import QtQuick 2.13 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 Item { property string collectibleName: "Furbeard" property string collectibleId: "1423" property url collectibleImage: Style.png("collectibles/placeholders/kitty") property string collectibleDescription: "Avast ye! I'm the dread pirate Furbeard, and I'll most likely sleep" id: root width: parent.width RoundedImage { id: collectibleImage width: 248 height: 248 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter source: root.collectibleImage radius: 16 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop } TextWithLabel { id: idText //% "ID" label: qsTrId("id") text: root.collectibleId collectibleImage.bottom anchors.topMargin:0 } TextWithLabel { visible: !!root.collectibleDescription id: descriptionText //% "Description" label: qsTrId("description") text: root.collectibleDescription idText.bottom anchors.topMargin: 0 wrap: true } }