import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0 RowLayout { id: root /** Expected model structure: - tokensKey: unique string ID of the token (asset); e.g. "ETH" or contract address - name: user visible token name (e.g. "Ethereum") - symbol: user visible token symbol (e.g. "ETH") - decimals: number of decimal places - communityId:optional; ID of the community this token belongs to, if any - marketDetails: object containing props like `currencyPrice` for the computed values below - balances: submodel[ chainId:int, account:string, balance:BigIntString, iconUrl:string ] - currentBalance: amount of tokens - currencyBalance: e.g. `1000.42` in user's fiat currency - currencyBalanceAsString: e.g. "1 000,42 CZK" formatted as a string according to the user's locale - balanceAsString: `1.42` formatted as e.g. "1,42" in user's locale - iconSource: string **/ required property var assetsModel /** Expected model structure: - groupName: group name (from collection or community name) - icon: from imageUrl or mediaUrl - type: can be "community" or "other" - subitems: submodel of collectibles/collections of the group - key: key of collection (community type) or collectible (other type) - name: name of the subitem (of collectible or collection) - balance: balance of collection (in case of community collectibles) or collectible (in case of ERC-1155) - icon: icon of the subitem **/ required property var collectiblesModel /** Expected model structure: - chainId: network chain id - chainName: name of network - iconUrl: network icon url **/ required property var networksModel /** input property holds header is being scrolled **/ property bool isScrolling /** input property holds if the header is the sticky header **/ property bool isStickyHeader /** property that exposes the selected network **/ readonly property int selectedNetworkChainId: selectedNetworkEntry.item.chainId /** signal to propagate that an asset was selected **/ signal assetSelected(string key) /** signal to propagate that a collection was selected **/ signal collectionSelected(string key) /** signal to propagate that a collectible was selected **/ signal collectibleSelected(string key) implicitHeight: sendModalTitleText.height spacing: 8 // if not closed during scrolling they move with the header and it feels undesirable onIsScrollingChanged: { tokenSelector.popup.close() networkFilter.control.popup.close() } StatusBaseText { id: sendModalTitleText Layout.preferredWidth: contentWidth lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight lineHeight: root.isStickyHeader ? 30 : 38 font.pixelSize: root.isStickyHeader ? 22 : 28 elide: Text.ElideRight text: qsTr("Send") } TokenSelector { id: tokenSelector Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumWidth: implicitWidth assetsModel: root.assetsModel collectiblesModel: root.collectiblesModel onCollectibleSelected: root.collectibleSelected(key) onCollectionSelected: root.collectionSelected(key) onAssetSelected: root.assetSelected(key) } // Horizontal spacer RowLayout {} StatusBaseText { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight text: qsTr("On:") color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 font.pixelSize: 13 lineHeight: 38 lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter visible: networkFilter.visible } NetworkFilter { id: networkFilter Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop control.bottomPadding: 0 flatNetworks: root.networksModel multiSelection: false showSelectionIndicator: false showTitle: false } ModelEntry { id: selectedNetworkEntry sourceModel: root.networksModel key: "chainId" value: networkFilter.selection[0] } }