import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQml.Models 2.3 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import 1.0 import 1.0 StatusPopupMenu { id: root property var store property var reactionModel property alias emojiContainer: emojiContainer property string myPublicKey: "" property bool amIChatAdmin: false property bool pinMessageAllowedForMembers: false property int chatType: Constants.chatType.publicChat property string messageId: "" property string messageSenderId: "" property int messageContentType: Constants.messageContentType.unknownContentType property string selectedUserPublicKey: "" property string selectedUserDisplayName: "" property string selectedUserIcon: "" property string imageSource: "" property bool isProfile: false property bool isRightClickOnImage: false property bool pinnedPopup: false property bool isDebugEnabled: false property bool isEmoji: false property bool isSticker: false property bool hideEmojiPicker: true property bool pinnedMessage: false property bool canPin: false readonly property bool isMyMessage: { return root.messageSenderId !== "" && root.messageSenderId == root.myPublicKey; } readonly property bool isMe: { return root.selectedUserPublicKey ==; } readonly property bool isMyMutualContact: { return root.selectedUserPublicKey !== "" &&; } readonly property bool isBlockedContact: d.contactDetails && d.contactDetails.isBlocked readonly property bool hasPendingContactRequest: { return root.selectedUserPublicKey !== "" &&; } readonly property bool userTrustIsUnknown: d.contactDetails && d.contactDetails.trustStatus === Constants.trustStatus.unknown readonly property bool userIsUntrustworthy: d.contactDetails && d.contactDetails.trustStatus === Constants.trustStatus.untrustworthy property var setXPosition: function() {return 0} property var setYPosition: function() {return 0} property var emojiReactionsReactedByUser: [] signal openProfileClicked(string publicKey, string state) signal pinMessage(string messageId) signal unpinMessage(string messageId) signal pinnedMessagesLimitReached(string messageId) signal jumpToMessage(string messageId) signal shouldCloseParentPopup() signal createOneToOneChat(string communityId, string chatId, string ensName) signal showReplyArea() signal toggleReaction(string messageId, int emojiId) signal deleteMessage(string messageId) signal editClicked(string messageId) function show(userNameParam, fromAuthorParam, identiconParam, textParam, nicknameParam, emojiReactionsModel) { let newEmojiReactions = [] if (!!emojiReactionsModel) { emojiReactionsModel.forEach(function (emojiReaction) { newEmojiReactions[emojiReaction.emojiId] = emojiReaction.currentUserReacted }) } root.emojiReactionsReactedByUser = newEmojiReactions; /* // copy link feature not ready yet const numLinkUrls = root.linkUrls.split(" ").length copyLinkMenu.enabled = numLinkUrls > 1 copyLinkAction.enabled = !!root.linkUrls && numLinkUrls === 1 && !isEmoji && !root.isProfile */ popup() } onClosed: { // Reset selectedUserPublicKey so that associated properties get recalculated on re-open selectedUserPublicKey = "" d.contactDetails = {} } onHeightChanged: { root.y = setYPosition(); } onWidthChanged: { root.x = setXPosition(); } onOpened: { // Trigger x and y position: x = setXPosition() y = setYPosition() } width: Math.max(emojiContainer.visible ? emojiContainer.width : 0, 230) onAboutToShow: { if (root.isProfile && root.selectedUserPublicKey !== "") { d.contactDetails = Utils.getContactDetailsAsJson(root.selectedUserPublicKey) } else { d.contactDetails = {} } } QtObject { id: d property var contactDetails: ({}) } Item { id: emojiContainer width: emojiRow.width height: visible ? emojiRow.height : 0 visible: !root.hideEmojiPicker && (root.isEmoji || !root.isProfile) && !root.pinnedPopup Row { id: emojiRow spacing: Style.current.halfPadding leftPadding: Style.current.halfPadding rightPadding: Style.current.halfPadding bottomPadding: root.isEmoji ? 0 : Style.current.padding Repeater { model: root.reactionModel delegate: EmojiReaction { source: Style.svg(filename) emojiId: model.emojiId reactedByUser: !!root.emojiReactionsReactedByUser[model.emojiId] onCloseModal: { root.toggleReaction(root.messageId, emojiId) root.close() } } } } } ProfileHeader { width: parent.width visible: root.isProfile displayNameVisible: false displayNamePlusIconsVisible: true editButtonVisible: false displayName: root.selectedUserDisplayName pubkey: root.selectedUserPublicKey icon: root.selectedUserIcon trustStatus: d.contactDetails.trustStatus isContact: root.isMyMutualContact isCurrentUser: root.isMe } Item { visible: root.isProfile height: root.topPadding } Separator { anchors.bottom: visible: !root.isEmoji && !root.hideEmojiPicker && !pinnedPopup } StatusMenuItem { id: copyImageAction text: qsTr("Copy image") onTriggered: { if (root.imageSource) { } root.close() } "copy" enabled: root.isRightClickOnImage && !root.pinnedPopup } StatusMenuItem { id: downloadImageAction text: qsTr("Download image") onTriggered: { root.close() } "download" enabled: root.isRightClickOnImage && !root.pinnedPopup } ViewProfileMenuItem { id: viewProfileAction enabled: root.isProfile && !root.pinnedPopup onTriggered: { root.openProfileClicked(root.selectedUserPublicKey, "") root.close() } } SendMessageMenuItem { id: sendMessageMenuItem enabled: root.isProfile && root.isMyMutualContact && !root.isBlockedContact onTriggered: { root.createOneToOneChat("", root.selectedUserPublicKey, "") root.close() } } SendContactRequestMenuItem { enabled: root.isProfile && !root.isMe && !root.isMyMutualContact && !root.isBlockedContact && !root.hasPendingContactRequest onTriggered: { root.openProfileClicked(root.selectedUserPublicKey, "contactRequest") root.close() } } StatusMenuItem { text: qsTr("Rename") "edit_pencil" enabled: root.isProfile && !root.isMe onTriggered: { root.openProfileClicked(root.selectedUserPublicKey, "openNickname") root.close() } } StatusMenuItem { text: qsTr("Unblock User") "remove-circle" enabled: root.isProfile && !root.isMe && root.isBlockedContact onTriggered: } StatusMenuSeparator { visible: blockMenuItem.enabled || markUntrustworthyMenuItem.enabled || removeUntrustworthyMarkMenuItem.enabled } StatusMenuItem { id: markUntrustworthyMenuItem text: qsTr("Mark as Untrustworthy") "warning" type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger enabled: root.isProfile && !root.isMe && root.userTrustIsUnknown onTriggered: } StatusMenuItem { id: removeUntrustworthyMarkMenuItem text: qsTr("Remove Untrustworthy Mark") "warning" enabled: root.isProfile && !root.isMe && root.userIsUntrustworthy onTriggered: } StatusMenuItem { id: blockMenuItem text: qsTr("Block User") "cancel" type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger enabled: root.isProfile && !root.isMe && !root.isBlockedContact onTriggered: } StatusMenuItem { id: replyToMenuItem text: qsTr("Reply to") "chat" onTriggered: { root.showReplyArea() root.close() } enabled: (!root.hideEmojiPicker && !root.isEmoji && !root.isProfile && !root.pinnedPopup && !root.isRightClickOnImage) } StatusMenuItem { id: editMessageAction text: qsTr("Edit message") onTriggered: { editClicked(messageId) } "edit" enabled: root.isMyMessage && !root.hideEmojiPicker && !root.isEmoji && !root.isSticker && !root.isProfile && !root.pinnedPopup && !root.isRightClickOnImage } StatusMenuItem { id: copyMessageIdAction text: qsTr("Copy Message Id") "chat" enabled: root.isDebugEnabled && !pinnedPopup onTriggered: { close() } } StatusMenuItem { id: pinAction text: { if (root.pinnedMessage) { return qsTr("Unpin") } return qsTr("Pin") } onTriggered: { if (root.pinnedMessage) { root.unpinMessage(root.messageId) return } if (!root.canPin) { root.pinnedMessagesLimitReached(root.messageId) return } root.pinMessage(root.messageId) root.close() } "pin" enabled: { if(root.isProfile || root.isEmoji || root.isRightClickOnImage) return false switch (root.chatType) { case Constants.chatType.publicChat: return false case Constants.chatType.profile: return false case Constants.chatType.oneToOne: return true case Constants.chatType.privateGroupChat: return root.amIChatAdmin case Constants.chatType.communityChat: return root.amIChatAdmin || root.pinMessageAllowedForMembers default: return false } } } StatusMenuSeparator { visible: deleteMessageAction.enabled && (viewProfileAction.enabled || sendMessageMenuItem.enabled || replyToMenuItem.enabled || editMessageAction.enabled || pinAction.enabled) } StatusMenuItem { id: deleteMessageAction enabled: root.isMyMessage && !root.isProfile && !root.isEmoji && !root.pinnedPopup && !root.isRightClickOnImage && (root.messageContentType === Constants.messageContentType.messageType || root.messageContentType === Constants.messageContentType.stickerType || root.messageContentType === Constants.messageContentType.emojiType || root.messageContentType === Constants.messageContentType.imageType || root.messageContentType === Constants.messageContentType.audioType) text: qsTr("Delete message") onTriggered: { if (!localAccountSensitiveSettings.showDeleteMessageWarning) { deleteMessage(messageId) } else { Global.openPopup(deleteMessageConfirmationDialogComponent) } } "delete" type: StatusMenuItem.Type.Danger } StatusMenuItem { id: jumpToAction enabled: root.pinnedPopup text: qsTr("Jump to") onTriggered: { root.jumpToMessage(root.messageId) root.close() root.shouldCloseParentPopup() } "arrow-up" } FileDialog { id: fileDialog title: qsTr("Please choose a directory") selectFolder: true modality: Qt.NonModal onAccepted: { if (root.imageSource) {, fileDialog.fileUrls) } fileDialog.close() } onRejected: { fileDialog.close() } } Component { id: deleteMessageConfirmationDialogComponent ConfirmationDialog { header.title: qsTr("Confirm deleting this message") confirmationText: qsTr("Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well.") height: 260 checkbox.visible: true executeConfirm: function () { if (checkbox.checked) { localAccountSensitiveSettings.showDeleteMessageWarning = false } close() root.deleteMessage(messageId) } onClosed: { destroy() } } } }