import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 as SQUtils import utils 1.0 Input { id: root property int maximumLength: 10 property var locale: Qt.locale() readonly property alias amount: d.amount property alias multiplierIndex: d.multiplierIndex readonly property bool valid: validationError.length === 0 property bool allowDecimals: true property bool validateMaximumAmount: false property string maximumAmount: "0" property bool allowZero: true property alias labelText: labelText.text property string maximumExceededErrorText: qsTr("Amount exceeds balance") validationErrorTopMargin: 8 fontPixelSize: 13 customHeight: 36 placeholderText: locale.zeroDigit textField.rightPadding: labelText.implicitWidth + labelText.anchors.rightMargin + textField.leftPadding function setAmount(amount, multiplierIndex = 0) { console.assert(typeof amount === "string") d.multiplierIndex = multiplierIndex const amountNumber = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.toNumber( amount, multiplierIndex) root.text = LocaleUtils.numberToLocaleString(amountNumber, -1, root.locale) } onTextChanged: d.validate() onValidateMaximumAmountChanged: d.validate() onMaximumAmountChanged: d.validate() onMultiplierIndexChanged: d.validate() QtObject { id: d property string amount: "0" property int multiplierIndex: 0 function getEffectiveDigitsCount(str) { const digits = LocaleUtils.getLocalizedDigitsCount(text, root.locale) return str.startsWith(locale.decimalPoint) ? digits + 1 : digits } function validate() { if (!root.allowDecimals) root.text = root.text.replace(root.locale.decimalPoint, "") if(root.text.length === 0) { d.amount = "0" root.validationError = "" return } if (d.getEffectiveDigitsCount(text) > root.maximumLength) { root.validationError = qsTr("The maximum number of characters is %1").arg(root.maximumLength) return } const amountNumber = LocaleUtils.numberFromLocaleString(root.text, root.locale) if (isNaN(amountNumber)) { d.amount = "0" root.validationError = qsTr("Invalid amount format") return } if (!root.allowZero && amountNumber === 0) { d.amount = "0" root.validationError = qsTr("Amount must be greater than 0") return } const amount = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromNumber( amountNumber, d.multiplierIndex) if (root.validateMaximumAmount) { const maximumAmount = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.fromString( root.maximumAmount) const maxExceeded = SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.cmp( amount, maximumAmount) === 1 if (SQUtils.AmountsArithmetic.cmp(amount, maximumAmount) === 1) { root.validationError = root.maximumExceededErrorText return } } // Fallback to handle float amounts for permissions // As a target amount should be always integer number if (!Number.isInteger(amountNumber) && d.multiplierIndex === 0) { d.amount = amount.toString() } else { d.amount = amount.toFixed(0) } root.validationError = "" } } validator: DoubleValidator { id: doubleValidator decimals: root.allowDecimals ? 100 : 0 bottom: 0 notation: DoubleValidator.StandardNotation locale:"_")[0] // For whatever reason, this doesn't work properly when being // passed "language_country". We pass only the language part. } StatusBaseText { id: labelText parent: root.textField anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 13 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter text: qsTr("Amount") color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 font.pixelSize: 13 } }