import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQml.Models 2.2 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import "private" import utils 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 MembersSelectorBase { id: root limitReached: model.count >= membersLimit - 1 // -1 because creator is not on the list of members when creating chat function cleanup() { root.edit.clear() d.selectedMembers.clear() } onEntryAccepted: if (suggestionsDelegate) { if (root.limitReached) return if (d.addMember(suggestionsDelegate._pubKey, suggestionsDelegate.userName, suggestionsDelegate.nickName)) root.edit.clear() } onEntryRemoved: if (delegate) { d.removeMember(delegate._pubKey) } edit.onTextChanged: { // When edited, give a small delay in case next character is printed soon contactLookupDelayTimer.start() root.pastedChatKey = "" } onTextPasted: (text) => { // When pated, process text immediately contactLookupDelayTimer.stop() // when pasting, textChanged is still emited first d.lookupContact(text) } model: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: d.selectedMembers } delegate: StatusTagItem { readonly property string _pubKey: model.pubKey height: ListView.view.height text: root.tagText(model.localNickname, model.displayName, model.alias) onClosed: root.entryRemoved(this) } QtObject { id: d property ListModel selectedMembers: ListModel {} function lookupContact(value) { let contactObj = Utils.parseContactUrl(value) if (contactObj) { processContact(contactObj) return } value = Utils.dropUserLinkPrefix(value.trim()) if (Utils.isChatKey(value)) { processContact({publicKey: value}) return } if (Utils.isValidEns(value)) { root.rootStore.contactsStore.resolveENS(value) return } root.suggestionsDialog.forceHide = false } function processContact(contactData) { // Open contact request if we have data from url if (contactData.publicKey !== "" && contactData.displayName !== "") { Global.openContactRequestPopupWithContactData(contactData, popup => popup.closed.connect(root.rejected)) return } const contactDetails = Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(contactData.publicKey, false) if (contactDetails.publicKey === "") { // not a valid key given root.suggestionsDialog.forceHide = false return } if (contactDetails.isContact) { // Is a contact, we add their name to the list root.pastedChatKey = contactDetails.publicKey root.suggestionsDialog.forceHide = false return } let hasPendingContactRequest = root.rootStore.contactsStore.hasPendingContactRequest(contactDetails.publicKey) if ((root.model.count === 0 && hasPendingContactRequest) || contactDetails.publicKey === root.rootStore.contactsStore.myPublicKey || contactDetails.isBlocked) { // List is empty and we have a contact request // OR it's our own chat key or a banned user // Then open the contact's profile popup Global.openProfilePopup(contactDetails.publicKey, null, popup => popup.closed.connect(root.rejected)) return } if (root.model.count === 0 && !hasPendingContactRequest) { // List is empty and not a contact yet. Open the contact request popup Global.openContactRequestPopup(contactDetails.publicKey, popup => popup.closed.connect(root.rejected)) return } root.suggestionsDialog.forceHide = false } function addMember(pubKey, displayName, localNickname) { for (let i = 0; i < d.selectedMembers.count; ++i) { if (d.selectedMembers.get(i).pubKey === pubKey) return false } d.selectedMembers.append({ "pubKey": pubKey, "displayName": displayName, "localNickname": localNickname }) return true } function removeMember(pubKey) { for(var i = 0; i < d.selectedMembers.count; i++) { const obj = d.selectedMembers.get(i) if(obj.pubKey === pubKey) { d.selectedMembers.remove(i) return } } } } Timer { id: contactLookupDelayTimer repeat: false interval: 500 onTriggered: { d.lookupContact(edit.text) } } Connections { enabled: root.visible target: root.rootStore.contactsStore.mainModuleInst function onResolvedENS(resolvedPubKey: string, resolvedAddress: string, uuid: string) { if (resolvedPubKey === "") { root.suggestionsDialog.forceHide = false return } d.processContact(resolvedPubKey) } } }