import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 import utils 1.0 import "../stores" import shared.controls 1.0 Item { id: root property var account property var networkConnectionStore property bool assetDetailsLaunched: false signal assetClicked(var token) QtObject { id: d property int selectedAssetIndex: -1 } height: assetListView.height StatusListView { id: assetListView objectName: "assetViewStatusListView" anchors.fill: parent // To-do: will try to move the loading tokens to the nim side under this task model: RootStore.tokensLoading || networkConnectionStore.noBlockchainConnWithoutCache ? Constants.dummyModelItems : filteredModel delegate: RootStore.tokensLoading || networkConnectionStore.noBlockchainConnWithoutCache ? loadingTokenDelegate : tokenDelegate } SortFilterProxyModel { id: filteredModel sourceModel: account.assets filters: [ ExpressionFilter { expression: visibleForNetworkWithPositiveBalance } ] } Component { id: loadingTokenDelegate LoadingTokenDelegate { objectName: "AssetView_LoadingTokenDelegate_" + index width: ListView.view.width } } Component { id: tokenDelegate TokenDelegate { objectName: "AssetView_TokenListItem_" + symbol readonly property string balance: "%1".arg(enabledNetworkBalance.amount) // Needed for the tests errorTooltipText_1: networkConnectionStore.getBlockchainNetworkDownTextForToken(balances) errorTooltipText_2: networkConnectionStore.getMarketNetworkDownText() width: ListView.view.width onClicked: { RootStore.getHistoricalDataForToken(symbol, RootStore.currencyStore.currentCurrency) d.selectedAssetIndex = index assetClicked(model) } Component.onCompleted: { // on Model reset if the detail view is shown, update the data in background. if(root.assetDetailsLaunched && index === d.selectedAssetIndex) assetClicked(model) } } } }