import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQml 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import utils 1.0 import "../panels" import "../popups" import "../popups/send" import "../stores" import "../controls" import AppLayouts.Wallet.stores 1.0 as WalletStores import AppLayouts.Wallet.popups 1.0 import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0 import AppLayouts.Wallet.panels 1.0 ColumnLayout { id: root property var overview property bool showAllAccounts: false property var sendModal property bool filterVisible signal launchTransactionDetail(var transaction, int entryIndex) function resetView() { if (!!filterPanelLoader.item) { filterPanelLoader.item.resetView() } } onVisibleChanged: { if (!visible) return if (RootStore.transactionActivityStatus.isFilterDirty) { WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore.applyAllFilters() } WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore.updateCollectiblesModel() WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore.updateRecipientsModel() } Connections { target: RootStore.transactionActivityStatus enabled: root.visible function onIsFilterDirtyChanged() { RootStore.updateTransactionFilter() } function onFilterChainsChanged() { WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore.updateCollectiblesModel() WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore.updateRecipientsModel() } } QtObject { id: d readonly property bool isInitialLoading: RootStore.loadingHistoryTransactions && transactionListRoot.count === 0 readonly property int loadingSectionWidth: 56 readonly property int topSectionMargin: 20 property double lastRefreshTime readonly property int maxSecondsBetweenRefresh: 3 function refreshData() { RootStore.resetFilter() d.lastRefreshTime = newTransactions.visible = false } } StyledText { id: nonArchivalNodeError Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop visible: RootStore.isNonArchivalNode text: qsTr("Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete.") font.pixelSize: Style.current.primaryTextFontSize color: Style.current.danger } ShapeRectangle { id: noTxs Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: 42 visible: !d.isInitialLoading && !WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore.filtersSet && transactionListRoot.count === 0 font.pixelSize: Style.current.primaryTextFontSize text: qsTr("Activity for this account will appear here") } Loader { id: filterPanelLoader active: root.filterVisible && (d.isInitialLoading || transactionListRoot.count > 0 || WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore.filtersSet) visible: active asynchronous: true Layout.fillWidth: true sourceComponent: ActivityFilterPanel { activityFilterStore: WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore store: WalletStores.RootStore hideNoResults: newTransactions.visible isLoading: d.isInitialLoading } } Item { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop Layout.topMargin: nonArchivalNodeError.visible || noTxs.visible ? Style.current.padding : 0 Layout.bottomMargin: Style.current.padding Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Rectangle { // Shadow behind delegates when scrolling topListSeparator.bottom width: parent.width height: 4 color: Style.current.separator visible: topListSeparator.visible } StatusListView { id: transactionListRoot objectName: "walletAccountTransactionList" anchors.fill: parent model: SortFilterProxyModel { id: txModel sourceModel: RootStore.historyTransactions // LocaleUtils is not accessable from inside expression, but local function works property var daysTo: (d1, d2) => LocaleUtils.daysTo(d1, d2) property var daysBetween: (d1, d2) => LocaleUtils.daysBetween(d1, d2) property var getFirstDayOfTheCurrentWeek: () => LocaleUtils.getFirstDayOfTheCurrentWeek() proxyRoles: ExpressionRole { name: "date" expression: { if (model.activityEntry.timestamp === 0) return "" const currDate = new Date() const timestampDate = new Date(model.activityEntry.timestamp * 1000) const daysDiff = txModel.daysBetween(currDate, timestampDate) const daysToBeginingOfThisWeek = txModel.daysTo(timestampDate, txModel.getFirstDayOfTheCurrentWeek()) if (daysDiff < 1) { return qsTr("Today") } else if (daysDiff < 2) { return qsTr("Yesterday") } else if (daysToBeginingOfThisWeek >= 0) { return qsTr("Earlier this week") } else if (daysToBeginingOfThisWeek > -7) { return qsTr("Last week") } else if (currDate.getMonth() === timestampDate.getMonth() && currDate.getYear() === timestampDate.getYear()) { return qsTr("Earlier this month") } const previousMonthDate = (new Date(new Date().setDate(0))) // Special case for the end of the year if ((timestampDate.getMonth() === previousMonthDate.getMonth() && timestampDate.getYear() === previousMonthDate.getYear()) || (previousMonthDate.getMonth() === 11 && timestampDate.getMonth() === 0 && Math.abs(timestampDate.getYear() - previousMonthDate.getYear()) === 1)) { return qsTr("Last month") } return timestampDate.toLocaleDateString(Qt.locale(), "MMM yyyy") } } } delegate: transactionDelegate headerPositioning: ListView.OverlayHeader footer: footerComp ScrollBar.vertical: StatusScrollBar {} "date" topMargin: d.isInitialLoading ? 0 : -d.topSectionMargin // Top margin for first section. Section cannot have different sizes section.delegate: ColumnLayout { id: sectionDelegate width: ListView.view.width height: 58 spacing: 0 required property string section Separator { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: d.topSectionMargin implicitHeight: 1 } StatusBaseText { id: sectionText Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom leftPadding: Style.current.padding bottomPadding: Style.current.halfPadding text: parent.section font.pixelSize: 13 verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignBottom } } visibleArea.onYPositionChanged: tryFetchMoreTransactions() Connections { target: RootStore function onLoadingHistoryTransactionsChanged() { // Calling timer instead directly to not cause binding loop if (!RootStore.loadingHistoryTransactions) fetchMoreTimer.start() } } function tryFetchMoreTransactions() { if (d.isInitialLoading || !footerItem || !RootStore.historyTransactions.hasMore) return const footerYPosition = footerItem.height / contentHeight if (footerYPosition >= 1.0) { return } // On startup, first loaded ListView will have heightRatio equal 0 if (footerYPosition + visibleArea.yPosition + visibleArea.heightRatio > 1.0) { RootStore.fetchMoreTransactions() } } Timer { id: fetchMoreTimer interval: 1 onTriggered: transactionListRoot.tryFetchMoreTransactions() } } StatusButton { id: newTransactions anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding text: qsTr("New transactions") visible: false onClicked: d.refreshData() "arrow-up" radius: 36 type: StatusButton.Primary size: StatusBaseButton.Size.Tiny } Separator { id: topListSeparator width: parent.width visible: !transactionListRoot.atYBeginning } Connections { target: RootStore function onNewDataAvailableChanged() { if (!d.lastRefreshTime || (( - d.lastRefreshTime) > (1000 * d.maxSecondsBetweenRefresh))) { // Show `New transactions` button only when filter is applied if (!WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore.filtersSet) { d.refreshData() return } newTransactions.visible = RootStore.newDataAvailable return } if (showRefreshButtonTimer.running) { if (!RootStore.newDataAvailable) { showRefreshButtonTimer.stop() newTransactions.visible = false } } else if(RootStore.newDataAvailable) { showRefreshButtonTimer.start() } } } Timer { id: showRefreshButtonTimer interval: 2000 running: false repeat: false onTriggered: newTransactions.visible = RootStore.newDataAvailable } } StatusMenu { id: delegateMenu hideDisabledItems: true property var transaction property var transactionDelegate function openMenu(delegate, mouse, data) { if (!delegate || !data) return delegateMenu.transactionDelegate = delegate delegateMenu.transaction = data popup(delegate, mouse.x, mouse.y) } onClosed: { delegateMenu.transaction = null delegateMenu.transactionDelegate = null } StatusAction { id: repeatTransactionAction text: qsTr("Repeat transaction") "rotate" property alias tx: delegateMenu.transaction enabled: { if (!overview.isWatchOnlyAccount && !tx) return false return WalletStores.RootStore.isTxRepeatable(tx) } onTriggered: { if (!tx) return let asset = WalletStores.RootStore.getAssetForSendTx(tx) let req = Helpers.lookupAddressesForSendModal(tx.sender, tx.recipient, asset, tx.isNFT, tx.amount) root.sendModal.preSelectedAccount = req.preSelectedAccount root.sendModal.preSelectedRecipient = req.preSelectedRecipient root.sendModal.preSelectedRecipientType = req.preSelectedRecipientType root.sendModal.preSelectedHolding = req.preSelectedHolding root.sendModal.preSelectedHoldingID = req.preSelectedHoldingID root.sendModal.preSelectedHoldingType = req.preSelectedHoldingType root.sendModal.preSelectedSendType = req.preSelectedSendType root.sendModal.preDefinedAmountToSend = req.preDefinedAmountToSend root.sendModal.onlyAssets = false } } StatusSuccessAction { text: qsTr("Copy details") successText: qsTr("Details copied") "copy" onTriggered: { if (!delegateMenu.transactionDelegate) return RootStore.copyToClipboard(delegateMenu.transactionDelegate.getDetailsString()) } } StatusMenuSeparator { visible: filterAction.enabled } StatusAction { id: filterAction text: qsTr("Filter by similar") "filter" onTriggered: { const store = WalletStores.RootStore.currentActivityFiltersStore const tx = delegateMenu.transaction store.autoUpdateFilter = false store.resetAllFilters() const currentAddress = overview.mixedcaseAddress.toUpperCase() store.toggleType(tx.txType) // Contract deployment has always ETH symbol. Symbol doesn't affect this type if (tx.txType !== Constants.TransactionType.ContractDeployment) { const symbol = tx.symbol if (!!symbol) store.toggleToken(symbol) const inSymbol = tx.inSymbol if (!!inSymbol && inSymbol !== symbol) store.toggleToken(inSymbol) } if (showAllAccounts || tx.txType !== Constants.TransactionType.Bridge) { const recipient = tx.recipient.toUpperCase() if (!!recipient && recipient !== currentAddress && !/0X0+$/.test(recipient)) store.toggleRecents(recipient) } if (tx.isNFT) { const uid = store.collectiblesList.getUidForData(tx.tokenID, tx.tokenAddress, tx.chainId) if (!!uid) store.toggleCollectibles(uid) } store.autoUpdateFilter = true store.applyAllFilters() } } } Component { id: transactionDelegate TransactionDelegate { required property var model required property int index width: ListView.view.width modelData: model.activityEntry timeStampText: isModelDataValid ? LocaleUtils.formatRelativeTimestamp(modelData.timestamp * 1000, true) : "" rootStore: RootStore walletRootStore: WalletStores.RootStore showAllAccounts: root.showAllAccounts onClicked: { if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { delegateMenu.openMenu(this, mouse, modelData) } else { launchTransactionDetail(modelData, index) } } } } Component { id: footerComp ColumnLayout { id: footerColumn readonly property bool allActivityLoaded: !RootStore.historyTransactions.hasMore && transactionListRoot.count !== 0 width: root.width spacing: d.isInitialLoading ? 6 : 12 Separator { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding visible: d.isInitialLoading } StatusTextWithLoadingState { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft Layout.leftMargin: Style.current.padding text: "01.01.2000" width: d.loadingSectionWidth font.pixelSize: 15 loading: visible visible: d.isInitialLoading } Repeater { model: { if (!root.visible) return 0 if (!noTxs.visible) { const delegateHeight = 64 + footerColumn.spacing if (d.isInitialLoading) { return Math.floor(transactionListRoot.height / delegateHeight) } else if (RootStore.historyTransactions.hasMore) { return Math.max(3, Math.floor(transactionListRoot.height / delegateHeight) - 3) } } return 0 } TransactionDelegate { Layout.fillWidth: true rootStore: RootStore walletRootStore: WalletStores.RootStore loading: true } } Separator { Layout.topMargin: Style.current.bigPadding Layout.fillWidth: true visible: footerColumn.allActivityLoaded } StatusBaseText { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter text: qsTr("You have reached the beginning of the activity for this account") font.pixelSize: 13 color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 visible: footerColumn.allActivityLoaded horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter } StatusButton { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter text: qsTr("Back to most recent transaction") visible: footerColumn.allActivityLoaded && transactionListRoot.contentHeight > transactionListRoot.height onClicked: transactionListRoot.positionViewAtBeginning() } } } }