import logging import time import typing import allure import configs import driver from driver import isFrozen from import Image LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class QObject: def __init__(self, real_name: [str, dict] = None): self.real_name = real_name self._image = Image(self.real_name) @property @allure.step('Get object {0}') def object(self): return driver.waitForObject(self.real_name, configs.timeouts.UI_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MSEC) @property @allure.step('Get object exists {0}') def exists(self) -> bool: return driver.object.exists(self.real_name) @property @allure.step('Get bounds {0}') def bounds(self): return driver.object.globalBounds(self.object) @property @allure.step('Get "x" coordinate {0}') def x(self) -> int: return self.bounds.x @property @allure.step('Get "y" coordinate {0}') def y(self) -> int: return self.bounds.y @property @allure.step('Get width {0}') def width(self) -> int: return int(self.bounds.width) @property @allure.step('Get height {0}') def height(self) -> int: return int(self.bounds.height) @property @allure.step('Get central coordinate {0}') def center(self): return @property @allure.step('Get enabled {0}') def is_enabled(self) -> bool: return getattr(self.object, 'enabled') @property @allure.step('Get selected {0}') def is_selected(self) -> bool: return getattr(self.object, 'selected') @property @allure.step('Get checked {0}') def is_checked(self) -> bool: return getattr(self.object, 'checked') @property @allure.step('Get visible {0}') def is_visible(self) -> bool: try: return driver.waitForObject(self.real_name, 0).visible except (AttributeError, LookupError, RuntimeError): return False @property @allure.step('Get image {0}') def image(self): self._image.update_view() return self._image @allure.step('Click {0}') def click( self, x: int = None, y: int = None, button=None, ): driver.mouseClick( self.object, x or int(self.object.width * 0.1), y or int(self.object.height * 0.1), button or driver.Qt.LeftButton )'%s: is clicked with Qt.LeftButton', self) @allure.step('Native click {0}') def native_mouse_click( self, x: typing.Union[int, driver.UiTypes.ScreenPoint] = None, y: typing.Union[int, driver.UiTypes.ScreenPoint] = None, button: driver.MouseButton = None ): driver.nativeMouseClick( x or int(self.bounds.x + self.width // 2), y or int(self.bounds.y + self.height // 2), button or driver.MouseButton.LeftButton )'{self}: native clicked') @allure.step('Hover {0}') def hover(self, timeout_msec: int = configs.timeouts.UI_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MSEC): def _hover(): try: driver.mouseMove(self.object)'%s: mouse hovered', self) return getattr(self.object, 'hovered', True) except RuntimeError as err: LOG.error(err) time.sleep(1) return False assert driver.waitFor(lambda: _hover(), timeout_msec) return self @allure.step('Right click on {0}') def right_click( self, x: typing.Union[int, driver.UiTypes.ScreenPoint] = None, y: typing.Union[int, driver.UiTypes.ScreenPoint] = None, ): x or int(self.width // 2), y or int(self.height // 2), driver.Qt.RightButton )'%s: right clicked with Qt.RightButton', self) @allure.step('Wait until appears {0}') def wait_until_appears(self, timeout_msec: int = configs.timeouts.UI_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MSEC): assert driver.waitFor(lambda: self.is_visible, timeout_msec), f'Object {self} is not visible''%s: is visible', self) return self @allure.step('Wait until hidden {0}') def wait_until_hidden(self, timeout_msec: int = configs.timeouts.UI_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MSEC): assert driver.waitFor(lambda: not self.is_visible, timeout_msec), f'Object {self} is not hidden''%s: is hidden', self) @classmethod def wait_for(cls, condition, timeout_msec: int = configs.timeouts.UI_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MSEC) -> bool: return driver.waitFor(lambda: condition, timeout_msec)