import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Validators 0.1 import utils 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 Control { id: root /* Crypto value in a base unit as a string integer, e.g. 1000000000000000000 * for 1 ETH */ readonly property alias amount: d.amountBaseUnit /* In fiat mode the input value is meant to be a fiat value, conversely, * crypto value otherwise. */ readonly property alias fiatMode: d.fiatMode /* Indicates whether toggling the fiatMode is enabled for the user */ property bool fiatInputInteractive: interactive /* Indicates if input represent valid number. E.g. empty input or containing * only decimal point is not valid. */ readonly property alias valid: textField.acceptableInput readonly property bool empty: textField.length === 0 // TODO: remove, temporarily for backward compatibility. External components // should not rely on formatted amount because formatting rules are internal // detail of that component. readonly property alias text: textField.text /* Decimal point character to be displayed. Both "." and "," will be * replaced by the provided decimal point on the fly */ property alias decimalPoint: validator.decimalPoint /* Number of fiat decimal places used to limit allowed decimal places in * fiatMode */ property int fiatDecimalPlaces: 2 /* Specifies how divisible given cryptocurrency is, e.g. 18 for ETH. Used * for limiting allowed decimal places and computing final amount as an * integer value */ property int multiplierIndex: 18 /* Price of one unit of given cryptocurrency (e.g. price for 1 ETH) */ property real price: 1.0 property alias caption: captionText.text property bool interactive: true /* Boolean flag decides whether divider is shown between main input area and bottom text */ property bool dividerVisible /* Boolean flag decides whether the main input text area's fontsize reduces as more and more characters are added. True by default */ property bool progressivePixelReduction: true /* This string holds the current main input area's currency symbol (fiat or crypto) Not set = not shown */ property string selectedSymbol readonly property bool cursorVisible: textField.cursorVisible readonly property alias placeholderText: textField.placeholderText /* Loading states for the input and text below */ property bool mainInputLoading property bool bottomTextLoading /* This allows user to add a component to the right of bottom text Not set = not shown */ property alias bottomRightComponent: bottomRightComponent.sourceComponent /* Allows mark input as invalid when it's valid number but doesn't satisfy * arbitrary external criteria, e.g. is higher than maximum expected value. */ property bool markAsInvalid: false /* Methods for formatting crypto and fiat value expecting double values, e.g. 1.0 for 1 ETH or 1.0 for 1 USD. */ property var formatFiat: balance => `${balance.toLocaleString(Qt.locale())} FIAT` property var formatBalance: balance => `${balance.toLocaleString(Qt.locale())} CRYPTO` /* Allows to set value to be displayed. The value is expected to be a not localized string like "1", "1.1" or "0.000000023400234222". Provided value will be formatted and displayed. Depending on the fiatMode flag it will affect output amount appropriately. */ function setValue(valueString) { if (!valueString) valueString = "0" const decimalPlaces = d.fiatMode ? root.fiatDecimalPlaces : root.multiplierIndex const stringNumber = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString( valueString).toFixed(decimalPlaces) const trimmed = d.fiatMode ? stringNumber : d.removeDecimalTrailingZeros(stringNumber) textField.text = d.localize(trimmed) } function setRawValue(valueString) { if (!valueString) valueString = "0" if (d.fiatMode) { setValue(valueString) return } const divisor = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromExponent(root.multiplierIndex) const stringNumber = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.div(SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(valueString), divisor).toFixed(root.multiplierIndex) const trimmed = d.removeDecimalTrailingZeros(stringNumber) textField.text = d.localize(trimmed) } function clear() { textField.clear() } function forceActiveFocus() { textField.forceActiveFocus() } QtObject { id: d property bool fiatMode: false readonly property string inputDelocalized: root.valid && textField.length !== 0 ? textField.text.replace(root.decimalPoint, ".") : "0" function removeDecimalTrailingZeros(num) { if (!num.includes(".")) return num return num.replace(/\.?0*$/g, "") } function localize(num) { return num.replace(".", root.decimalPoint) } readonly property string amountBaseUnit: { if (d.fiatMode) return secondaryValue const multiplier = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromExponent( root.multiplierIndex) return SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.times( SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(inputDelocalized), multiplier).toFixed() } readonly property string secondaryValue: { const price = isNaN(root.price) ? 0 : root.price if (!d.fiatMode) return SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.times( SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(inputDelocalized), SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromNumber( price * (10 ** root.fiatDecimalPlaces))).toFixed() if (!price) // prevent div by zero below return 0 const multiplier = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromExponent( root.multiplierIndex) return SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.div( SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.times( SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(inputDelocalized), multiplier), SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromNumber(price)).toFixed() } /* Incase we dont have progressing font size reduction we only allow users to enter digits until there is place left */ function getMaxDigitsAllowed() { if (root.progressivePixelReduction) { return validator.maxDecimalDigits + validator.maxIntegralDigits } else { let availableSpaceForAmount = root.availableWidth - currencyField.contentWidth - layout.spacing // k is a coefficient based on the font style (typically 𝑘 ≈ 0.65) let digitWidth = textField.font.pixelSize * 0.65 // remove one for decimal separator return Math.floor(availableSpaceForAmount/digitWidth) } } } contentItem: ColumnLayout { StatusBaseText { id: captionText Layout.fillWidth: true visible: text.length > 0 font.pixelSize: 13 lineHeight: 18 lineHeightMode: Text.FixedHeight color: Theme.palette.directColor1 elide: Text.ElideRight } RowLayout { id: layout spacing: 4 StatusTextField { id: textField objectName: "amountToSend_textField" Layout.preferredHeight: 44 padding: 0 background: null readOnly: !root.interactive color: text.length === 0 || (root.valid && !root.markAsInvalid) ? Theme.palette.directColor1 : Theme.palette.dangerColor1 placeholderText: { if (!d.fiatMode || root.fiatDecimalPlaces === 0 || !!text) return "0" return "0" + root.decimalPoint + "0".repeat(root.fiatDecimalPlaces) } font.pixelSize:{ if (!root.progressivePixelReduction) return 34 return Utils.getFontSizeBasedOnLetterCount(text) } validator: AmountValidator { id: validator maxDigits: d.getMaxDigitsAllowed() maxDecimalDigits: d.fiatMode ? root.fiatDecimalPlaces : root.multiplierIndex locale: } visible: !root.mainInputLoading } LoadingComponent { objectName: "topAmountToSendInputLoadingComponent" Layout.preferredWidth: textField.width Layout.preferredHeight: textField.height visible: root.mainInputLoading } StatusBaseText { id: currencyField objectName: "amountToSend_currencyField" Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter Layout.topMargin: 10 color: Theme.palette.directColor5 text: selectedSymbol font.pixelSize: Theme.additionalTextSize } } Rectangle { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: 1 Layout.bottomMargin: 12 color: Theme.palette.directColor8 visible: root.dividerVisible } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true StatusBaseText { id: bottomItem objectName: "bottomItemText" Layout.preferredWidth: contentWidth text: { const divisor = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromExponent( d.fiatMode ? root.multiplierIndex : root.fiatDecimalPlaces) const divided = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.div( SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString( d.secondaryValue), divisor) const asNumber = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.toNumber(divided) return d.fiatMode ? root.formatBalance(asNumber) : root.formatFiat(asNumber) } elide: Text.ElideMiddle font.pixelSize: 13 color: Theme.palette.directColor5 MouseArea { objectName: "amountToSend_mouseArea" anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: enabled ? Qt.PointingHandCursor : undefined enabled: root.fiatInputInteractive onClicked: { const secondaryValue = d.secondaryValue d.fiatMode = !d.fiatMode if (textField.length === 0) return const decimalPlaces = d.fiatMode ? root.fiatDecimalPlaces : root.multiplierIndex const divisor = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromExponent( decimalPlaces) const stringNumber = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.div( SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString(secondaryValue), divisor).toFixed(decimalPlaces) const trimmed = d.fiatMode ? stringNumber : d.removeDecimalTrailingZeros(stringNumber) textField.text = d.localize(trimmed) } } HoverHandler { id: hoverHandler } visible: !root.bottomTextLoading } StatusIcon { Layout.preferredWidth: 16 Layout.preferredHeight: 16 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignLeft icon: "swap" rotation: 90 color: Theme.palette.directColor5 visible: hoverHandler.hovered } RowLayout {} Loader { id: bottomRightComponent Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter } } LoadingComponent { objectName: "bottomItemTextLoadingComponent" Layout.preferredWidth: bottomItem.width Layout.preferredHeight: bottomItem.height visible: root.bottomTextLoading } } }