import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import "../../../shared" import "../../../shared/status" import "../../../imports" import "./components" import "./ChatColumn" import "./ChatColumn/ChatComponents" import "./data" StackLayout { id: chatColumnLayout property int chatGroupsListViewCount: 0 property bool isReply: false property bool isImage: false property bool isExtendedInput: isReply || isImage property bool isConnected: false property string contactToRemove: "" property var onActivated: function () { chatInput.textInput.forceActiveFocus(Qt.MouseFocusReason) } Component.onCompleted: { chatInput.textInput.forceActiveFocus(Qt.MouseFocusReason) } Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumWidth: 300 currentIndex: chatsModel.activeChannelIndex > -1 && chatGroupsListViewCount > 0 ? 0 : 1 function showReplyArea() { isReply = true; isImage = false; let replyMessageIndex = chatsModel.messageList.getMessageIndex(SelectedMessage.messageId); if (replyMessageIndex === -1) return; let userName = chatsModel.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "userName") let message = chatsModel.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "message") let identicon = chatsModel.messageList.getMessageData(replyMessageIndex, "identicon") chatInput.showReplyArea(userName, message, identicon) } function requestAddressForTransaction(address, amount, tokenAddress, tokenDecimals = 18) { amount = walletModel.eth2Wei(amount.toString(), tokenDecimals) chatsModel.requestAddressForTransaction(, address, amount, tokenAddress) chatCommandModal.close() } function requestTransaction(address, amount, tokenAddress, tokenDecimals = 18) { amount = walletModel.eth2Wei(amount.toString(), tokenDecimals) chatsModel.requestTransaction(, address, amount, tokenAddress) chatCommandModal.close() } ColumnLayout { spacing: 0 RowLayout { id: chatTopBar Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillWidth: true z: 60 spacing: 0 TopBar { id: topBar } } RowLayout { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.fillWidth: true z: 60 Rectangle { Component.onCompleted: { isConnected = chatsModel.isOnline if(!isConnected){ connectedStatusRect.visible = true } } id: connectedStatusRect Layout.fillWidth: true height: 40; color: isConnected ? : Style.current.darkGrey visible: false Text { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter color: Style.current.white id: connectedStatusLbl text: isConnected ? //% "Connected" qsTrId("connected") : //% "Disconnected" qsTrId("disconnected") } } Timer { id: timer } Connections { target: chatsModel onOnlineStatusChanged: { if (connected == isConnected) return; isConnected = connected; if(isConnected){ timer.setTimeout(function(){ connectedStatusRect.visible = false; }, 5000); } else { connectedStatusRect.visible = true; } } } } RowLayout { id: chatContainer Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop spacing: 0 ChatMessages { id: chatMessages messageList: chatsModel.messageList } } ImagePopup { id: imagePopup } EmojiReactions { id: reactionModel } MessageContextMenu { id: messageContextMenu } ListModel { id: suggestions } Connections { target: chatsModel onActiveChannelChanged: { chatInput.textInput.forceActiveFocus(Qt.MouseFocusReason) suggestions.clear() for (let i = 0; i < chatsModel.suggestionList.rowCount(); i++) { suggestions.append({ alias: chatsModel.suggestionList.rowData(i, "alias"), ensName: chatsModel.suggestionList.rowData(i, "ensName"), address: chatsModel.suggestionList.rowData(i, "address"), identicon: chatsModel.suggestionList.rowData(i, "identicon"), ensVerified: chatsModel.suggestionList.rowData(i, "ensVerified") }); } } } Rectangle { id: inputArea Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignBottom Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width height: chatInput.height Layout.preferredHeight: height color: "transparent" SuggestionBox { id: suggestionsBox model: suggestions width: chatContainer.width anchors.bottom: anchors.left: inputArea.left filter: chatInput.textInput.text cursorPosition: chatInput.textInput.cursorPosition property: "ensName, alias" onItemSelected: function (item, lastAtPosition, lastCursorPosition) { let hasEmoji = Emoji.hasEmoji(chatInput.textInput.text) let currentText = hasEmoji ? chatsModel.plainText(Emoji.deparse(chatInput.textInput.text)) : chatsModel.plainText(chatInput.textInput.text); let aliasName = item[",").map(p => p.trim()).find(p => !!item[p])] aliasName = aliasName.replace(".stateofus.eth", "") let nameLen = aliasName.length + 2 // We're doing a +2 here because of the `@` and the trailing whitespace let position = 0; let text = "" if (currentText === "@") { position = nameLen text = "@" + aliasName + " " } else { let left = currentText.substring(0, lastAtPosition) let right = currentText.substring(hasEmoji ? lastCursorPosition + 2 : lastCursorPosition) text = `${left} @${aliasName} ${right}` } chatInput.textInput.text = hasEmoji ? Emoji.parse(text, "26x26") : text chatInput.textInput.cursorPosition = lastAtPosition + aliasName.length + 2 suggestionsBox.suggestionsModel.clear() } } Loader { active: chatsModel.loadingMessages sourceComponent: loadingIndicator anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.padding } Component { id: loadingIndicator SVGImage { id: loadingImg source: "../../../app/img/loading.svg" width: 25 height: 25 fillMode: Image.Stretch RotationAnimator { target: loadingImg; from: 0; to: 360; duration: 1200 running: true loops: Animation.Infinite } } } StatusChatInput { id: chatInput anchors.bottom: parent.bottom recentStickers: chatsModel.recentStickers stickerPackList: chatsModel.stickerPacks chatType: chatsModel.activeChannel.chatType onSendTransactionCommandButtonClicked: { chatCommandModal.sendChatCommand = chatColumnLayout.requestAddressForTransaction chatCommandModal.isRequested = false //% "Send" chatCommandModal.commandTitle = qsTrId("command-button-send") chatCommandModal.title = chatCommandModal.commandTitle //% "Request Address" chatCommandModal.finalButtonLabel = qsTrId("request-address") chatCommandModal.selectedRecipient = { address: Constants.zeroAddress, // Setting as zero address since we don't have the address yet identicon: chatsModel.activeChannel.identicon, name:, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact } } onReceiveTransactionCommandButtonClicked: { chatCommandModal.sendChatCommand = root.requestTransaction chatCommandModal.isRequested = true //% "Request" chatCommandModal.commandTitle = qsTrId("wallet-request") chatCommandModal.title = chatCommandModal.commandTitle //% "Request" chatCommandModal.finalButtonLabel = qsTrId("wallet-request") chatCommandModal.selectedRecipient = { address: Constants.zeroAddress, // Setting as zero address since we don't have the address yet identicon: chatsModel.activeChannel.identicon, name:, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact } } onStickerSelected: { chatsModel.sendSticker(hashId, packId) } } } } EmptyChat {} ChatCommandModal { id: chatCommandModal } } /*##^## Designer { D{i:0;formeditorColor:"#ffffff";height:770;width:800} } ##^##*/