import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import QtQml.Models 2.14 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import shared.stores 1.0 import shared.views 1.0 import utils 1.0 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups.Dialog 0.1 import AppLayouts.Profile.popups 1.0 import AppLayouts.Profile.stores 1.0 SettingsContentBase { id: root property PrivacyStore privacyStore readonly property bool biometricsEnabled: localAccountSettings.storeToKeychainValue === readonly property Item biometricsPopup: titleRowComponentLoader.item readonly property Connections privacyStoreConnections: Connections { target: Qt.platform.os === Constants.mac ? root.privacyStore.privacyModule : null function onStoreToKeychainError(errorDescription: string) { biometricsPopup.popupItem.close(); if (biometricsPopup.switchItem.requestForEnabling) { Global.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Failed to enable biometric login and transaction authentication for this device"), errorDescription, "warning", false, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.danger, "") } else { Global.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Failed to disable biometric login and transaction authentication for this device"), errorDescription, "warning", false, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.danger, "") } } function onStoreToKeychainSuccess() { biometricsPopup.popupItem.close(); if (biometricsPopup.switchItem.requestForEnabling) { Global.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Biometric login and transaction authentication enabled for this device"), "", "checkmark-circle", false, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success, "") } else { Global.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Biometric login and transaction authentication disabled for this device"), "", "checkmark-circle", false, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success, "") } } } property var passwordStrengthScoreFunction: function () {} titleRowComponentLoader.sourceComponent: Item { implicitWidth: 226 implicitHeight: 38 visible: (Qt.platform.os === Constants.mac) property StatusSwitch switchItem: biometricsSwitch property StatusDialog popupItem: enableBiometricsPopup StatusSwitch { id: biometricsSwitch LayoutMirroring.enabled: true LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true text: qsTr("Enable biometrics") textColor: Theme.palette.baseColor1 property bool requestForEnabling: false checked: root.biometricsEnabled onReleased: {; } StatusToolTip { x: 15 visible: (!root.checked && biometricsSwitch.hovered) text: qsTr("Biometric login and transaction authentication") } } StatusDialog { id: enableBiometricsPopup width: 480 title: biometricsSwitch.checked ? qsTr("Enable biometrics") : qsTr("Disable biometrics") StatusBaseText { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: Style.current.padding verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: biometricsSwitch.checked ? qsTr("Do you want to enable biometrics for login and transaction authentication?") : qsTr("Are you sure you want to disable biometrics for login and transaction authentication?") } footer: StatusDialogFooter { rightButtons: ObjectModel { StatusFlatButton { text: qsTr("Cancel") onClicked: { enableBiometricsPopup.close(); } } StatusButton { text: biometricsSwitch.checked ? qsTr("Yes, enable biometrics") : qsTr("Yes, disable biometrics") onClicked: { if (biometricsSwitch.checked && !biometricsSwitch.biometricsEnabled) { biometricsSwitch.requestForEnabling = true; root.privacyStore.tryStoreToKeyChain(); } else if (!biometricsSwitch.checked) { biometricsSwitch.requestForEnabling = false; root.privacyStore.tryRemoveFromKeyChain(); } } } } } onClosed: { biometricsSwitch.checked = Qt.binding(() => { return root.biometricsEnabled }); } } } ColumnLayout { PasswordView { id: choosePasswordForm width: 507 height: 660 createNewPsw: false title: qsTr("Change your password") titleSize: 17 contentAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft highSizeIntro: true passwordStrengthScoreFunction: root.passwordStrengthScoreFunction onReadyChanged: { submitBtn.enabled = ready } onReturnPressed: { if (ready) {; } } } StatusModalDivider { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.bottomMargin: 20 } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true StatusFlatButton { text: qsTr("Clear & cancel") onClicked: choosePasswordForm.reset() } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } StatusButton { id: submitBtn Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight objectName: "changePasswordModalSubmitButton" text: qsTr("Change password") enabled: choosePasswordForm.ready onClicked: {; } } } ConfirmChangePasswordModal { id: confirmPasswordChangePopup onChangePasswordRequested: { root.privacyStore.changePassword(choosePasswordForm.currentPswText, choosePasswordForm.newPswText); } Connections { target: root.privacyStore.privacyModule function onPasswordChanged(success: bool, errorMsg: string) { if (success) { confirmPasswordChangePopup.passwordSuccessfulyChanged() return } choosePasswordForm.reset() choosePasswordForm.errorMsgText = errorMsg confirmPasswordChangePopup.close() } } } } }