import QtQuick 2.3 import "../../../../../shared" import "../../../../../imports" import "./TransactionComponents" import "../../../Wallet/data" Item { property var commandParametersObject: { try { return JSON.parse(commandParameters) } catch (e) { console.error('Error parsing command parameters') console.error('JSON:', commandParameters) console.error('Error:', e) return { id: "", fromAddress: "", address: "", contract: "", value: "", transactionHash: "", commandState: 1, signature: null } } } property var token: { if (commandParametersObject.contract === "") { return { symbol: "ETH", name: "Ethereum", address: Constants.zeroAddress, decimals: 18, hasIcon: true } } let count = walletModel.defaultTokenList.items.count for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { let token = walletModel.defaultTokenList.items.get(i) if (commandParametersObject.contract === token.address) { return token } } return {} } property string tokenAmount: { if (!commandParametersObject.value) { return "0" } // Divide the Wei value by 10^decimals var divModResult = Utils.newBigNumber(commandParametersObject.value) .divmod(Utils.newBigNumber(10) .pow(token.decimals)) // Make a string with the quotient and the remainder var str = divModResult.quotient.toString() + "." + divModResult.remainder.toString() // Remove the useless zeros at the satrt and the end, but keep at least one before the dot return str.replace(/^(0*)([0-9\.]+?)(0*)$/g, function (match, firstZeros, whatWeKeep, secondZeros) { if (whatWeKeep.startsWith('.')) { whatWeKeep = "0" + whatWeKeep } return whatWeKeep }) } property string tokenSymbol: token.symbol property string fiatValue: { if (!tokenAmount || !token.symbol) { return "0" } var defaultFiatSymbol = walletModel.defaultCurrency return walletModel.getFiatValue(tokenAmount, token.symbol, defaultFiatSymbol) + " " + defaultFiatSymbol.toUpperCase() } property int state: commandParametersObject.commandState property bool outgoing: { switch (root.state) { case Constants.pending: case Constants.confirmed: case Constants.transactionRequested: case Constants.addressRequested: return isCurrentUser case Constants.declined: case Constants.transactionDeclined: case Constants.addressReceived: return !isCurrentUser default: return false } } property int innerMargin: 12 id: root anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: appSettings.compactMode ? Style.current.padding : 48 width: rectangleBubble.width height: rectangleBubble.height Rectangle { id: rectangleBubble width: ( ? bubbleLoader.width : valueContainer.width) + timeText.width + 3 * root.innerMargin height: childrenRect.height + root.innerMargin radius: 16 color: Style.current.background border.color: Style.current.border border.width: 1 StyledText { id: title color: Style.current.secondaryText text: outgoing ? qsTr("↑ Outgoing transaction") : qsTr("↓ Incoming transaction") font.weight: Font.Medium anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: root.innerMargin font.pixelSize: 13 } Item { id: valueContainer width: childrenRect.width height: tokenText.height + fiatText.height title.bottom anchors.topMargin: 4 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: root.innerMargin Image { id: tokenImage source: `../../../../img/tokens/${root.tokenSymbol}.png` width: 24 height: 24 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } StyledText { id: tokenText color: Style.current.textColor text: `${root.tokenAmount} ${root.tokenSymbol}` anchors.left: tokenImage.right anchors.leftMargin: Style.current.halfPadding font.pixelSize: 22 } StyledText { id: fiatText color: Style.current.secondaryText text: root.fiatValue tokenText.bottom anchors.left: tokenText.left font.pixelSize: 13 } } Loader { id: bubbleLoader active: isCurrentUser || (!isCurrentUser && !(root.state === Constants.addressRequested || root.state === Constants.transactionRequested)) sourceComponent: stateBubbleComponent valueContainer.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: root.innerMargin } Component { id: stateBubbleComponent StateBubble { state: root.state outgoing: root.outgoing } } Loader { id: buttonsLoader active: (root.state === Constants.addressRequested && !root.outgoing) || (root.state === Constants.addressReceived && root.outgoing) || (root.state === Constants.transactionRequested && !root.outgoing) sourceComponent: root.outgoing ? signAndSendComponent : acceptTransactionComponent ? bubbleLoader.bottom : valueContainer.bottom anchors.topMargin: ? root.innerMargin : 20 width: parent.width } Component { id: acceptTransactionComponent AcceptTransaction { state: root.state } } Component { id: signAndSendComponent SendTransactionButton {} } StyledText { id: timeText color: Style.current.secondaryText text: Utils.formatTime(timestamp) anchors.left: ? bubbleLoader.right : undefined anchors.leftMargin: ? 13 : 0 anchors.right: ? undefined : parent.right anchors.rightMargin: ? 0 : root.innerMargin anchors.bottom: ? bubbleLoader.bottom : anchors.bottomMargin: ? -root.innerMargin : 7 font.pixelSize: 10 } } } /*##^## Designer { D{i:0;formeditorColor:"#4c4e50";formeditorZoom:1.25} } ##^##*/