import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import "../../Profile/popups" import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 StatusModal { id: popup anchors.centerIn: parent property Popup parentPopup //ProfilePopup is either instantiated in some files //and called to open via the openProfilePopup in others //TODO --------------------------------------- //use one PofilePopup instance and pass the store there property var store property var profileStore property var identicon: "" property var userName: "" property string nickname: "" property var fromAuthor: "" property var text: "" property var alias: "" readonly property int innerMargin: 20 property bool isEnsVerified: false property bool isBlocked: false property bool isCurrentUser: false signal blockButtonClicked(name: string, address: string) signal unblockButtonClicked(name: string, address: string) signal removeButtonClicked(address: string) signal contactUnblocked(publicKey: string) signal contactBlocked(publicKey: string) signal contactAdded(publicKey: string) function openPopup(_showFooter, userNameParam, fromAuthorParam, identiconParam, textParam, nicknameParam) { userName = userNameParam || "" nickname = nicknameParam || "" fromAuthor = fromAuthorParam || "" identicon = identiconParam || "" text = textParam || "" isEnsVerified = chatsModel.ensView.isEnsVerified(this.fromAuthor) isBlocked =; alias = chatsModel.alias(this.fromAuthor) || "" isCurrentUser = userProfile.pubKey === this.fromAuthor showFooter = _showFooter; } header.title: Utils.removeStatusEns(isCurrentUser ? profileModel.ens.preferredUsername || userName : userName) header.subTitle: isEnsVerified ? alias : fromAuthor header.subTitleElide: Text.ElideMiddle header.image.source: identicon header.headerImageEditable: isCurrentUser headerActionButton: StatusFlatRoundButton { type: StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Secondary width: 32 height: 32 icon.width: 20 icon.height: 20 "qr" onClicked: } property var popupLink: null onHeaderImageClicked: { popupLink = changeProfileModalComponent.createObject(applicationWindow); } Component { id: changeProfileModalComponent ChangeProfilePicModal { largeImage: profileStore.profileLargeImage hasIdentityImage: profileStore.profileHasIdentityImage onCropFinished: { uploadError = profileStore.uploadImage(selectedImage, aX, aY, bX, bY) } onRemoveImageButtonClicked: { uploadError = profileStore.removeImage() } } } contentItem: Item { width: popup.width height: modalContent.height property alias qrCodePopup: qrCodePopup property alias unblockContactConfirmationDialog: unblockContactConfirmationDialog property alias blockContactConfirmationDialog: blockContactConfirmationDialog property alias removeContactConfirmationDialog: removeContactConfirmationDialog Column { id: modalContent width: parent.width // Blocked User Status Bar StatusBanner { id: blockedUsrBar width: parent.width visible: isBlocked type: StatusBanner.Type.Danger statusText: qsTr("Blocked") } Item { height: 16 width: parent.width } StatusDescriptionListItem { title: ((isCurrentUser && profileModel.ens.preferredUsername) || isEnsVerified) ? qsTr("ENS username") : qsTr("Username") subTitle: isCurrentUser ? profileModel.ens.preferredUsername || userName : userName tooltip.text: qsTr("Copy to clipboard") "copy" iconButton.onClicked: { chatsModel.copyToClipboard(userName) tooltip.visible = !tooltip.visible } width: parent.width } StatusDescriptionListItem { title: qsTr("Chat key") subTitle: fromAuthor subTitleComponent.elide: Text.ElideMiddle subTitleComponent.width: 320 tooltip.text: qsTr("Copy to clipboard") "copy" iconButton.onClicked: { chatsModel.copyToClipboard(fromAuthor) tooltip.visible = !tooltip.visible } width: parent.width } StatusDescriptionListItem { title: qsTr("Share Profile URL") subTitle: { let user = "" if (isCurrentUser) { user = profileModel.ens.preferredUsername } else { if (isEnsVerified) { user = userName.startsWith("@") ? userName.substring(1) : userName } } if (user === ""){ user = fromAuthor.substr(0, 4) + "..." + fromAuthor.substr(fromAuthor.length - 5) } return Constants.userLinkPrefix + user; } tooltip.text: qsTr("Copy to clipboard") "copy" iconButton.onClicked: { let user = "" if (isCurrentUser) { user = profileModel.ens.preferredUsername } else { if (isEnsVerified) { user = userName.startsWith("@") ? userName.substring(1) : userName } } if (user === ""){ user = fromAuthor } chatsModel.copyToClipboard(Constants.userLinkPrefix + user) tooltip.visible = !tooltip.visible } width: parent.width } StatusDescriptionListItem { visible: !isCurrentUser title: qsTr("Chat settings") subTitle: qsTr("Nickname") value: nickname ? nickname : qsTr("None") sensor.enabled: true sensor.onClicked: { } width: parent.width } Item { visible: !isCurrentUser width: parent.width height: 16 } } // TODO: replace with StatusModal ModalPopup { id: qrCodePopup width: 320 height: 320 Image { asynchronous: true fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: profileModel.qrCode(fromAuthor) anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter height: 212 width: 212 mipmap: true smooth: false } } UnblockContactConfirmationDialog { id: unblockContactConfirmationDialog onUnblockButtonClicked: { unblockContactConfirmationDialog.close(); popup.close() popup.contactUnblocked(fromAuthor) } } BlockContactConfirmationDialog { id: blockContactConfirmationDialog onBlockButtonClicked: { blockContactConfirmationDialog.close(); popup.close() popup.contactBlocked(fromAuthor) } } ConfirmationDialog { id: removeContactConfirmationDialog header.title: qsTr("Remove contact") confirmationText: qsTr("Are you sure you want to remove this contact?") onConfirmButtonClicked: { if ( {; } removeContactConfirmationDialog.close(); popup.close(); } } NicknamePopup { id: nicknamePopup onDoneClicked: { // Change username title only if it was not an ENS name if (isEnsVerified) { popup.userName = newUsername; } popup.nickname = newNickname;, newNickname); popup.close() if (!!chatsModel.communities.activeCommunity) { chatsModel.communities.activeCommunity.triggerMembersUpdate(); } } } } rightButtons: [ StatusFlatButton { text: isBlocked ? qsTr("Unblock User") : qsTr("Block User") type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Danger onClicked: { if (isBlocked) { contentItem.unblockContactConfirmationDialog.contactName = userName; contentItem.unblockContactConfirmationDialog.contactAddress = fromAuthor;; return; } contentItem.blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactName = userName; contentItem.blockContactConfirmationDialog.contactAddress = fromAuthor;; } }, StatusFlatButton { property bool isAdded: visible: !isBlocked && isAdded type: StatusBaseButton.Type.Danger text: qsTr('Remove Contact') onClicked: { contentItem.removeContactConfirmationDialog.parentPopup = popup;; } }, StatusButton { property bool isAdded: text: qsTr("Add to contacts") visible: !isBlocked && !isAdded onClicked: { // TODO make a store for this contactsModule.addContact(fromAuthor) popup.contactAdded(fromAuthor); popup.close(); } } ] }