import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import StatusQ 0.1 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import AppLayouts.Wallet.controls 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 Rectangle { id: root property string selectedAccountAddress: "" property bool connectionAttempted: false property var accountsModel property var chainsModel property alias chainSelection: networkFilter.selection property bool multipleChainSelection: true readonly property alias selectedAccount: accountsDropdown.currentAccount implicitWidth: contextLayout.implicitWidth implicitHeight: contextLayout.implicitHeight radius: 8 // TODO: the color matched the design color (grey4); It is also matching the intention or we should add some another color to the theme? (e.g. sectionBorder)? border.color: Theme.palette.baseColor2 border.width: 1 color: "transparent" ColumnLayout { id: contextLayout anchors.fill: parent RowLayout { Layout.margins: 16 StatusBaseText { text: qsTr("Connect with") Layout.fillWidth: true } AccountSelector { id: accountsDropdown Layout.preferredWidth: 204 Layout.preferredHeight: 38 control.horizontalPadding: 12 control.verticalPadding: 4 control.enabled: !root.connectionAttempted && count > 1 model: root.accountsModel indicator.visible: control.enabled selectedAddress: root.selectedAccountAddress } } Rectangle { Layout.fillWidth: true height: 1 color: root.border.color } RowLayout { Layout.margins: 15 StatusBaseText { text: qsTr("On") Layout.fillWidth: true } NetworkFilter { id: networkFilter objectName: "networkFilter" Layout.preferredWidth: accountsDropdown.Layout.preferredWidth flatNetworks: root.chainsModel showTitle: true multiSelection: root.multipleChainSelection showAllSelectedText: false selectionAllowed: false } } } }