import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import utils 1.0 DropArea { id: root objectName: "manageTokensDelegate-%1".arg(index) // expected roles: symbol, name, communityId, communityName, communityImage, collectionName, imageUrl property var controller property int visualIndex: index property alias dragParent: delegate.dragParent property alias dragEnabled: delegate.dragEnabled property alias bgColor: delegate.bgColor property alias topInset: delegate.topInset property alias bottomInset: delegate.bottomInset property bool isGrouped property bool isHidden property int count property bool isCollectible readonly property alias title: delegate.title readonly property var priv: QtObject { id: priv readonly property int iconSize: root.isCollectible ? 44 : 32 readonly property int bgRadius: root.isCollectible ? Style.current.radius : iconSize/2 } ListView.onRemove: SequentialAnimation { PropertyAction { target: root; property: "ListView.delayRemove"; value: true } NumberAnimation { target: root; property: "scale"; to: 0; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } PropertyAction { target: root; property: "ListView.delayRemove"; value: false } } width: ListView.view.width height: visible ? delegate.height : 0 onEntered: function(drag) { const from = drag.source.visualIndex const to = delegate.visualIndex if (to === from) return ListView.view.model.moveItem(from, to) drag.accept() } StatusDraggableListItem { id: delegate objectName: "draggableDelegate" visualIndex: index Drag.keys: root.keys Drag.hotSpot.x: root.width/2 Drag.hotSpot.y: root.height/2 draggable: true width: root.width title: secondaryTitle: root.isCollectible ? (!!model.communityId ? qsTr("Community minted") : model.collectionName || model.symbol) : hovered || menuBtn.menuVisible ? "%1 • %2".arg(LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(model.enabledNetworkBalance)) .arg(LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(model.enabledNetworkCurrencyBalance)) : LocaleUtils.currencyAmountToLocaleString(model.enabledNetworkBalance) bgRadius: priv.bgRadius hasImage: true icon.source: root.isCollectible ? model.imageUrl : Constants.tokenIcon(model.symbol) // TODO unify via backend model for both assets and collectibles icon.width: priv.iconSize icon.height: priv.iconSize spacing: 12 assetBgColor: model.backgroundColor actions: [ ManageTokensCommunityTag { visible: !!model.communityId && !root.isGrouped text: model.communityName imageSrc: model.communityImage }, ManageTokenMenuButton { id: menuBtn objectName: "btnManageTokenMenu-%1".arg(currentIndex) currentIndex: root.visualIndex count: root.count inHidden: root.isHidden groupId: model.communityId isCommunityAsset: !!model.communityId isCollectible: root.isCollectible onMoveRequested: (from, to) => root.ListView.view.model.moveItem(from, to) onShowHideRequested: (index, flag) => isCommunityAsset ? root.controller.showHideCommunityToken(index, flag) : root.controller.showHideRegularToken(index, flag) onShowHideGroupRequested: (groupId, flag) => root.controller.showHideGroup(groupId, flag) } ] } }