import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils import mainui 1.0 import utils 1.0 import shared.views 1.0 import shared.stores 1.0 import Storybook 1.0 import Models 1.0 import AppLayouts.Wallet.views 1.0 SplitView { id: root Logs { id: logs } orientation: Qt.Horizontal QtObject { id: d readonly property string networksChainsCurrentlySelected: { let supportNwChains = ":" for (let i =0; i< networksRepeater.count; i++) { if (networksRepeater.itemAt(i).checked && networksRepeater.itemAt(i).visible) supportNwChains += networksRepeater.itemAt(i).chainID + ":" } return supportNwChains } readonly property string addressesSelected: { let supportedAddresses = "" let allChecked = true let allUnchecked = true for (let i =0; i< accountsRepeater.count; i++) { if (accountsRepeater.itemAt(i).checked && accountsRepeater.itemAt(i).visible) supportedAddresses += accountsRepeater.itemAt(i).address allChecked = allChecked && accountsRepeater.itemAt(i).checked allUnchecked = allUnchecked && !accountsRepeater.itemAt(i).checked } if(allChecked || allUnchecked) { supportedAddresses = "" } return supportedAddresses } readonly property var currencyStore: CurrenciesStore {} readonly property var groupedAccountsAssetsModel: GroupedAccountsAssetsModel {} readonly property var tokensBySymbolModel: TokensBySymbolModel {} readonly property CommunitiesModel communityModel: CommunitiesModel {} // Added this here simply because the network and address filtering wont work in Storybook applied in AssetsView readonly property SubmodelProxyModel assetsWithFilteredBalances: SubmodelProxyModel { sourceModel: d.groupedAccountsAssetsModel submodelRoleName: "balances" delegateModel: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: submodel filters: ExpressionFilter { expression: { d.networksChainsCurrentlySelected d.addressesSelected return d.networksChainsCurrentlySelected.split(":").includes(chainId+"") && (!! d.addressesSelected ? d.addressesSelected.toUpperCase() === account.toUpperCase() : true) } } } } // renaming tokens by symbol key so that can be used to join models readonly property var renamedTokensBySymbolModel: RolesRenamingModel { sourceModel: d.tokensBySymbolModel mapping: [ RoleRename { from: "key" to: "tokensKey" } ] } // join account assets and tokens by symbol model property LeftJoinModel jointModel: LeftJoinModel { leftModel: d.assetsWithFilteredBalances rightModel: d.renamedTokensBySymbolModel joinRole: "tokensKey" } // combining community model with assets to get community meta data property LeftJoinModel builtAccountAssetsModel: LeftJoinModel { leftModel: d.jointModel rightModel: d.communityModel joinRole: "communityId" } } Popups { popupParent: root rootStore: QtObject {} communityTokensStore: QtObject {} } StackLayout { id: stack SplitView.fillWidth: true SplitView.fillHeight: true currentIndex: 0 AssetsView { id: assetsView Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true areAssetsLoading: loadingCheckbox.checked assets: d.builtAccountAssetsModel filterVisible: ctrlFilterVisible.checked currencyStore: d.currencyStore networkFilters: d.networksChainsCurrentlySelected addressFilters: d.addressesSelected onAssetClicked: { stack.currentIndex = 1 detailsView.token = token logs.logEvent("onAssetClicked", ["token"], [token.symbol, token.communityId]) } onSendRequested: logs.logEvent("onSendRequested", ["symbol"], arguments) onReceiveRequested: logs.logEvent("onReceiveRequested", ["symbol"], arguments) onSwitchToCommunityRequested: logs.logEvent("onSwitchToCommunityRequested", ["communityId"], arguments) onManageTokensRequested: logs.logEvent("onManageTokensRequested") } AssetsDetailView { id: detailsView Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true currencyStore: d.currencyStore allNetworksModel: NetworksModel.allNetworks networkFilters: d.networksChainsCurrentlySelected Button { text: "go back" onClicked: stack.currentIndex = 0 } } } Pane { SplitView.minimumWidth: 300 SplitView.preferredWidth: 300 ColumnLayout { spacing: 12 anchors.fill: parent Switch { id: ctrlFilterVisible text: "Filter visible" checked: true } CheckBox { id: loadingCheckbox checked: false text: "loading" } ColumnLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Text { text: "select supported network(s)" } Repeater { id: networksRepeater model: NetworksModel.allNetworks delegate: CheckBox { property int chainID: chainId width: parent.width text: chainName visible: isTest checked: true onToggled: { isEnabled = checked } } } } ColumnLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Text { text: "select account(s)" } Repeater { id: accountsRepeater model: WalletAccountsModel {} delegate: CheckBox { property string address: model.address checked: true visible: index<2 width: parent.width text: name } } } } } } // category: Views // //