Feature: Community -> Manage Community Background: Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key And the user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00" And the user lands on the signed in app And the user opens the community portal section And the user lands on the community portal section And the user creates a community named "Test-Community", with description "My community description", intro "Community Intro" and outro "Community Outro" And the user lands on the community named "Test-Community" Scenario: Manage community has Overview, Members, Permissions, Mint Tokens and Airdrops options When "Manage Community" is clicked in the community sidebar Then "" should be an available option in Community->Manage->left navigation | Overview | | Members | | Permissions| | Mint Tokens| | Airdrops | Scenario Outline: Manage community -> Overview: community admin edits the community name, description and color When the admin renames the community to "" and description to "" and color to "" Then the community overview name is "" And the community overview description is "" And the community overview color is "" When the admin goes back to the community Then the user lands on the community named "" Examples: | new_community_name | new_community_description | new_community_color | | myCommunityNamedChanged | Cool new description 123 | #ff0000 |