# This is a sample .feature file
# Squish feature files use the Gherkin language for describing features, a short example
# is given below. You can find a more extensive introduction to the Gherkin format at
# https://cucumber.io/docs/gherkin/reference/
Feature: Status Desktop Chat

	# TODO The complete feature / all scenarios have a chance to fail since they rely on the mailserver (at least, to verify a chat is loaded, something in the history needs to be displayed).
    As a user I want to join a room and chat and do basic interactions.

    The following scenarios cover basic chat flows.

         Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key
    	 When user signs up with username tester123 and password TesTEr16843/!@00
    	 Then the user lands on the signed in app

    Scenario: User joins a public room and chats
		 When user joins chat room test
		 Then user is able to send chat message
		 | message  			 |
		 | Hello    			 |
		 | How are you    		 |
		 | I am from status   	 |
		 | tell me how you do?   |

    Scenario: User can reply to their own message
         When user joins chat room test
         Then the user is able to send a random chat message
         Then the user can reply to the message at index 0 with "This is a reply"

    Scenario: User can edit a message
         When user joins chat room test
         Then user is able to send chat message
         | message               |
         | Edit me                 |
         When the user edits the message at index 0 and changes it to "Edited by me"
         Then the message (edited) is displayed in the last message

    @mayfail @merge
    Scenario: User can reply to another user's message
         When user joins chat room test
         Then the user can reply to the message at index 0 with "This is a reply to another user"

	@mayfail @merge
    Scenario: User joins a room and marks it as read
		 When user joins chat room test
		 Then the user can mark the channel test as read
         # TODO find a way to validate that it worked

    Scenario: User can delete their own message
         When user joins chat room automation-test
         Then the user is able to send a random chat message
         Then the user can delete the message at index 0
         Then the last message is not the random message

    Scenario: User can clear chat history
        When user joins chat room test
        Then user is able to send chat message
        | message             |
        | Hello               |
        | How are you         |
        | I am from status    |
        | tell me how you do? |
        When the user clears chat history
        Then the chat is cleared

	@mayfail @merge
    Scenario: User can send a gif
          When the user opens the chat section
          And user joins chat room automation-test
          Then The user is able to send a gif message
          When the user opens app settings screen
          And the user opens the messaging settings
          Then tenor GIFs preview is enabled

	@mayfail @merge
    Scenario Outline: User can activate image unfurling
          When the user opens the chat section
          And user joins chat room automation-test
          And the user sends the chat message <image_url>
          Then the image <image_url> is not unfurled in the chat
          When the user opens app settings screen from chat
          And the user opens the messaging settings
          And the user activates link preview
          And the user activates image unfurling
          And the user opens the chat section
          Then the image <image_url> is unfurled in the chat

               | image_url                                                                                      |
               | https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/raw/master/test/ui-test/fixtures/images/doggo.jpeg |

	@mayfail @merge
    Scenario: The user is able to use emoji suggestions
         When user joins chat room automation-test
         When the user types "hello :thumbs"
	    Then the user selects emoji in the suggestion list
         When the user pressed enter
         Then the message 👍 is displayed in the last message

    @mayfail @merge
    Scenario: User cannot delete another user's message
         When user joins chat room test
         Then the user cannot delete the last message

    @mayfail @merge
	Scenario Outline: The user can do a mention
		When user joins chat room test
		And the user inputs a mention to <displayName> with message <message>
		Then the <displayName> mention with message <message> have been sent
		| displayName | message          |
		| tester123   |  testing mention |

    @mayfail @merge
	Scenario Outline: The user can not do a mention to not existing users
		When user joins chat room test
		Then the user cannot input a mention to a not existing user <displayName>
		| displayName        |
		| notExistingAccount |
		| asdfgNoNo          |

	@mayfail  @merge
    Scenario: User can send an emoji in a message
         When user joins chat room automation-test
         When user sends the emoji heart_eyes as a message
         Then the emoji 😍 is displayed in the last message
         When user sends the emoji sunglasses with message wow I'm so cool
         Then the emoji 😎 is displayed in the last message
         And the message wow I'm so cool is displayed in the last message

    Scenario: User sees chats sorted by most recent activity
          When user joins chat room first-chat
          And user joins chat room second-chat
          And user joins chat room third-chat
          Then user chats are sorted accordingly
          | third-chat  |
          | second-chat |
          | first-chat  |
          When user switches to second-chat chat
          Then the user is able to send a random chat message
          And user chats are sorted accordingly
          | second-chat |
          | third-chat  |
          | first-chat  |

	@mayfail @merge
    Scenario: User can type message with emoji autoreplace
         When user joins chat room automation-test
         Then the user is able to send chat message "Hello :)"
         Then the message 🙂 is displayed in the last message
         And the message Hello is displayed in the last message

    Scenario: User can send a sticker after installing a free pack
         When user joins chat room automation-test
         Then the user can install the sticker pack at position 4
         Then the user can send the sticker at position 2 in the list