import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtQml 2.15 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 import AppLayouts.Chat.layouts 1.0 import AppLayouts.Chat.views.communities 1.0 import 1.0 import utils 1.0 import SortFilterProxyModel 0.2 SettingsPageLayout { id: root // Models: property var tokensModel property string feeText property string errorText property bool isFeeLoading: true // Network related properties: property var layer1Networks property var layer2Networks property var testNetworks property var enabledNetworks property var allNetworks // Account expected roles: address, name, color, emoji property var accounts property int viewWidth: 560 // by design signal mintCollectible(url artworkSource, string name, string symbol, string description, int supply, bool infiniteSupply, bool transferable, bool selfDestruct, int chainId, string accountName, string accountAddress, var artworkCropRect) signal signMintTransactionOpened(int chainId, string accountAddress) signal remoteSelfDestructCollectibles(var selfDestructTokensList, // [key , amount] int chainId, string accountName, string accountAddress) signal signSelfDestructTransactionOpened(int chainId) signal airdropCollectible(string key) function setFeeLoading() { root.isFeeLoading = true root.feeText = "" root.errorText = "" } function navigateBack() { stackManager.pop(StackView.Immediate) } QtObject { id: d readonly property string initialViewState: "WELCOME_OR_LIST_COLLECTIBLES" readonly property string newCollectibleViewState: "NEW_COLLECTIBLE" readonly property string previewCollectibleViewState: "PREVIEW_COLLECTIBLE" readonly property string collectibleViewState: "VIEW_COLLECTIBLE" readonly property string welcomePageTitle: qsTr("Tokens") readonly property string newCollectiblePageTitle: qsTr("Mint collectible") readonly property string newTokenButtonText: qsTr("Mint token") readonly property string backButtonText: qsTr("Back") readonly property string backTokensText: qsTr("Tokens") property string accountAddress property string accountName property int chainId property string chainName property var tokenOwnersModel property var selfDestructTokensList property bool selfDestruct readonly property var initialItem: (root.tokensModel && root.tokensModel.count > 0) ? mintedTokensView : welcomeView onInitialItemChanged: updateInitialStackView() signal airdropClicked() function updateInitialStackView() { if(stackManager.stackView) { if(initialItem === welcomeView) stackManager.stackView.replace(mintedTokensView, welcomeView, StackView.Immediate) if(initialItem === mintedTokensView) stackManager.stackView.replace(welcomeView, mintedTokensView, StackView.Immediate) } } } content: StackView { anchors.fill: parent initialItem: d.initialItem Component.onCompleted: stackManager.pushInitialState(d.initialViewState) } state: stackManager.currentState states: [ State { name: d.initialViewState PropertyChanges {target: root; title: d.welcomePageTitle} PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: ""} PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: true} PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonText: d.newTokenButtonText} PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: root.viewWidth} }, State { name: d.newCollectibleViewState PropertyChanges {target: root; title: d.newCollectiblePageTitle} PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: d.backButtonText} PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: false} PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: 0} }, State { name: d.previewCollectibleViewState PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: d.backButtonText} PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: false} PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: 0} }, State { name: d.collectibleViewState PropertyChanges {target: root; previousPageName: d.backTokensText} PropertyChanges {target: root; headerButtonVisible: false} PropertyChanges {target: root; headerWidth: 0} PropertyChanges {target: root; footer: mintTokenFooter} } ] onHeaderButtonClicked: stackManager.push(d.newCollectibleViewState, newCollectiblesView, null, StackView.Immediate) StackViewStates { id: stackManager stackView: root.contentItem } // Mint tokens possible view contents: Component { id: welcomeView CommunityWelcomeSettingsView { viewWidth: root.viewWidth image: Style.png("community/mint2_1") title: qsTr("Community tokens") subtitle: qsTr("You can mint custom tokens and import tokens for your community") checkersModel: [ qsTr("Create remotely destructible soulbound tokens for admin permissions"), qsTr("Reward individual members with custom tokens for their contribution"), qsTr("Mint tokens for use with community and channel permissions") ] } } Component { id: newCollectiblesView CommunityNewCollectibleView { viewWidth: root.viewWidth layer1Networks: root.layer1Networks layer2Networks: root.layer2Networks testNetworks: root.testNetworks enabledNetworks: root.testNetworks allNetworks: root.allNetworks accounts: root.accounts onPreviewClicked: { d.accountAddress = accountAddress stackManager.push(d.previewCollectibleViewState, previewCollectibleView, { preview: true, name, artworkSource, artworkCropRect, symbol, description, supplyAmount, infiniteSupply, transferable: !notTransferable, selfDestruct, chainId, chainName, chainIcon, accountName }, StackView.Immediate) } } } Component { id: previewCollectibleView CommunityCollectibleView { id: preview function signMintTransaction() { root.setFeeLoading() root.mintCollectible(artworkSource, name, symbol, description, supplyAmount, infiniteSupply, transferable, selfDestruct, chainId, accountName, d.accountAddress, artworkCropRect) stackManager.clear(d.initialViewState, StackView.Immediate) } viewWidth: root.viewWidth onMintCollectible: Binding { target: root property: "title" value: } SignMintTokenTransactionPopup { id: popup anchors.centerIn: Overlay.overlay collectibleName: accountName: parent.accountName networkName: parent.chainName feeText: root.feeText errorText: root.errorText isFeeLoading: root.isFeeLoading onOpened: { root.setFeeLoading() root.signMintTransactionOpened(parent.chainId, d.accountAddress) } onCancelClicked: close() onSignTransactionClicked: parent.signMintTransaction() } } } Component { id: mintTokenFooter MintTokensFooterPanel { id: footerPanel function closePopups() { remoteSelfdestructPopup.close() alertPopup.close() signSelfDestructPopup.close() } airdropEnabled: true retailEnabled: false remotelySelfDestructVisible: d.selfDestruct burnEnabled: false onAirdropClicked: d.airdropClicked() onRemotelySelfDestructClicked: RemoteSelfDestructPopup { id: remoteSelfdestructPopup collectibleName: root.title model: d.tokenOwnersModel onSelfDestructClicked: { d.selfDestructTokensList = selfDestructTokensList alertPopup.tokenCount = tokenCount } } SelfDestructAlertPopup { id: alertPopup onSelfDestructClicked: } SignMintTokenTransactionPopup { id: signSelfDestructPopup function signSelfRemoteDestructTransaction() { root.isFeeLoading = true root.feeText = "" root.remoteSelfDestructCollectibles(d.selfDestructTokensList, d.chainId, d.accountName, d.accountAddress) footerPanel.closePopups() } title: qsTr("Sign transaction - Self-destruct %1 tokens").arg(root.title) collectibleName: root.title accountName: d.accountName networkName: d.chainName feeText: root.feeText isFeeLoading: root.isFeeLoading onOpened: root.signSelfDestructTransactionOpened(d.chainId) onCancelClicked: close() onSignTransactionClicked: signSelfRemoteDestructTransaction() } } } Component { id: mintedTokensView CommunityMintedTokensView { viewWidth: root.viewWidth model: root.tokensModel onItemClicked: { d.accountAddress = accountAddress d.chainId = chainId d.chainName = chainName d.accountName = accountName stackManager.push(d.collectibleViewState, collectibleView, { preview: false, index }, StackView.Immediate) } } } Component { id: collectibleView CommunityCollectibleView { id: view property int index // TODO: Update it to key when model has role key implemented viewWidth: root.viewWidth Binding { target: root property: "title" value: } Binding { target: d property: "tokenOwnersModel" value: view.tokenOwnersModel } Binding { target: d property: "selfDestruct" value: view.selfDestruct } Instantiator { id: instantiator model: SortFilterProxyModel { sourceModel: root.tokensModel filters: IndexFilter { minimumIndex: view.index maximumIndex: view.index } } delegate: QtObject { component Bind: Binding { target: view } readonly property list bindings: [ Bind { property: "deployState"; value: model.deployState }, Bind { property: "name"; value: }, Bind { property: "artworkSource"; value: model.image }, Bind { property: "symbol"; value: model.symbol }, Bind { property: "description"; value: model.description }, Bind { property: "supplyAmount"; value: }, Bind { property: "infiniteSupply"; value: model.infiniteSupply }, Bind { property: "selfDestruct"; value: model.remoteSelfDestruct }, Bind { property: "chainId"; value: model.chainId }, Bind { property: "chainName"; value: model.chainName }, Bind { property: "chainIcon"; value: model.chainIcon }, Bind { property: "accountName"; value: model.accountName }, Bind { property: "tokenOwnersModel"; value: model.tokenOwnersModel } ] } } Connections { target: d function onAirdropClicked() { root.airdropCollectible(view.symbol) // TODO: Backend. It should just be the key (hash(chainId + contractAddress) } } } } }