import QtQuick 2.15 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils import AppLayouts.Wallet 1.0 import 1.0 import 1.0 import shared.popups.walletconnect 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import utils 1.0 import "types" SQUtils.QObject { id: root required property DAppsModule dappsModule required property string selectedAddress required property var accountsModel property bool walletConnectFeatureEnabled: true property bool connectorFeatureEnabled: true // Output properties /// Model contaning all dApps available for the currently selected account readonly property var dappsModel: d.filteredDappsModel /// Model containig the dApps session requests to be resolved by the user readonly property SessionRequestsModel sessionRequestsModel: dappsModule.requestsModel /// Service can interact with the current address selection /// Default value: true readonly property bool serviceAvailableToCurrentAddress: !root.selectedAddress || SQUtils.ModelUtils.contains(root.accountsModel, "address", root.selectedAddress, Qt.CaseInsensitive) readonly property bool isServiceOnline: dappsModule.isServiceOnline // signals signal connectDApp(var dappChains, url dappUrl, string dappName, url dappIcon, string connectorIcon, string key) // Emitted as a response to DAppsService.approveSession // @param key The key of the session proposal // @param error The error message // @param topic The new topic of the session signal approveSessionResult(string key, var error, string topic) // Emitted when a new session is requested by a dApp signal sessionRequest(string id) // Emitted when the services requests to display a toast message // @param message The message to display // @param type The type of the message. Maps to Constants.ephemeralNotificationType signal displayToastMessage(string message, int type) // Emitted as a response to DAppsService.validatePairingUri or other DAppsService.pair // and DAppsService.approvePair errors signal pairingValidated(int validationState) // methods /// Triggers the signing process for the given session request /// @param topic The topic of the session /// @param id The id of the session request function sign(topic, id) { // The authentication triggers the signing process // authenticate -> sign -> inform the dApp d.sign(topic, id) } function rejectSign(topic, id, hasError) { d.rejectSign(topic, id, hasError) } function signRequestIsLive(topic, id) { d.signRequestIsLive(topic, id) } /// Validates the pairing URI function validatePairingUri(uri) { timeoutTimer.start() d.validatePairingUri(uri) } /// Initiates the pairing process with the given URI function pair(uri) { timeoutTimer.start() dappsModule.pair(uri) } /// Approves or rejects the session proposal function approvePairSession(key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress) { dappsModule.approvePairSession(key, approvedChainIds, accountAddress) } /// Rejects the session proposal function rejectPairSession(id) { dappsModule.rejectPairSession(id) } /// Disconnects the dApp with the given topic /// @param topic The topic of the dApp /// @param source The source of the dApp; either "walletConnect" or "connector" function disconnectDapp(topic) { d.disconnectDapp(topic) } SQUtils.QObject { id: d readonly property var filteredDappsModel: SortFilterProxyModel { id: dappsFilteredModel objectName: "DAppsModelFiltered" sourceModel: root.dappsModule.dappsModel readonly property string selectedAddress: root.selectedAddress readonly property var connectorIcons: Constants.dappImageByType proxyRoles: [ FastExpressionRole { name: "connectorBadge" expression: dappsFilteredModel.connectorIcons[connectorId] expectedRoles: "connectorId" } ] filters: FastExpressionFilter { enabled: !!dappsFilteredModel.selectedAddress function isAddressIncluded(accountAddressesSubModel, selectedAddress) { if (!accountAddressesSubModel) { return false } const addresses = SQUtils.ModelUtils.modelToFlatArray(accountAddressesSubModel, "address") return addresses.includes(selectedAddress) } expression: isAddressIncluded(model.accountAddresses, dappsFilteredModel.selectedAddress) expectedRoles: "accountAddresses" } } function disconnectDapp(connectionId) { dappsModule.disconnectSession(connectionId) } function validatePairingUri(uri) { // Check if emoji inside the URI if(Constants.regularExpressions.emoji.test(uri)) { root.pairingValidated(Pairing.errors.tooCool) return } else if(!DAppsHelpers.validURI(uri)) { root.pairingValidated(Pairing.errors.invalidUri) return } dappsModule.validatePairingUri(uri) } function signRequestIsLive(topic, id) { const request = root.sessionRequestsModel.findRequest(topic, id) if (!request) { console.error("Session request not found") return } request.setActive() } function sign(topic, id) { const request = root.sessionRequestsModel.findRequest(topic, id) if (!request) { console.error("Session request not found") return } request.accept() } function rejectSign(topic, id, hasError) { const request = root.sessionRequestsModel.findRequest(topic, id) if (!request) { console.error("Session request not found") return } request.reject(hasError) } function reportPairErrorState(state) { timeoutTimer.stop() root.pairingValidated(state) } } Connections { target: root.dappsModule enabled: root.walletConnectFeatureEnabled || root.connectorFeatureEnabled function onPairingValidated(state) { timeoutTimer.stop() root.pairingValidated(state) } function onPairingResponse(state) { if (state != Pairing.errors.uriOk) { d.reportPairErrorState(state) return } timeoutTimer.restart() } function onConnectDApp(dappChains, dappUrl, dappName, dappIcon, connectorId, key) { timeoutTimer.stop() const connectorIcon = Constants.dappImageByType[connectorId] root.connectDApp(dappChains, dappUrl, dappName, dappIcon, connectorIcon, key) } function onDappConnected(proposal, topic, url, connectorId) { const dappDomain = SQUtils.StringUtils.extractDomainFromLink(url) const connectorName = connectorId === Constants.WalletConnect ? "WalletConnect" : "Status Connector" root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Connected to %1 via %2").arg(dappDomain).arg(connectorName), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success) root.approveSessionResult(proposal, null, topic) } function onDappDisconnected(topic, url) { const appDomain = SQUtils.StringUtils.extractDomainFromLink(url) root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Disconnected from %1").arg(appDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success) } function onNewConnectionFailed(key, url, error) { timeoutTimer.stop() const dappDomain = SQUtils.StringUtils.extractDomainFromLink(url) if (error === Pairing.errors.userRejected) { root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Connection request for %1 was rejected").arg(dappDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success) } if (error === Pairing.errors.rejectFailed) { root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Failed to reject connection request for %1").arg(dappDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.danger) } d.reportPairErrorState(error) root.approveSessionResult(key, error, "") } function onSignCompleted(topic, id, userAccepted, error) { const request = root.sessionRequestsModel.findRequest(topic, id) if (!request) { console.error("Session request not found") return } const methodStr = SessionRequest.methodToUserString(request.method) const appUrl = request.dappUrl const appDomain = SQUtils.StringUtils.extractDomainFromLink(appUrl) if (!methodStr) { console.error("Error finding user string for method", request.method) return } if (error) { root.displayToastMessage(qsTr("Fail to %1 from %2").arg(methodStr).arg(appDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.danger) return } const requestExpired = request.isExpired() if (requestExpired) { root.displayToastMessage("%1 sign request timed out".arg(appDomain), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.normal) return } const actionStr = userAccepted ? qsTr("accepted") : qsTr("rejected") root.displayToastMessage("%1 %2 %3".arg(appDomain).arg(methodStr).arg(actionStr), Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.success) } function onSiweCompleted(topic, id, userAccepted, error) { if (error) { root.displayToastMessage(error, Constants.ephemeralNotificationType.danger) } root.approveSessionResult(id, error, topic) } } // Timeout for the corner case where the URL was already dismissed and the SDK doesn't respond with an error nor advances with the proposal Timer { id: timeoutTimer interval: 10000 // (10 seconds) running: false repeat: false onTriggered: { d.reportPairErrorState(Pairing.errors.unknownError) } } }