } onRenderProcessTerminated: function(terminationStatus, exitCode) { var status = ""; switch (terminationStatus) { case WebEngineView.NormalTerminationStatus: status = "(normal exit)"; break; case WebEngineView.AbnormalTerminationStatus: status = "(abnormal exit)"; break; case WebEngineView.CrashedTerminationStatus: status = "(crashed)"; break; case WebEngineView.KilledTerminationStatus: status = "(killed)"; break; } print("Render process exited with code " + exitCode + " " + status); reloadTimer.running = true; } onWindowCloseRequested: tabs.removeView(tabs.indexOfView(webEngineView)) onSelectClientCertificate: function(selection) { selection.certificates[0].select(); } onFindTextFinished: function(result) { if (!findBar.visible) findBar.visible = true; findBar.numberOfMatches = result.numberOfMatches; findBar.activeMatch = result.activeMatch; } onLoadingChanged: function(loadRequest) { if (loadRequest.status === WebEngineView.LoadStartedStatus) findBar.reset(); } onNavigationRequested: { if(request.url.toString().startsWith("file://")){ console.log("Local file browsing is disabled" ) request.action = WebEngineNavigationRequest.IgnoreRequest; } } Loader { active: webEngineView.url.toString() === "status://downloads" width: parent.width height: parent.height z: 54 sourceComponent: DownloadView { id: downloadView downloadsModel: DownloadsStore.downloadModel onOpenDownloadClicked: { if (downloadComplete) { return DownloadsStore.openFile(index) } DownloadsStore.openDirectory(index) } } } Loader { active: !webEngineView.url.toString() width: parent.width height: parent.height z: 54 sourceComponent: Item { width: parent.width height: parent.height Image { id: emptyPageImage source: Style.png("browser/compass") width: 294 height: 294 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.topMargin: 60 } FavoritesList { id: bookmarkListContainer anchors.horizontalCenter: emptyPageImage.horizontalCenter emptyPageImage.bottom anchors.topMargin: 30 width: (parent.width < 700) ? (Math.floor(parent.width/cellWidth)*cellWidth) : 700 height: parent.height - emptyPageImage.height - 20 model: BookmarksStore.bookmarksModel Component.onCompleted: { // Add fav button at the end of the grid var index = BookmarksStore.getBookmarkIndexByUrl("") if (index !== -1) { BookmarksStore.removeBookmark("") } BookmarksStore.addBookmark("", qsTr("Add Favorite")) } } } } Timer { id: reloadTimer interval: 0 running: false repeat: false onTriggered: currentWebView.reload() } }