import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import utils 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import "backupseed" StatusStackModal { id: root property var privacyStore onCurrentIndexChanged: { //StatusAnimatedStack doesn't handle well items' visibility, //keeping this solution for now until #8024 is fixed if (currentIndex === 2) { confirmFirstWord.forceInputFocus(); } else if (currentIndex === 3) { confirmSecondWord.forceInputFocus(); } } QtObject { id: d readonly property int firstRandomNo: getRandomWordNumber() readonly property int secondRandomNo: { var num = firstRandomNo; while (num === firstRandomNo) { num = getRandomWordNumber(); } return num; } readonly property alias seedHidden: confirmSeedPhrase.hideSeed readonly property alias seedStored: confirmStoringSeedPhrase.seedStored readonly property alias validFirstSeedWord: confirmFirstWord.inputValid readonly property alias validSecondSeedWord: confirmSecondWord.inputValid readonly property Item skipButton: StatusButton { visible: currentIndex === 0 normalColor: "transparent" borderColor: Theme.palette.baseColor2 text: qsTr("Not Now") onClicked: root.close() } function getRandomWordNumber() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 12); } } implicitHeight: 748 width: 480 headerSettings.title: qsTr("Back up your seed phrase") rightButtons: [ d.skipButton, nextButton, finishButton ] nextButton: StatusButton { id: nextButton objectName: "BackupSeedModal_nextButton" enabled: { switch (root.currentIndex) { case 0: return acknowledgment.allAccepted; case 1: return !d.seedHidden; case 2: return d.validFirstSeedWord; case 3: return d.validSecondSeedWord; default: return true; } } text: { switch (root.currentIndex) { case 0: case 1: return qsTr("Confirm Seed Phrase"); case 2: case 3: return qsTr("Continue"); default: return ""; } } onClicked: root.currentIndex++ } finishButton: StatusButton { text: qsTr("Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase") objectName: "BackupSeedModal_completeAndDeleteSeedPhraseButton" enabled: d.seedStored onClicked: { root.privacyStore.removeMnemonic(); root.close(); } } // split subHeaderPadding into clip and non-clip parts subHeaderPadding: 8 readonly property int nonClipSubHeaderPadding: 8 subHeaderItem: SubheaderTabBar { // Count without Acknowledgements steps: root.itemsCount - 1 currentIndex: root.currentIndex - 1 visible: root.currentIndex > 0 height: visible ? implicitHeight + nonClipSubHeaderPadding - spacing : 0 Item { Layout.fillHeight: true } } stackItems: [ Acknowledgements { id: acknowledgment }, ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel { id: confirmSeedPhrase seedPhrase: root.privacyStore.getMnemonic().split(" ") privacyStore: root.privacyStore }, BackupSeedStepBase { id: confirmFirstWord objectName: "BackupSeedModal_BackupSeedStepBase_confirmFirstWord" titleText: qsTr("Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase").arg(d.firstRandomNo + 1) wordRandomNumber: d.firstRandomNo wordAtRandomNumber: root.privacyStore.getMnemonicWordAtIndex(d.firstRandomNo) onEnterPressed: { nextButton.clicked(); } }, BackupSeedStepBase { id: confirmSecondWord objectName: "BackupSeedModal_BackupSeedStepBase_confirmSecondWord" titleText: qsTr("Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase").arg(d.secondRandomNo + 1) wordRandomNumber: d.secondRandomNo wordAtRandomNumber: root.privacyStore.getMnemonicWordAtIndex(d.secondRandomNo) }, ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel { id: confirmStoringSeedPhrase } ] }