import QtQuick 2.13 import utils 1.0 QtObject { id: root // Important: // Each `ChatLayout` has its own chatCommunitySectionModule // (on the backend chat and community sections share the same module since they are actually the same) property var chatCommunitySectionModule // Since qml component doesn't follow encaptulation from the backend side, we're introducing // a method which will return appropriate chat content module for selected chat/channel function currentChatContentModule(){ // When we decide to have the same struct as it's on the backend we will remove this function. // So far this is a way to deal with refactord backend from the current qml structure. if(chatCommunitySectionModule.activeItem.isSubItemActive) chatCommunitySectionModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId( else chatCommunitySectionModule.prepareChatContentModuleForChatId( return chatCommunitySectionModule.getChatContentModule() } // Contact requests related part property var contactRequestsModel: chatCommunitySectionModule.contactRequestsModel function setActiveCommunity(communityId) { mainModule.setActiveSectionById(communityId); } function setObservedCommunity(communityId) { communitiesModuleInst.setObservedCommunity(communityId); } function acceptContactRequest(pubKey) { chatCommunitySectionModule.acceptContactRequest(pubKey) } function acceptAllContactRequests() { chatCommunitySectionModule.acceptAllContactRequests() } function rejectContactRequest(pubKey) { chatCommunitySectionModule.rejectContactRequest(pubKey) } function rejectAllContactRequests() { chatCommunitySectionModule.rejectAllContactRequests() } function blockContact(pubKey) { chatCommunitySectionModule.blockContact(pubKey) } property var messageStore: MessageStore { } property var emojiReactionsModel property var globalUtilsInst: globalUtils property var mainModuleInst: mainModule property var activityCenterModuleInst: activityCenterModule property var activityCenterList: activityCenterModuleInst.model property var communitiesModuleInst: communitiesModule property var communitiesList: communitiesModuleInst.model property var userProfileInst: userProfile property var accounts: walletSectionAccounts.model property var currentAccount: walletSectionCurrent property var currentCurrency: walletSection.currentCurrency property ListModel addToGroupContacts: ListModel {} function reCalculateAddToGroupContacts(channel) { const contacts = getContactListObject() if (channel) { contacts.forEach(function (contact) { if(channel.contains(contact.pubKey) || !contact.isContact) { return; } addToGroupContacts.append(contact) }) } } property var stickersModuleInst: stickersModule // Not Refactored Yet // property var activeCommunity: chatsModelInst.communities.activeCommunity function sendSticker(channelId, hash, replyTo, pack) { stickersModuleInst.send(channelId, hash, replyTo, pack) } function copyToClipboard(text) { globalUtilsInst.copyToClipboard(text) } function copyImageToClipboard(content) { globalUtilsInst.copyImageToClipboard(content) } function downloadImage(content, path) { globalUtilsInst.downloadImage(content, path) } function getCommunity(communityId) { // Not Refactored Yet // try { // const communityJson = chatsModelInst.communities.list.getCommunityByIdJson(communityId); // if (!communityJson) { // return null; // } // let community = JSON.parse(communityJson); // if (community) { // community.nbMembers = community.members.length; // } // return community // } catch (e) { // console.error("Error parsing community", e); // } return null; } // Not Refactored Yet property var activeCommunityChatsModel: "" //chatsModelInst.communities.activeCommunity.chats function createCommunity(communityName, communityDescription, checkedMembership, ensOnlySwitchChecked, communityColor, communityImage, imageCropperModalaX, imageCropperModalaY, imageCropperModalbX, imageCropperModalbY) { communitiesModuleInst.createCommunity(communityName, communityDescription, checkedMembership, ensOnlySwitchChecked, communityColor, communityImage, imageCropperModalaX, imageCropperModalaY, imageCropperModalbX, imageCropperModalbY); } function importCommunity(communityKey) { root.communitiesModuleInst.importCommunity(communityKey); } function createCommunityCategory(categoryName, channels) { chatCommunitySectionModule.createCommunityCategory(categoryName, channels) } function editCommunityCategory(categoryId, categoryName, channels) { chatCommunitySectionModule.editCommunityCategory(categoryId, categoryName, channels); } function deleteCommunityCategory(categoryId) { chatCommunitySectionModule.deleteCommunityCategory(categoryId); } function prepareEditCategoryModel(categoryId) { chatCommunitySectionModule.prepareEditCategoryModel(categoryId); } function leaveCommunity() { chatCommunitySectionModule.leaveCommunity(); } function createCommunityChannel(channelName, channelDescription, categoryId) { chatCommunitySectionModule.createCommunityChannel(channelName, channelDescription, categoryId); } function editCommunityChannel(communityId, channelId, channelName, channelDescription, channelCategoryId, popupPosition) { // TODO: pass the private value when private channels // are implemented //privateSwitch.checked) // Not Refactored Yet // chatsModelInst.editCommunityChannel(communityId, channelId, channelName, channelDescription, channelCategoryId, popupPosition); } function acceptRequestToJoinCommunity(requestId) { chatCommunitySectionModule.acceptRequestToJoinCommunity(requestId) } function declineRequestToJoinCommunity(requestId) { chatCommunitySectionModule.declineRequestToJoinCommunity(requestId) } function userNameOrAlias(pk) { // Not Refactored Yet // return chatsModelInst.userNameOrAlias(pk); } function generateAlias(pk) { return globalUtils.generateAlias(pk); } function generateIdenticon(pk) { return globalUtils.generateIdenticon(pk); } function plainText(text) { return globalUtils.plainText(text) } function removeCommunityChat(chatId) { chatCommunitySectionModule.removeCommunityChat(chatId) } function reorderCommunityCategories(categoryId, to) { chatCommunitySectionModule.reorderCommunityCategories(categoryId, to) } function reorderCommunityChat(categoryId, chatId, to) { chatCommunitySectionModule.reorderCommunityChat(categoryId, chatId, to) } function joinCommunity(id) { return communitiesModuleInst.joinCommunity(id) } function requestToJoinCommunity(id, ensName) { return communitiesModuleInst.requestToJoinCommunity(id, ensName) } function userCanJoin(id) { return communitiesModuleInst.userCanJoin(id) } function isUserMemberOfCommunity(id) { return communitiesModuleInst.isUserMemberOfCommunity(id) } function isCommunityRequestPending(id) { return communitiesModuleInst.isCommunityRequestPending(id) } function getSectionNameById(id) { return communitiesList.getSectionNameById(id) } function getSectionByIdJson(id) { return communitiesList.getSectionByIdJson(id) } function getLinkTitleAndCb(link) { const result = { title: "Status", callback: null } // Link to send a direct message let index = link.indexOf("/u/") if (index === -1) { // Try /p/ as well index = link.indexOf("/p/") } if (index > -1) { const pk = link.substring(index + 3) //% "Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1" result.title = qsTrId("start-a-1-on-1-chat-with--1") .arg(isChatKey(pk) ? globalUtils.generateAlias(pk) : ("@" + removeStatusEns(pk))) result.callback = function () { if (isChatKey(pk)) { chatCommunitySectionModule.createOneToOneChat(pk, "") } else { // Not Refactored Yet // chatsModel.channelView.joinWithENS(pk); } } return result } // Community index = link.lastIndexOf("/c/") if (index > -1) { const communityId = link.substring(index + 3) const communityName = getSectionNameById(communityId) if (!communityName) { // Unknown community, fetch the info if possible communitiesModuleInst.requestCommunityInfo(communityId) result.communityId = communityId result.fetching = true return result } //% "Join the %1 community" result.title = qsTrId("join-the--1-community").arg(communityName) result.communityId = communityId result.callback = function () { const isUserMemberOfCommunity = isUserMemberOfCommunity(communityId) if (isUserMemberOfCommunity) { setActiveCommunity(communityId) return } const userCanJoin = userCanJoin(communityId) // TODO find what to do when you can't join if (userCanJoin) { joinCommunity(communityId, true) } } return result } // Group chat index = link.lastIndexOf("/g/") if (index > -1) { let indexAdminPk = link.lastIndexOf("a=") let indexChatName = link.lastIndexOf("a1=") let indexChatId = link.lastIndexOf("a2=") const pubKey = link.substring(indexAdminPk + 2, indexChatName - 1) const chatName = link.substring(indexChatName + 3, indexChatId - 1) const chatId = link.substring(indexChatId + 3, link.length) //% "Join the %1 group chat" result.title = qsTrId("join-the--1-group-chat").arg(chatName) result.callback = function () { // Not Refactored Yet // chatsModel.groups.joinGroupChatFromInvitation(chatName, chatId, pubKey); } return result } // Not Refactored Yet (when we get to this we will most likely remove it, since other approach will be used) // // Public chat // // This needs to be the last check because it is as VERY loose check // index = link.lastIndexOf("/") // if (index > -1) { // const chatId = link.substring(index + 1) // //% "Join the %1 public channel" // result.title = qsTrId("join-the--1-public-channel").arg(chatId) // result.callback = function () { // chatsModel.channelView.joinPublicChat(chatId); // } // return result // } return result } function getLinkDataForStatusLinks(link) { if (!link.includes(Constants.deepLinkPrefix) && !link.includes(Constants.joinStatusLink)) { return } const result = getLinkTitleAndCb(link) return { site: "", title: result.title, communityId: result.communityId, fetching: result.fetching, thumbnailUrl: Style.png("status"), contentType: "", height: 0, width: 0, callback: result.callback } } }