about-app 關於 about-key-storage-content Status永遠不會詢問您的私鑰。確保備份您的種子詞組。如果丟失手機,這是取回金鑰的唯一方法。 about-key-storage-title 關於金鑰保存 about-names-content 沒有人可以冒充您!在預設值中,您是匿名的,永遠不必透露您的真實姓名。您只需支付一些費用即可註冊自定義名稱。 about-names-title 名稱無法更改 access-key 使用金鑰 access-existing-keys 使用既有金鑰 accept-and-share-address 接受並分享地址 account-added 帳戶已新增 account-color 帳戶顏色 anyone 任何人 messages-from-contacts-only-subtitle 只有您加入好友名單的成員,才能與您開啟新聊天,或邀請您加入群組 accept-new-chats-from 接受來自的新聊天 account-name 帳號名稱 account-settings 帳號設定 accounts 帳號 active-online 線上 active-unknown 未知 add 新增 add-a-watch-account 新增監看地址 add-account 新增收款地址 add-account-description 您可以導入任何類型的乙太坊賬戶以將其新增到您的狀態錢包中 add-account-incorrect-password 密碼似乎不正確。請輸入密碼來解鎖應用程式。 add-an-account 新增帳號 add-bootnode 新增引導節點 add-contact 新增好友 add-custom-token 新增自訂代幣 add-mailserver 新增Status節點 add-members 新增成員 add-network 新增網路 add-node 新增節點 add-to-contacts 新增到好友名單 add-to-contacts-text 通過將用戶新增到您的好友名單,您的錢包位址將顯示給對方 address 地址 address-received 接收位址 address-requested 地址請求 address-request-accepted 地址請求已接受 advanced 進階 advanced-settings 進階設定 agree-by-continuing 繼續,表示您同意我們 all 所有 allow 允許 allowing-authorizes-this-dapp 允許授權此DApp檢索您的錢包地址並啟用Web3 already-have-asset 您已經擁有此資產 amount 數目 are-you-sure-description 您將無法再看到完整的種子詞組 are-you-sure? 您確定嗎? ask-in-status 提出問題或報告錯誤 at authorize 授權 available 可使用 available-participants 您還可以選擇 {{count}} 位參與者 back 返回 back-up-seed-phrase 備份種子詞組 back-up-your-seed-phrase 備份您的種子詞組 backup-recovery-phrase 備份種子詞組 balance 帳戶餘額 begin-set-up 開始設定 biometric-auth-android-sensor-desc 觸摸感應器 biometric-auth-android-sensor-error-desc 失敗 biometric-auth-android-title 需要驗證 biometric-auth-confirm-logout 重新登入 biometric-auth-confirm-message 需要進行生物識別身份驗證才能繼續,如果無法使用,請使用密碼來解鎖您的金鑰 biometric-auth-confirm-title 您必須驗證! biometric-auth-confirm-try-again 再試一次 biometric-auth-error 無法執行生物特徵認證( {{code}} ) biometric-auth-login-error-title 生物特徵辨識錯誤 biometric-auth-login-ios-fallback-label 輸入密碼 biometric-auth-reason-login 登入Status biometric-auth-reason-verify 需要驗證 biometric-secure-with 使用{{bio-type-label}} biometric-enable-keycard 如果您不想每次都使用金鑰卡來啟動應用程式,請啟用{{bio-type-label}}登錄 biometric-enable 如果您不想每次都輸入密碼來啟動應用程式,請啟用{{bio-type-label}}登錄 biometric-disable-bioauth 禁用{{bio-type-label}} biometric-disable-password-title 禁用密碼儲存 biometric-disable-password-description 如果禁用此功能,您還將 biometric-enable-button 啟用{{bio-type-label}} biometric-fingerprint 指紋 biometric-faceid Face ID biometric-touchid Touch ID blank-keycard-text 生成金鑰和名稱後,即可繼續使用金鑰卡 blank-keycard-title 您似乎使用 空白的金鑰卡 block 區塊 unblock 解除封鎖 block-contact 封鎖此用戶 block-contact-details 封鎖將刪除該用戶以前的訊息,並阻擋傳送新訊息給您 blocked-users 已封鎖的黑名單 bootnode-address 引導節點地址 bootnode-details 引導節點詳細資訊 bootnode-format enode://{enode-id}@{ip-address}:{port} bootnodes 引導節點 bootnodes-enabled 引導節點已啟用 bootnodes-settings 引導節點設定 browsed-websites 瀏覽器歷史記錄將顯示在此處 browser 瀏覽器 browser-not-secure 連線不安全!不要在此網站上簽署交易或發送個人數據。 browser-secure 連線是安全的。在簽署交易或輸入個人資訊之前,請確保您確實信任此網站。 browsers 瀏覽器 browsing-cancel 取消 browsing-open-in-android-web-browser 在Android中開啟 browsing-open-in-ios-web-browser 在iOS中開啟 browsing-open-in-status 在Status中開啟 browsing-site-blocked-description1 我們從該地址偵測到潛在的惡意活動。為了保護您和您的錢包,我們已阻止進一步的瀏覽動作。 如果您認為這是一個錯誤,請回報至 browsing-site-blocked-description2 開放的聊天 browsing-site-blocked-go-back 返回 browsing-site-blocked-title 該網站已被封鎖 browsing-title 瀏覽 bug-report 報告錯誤 bug-report-description * 描述 bug-report-description-placeholder 必填,不能為空 bug-report-steps 故障重現步驟 bug-report-steps-placeholder - 打開應用程序 - 做了什麼點選 - 然後是其他的... bug-report-submit-email 透過電子郵件傳送日誌存檔 bug-report-submit-gh-issue 提送一個沒有日誌紀錄的 GitHub漏洞 bug-report-too-short-description 描述太短 camera-access-error 要開放所需的相機權限,請進入系統設定,並在應用程式Status>相機中進行變更。 can-not-add-yourself 這是您,要開始聊天,請選擇其他人 cancel 取消 cancel-keycard-setup 取消金鑰卡設定 cannot-read-card 無法讀取卡片。 請把它放在手機感應處 cannot-use-default-pin 不允許輸入密碼000000 請使用其他號碼 card-is-blank 空白卡片 card-reseted 卡片已重設 card-unpaired 卡片已與當前設備取消配對 change-fleet 將其更改為{{fleet}} change-log-level 確認並重新啟動應用,以將日誌級別更改為{{log-level}} change-logging-enabled 您確定要{{enable}}登入嗎? change-passcode 更改啟動密碼 change-password 更改密碼 change-pin 更改六位數密碼 change-puk 更改12位數PUK change-pairing 更改配對碼 change-pairing-title 建立一個新的配對代碼 change-pairing-description 更改配對代碼不會影響當前的配對。但是,往後任何新增配對都將需要新的代碼。 changed-amount-warning 金額從{{old}}更改為{{new}} changed-asset-warning 資產已從{{old}}更改為{{new}} chaos-mode 混沌模式 chaos-unicorn-day Chaos Unicorn Day chaos-unicorn-day-details 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🚀! chat 聊天室 chat-and-transact 與朋友私下聊天和交易 chat-key 聊天金鑰 chat-name 聊天名称 chat-settings 聊天設定 chats 聊天室 check-your-recovery-phrase 檢查您的種子詞組 choose-authentication-method 選擇一種身份驗證方法 clear 清除 clear-all 全部清除 clear-history 清除歷史記錄 clear-history-action 清除 clear-history-confirmation 清除歷史記錄? clear-history-confirmation-content 您確定要清除此聊天記錄嗎? clear-history-title 清除歷史記錄? close 關閉 close-app-button 確認 close-app-content 應用程式即將中止並關閉。重新啟動時,將使用所選定的網路 close-app-title 警告! command-button-send 發送 communities 社群 community-members {{count}}位成員 members-label 成員 open-membership 開放會員 member-kick 強制退出成員 member-ban 封鎖成員 membership-requests 會員申請 community-members-title 成員 community-requests-to-join-title 會員申請 name-your-channel 請為您的頻道命名 name-your-channel-placeholder 頻道名稱 give-a-short-description 簡短說明 describe-channel 頻道簡介 communities-alpha 社群(alpha) communities-verified ✓已驗證的Status社群 communities-enabled 啟用社群 request-access 申請加入 membership-request-pending 會員申請處理中 create-community 建立社群 create-category 建立分類 rearrange-categories 重新排序類別 edited 已編輯 edit-community 編輯社群 editing-message 編輯訊息 community-edit-title 編輯社群 community-invite-title 邀請 community-share-title 分享 invite 邀请 create-channel 建立頻道 import-community 匯入社群 import-community-title 匯入社群 name-your-community 請為您的社群命名 name-your-community-placeholder 容易記憶的名稱 give-a-short-description-community 請簡短描述 new-community-title 新社群 new-category 新類別 category-title 類別標題 membership-title 入會要求 create-channel-title 新頻道 edit-channel-title 編輯頻道 community-thumbnail-image 相片縮圖 community-emoji-thumbnail-title 圖片縮圖 community-thumbnail-upload 上傳 community-image-take 拍攝照片 community-image-pick 選擇一張圖片 community-image-remove 移除 community-color 社群顏色 community-link 社群連接 community-color-placeholder 選擇一種顏色 membership-button 入會要求 membership-none 沒有 membership-none-placeholder 您可以要求新成員滿足某些條件才能加入。可以隨時更改 membership-approval 需要取得同意 membership-approval-description 您的社群可以自由加入,但是新成員必須先取得社群創建者的同意 membership-invite 需要其他成員的邀請 membership-invite-description 您的社群只能透過現有社群成員邀請才能加入 membership-ens 需要具備ENS用戶名 membership-ens-description 您的社群需要擁有ENS用戶名才能加入 membership-free 沒有要求 membership-free-description 您的社群是任何人都能自由加入 community-roles 角色 community-key 社群管理私鑰 community-key-placeholder 輸入您的社群管理私鑰 leave-community 退出社群 enter-user-pk 輸入用戶公鑰 import 匯入 complete-hardwallet-setup 這張卡片已連結。您將需要它來簽署交易與解鎖金鑰。 chat-notification-preferences 通知设置 completed 完成 confirm 確認 confirmation-request 要求確認 confirmations 確認 confirmations-helper-text 當交易經過12次確認後,您可以視為已結算完成。 connect 連結 connect-mailserver-content 連結到{{name}}嗎? connected 已連結 connected-to 連結到 connecting 正在連線... connecting-requires-login 需要登入以連結到另一個網路 connection-with-the-card-lost 無法與卡片取得連結 connection-with-the-card-lost-setup-text 要恢復設定, 請將卡置於手機感應處 並維持不動 connection-with-the-card-lost-text 要繼續操作,請將卡保持在手機感應處 contact-code 聊天金鑰 contact-s 好友名單 contacts 好友名單 continue 繼續 contract-address 合約地址 contract-interaction 合約交互 copy-info 複製訊息 copy-qr 複製 copy-to-clipboard 複製 copy-transaction-hash 複製交易編號 cost-fee 支出/交易費用 counter-9-plus 9+ counter-99-plus 99+ create 建立 create-a-pin 創建一個六位數密碼 create-a-puk 建立一個12位數的PUK create-group-chat 建立聊天室 create-multiaccount 產生金鑰 create-new-key 獲取新金鑰 create-pin 建立六位數的密碼 create-pin-description 將需要您的卡片和此六位元數密碼來解鎖Status以及確認交易 created-group-chat-description 您新建了群組{{group-name}} members-count {{count}}名成員 cryptokitty-name 謎戀貓 #{{id}} currency 貨幣 currency-display-name-aed 阿聯迪拉姆 currency-display-name-afn 阿富汗幣 currency-display-name-ars 阿根廷披索 currency-display-name-aud 澳元 currency-display-name-bbd 巴貝多元 currency-display-name-bdt 孟加拉塔卡 currency-display-name-bgn 保加利亞幣 currency-display-name-bhd 巴林第納爾 currency-display-name-bnd 汶萊元 currency-display-name-bob 玻利維亞幣 currency-display-name-brl 巴西幣 currency-display-name-btn 不丹幣 currency-display-name-cad 加拿大元 currency-display-name-chf 瑞士法郎 currency-display-name-clp 智利披索 currency-display-name-cny 人民幣 currency-display-name-cop 哥倫比亞披索 currency-display-name-crc 哥斯大黎加科朗 currency-display-name-czk 捷克克朗 currency-display-name-dkk 丹麥克朗 currency-display-name-dop 多明尼加共和國披索 currency-display-name-egp 埃及鎊 currency-display-name-etb 衣索比亞比爾 currency-display-name-eur 歐元 currency-display-name-gbp 英鎊 currency-display-name-gel 喬治亞拉里 currency-display-name-ghs 迦納幣 currency-display-name-hkd 港元 currency-display-name-hrk 克羅埃西亞庫納 currency-display-name-huf 匈牙利福林 currency-display-name-idr 印尼盾 currency-display-name-ils 以色列謝克爾 currency-display-name-inr 印度盧比 currency-display-name-isk 冰島克朗 currency-display-name-jmd 牙買加元 currency-display-name-jpy 日圓 currency-display-name-kes 肯亞先令 currency-display-name-krw 韓元 currency-display-name-kwd 科威特第納爾 currency-display-name-kzt 哈薩克堅戈 currency-display-name-lkr 斯里蘭卡盧比 currency-display-name-mad 摩洛哥迪拉姆 currency-display-name-mdl 摩爾多瓦列伊 currency-display-name-mur 模里西斯盧比 currency-display-name-mwk 馬拉威克瓦查 currency-display-name-mxn 墨西哥披索 currency-display-name-myr 馬來西亞令吉 currency-display-name-mzn 莫三比克梅蒂卡爾 currency-display-name-nad 納米比亞元 currency-display-name-ngn 奈及利亞奈拉 currency-display-name-nok 挪威克朗 currency-display-name-npr 尼泊爾盧比 currency-display-name-nzd 紐西蘭元 currency-display-name-omr 阿曼里亞爾 currency-display-name-pen 秘魯幣 currency-display-name-pgk 巴布亞新幾內亞幣 currency-display-name-php 菲律賓披索 currency-display-name-pkr 巴基斯坦盧比 currency-display-name-pln 波蘭幣 currency-display-name-pyg 巴拉圭幣 currency-display-name-qar 卡達里亞爾 currency-display-name-ron 羅馬尼亞列伊 currency-display-name-rsd 塞爾維亞第納爾 currency-display-name-rub 俄羅斯盧布 currency-display-name-sar 沙烏地阿拉伯里亞爾 currency-display-name-sek 瑞典克朗 currency-display-name-sgd 新加坡元 currency-display-name-thb 泰銖 currency-display-name-try 土耳其里拉 currency-display-name-ttd 千里達及托巴哥元 currency-display-name-twd 新台幣 currency-display-name-tzs 坦尚尼亞先令 currency-display-name-uah 烏克蘭格里夫納 currency-display-name-ugx 烏干達先令 currency-display-name-usd 美金 currency-display-name-uyu 烏拉圭披索 currency-display-name-vef 委內瑞拉幣 currency-display-name-vnd 越南盾 currency-display-name-zar 南非幣 current-network 目前網路 current-pin 輸入六位數密碼 current-pin-description 輸入您的六位數密碼以繼續 custom 自訂 custom-networks 自訂網路 dapp ÐApp dapp-would-like-to-connect-wallet 請求連結到 dapps ÐApps dapps-permissions ÐApp權限 data 數據 datetime-ago datetime-ago-format {{number}}{{time-intervals}}{{ago}} datetime-ago-format-short {{number}}{{time-intervals}} datetime-day datetime-hour 小時 datetime-minute datetime-second datetime-day-short datetime-hour-short 小時 datetime-minute-short datetime-second-short datetime-today 今天 datetime-yesterday 昨天 decimals 小數點 decline 拒絕 decryption-failed-content 解密數據時出現錯誤,您可能需要清除舊資料,並建立新的帳戶,請點選“同意”來清除舊資料,或點選“取消”以重試。 default 預設 delete 刪除 delete-and-leave-group 刪除並離開群組 delete-bootnode 刪除引導節點 delete-bootnode-are-you-sure 您確定要刪除該引導節點嗎? delete-bootnode-title 刪除引導節點 delete-chat 刪除聊天 delete-chat-confirmation 您確定要刪除此對話嗎? delete-category-confirmation 您確定要刪除此類別嗎? delete-confirmation 刪除? delete-mailserver 刪除Status節點 delete-mailserver-are-you-sure 您確定要刪除此Status節點嗎? delete-mailserver-title 刪除Status節點 delete-message 刪除留言 delete-my-account 刪除我的賬號 delete-network-confirmation 您確定要刪除此網路嗎? delete-network-error 請先連結到其他網路,然後再刪除這個網路 delete-network-title 刪除網路? delete-node 刪除節點 delete-node-are-you-sure 您確定要刪除此節點嗎? delete-node-title 刪除節點 delete-profile 刪除個人資料 delete-my-profile 刪除我的個人資料 delete-profile-warning 警告:如果您沒有記下種子詞組,在刪除個人資料後,您將失去對資金的訪問權限 profile-deleted-title 個人資料已刪除 profile-deleted-content 您的個人資料已成功刪除 profile-deleted-keycard 現在您可以在金鑰卡上還原另一個密鑰對 deny 拒絕 description 描述 dev-mode 開發人員模式 dev-mode-settings 開發模式設定 device-syncing 設備同步 devices 裝置 disable 禁用 disabled 禁用 disconnected 離線聊天 discover 發現 dismiss 返回 done 完成 edit 編輯 edit-group 編輯群組 edit-profile 編輯個人資料 empty-chat-description 聊天室中沒有任何訊息 empty-chat-description-one-to-one 您在此發送的所有訊息都是經過加密的,只有您和 empty-chat-description-public 過去{{quiet-hours}}中,這裡沒有新留言。開始對話或 cleared-chat-description-public 太安静了,开始交谈或者. empty-chat-description-community 在過去{{quiet-hours}}中沒有新的留言。 empty-chat-description-public-share-this 分享此對話。 enable 啟用 encrypt-with-password 用密碼加密 ens-10-SNT 10 SNT ens-add-username 新增用戶名稱 ens-agree-to 同意 ens-chat-settings 聊天設定 ens-custom-domain 自訂網域 ens-custom-username-hints 輸入整個用戶名,包括自訂網域,如username.domain.eth ens-custom-username-taken 用戶名稱不屬於您:( ens-deposit 存款 ens-displayed-with 您的訊息透過 ens-get-name 獲取專屬用戶名稱 ens-got-it 好的,我知道了 ens-locked 用戶名已鎖定。您必須等到{{date}}才能將其釋放 ens-network-restriction 僅在主網上可用 ens-no-usernames 您沒有任何用戶名 ens-powered-by 由Ethereum Name Services提供 ens-primary-username 主要使用者名稱 ens-register 註冊 ens-registration-in-progress 正在註冊... ens-registration-failure 註冊失敗 ens-dismiss-message 點選此處關閉 ens-registration-failed 要註冊用戶名稱,請重試。 ens-registration-failed-title 交易失敗 ens-release-username 釋出用戶名稱 ens-remove-hints 刪除會將用戶名稱從您的金鑰中分離。 ens-remove-username 刪除用戶名稱 ens-saved 現在已與您的聊天金鑰連結,可以在"Status"中使用。 ens-saved-title 用戶名已新增 ens-show-username 在聊天中顯示我的ENS用戶名 ens-terms-header 名稱註冊條款 ens-terms-point-1 資金存入後,您該筆SNT將被鎖定一整年,無法被花費。 ens-terms-point-10 0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e(ENS註冊表) ens-terms-point-2 一年後,您可以釋放名稱並取回押金,或者不採取任何措施來保留名稱。 ens-terms-point-3 如果合約條款發生更改(例如"Status"變更了合約),則用戶有權釋放用戶名,而不管其持有時間為何。 ens-terms-point-4 合約控制者無法取用您的存款。他們只能將存款返回發送位址。 ens-terms-point-5 您的地址將與您的ENS名稱產生公開連結。 ens-terms-point-6 用戶名稱將成為stateofus.eth的子網域節點,並接受ENS智慧合約條款的約束。 ens-terms-point-7 您授權合約代表您同意轉讓SNT。僅當您核准交易以授權轉移時,才會出現此提示。 ens-terms-point-8 這些條款由以下地址的智慧合約邏輯保證: ens-terms-point-9 {{address}} (Status UsernameRegistrar) ens-terms-registration 名稱註冊條款。 ens-test-message ens-transaction-pending 交易待處理... ens-understand 我瞭解我的錢包地址將公開連結到我的用戶名。 ens-username ENS用戶名稱 ens-username-available ✓用戶名稱可以使用! ens-username-connected 該用戶名由您擁有,並與您的聊天金鑰連結。 ens-username-connection-confirmation 交易完成後, {{username}}將被連結。 ens-username-hints 至少4個字元。僅拉丁字母,數字和小寫字母。 ens-username-invalid 只能使用字母和數字。 ens-username-owned ✓用戶名歸您所有。 ens-username-registration-confirmation 太好了!交易完成後,您將擁有{{username}} 。 ens-username-you-can-follow-progress 您可以在錢包的“交易歷史記錄”部分中追蹤進度。 ens-usernames ENS用戶名稱 ens-usernames-details 註冊專屬用戶名,以便其他用戶輕鬆辨認 wallet-address 錢包地址 ens-want-custom-domain 我在另一個網域上擁有註冊名稱 ens-want-domain 我想要一個stateofus.eth網域 ens-welcome-hints ENS名稱將那些瘋狂的長串地址轉換為唯一的用戶名。 ens-welcome-point-customize ENS名稱可以替換聊天中的隨機3字名稱,改為 @yourname 而不是{{name}} 。 ens-welcome-point-customize-title 自定義您的聊天名稱 ens-welcome-point-simplify 您可以使用易於共用的ENS名稱而不是十六進制雜湊(0x ...)來接收資金。… ens-welcome-point-simplify-title 簡化您的ETH地址 ens-welcome-point-receive 其他人可以在聊天中透過一個簡單的操作匯款給您。 ens-welcome-point-receive-title 在聊天中接收交易 ens-welcome-point-register 註冊一次就可以永久保留該用戶名。1年後,您可以解綁用戶名,並贖回您的SNT。 ens-welcome-point-register-title 用10 SNT進行註冊 ens-welcome-point-verify 您可以在接下來的步驟中驗證並新增您擁有的任何用戶名。 ens-welcome-point-verify-title 已擁有用戶名? ens-your-username 您的用戶名稱 ens-your-usernames 您的用戶名稱 ens-your-your-name 您的ENS名稱 ens-username-already-added 用戶名稱已經與您的聊天密鑰連結,可以在"Status"中使用。 ens-username-connected-continue 繼續以設定“在聊天中顯示我的ENS用戶名”。 ens-username-connected-with-different-key 繼續進行將產生一筆交易來將用戶名稱與您當前的聊天金鑰連結。 ens-username-owned-continue 繼續以將此用戶名稱與您的聊天金鑰連結。 ens-username-taken 用戶名稱已被使用:( ens-name-not-found 無法解析ENS名稱 ens-username-registration-invalid 警告! 該域名在註冊過程中被視為無效。請勿使用該名稱進行錢包交易,並通過 support@status.im 聯繫我們以取得協助 ens-username-invalid-name-warning 您的一個 ens 域名在註冊過程中被視為無效狀態。請勿使用該名稱進行錢包交易,並通過 support@status.im 聯繫我們以取得協助 enter-12-words 請輸入您種子詞組的12個單詞,並以單空格分開 enter-a-private-key 輸入私鑰 enter-a-seed-phrase 輸入種子詞組 enter-address 輸入地址 enter-contact-code 輸入ENS用戶名或聊天密鑰 enter-pair-code 輸入您的配對碼 pair-code-placeholder 配對碼 enter-pair-code-description 配對碼可從已完成配對的Status用戶端設定 enter-password 輸入密碼 enter-password-migration-prompt 輸入您的密碼以移動好友名單、聊天和您的密鑰設定 migration-successful 遷移成功 migration-successful-text 帳號已成功遷移到金鑰卡 skip 略過 password-placeholder 密碼... confirm-password-placeholder 確認密碼... enter-pin 輸入六位數密碼 enter-puk-code 輸入PUK碼 enter-puk-code-description 六位數密碼已被鎖定, 請輸入PUK碼以解鎖。 enter-recipient-address-or-username 輸入收件人的地址或用戶名 enter-seed-phrase 輸入種子詞組 enter-url 輸入網址 enter-watch-account-address 掃描QR碼或輸入要監控的地址 enter-word 輸入密碼 enter-your-code 輸入您的6位數密碼 enter-your-password 輸入密碼 error 錯誤 error-unable-to-get-balance 無法取得帳戶餘額 error-unable-to-get-prices 貨幣換算錯誤。請刷新頁面後重試。 error-unable-to-get-token-balance 無法獲得代幣餘額 errors 錯誤 eth ETH ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-description 乙太坊節點以錯誤的配置啟動,應用程式即將停止。 已配置的網路ID = {{network-id}} ,實際= {{fetched-network-id}} ethereum-node-started-incorrectly-title 乙太坊節點啟動錯誤 etherscan-lookup 至Etherscan上查詢 export-account 匯出帳號 export-key 匯出私鑰 community-private-key 社群管理私鑰 failed 失敗 faq 常見問題 fetch-messages ↓取得訊息 fetch-timeline ↓獲取 find 搜尋 finish 完成 finishing-card-setup 設定即將完成 fleet 機群(Fleet) fleet-settings 機群設定 follow-your-interests 進入公共聊天並結識新朋友 follow 追蹤 free ↓免費 from gas-limit Gas上限 gas-price Gas價格 gas-used Gas用量 generate-a-key 產生金鑰 generate-a-new-account 新增帳號 generate-a-new-key 產生新的金鑰 generate-account 產生金鑰 generate-new-key 產生金鑰 your-keys 您的金鑰 generating-codes-for-pairing >將軟體程式下載到卡片上 >產生解鎖碼和配對碼 generating-keys 產生金鑰中... you-will-need-this-code 您需要此代碼才能打開狀態並簽署交易 generating-mnemonic 產生種子詞組 get-started 開始吧 get-status-at 前往https://status.im取得Status get-stickers 取得貼圖 go-to-settings 前往設定... got-it 知道了 group-chat 群組聊天 group-chat-admin 管理員 group-chat-admin-added ** {{member}} **已成為管理員 group-chat-created ** {{member}} **新建了群組** {{name}} ** group-chat-decline-invitation 拒絕邀請 group-chat-member-added ** {{member}} **已受邀 group-chat-member-joined ** {{member}} **已加入該群組 group-chat-member-removed ** {{member}} **離開群組 group-chat-members-count {{selected}} / {{max}}位成員 group-chat-name-changed ** {{member}} **將群組名稱更改為** {{name}} ** group-chat-no-contacts 您還沒有任何好友。 邀請您的朋友開始聊天 leave-chat 退出聊天 leave-confirmation 退出{{chat-name}} leave-chat-confirmation 聊天記錄將從您的設備中刪除。重新加入後,您將無法取回先前的歷史記錄。 group-chat-all-contacts-invited 所有好友都已經在群組中 group-info 群組資訊 gwei Gwei hash 雜湊 help 幫助 help-capitalized 幫助 help-center 幫助中心 hide-content-when-switching-apps 禁止螢幕截圖 hide-content-when-switching-apps-ios 隱藏預覽 history 歷史紀錄 history-nodes Status節點 hold-card 請將卡片保持在手機感應處 home 首頁 hooks Hooks identifier 識別碼 image-remove-current 刪除當前照片 image-source-gallery 從圖庫中選擇 image-source-make-photo 拍攝 image-source-title 編輯圖片 profile-pic-take 拍攝照片 profile-pic-pick 從圖庫中選擇 profile-pic-remove 移除照片 in-contacts 好友名單 incoming 等待中 incoming-transaction 等待中交易 incorrect-code::0 str incorrect-code::1 抱歉,密碼不正確,請重新輸入 initialization 初始化 install ↓安裝 intro-message1 歡迎來到Status! 點選此訊息以設定密碼並開始使用。 intro-privacy-policy-note1 "Status"不會收集您的個人數據或從中獲利。按下繼續,即表示您同意 intro-privacy-policy-note2 隱私權政策 intro-text Status是您前進分散式網路的入口 intro-text1 透過點對點加密網路進行聊天,在該網路中,郵件不會受到審查或駭客入侵 intro-text2 在世界任何地方發送和接收數字資產-無需銀行帳戶 intro-text3 探索遊戲,交易所和社群網路,只有您掌握自己的數據 intro-title1 真正的隱密交流 intro-title2 安全的加密錢包 intro-title3 去中心化應用 intro-wizard-text1 此組金鑰能控制您的帳戶。您的金鑰只存放在手機中,因此只有您可以使用它們 intro-wizard-text2 此金鑰是聊天使用。它帶有一個無法更改的名稱。 intro-wizard-text3 如果您擁有金鑰卡,請將金鑰儲存在此處以增強安全性。 intro-wizard-text4 保護並加密您的金鑰 intro-wizard-text6 "Status"將通知您更新訊息。您稍後可以在設定中的通知選項進行變更 intro-wizard-title-alt4 建立密碼 intro-wizard-title-alt5 確認您的密碼 intro-wizard-title1 獲取您的金鑰 intro-wizard-title2 選擇一個聊天名稱 intro-wizard-title3 選擇金鑰保存 intro-wizard-title4 創建一個六位數的密碼 intro-wizard-title5 確認密碼 intro-wizard-title6 啟用通知 are-you-sure-to-cancel 您確定要取消? you-will-start-from-scratch 您將從頭開始,使用一組新的金鑰 invalid-address-qr-code 掃描的QR碼不包含有效位址 invalid-format 格式錯誤 必須為{{format}} invalid-key-confirm 執行 invalid-key-content 帳戶資料庫無法加密,因為檔案已損壞。您的資產與聊天金鑰仍然安全。其他資料。像是對話紀錄與好友名單,將無法復原。使用“ {{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}} ”按鈕,將會刪除這些其他資料,並讓您重新存取資產與傳送訊息。 invalid-number 無效號碼 invalid-pairing-password 配對密碼無效 invalid-range 格式無效,必須介於{{min}}和{{max}} invalid-username-or-key 無效的用戶名或聊天密鑰 join-me 嗨,快來加我為Status好友:{{url}} join-a-community 或加入社群 http-gateway-error 糟糕,請求失敗! sign-request-failed 無法簽署訊息 invite-friends 邀請朋友 invite-people 邀請其他人 invite-reward 為您邀請的每個朋友取得加密貨幣! invite-select-account 選擇一個帳戶以獲得推薦獎勵 invited 邀請 invite-button 邀請 invite-receive-account 獲得推薦獎勵的賬戶 how-it-works 如何運作 invite-warning 此推廣活動僅適用於非美國居民的Android設備用戶。好友需要在7天內確認推薦。 invite-instruction-first 向您的朋友發送一個專屬的邀請,用來下載並加入Status invite-instruction-second 您的朋友下載了Status並建立帳戶(在Android上) invite-instruction-third 開始與您的朋友聊天,讓他們可以確認您的推薦 invite-instruction-fourth 您的朋友取得入門包時,您可以獲得推薦獎勵 invite-instruction-fifth 您隨時都可以來兌換推薦獎勵。 invite-reward-you 您: invite-reward-you-name 推薦獎勵 invite-reward-you-description 邀請朋友並獲得{{reward}}推薦獎勵。可用它來取得貼圖、ENS名稱並嘗試dapps invite-reward-friend 朋友: invite-reward-friend-name 入門包 invite-reward-friend-description 您的朋友將收到包含一些{{reward}}的入門包,以開始使用 invite-privacy-policy1 繼續,表示您同意參加推薦獎勵 invite-privacy-policy2 條款及細則 invite-privacy-policy-public 您已透過推薦連結安裝Status。現在加入此聊天頻道,您可以取得自己的推薦碼並同意 invite-chat-name 朋友推薦 invite-chat-starter-pack 入門包 invite-chat-intro 您推薦的一位朋友加入了Status。這裡是一些加密貨幣,可以幫助您入門!用它來註冊一個ENS名稱或購買貼紙包 invite-public-chat-home 推薦邀請 invite-public-chat-intro 這裡有一些可用的加密貨幣能幫助您更快上手!用它註冊一個ENS名稱或購買貼圖組合 invite-chat-accept 接受 invite-chat-pending 等待中 invite-chat-accept-join 接受並加入 invite-chat-rule 接受將讓您的朋友也獲得推薦獎勵 redeem-now 立即領取 redeem-amount {{quantity}}待領取的獎勵 redeem-success 領取獎勵完成! attribution-received 收到{{attrib}}獎勵,上限為{{max}} advertiser-starter-pack-title 入門包 advertiser-starter-pack-description 這是一些加密貨幣,可以幫助您入門!用它來獲得貼紙,ENS名稱並嘗試dapps advertiser-title 預設為隱密 advertiser-description 感謝您的好友將Status推薦給您。您是否介意Status檢查您目前的IP地址,以便獲得獎勵?該資訊將不會用於其他任何用途,並會在7天後將其完全刪除。 advertiser-starter-pack-accept 接受 advertiser-starter-pack-decline 拒絕 dapp-starter-pack-title 入門包 dapp-starter-pack-description 這是一些加密貨幣,可以幫助您入門!用它來獲得貼紙,ENS名稱並嘗試Ðapps dapp-starter-pack-accept 接受並開啟 starter-pack-coming 新手組合禮包在此 starter-pack-coming-description 可能需要幾分鐘到幾個小時 starter-pack-received 入門包已收到 starter-pack-received-description 這是一些加密貨幣,可以幫助您入門!用它來獲得貼紙,ENS名稱並嘗試dapps join-group-chat 加入群組 join-group-chat-description {{username}}邀請您加入群組{{group-name}} joined-group-chat-description 您已透過{{username}}邀請加入{{group-name}} key 金鑰 keycard 金鑰卡 keycard-access-reset 金鑰卡的訪問權限被重置 keycard-can-use-with-new-passcode 您可以將此卡與新密碼一起使用 keycard-applet-install-instructions 要安裝小工具,請按照https://github.com/status-im/keycard-cli#keycard-applet-installation上的說明進行操作 keycard-blocked 金鑰卡已被鎖定, 您需要重設卡片才能繼續使用。 keycard-cancel-setup-text 這將取消金鑰卡設定。強烈建議您完成設定以使用金鑰卡。您真的要取消嗎? keycard-cancel-setup-title 危險操作 keycard-desc 擁有金鑰卡?將金鑰儲存在上面;進行交易時您將需要它 keycard-dont-ask-card 不使用卡片進行登入 keycard-reset-passcode 重置通行密碼 keycard-factory-reset 將卡片恢復為初始設定 keycard-factory-reset-title 您確定要恢復至初始設定? keycard-factory-reset-text 執行此操作將刪除卡上儲存的所有記憶詞組。請確保您已備份了與此鑰匙卡一起使用的助記詞。 keycard-enter-new-passcode 輸入新密碼{{step}}/2 keycard-has-multiaccount-on-it 卡片已滿。每張卡只可容納一個主金鑰配對 keycard-onboarding-finishing-header 即將完成 keycard-onboarding-intro-header 將金鑰儲存到金鑰卡上 keycard-onboarding-intro-text 做好準備,這可能需要幾分鐘,但確保帳戶安全很重要 keycard-onboarding-pairing-header 卡片配對中... keycard-onboarding-preparing-header 正在準備卡片... keycard-onboarding-puk-code-header 寫下代碼並保存在安全之處 keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-description 您需要此種子詞組來找回金鑰。請寫下來,存放在安全處,離線並與該設備分開。 keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-header 備份種子詞組 keycard-onboarding-recovery-phrase-text 最高機密。這是用於生成金鑰的神奇種子。 keycard-onboarding-start-header 要繼續操作, 請將卡保持在手機感應處 keycard-onboarding-pin-text 您需要建立一個6位數的密碼,用於保護金鑰卡的存取權限。 keycard-onboarding-mnemonic-text 您還需要一張紙和一支筆來寫下您的助記詞。 keycard-onboarding-start-step1 創建密碼 keycard-onboarding-start-step1-text 大約1分鐘。創建一個六位數的密碼來加密您的金鑰 keycard-onboarding-start-step2 寫下PUK和配對代碼 keycard-onboarding-start-step2-text 大約要1分鐘。您將需要一張紙和一支鉛筆 keycard-onboarding-start-step3 備份種子詞組 keycard-onboarding-start-step3-text 大約要1分鐘,您還需要準備一張紙和一支鉛筆 keycard-onboarding-start-text 請保持卡片與手機能感應, 在安裝過程中。設定大約需要4分鐘 keycard-recovery-intro-button-text 開始恢復 keycard-recovery-intro-header 使用金鑰卡復原 keycard-recovery-intro-text 如果您以前使用金鑰卡生成過金鑰,並想在此設備上使用這些金鑰 keycard-recovery-no-key-header 無法恢復 keycard-recovery-no-key-text 您的金鑰卡上沒有任何資料。想使用它,請生成一個新金鑰,並選擇您的金鑰卡來存放金鑰 keycard-recovery-phrase-confirm-header 確認種子詞組 keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-text 您將無法挽回!如果您遺失存取裝置,例如您的金鑰卡,您只能透過種子詞組來存取帳戶。切勿讓他人知道您的種子詞組,立刻寫下種子詞組,並存放在安全之處。 keycard-recovery-phrase-confirmation-title 把種子詞組寫下來了嗎? keycard-recovery-success-header 您的金鑰 已經成功恢復 keycard-redeem-title 兌換至 keycard-redeem-tx 兌換資產 keycard-redeem-tx-desc 靠近卡片以完成簽署和接收資產 keycard-unauthorized-operation 您無權執行此操作。 請點擊有效的卡,然後重試。 keycard-is-frozen-title 金鑰卡被凍結 keycard-is-frozen-details 為保護您的資產,您的卡已被凍結。請重置您的卡將其解凍回復後,才能夠發送交易。您需要使用PUK或助記詞來執行此操作。 keycard-is-frozen-reset 使用PUK重置 keycard-is-frozen-factory-reset 使用助記詞重設 your-card-is-frozen 您的金鑰卡已被凍結,請重置卡片存取權限 keycard-is-blocked-title 金鑰卡已被封鎖 keycard-is-blocked-details 您不能再使用此卡存取或為該帳戶簽署。因為密碼和PUK嘗試失敗的次數過多。 keycard-is-blocked-instructions 要存取您的帳戶,您需要將卡恢復初始設定。請點擊下方按鈕開始執行,您將需要使用到您的助記詞。 language 語言Lang learn-more 瞭解更多 learn-more-about-keycard 瞭解有關金鑰卡的更多訊息 leave 離開 joined 已加入 leave-group 退出群組 left 剩下 lets-go 出發吧 les-ulc LES/ULC linked-on 已於{{date}}鏈結 load-messages-before 在{{date}}之前 load-more-messages ↓取得更多訊息 load-more-timeline ↓取得更多 loading 載入中... log-level 日誌級別 log-level-settings 紀錄日誌設定 logging 登入中 logging-enabled 啟用登入? login-pin-description 輸入您的六位數密碼以解鎖您的密鑰 logout 登出 logout-app-content 該帳戶即將登出。再次解鎖時,將使用前次選定的網路 logout-are-you-sure 您確定要登出? logout-title 登出? logout-key-management 您需要先登出才能進行密鑰管理。 looking-for-cards 尋找卡片... lost-connection 連線中斷 mailserver-address Status節點地址 mailserver-automatic 自動選擇 mailserver-automatic-switch-explanation 選擇最快的可用Status節點 mailserver-connection-error 無法連結到Status節點 mailserver-details Status節點詳細資訊 mailserver-error-content 無法訪問您選擇的Status節點。 mailserver-error-title 連結到Status節點時錯誤 mailserver-format enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} mailserver-pick-another 選擇另一個Status節點 mailserver-reconnect 無法連結到Status節點。點選即可重試 mailserver-request-error-content Status節點返回了以下錯誤: {{error}} mailserver-request-error-status 提取歷史記錄時發生錯誤,請查看日誌以獲取詳細訊息 mailserver-request-error-title Status節點請求錯誤 mailserver-request-retry 重試 mailserver-retry 重試 main-currency 主要貨幣 main-networks 主網路 main-wallet 主錢包 mainnet-network 主網路 make-admin 設為管理員 manage-keys-and-storage 管理密鑰和儲存 mark-all-read 將所有內容標記為已讀 members {{count}} 位成員 members-active {{count}} 位成員 members-active-none 沒有成員 members-title 成員 message 留言 message-not-sent 留言未傳送 message-options-cancel 取消 message-reply 回覆 replying-to 回覆給{{author}} data-syncing 資料同步中 messages 留言 chat-is-a-contact 聯絡人 chat-is-not-a-contact 不是聯絡人 might-break 可能導致某些ÐApps失效 migrations-failed-content {{message}} 架構版本:初始{{initial-version}} ,當前{{current-version}} ,前次{{last-version}} 資料庫發生錯誤,您的資產與聊天金鑰仍然安全,但其他數據,像是您的對話紀錄與好友名單,將無法回復。 “{{erase-multiaccounts-data-button-text}}”按鈕,將會刪除這些數據,讓您能夠重新存取帳戶資產和傳送訊息。 mobile-network-ask-me 使用行動網路時詢問 mobile-network-continue-syncing 同步中 mobile-network-continue-syncing-details 您稍後可以在設定中進行更改 mobile-network-go-to-settings 前往設定 mobile-network-settings 行動數據 mobile-network-sheet-configure 您可以更改其他同步選項,請至 mobile-network-sheet-offline 沒有Wi-fi,無法更新訊息。 mobile-network-sheet-offline-details 使用行動網路同步已關閉 mobile-network-sheet-remember-choice 記住我的選擇 mobile-network-sheet-settings 設定 mobile-network-start-syncing 開始同步 mobile-network-stop-syncing 停止同步 mobile-network-stop-syncing-details 僅透過Wi-Fi進行同步 mobile-network-use-mobile 使用行動數據 mobile-network-use-mobile-data 進行聊天和錢包同步時,Status會佔用相當的數據傳輸量。 mobile-network-use-wifi 僅限Wi-Fi mobile-syncing-sheet-details 進行聊天和錢包同步時,Status會佔用相當的數據傳輸量。 mobile-syncing-sheet-title 使用行動數據進行同步? more 更多 multiaccount-exists-title 此帳號的密鑰已存在 multiaccount-exists-content 此帳號的密鑰已存在,無法再次新增。如果您已經忘記您的密碼、通行密碼、或是遺失金鑰卡,請移除應用程式,然後重新安裝,並使用您的種子詞組取回密鑰。 multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-text 輸入12、15、18、21或24個字詞。 用單個空格分隔單詞。 multiaccounts-recover-enter-phrase-title 輸入您的種子詞組 name 名稱 name-of-token 代幣名稱 need-help 需要幫忙? glossary 詞彙表 account-title 帳號 account-content 您可以將 Status 中的帳號與銀行帳戶進行比較。像銀行帳戶一樣,帳號通常具有位址和餘額;您將使用此帳號在乙太坊上進行交易。您的錢包中可以有多個帳號。解鎖 Status 後即可進行存取。 chat-key-title 聊天金鑰 chat-key-content "Status"聊天協議使用加密金鑰傳送和接收有關的訊息。聊天公鑰是您與他人共用的字串,讓他們可以在“Status”中向您傳送訊息。 chat-name-title 聊天名稱 chat-name-content 從聊天鍵中演算法得出的三個隨機詞,會當作聊天中的默認別名。聊天名稱是完全唯一的;沒有其他用戶可以使用相同的三個詞。 ens-name-title ENS名稱 ens-name-content 您可以使用乙太坊名稱服務(Ethereum Name Service, ENS) 註冊自訂的聊天別名。ENS名稱是分散式的用戶名。 mailserver-title Status節點 mailserver-content "Status"網路中路由和儲存訊息的節點,最多30天。 peer-title 端點 peer-content 連結到"Status"聊天網路的設備。每個用戶可以代表一個或多個端點,具體取決於他們的設備數量。 seed-phrase-title 輸入種子詞組 seed-phrase-content 從BIP39標準列表中隨機選擇的一組易於閱讀的單詞,用於在其他錢包和設備上恢復或訪問您的以太坊帳戶。在整個加密生態系統中也稱為“助記詞”,“恢復詞”或“錢包備份”。大多數加密應用程式使用相同地標準來生成帳戶。 wallet-key-title 帳號地址 wallet-key-content 基於乙太坊標準並以0x開頭的64個字元的十六進制位址。向大眾公開,當您想接收資金時,您的帳戶位址會與其他人共用。也稱為“乙太坊位址”或“錢包地址”。 buy-crypto-title 您的錢包似乎是空的 buy-crypto-description 尋找能購買加密貨幣的dapp buy-crypto 購買加密貨幣 buy-crypto-choose-a-service 選擇您想用來購買加密貨幣的服務 buy-crypto-leaving 您即將離開Status並進入第三方網站以完成購買 opening-buy-crypto 開啟{{site}} ... network 網路 network-chain 網路鏈 network-details 網路詳細資訊 network-info 網路狀態 network-fee 網路費用 network-id 網路ID network-invalid-network-id 指定的網路ID與RPC網址所對應的網路ID不符 network-invalid-status-code 無效的狀態碼: {{code}} network-invalid-url 網址無效 network-settings 網路設定 new new-chat 新聊天 new-contact 新好友 new-contract 新合約 new-group 新群組 new-group-chat 新的群組聊天 new-network 新網路 new-pin-description 輸入新的六位數密碼 new-puk-description 輸入新的12位數PUK碼 new-public-group-chat 加入公共聊天 next 下一個 no no-collectibles 沒有可用的收藏品 no-contacts 好友名單空白 no-keycard-applet-on-card 卡上沒有金鑰卡程式 no-messages 無訊息 no-pairing-slots-available 此卡片已經與5台裝置配對,因此無法再與此裝置配對。請使用已配對的裝置,或登入卡片並解除先前的裝置配對 no-result 沒有結果 no-tokens-found 找不到代幣 node-info 節點資訊 node-address 節點地址 node-details 節點詳情 node-version 節點版本 nonce Nonce none 沒有 not-applicable 不適用於未簽名的交易 not-keycard-text 您使用的不是金鑰卡。您需要購買金鑰卡才能使用它 not-keycard-title 不是金鑰卡 notifications 通知 local-notifications 本地通知 local-notifications-subtitle 啟用後端服務 remote-notifications 遠端通知 remote-notifications-subtitle 啟用google推送通知 show-notifications 顯示通知 notification-settings 通知設定 notifications-servers 通知伺服器 notifications-preferences 通知首選項 notifications-switch 顯示通知 notifications-non-contacts 來自未知聯絡人的通知 notifications-transactions 錢包交易 send-push-notifications 傳送推送通知 send-push-notifications-description 禁用此功能後,收到您訊息的人將不會收到通知 push-notifications-server-enabled 伺服器已啟用 push-notifications-servers 推送通知伺服器 push-inbound-transaction 您收到了{{value}} {{currency}} push-outbound-transaction 您發送了{{value}} {{currency}} push-failed-transaction 您的交易失敗 push-inbound-transaction-body 從{{from}}到{{to}} push-outbound-transaction-body 從{{from}}到{{to}} push-failed-transaction-body {{value}} {{currency}}至{{to}} allow-mention-notifications 顯示@ server 伺服器 specify-server-public-key 輸入伺服器公開金鑰 notify 通知 off offline 離線 offline-messaging-use-history-nodes 使用Status節點 offline-messaging-use-history-explanation 啟用Status節點以存取應用程式關閉時傳送的訊息。啟用時,Status節點將獲取您的IP地址。禁用後,您將不會在關閉應用程式時收到訊息,並且往後打開應用程式時也不會看到訊息。 ok 確定 ok-continue 好,繼續 ok-got-it 好,知道了 okay 好的 on open 打開 open-home 打開... open-dapp 啟動ÐApp open-dapp-store 搜尋ÐApps open-nfc-settings 打開NFC設定 open-on-block-explorer 在區塊瀏覽器上開啟 optional 選填 or outgoing 外部 outgoing-transaction 外部交易 pair 配對裝置 pair-card 與此裝置配對 pair-code 配對碼 pair-code-explanation 將卡片與不同的設備(最多5個)進行配對,就能使用同一張卡片簽署交易。 pair-this-card 配對這張卡 pair-this-device 其他通知裝置 pair-this-device-description 配對裝置以同步好友名單和聊天 paired-devices 已配對裝置 pairing 配對中 pairing-card 配對卡片 pairing-code-placeholder 配對代碼... pairing-code_error1 配對碼不符合 confirm-pairing-code-placeholder 確認您的配對代碼... pairing-go-to-installation 進入配對設定 pairing-maximum-number-reached-content 在啟用新裝置之前,請先禁用其中一台。 pairing-maximum-number-reached-title 達到最大裝置數 pairing-new-installation-detected-content 偵測到新裝置。 為了正確使用您的裝置,需要在使用之前配對並啟用。 請進到設定下的裝置部分,以與您的裝置配對。 pairing-new-installation-detected-title 偵測到新裝置 pairing-no-info 暫無資訊 pairing-please-set-a-name 請為您的裝置設定名稱。 passphrase 密碼詞組 password 密碼 password-description 最少要有6個字元。您的密碼可以保護您的金鑰。您需要它來解鎖Status並進行交易。 password-placeholder2 確認您的密碼 password_error1 密碼不符 paste 貼上 paste-json 貼上JSON pay-to-chat 付費聊天 peers 端點 pending 等待中 pending-confirmation 正在確認... permissions 權限 phone-e164 International 1 photos-access-error 要開放相簿的使用權限,請進入系統設定,並在應用程式Status>相簿中進行變更。 pin-changed 六位數密碼已更改 puk-changed 12位數PUK已更改 pairing-changed 配對代碼已更改 pin-code 六位數密碼 pin-mismatch 密碼錯誤 pin-retries-left 還剩{{number}}次 pin-one-attempt-blocked-before 小心,您只有 pin-one-attempt-frozen-before 小心,您只有 pin-one-attempt 一次嘗試 pin-one-attempt-blocked-after 在您的金鑰卡被封鎖之前 pin-one-attempt-frozen-after 在您的金鑰卡被凍結之前 preview-privacy 預覽隱私模式 privacy 隱私 privacy-photos 個人資料照片隱私 privacy-and-security 隱私權與安全性 privacy-policy 隱私權政策 privacy-show-to-warning 已經看過你頭像的人能繼續取得更新 processing 請稍等 product-information 產品資訊 profile 個人資料 profile-details 個人資料詳細訊息 public-chat 公開的聊天 public-chats 公共聊天室 public-group-status 公開 public-group-topic 話題 join-new-public-chat 加入公共聊天 join-new-private-chat 開始新的個人聊天 search-no-chat-found 沒有搜尋結果。您的意思是 public-key 公鑰 puk-and-pairing-codes-displayed 顯示PUK和配對碼 puk-code PUK碼 puk-code-explanation 如果您忘記了六位數的密碼,或輸入錯誤三次,就需要此密碼來解鎖卡片。 puk-mismatch 錯誤的PUK碼 quiet-days {{quiet-days}}天 quiet-hours {{quiet-hours}}小時 re-encrypt-key 重新加密您的金鑰 receive 接收 receive-transaction 接收交易 recent 最近 recent-recipients 好友名單 recently-used-stickers 最近使用過的貼圖會出現在這裡 recipient 收款人 recipient-code 輸入收款地址 recipient-code-placeholder 0x ...或username.domain.eth recover 恢復 recover-key 使用既有金鑰 recover-keycard-multiaccount-not-supported 此帳號的密鑰已存在,無法再次新增。如果您已經忘記您的密碼、通行密碼、或是遺失金鑰卡,請移除應用程式,然後重新安裝,並使用您的種子詞組取回密鑰。 recover-with-keycard 使用金鑰卡復原 recovering-key 正在訪問金鑰... recovery-confirm-phrase 確認種子詞組 recovery-phrase 種子詞組 recovery-success-text 您將必須創建新的代碼或密碼來重新加密金鑰 recovery-typo-dialog-description 請注意,您輸入種子詞組的單字與順序,都必須與最初的詞組一致。 recovery-typo-dialog-title 種子詞組正確嗎? remember-me 記住賬號 remind-me-later 再讓我看一次 remove 移除 remove-from-chat 從聊天中刪除 remove-from-contacts 從好友名單中刪除 remove-from-contacts-text 即使從好友名單中刪除用戶,您仍無法向他們隱藏已顯示過的錢包地址 remove-network 移除網路 remove-token 刪除代幣 removed 已移除 repeat-pin 重複新的六位數密碼 repeat-puk 再次確認新的12位數PUK report-bug-email-template 1. 問題說明 {{description}} 2. 操作步驟 {{steps}} 3. 請附上可以顯示問題的螢幕截圖 request-transaction 請求交易 required-field 必填項目 resend-message 重新傳送 reset-card 卡片重置 reset-card-description 此操作會將卡重置為初始狀態。它將刪除所有卡片資料,包括金鑰。操作將無法回復。 retry 重試 revoke-access 解除訪問權限 rinkeby-network Rinkeby測試網路 ropsten-network Ropsten測試網路 rpc-url RPC URL save 儲存 save-password 保存密碼 save-password-unavailable 設定裝置密碼以儲存密碼 save-password-unavailable-android 無法使用“儲存密碼”:您的設備可能已開啟Root權限,或缺少必要的安全功能。 scan-qr 掃描QR碼 scan-qr-code 掃描含有錢包地址的QR碼 search 搜尋 secret-keys-confirmation-text 萬一您遺失手機,您將需要此密碼才能使用金鑰卡。 secret-keys-confirmation-title 把密碼寫下來了嗎? security 安全性 see-details 詳細資訊 see-it-again 再看一遍 select-account-first 首先選擇一個帳號 select-chat 選擇聊天以開始發送訊息 selected 已選 select 選擇 select-account 選擇帳號 send-logs 報告錯誤 send-logs-to 向{{email}}報告錯誤 send-message 發訊息 send-request 發送請求 send-request-amount 數目 send-request-amount-max-decimals 小數點後的位數最多為{{asset-decimals}} send-request-unknown-token 未知代幣-{{asset}} send-sending-to 致{{recipient-name}} send-transaction 發送交易 sending 正在發送 sent-at 發送於 set-a-topic 新增話題 set-currency 設定默認貨幣 set-dapp-access-permissions 設定DApp訪問權限 settings 設定 share 分享 shared 共用 share-address 分享地址 share-chat 分享聊天 share-contact-code 分享聊天金鑰 share-dapp-text 在Status上查看這個使用中的ÐApp: {{link}} share-link 分享連結 share-my-profile 分享我的個人檔案 share-profile 分享個人資料 share-profile-link 分享資料連結 share-public-chat-text 在Status應用程式上查看此公開聊天: {{link}} sharing-copied-to-clipboard 已複製 sharing-copy-to-clipboard 複製 share-logs 分享程式紀錄日誌 sharing-share 分享 show-less 顯示較少 show-more 顯示更多 show-qr 顯示QR碼 show-transaction-data 顯示交易明細 sign-and-send 簽名並傳送 sign-in 登入 sign-message 簽署訊息 sign-out 登出 sign-with 簽名 sign-with-password 輸入密碼確認 sign-you-in 正在登錄… signing 簽署 signing-a-message 簽署訊息 signing-phrase 簽署詞組 something-went-wrong 發生錯誤 soon 即將 specify-address 指定地址 specify-name 指定一個名稱 specify-symbol 指定標示 specify-network-id 指定網路ID specify-rpc-url 指定一個RPC網址 start-chat 開始聊天 start-conversation 開始對話 start-group-chat 開始群組聊天 start-new-chat 開始新聊天 status Status status-confirmed 已確認 status-hardwallet Status硬體錢包 status-keycard Status金鑰卡 status-pending 等待中 status-tx-not-found 找不到TX status-sent 已發送 status-not-sent-tap 尚未確認,查看其他選項 status-not-sent-click 尚未確認,查看其他選項 step-i-of-n 步驟{{step}}/{{number}} sticker-market 貼圖市集 sticker 貼圖 submit 提交 submit-bug 回報錯誤 success 成功 symbol 符號 sync-all-devices 同步所有裝置 sync-in-progress 同步中... sync-settings 同步設定 sync-synced 同步中 syncing-devices 同步中... tag-was-lost 標籤丟失 tap-card-again 請將卡片再次靠近手機感應處 test-networks 測試網路 text-input-disabled 請稍等 this-device 這個設備 this-device-desc 您的金鑰將被加密並安全地儲存在設備上 this-is-you-signing 這是您的簽署字詞 this-will-take-few-seconds 這需要幾秒鐘 three-words-description 這三個字詞證明交易是安全的。 three-words-description-2 在簽署每筆交易之前,您應該看到這些單詞,反之請取消並登出。 to to-block 區塊 to-encrypt-enter-password 要加密此帳號,請輸入密碼 to-see-this-message 要查看此訊息, token-auto-validate-decimals-error 地址{{address}}上{{symbol}}代幣的小數位數錯誤-設定為{{expected}}但檢測為{{actual}} token-auto-validate-name-error 地址{{address}}上{{symbol}}代幣名稱錯誤-設定為{{expected}}但檢測為{{actual}} token-auto-validate-symbol-error 地址{{address}}上{{symbol}}代幣代碼錯誤-設定為{{expected}}但檢測為{{actual}} token-details 代幣詳細訊息 topic-name-error 僅能使用小寫字母(a到z)、數字和破折號(-),請勿使用聊天金鑰 transaction 交易 transaction-data 交易明細 transaction-declined 交易被拒絕 transactions-management-enabled 交易管理 (alpha) transaction-description 將在網路上經過12次確認後完成 transaction-details 交易明細 transaction-failed 交易失敗 transaction-history 交易記錄 transaction-request 交易請求 transaction-sent 交易已發送 transaction-signed 交易已成功簽署 transactions 交易 transactions-filter-select-all 全選 transactions-filter-title 篩選記錄 type 類型 transactions-history 交易記錄 transactions-history-empty 您的歷史記錄中還沒有交易 transactions-history-loading 正在載入交易記錄。這可能需要一點時間。 transactions-sign 確認 tribute-required-by-multiaccount {{multiaccount-name}}需要SNT才能開始聊天。 tribute-state-paid 付款完成 tribute-state-pending 付款待處理 tribute-state-required 需要提供{{snt-amount}} SNT tribute-to-talk 聊天收益模式 tribute-to-talk-add-friends 將朋友新增為好友,允許聊天且無需支付費用。 tribute-to-talk-are-you-friends 這是您認識的人嗎? tribute-to-talk-ask-to-be-added 申請成為好友 tribute-to-talk-contact-received-your-tribute 收到您的付款。您現在可以安全地相互聊天。 tribute-to-talk-desc 通過要求SNT來開啟新聊天,讓您的知名度可以轉換成收益 tribute-to-talk-disabled 關閉Tribute to Talk tribute-to-talk-disabled-note 現在開始,新使用者可以在不發送SNT的情況下與您聊天。 tribute-to-talk-enabled 您已啟用聊天收益模式。 tribute-to-talk-finish-desc 從現在開始,您將只收到來自好友和付費用戶的聊天訊息 tribute-to-talk-learn-more-1 您的時間和精力是您最寶貴的資產。所以聊天收益模式允許您設定新朋友開始與您聊天所需的SNT數量。 tribute-to-talk-learn-more-2 不在您的好友列表中的人都將被要求付款,並且您可以在他們確認後開始聊天。 tribute-to-talk-learn-more-3 您可以隨時將錢匯回,但是要確保朋友們能與您聯繫,請先將他們新增為好友。 tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-1 時間和精力是我們最寶貴的資產。通過Tribute to Talk,您可以聯繫新朋友以換取SNT付款。 tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-2 要與通過認證的人開始聊天,只需支付所需的SNT,您就會被新增為好友。 tribute-to-talk-paywall-learn-more-3 如果您認識他們,可以自由地在外部應用分享您在"Status"的個人資料連結。 tribute-to-talk-pending 尚待確認 tribute-to-talk-pending-note 交易正在網路上等待確認,您可以在交易記錄中查看其狀態 tribute-to-talk-removing-note 關閉聊天收益模式,將使新朋友無需發送SNT即可開始聊天,需要完成交易確認。 tribute-to-talk-set-snt-amount 設定開始新聊天所需的SNT數量 tribute-to-talk-signing 等待簽署交易 tribute-to-talk-transaction-failed-note 交易失敗,您的“Tribute to Talk”設定並未更改 tribute-to-talk-tribute-received1 接收已完成,您和 tribute-to-talk-tribute-received2 現在是好友,可以安全地彼此聊天。 tribute-to-talk-you-require-snt 您需要SNT才能與新朋友開始聊天。 try-again 再試一次 try-keeping-the-card-still 嘗試保持卡靜止 turn-nfc-on 開啟NFC以繼續 turn-nfc-description 您的設備上禁用了NFC。您可以在設定中啟用它 keycard-init-title 尋找卡片... keycard-init-description 將卡放在手機背面即可繼續 keycard-awaiting-title 尋找中... keycard-awaiting-description 嘗試四處移動卡以在設備上找到NFC讀卡器 keycard-processing-title 處理中... keycard-processing-description 嘗試保持卡靜止 keycard-connected-title 已連結 keycard-connected-description 嘗試保持卡靜止 keycard-error-title 連結丟失 keycard-error-description 再次連結卡以繼續 keycard-success-title 成功 keycard-success-description 您現在可以取出卡了 keycard-recover 卡片遺失或被凍結? keycard-recover-title 為此帳戶建立一張新金鑰卡? keycard-recover-text 如果您有助記詞,就能夠建立與此帳戶連結的新金鑰卡。您可以使用全新的金鑰卡,也可以在凍結的金鑰卡上進行重置。 keycard-backup 建立一個備份金鑰卡 keycard-backup-success-title 備份成功 keycard-backup-success-body 備份卡建立成功。現在,您可以像原本卡片一樣在帳戶中使用它。 type-a-message 訊息 ulc-enabled 啟用ULC backup-enabled 啟用 backup-disabled 禁用 backup-settings 備份設定 backup-through-waku 透過 waku 備份 perform-backup 建立備份 backing-up 備份中... last-backup-performed 上次建立備份: unable-to-read-this-code 無法讀取此代碼 unblock-contact 取消封鎖此用戶 unknown-status-go-error status-go發生未知錯誤 unlock 解鎖 unpair-card 卡片配對取消 unpair-card-confirmation 此操作將取消與當前設備的卡配對。需要6位元密碼授權。您要繼續嗎? unpaired-keycard-text 您使用的金鑰卡與此手機不相符 unpaired-keycard-title 看來您的卡已取消配對 unpair-keycard 取消與此手機的金鑰卡配對 unpair-keycard-warning 您的配對代碼/PUK和PIN維持不變 update 更新 url 網址 usd-currency 美元 use-valid-contact-code 請輸入或掃描有效的聊天金鑰或用戶名 validation-amount-invalid-number 金額不是有效數字 validation-amount-is-too-precise 金額太精確了。小數點後的位數最多為{{decimals}} version 應用程式版本 app-commit App提交 view 查看 view-cryptokitties 在謎戀貓中查看 view-cryptostrikers 在CryptoStrikers中查看 view-etheremon 在Etheremon中查看 view-gitcoin 在Gitcoin中查看 view-profile 查看資料 view-details 查看詳情 view-signing 查看簽署詞組 view-superrare 在SuperRare中查看 waiting-for-wifi 沒有Wi-fi,無法更新訊息。 waiting-for-wifi-change 設定 waiting-to-sign 正在等待簽署交易... wallet 錢包 wallet-asset 資產 wallet-assets 資產 wallet-backup-recovery-title 備份您的種子詞組 wallet-choose-recipient 選擇收款人 wallet-collectibles 收藏 wallet-insufficient-funds 餘額不足 wallet-insufficient-gas ETH不足以支付gas wallet-invalid-address 地址錯誤: {{data}} wallet-invalid-address-checksum 地址錯誤: {{data}} wallet-invalid-chain-id 網路不符: {{data}}但目前使用{{chain}} wallet-manage-assets 管理資產 wallet-manage-accounts 帳戶管理 wallet-request 請求 wallet-send 發送 wallet-send-min-units 最少21000 units wallet-send-min-wei 最少1 wei wallet-settings 錢包設定 wallet-total-value 總值 wallet-transaction-total-fee 總交易費用 wants-to-access-profile 想要訪問您的個人資料 warning 警告 warning-message 抱歉,我們設定了連續發送上限以防止垃圾郵件。請稍後重試 web-view-error 無法讀取頁面 welcome-screen-text 設定錢包,邀請朋友聊天 並瀏覽流行的dapp! welcome-to-status 歡迎來到Status! welcome-to-status-description 設定您的加密錢包,邀請朋友聊天和瀏覽分散式應用程式 welcome-blank-message 您的聊天記錄將顯示在此處。要開始新聊天,請按⊕按鈕 welcome-community-blank-message 您的頻道將顯示在此處。要建立新頻道,請單擊 ⊕ 按鈕並選擇“建立頻道” welcome-community-blank-message-edit-chats 您的頻道將顯示在此處。要建立新頻道,請返回社群畫面,單擊 ⊕ 按鈕並選擇“建立頻道” welcome-blank-community-message 您的社群列表將出現在這裡。 fetch-community 徵詢社群 fetching-community 正在徵詢社群... seed-phrase-placeholder 助記詞 word-count 字數 word-n 單字#{{number}} word-n-description 為檢查您是否已正確備份種子詞組,請在上方輸入編號# {{number}}的單字。 words-n {{count}} words write-down-and-store-securely 寫下代碼 並存放在安全的位置 wrong-address 地址錯誤 wrong-card 卡片錯誤 wrong-card-text 您使用的卡與您選擇的帳戶金鑰不符。 wrong-contract 合約錯誤 contract-isnt-supported 不支援該合约 wrong-keycard-text 您使用的金鑰卡與此手機不相符 wrong-keycard-title 您似乎使用 錯誤的金鑰卡 wrong-password 密碼錯誤 wrong-word 輸入錯誤 yes You you you-already-have-an-asset 您已經擁有{{value}} you-are-all-set 設定完成! you-are-all-set-description 如果您遺失了手機,您現在可以使用種子詞組來重新存取您的資產與聊天金鑰。 you-can-change-account 您可以根據需要更改帳戶名稱和顏色 you-dont-have-stickers 您還沒有任何貼圖 you-dont-have-contacts-invite-friends 您還沒有任何好友。 邀請您的朋友開始聊天。 your-contact-code 同意授權此DApp檢索您的聊天金鑰 your-data-belongs-to-you 如果您遺失種子詞組,您將失去所有的數據資料和資金 your-data-belongs-to-you-description 如果您遺失存取裝置,例如:您的手機,您將只能使用種子詞組取回個人密鑰。切勿讓他人得知您的種子詞組,請立刻寫下這些字詞,並妥善維護其安全。 your-recovery-phrase 您的種子詞組 your-recovery-phrase-description 這是您的種子詞組,能用它來證明這是您的錢包。您只會看到一次!請將其寫在紙上,並存放在安全的地方。如果裝置遺失或想重新安裝錢包,將需要它。 custom-seed-phrase 無效的種子詞組 custom-seed-phrase-text-1 該種子詞組與我們支持的辭典不相符。請檢查拼寫錯誤的單字。 to-enable-biometric 要啟用{{bio-type-label}} ,您必須在解鎖螢幕上勾選保存密碼 ok-save-pass OK,保存密碼 lock-app-with 鎖定應用 grant-face-id-permissions 要授予所需的Face ID權限,請進入系統設定,並確認選擇了Status > Face ID request-feature 要求功能 select-account-dapp 選擇您希望用於Dapps的帳戶 apply 執行 on-status-tree 在"Status"上 off-status-tree 關閉"Status" derivation-path 推導路徑 storage 儲存 keycard-free-pairing-slots 金鑰卡有{{n}}自由配對插槽 public-chat-description 加入您感興趣的公開聊天!任何人都可以建立一個新的。 delete-account 刪除帳號 delete-keys-keycard 從金鑰卡中刪除私鑰 watch-only 監看 cant-report-bug 無法報告錯誤 mail-should-be-configured 郵件客戶端應配置 check-on-block-explorer 在區塊瀏覽器查看 check-on-opensea 在OpenSea查看 transactions-load-more 讀取更多 private-key 私鑰 generate-an-account 產生一個帳號 add-watch-account 新增監視帳號 add-seed-account 使用種子詞組來新增帳號 account-exists-title 帳號已存在 add-private-key-account 通過私鑰新增帳戶 profile-not-found 找不到個人資料 waku-bloom-filter-mode Waku Bloom過濾器模式 wakuv2-settings Waku v2 設定 wakuv2-node-format /ip4/{node-ip}/tcp/{port}/p2p/{id} wakuv2-change-nodes 您確定要更改 Wakuv2 節點嗎? appearance 版面外觀 preference 選擇偏好 light 白天 dark 夜晚 system 系統預設 give-permissions-camera 給予使用相機的權限 photos 相片 image 圖片 sign-anyway 仍要簽名 tx-fail-description1 此交易很可能失敗。使用自定網路費需自擔風險。 tx-fail-description2 此交易很可能失敗。請根據自身風險承擔能力設定自訂網路費。 set-custom-fee 設定自訂費用 not-enough-snt SNT不足 add-new-contact 新增好友 you-dont-have-contacts 您還沒有任何好友。 set-max 設至最大 continue-anyway 仍然繼續 private-notifications 私人通知 private-notifications-descr Status將通知您更新訊息。您可以稍後在設定中的通知選項進行變更 maybe-later 稍後再說 join 加入 registered 註冊 not-registered 未註冊 audio-recorder-error 錄音機錯誤 audio-recorder 錄音機 audio-recorder-max-ms-reached 已達最長錄音時間 audio-recorder-permissions-error 您必須授予發送語音訊息的權限 audio 音效 update-to-see-image 更新到最新版本,欣賞精美圖像! update-to-listen-audio 更新到最新版本,收聽語音訊息! update-to-see-sticker 更新到最新版本,查看精美貼圖! webview-camera-permission-requests Webview相機權限請求 webview-camera-permission-requests-subtitle 啟用後,網站和dapp可能會要求使用您的相機 page-would-like-to-use-camera 想使用你的相機 page-camera-request-blocked 相機權限被拒絕。要啟用相機,請進入手機設定 nickname 暱稱 add-nickname 新增暱稱(選填) nickname-description 暱稱可以幫助您識別Status中的其他人。 只有您才能看到已新增的暱稱 accept 接受 group-invite 群組邀請 group-invite-link 群組邀請連結 pending-invitations 待處理的會員申請 empty-pending-invitations-descr 透過邀請連結申請加入群組的人員將顯示在此 introduce-yourself 請簡單地介紹您自己 request-pending 申請處理中... membership-declined 會員申請被拒絕 remove-group 移除群組 request-membership 申請會員 membership-description 會員資格需要經過群組管理員同意 group-membership-request 請求加入群組成員 members-limit-reached 達到會員人數上限 favourite 書籤 favourites 收藏夾 new-favourite 新的收藏 edit-favourite 編輯書籤 remove-favourite 刪除書籤 add-favourite 加入書籤 add-to-favourites 加入收藏 favourites-empty 添加到收藏夾的地址將顯示在此處 contacts-empty 具有ENS名稱的聯絡人將顯示在此處 my-accounts 我的帳戶 my-accounts-empty 您的可用帳戶將顯示在此處 recent-empty 最近使用的地址將顯示在此處 address-or-ens-name 地址或ENS名稱 name-optional 名稱(選填) mute 靜音 unmute 取消靜音 scan-tokens 掃描代幣 my-status 我的狀態 contacts-descr 您的好友名單將出現在這裡。您將收到添加為好友的所有狀態更新 status-updates-descr 狀態更新將顯示在此處。將個人資料添加為聯絡人,以在您的時間軸上接收更新。 whats-on-your-mind 你想到了些什麼… cant-open-public-chat 無法開啟公共聊天 invalid-public-chat-topic 無效的公開聊天主題 now 現在 statuses-my-status-descr 分享您的想法。任何瀏覽您個人資料的使用者,都可以看到您的狀態。而將您添加為聯絡人的使用者,會在時間軸上收到您的更新 statuses-descr 分享您的想法,並更新到您的好友名單中 new-status 新增狀態 chat-link-previews 聊天連結預覽 you-can-choose-preview-websites 您可以選擇以下哪個網站可以預覽聊天中的敘述和圖片連結 previewing-may-share-metadata 這些網站的預覽連結可能會與其所有者共享您的中繼資料 websites 網站 enable-all 全部啟用 disable-all 全部停用 warning-sending-to-contract-descr 您輸入的地址是智能合約,向該地址發送資金可能會導致損失。如要操作DApp功能,請在Status瀏覽器中打開DApp。 dont-ask 不再詢問我 enable-link-previews 啟用聊天中的連結預覽? once-enabled-share-metadata 啟用後,聊天中發布的連結可能會與網站共享您的中繼資料 external-storage-denied 存取外部儲存空間被拒絕 timeline 時間軸 main-account 主账户 ethereum-address 以太坊地址 default-assets 預設兼容ERC20和ERC721 increase-gas 增加Gas cancelling 取消 refresh 重新整理 close-all 全部關閉 tabs 分頁 new-tab 新分頁 empty-tab 空白分頁 open-in-new-tab 用新分頁開啟 has-permissions 請求地址存取授權 connect-wallet 連接錢包 open-chat 開啟聊天 favourite-description 您已加入書籤的網站將出現在這裡 transfers-fetching-failure 傳輸歷史記錄無法更新。請檢查您的網路,然後下拉頁面來重試 move-and-reset 移動並重置 move-keystore-file-to-keycard 要將密鑰檔案移動到金鑰卡? database-reset-title 資料庫重置 database-reset-content 對話紀錄、好友名單和設定已經被刪除。您可以將您的帳戶與金鑰卡一起使用 database-reset-warning 資料庫將被重置。現有聊天、好友名單和設定將被刪除 empty-keycard-required 需要空白的金鑰卡 current 目前 choose-storage 選擇保存 choose-new-location-for-keystore 選擇一個新位置以儲存您的密鑰檔案 get-a-keycard 取得金鑰卡 keycard-upsell-subtitle 增強的安全性和便利性 actions 操作 move-keystore-file 移動密鑰檔案 select-new-location-for-keys 選擇一個新位置以保存您的私鑰 reset-database 重置資料庫 reset-database-warning 刪除聊天、好友名單和設定。當您遺失密碼時才需要進行此步驟 reset-database-warning-keycard 刪除對話紀錄、好友名單和設定。當您遺失密碼時才需要進行此步驟 key-managment 密鑰管理 choose-actions 選擇操作 master-account 主控賬戶 back-up 備份 key-on-device 私鑰已保存在此裝置上 seed-key-uid-mismatch 種子詞組不符合 seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-1 您輸入的種子詞組與{{multiaccount-name}}不一致 seed-key-uid-mismatch-desc-2 要管理此帳戶的密鑰,請驗證您的種子詞組,然後重試。 recover-with-seed-phrase 使用種子詞組恢復 transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-1 您的多帳戶似乎沒有被刪除。但資料庫可能已經重置 transfer-ma-unknown-error-desc-2 請檢查您的帳戶列表,然後重試。如果未列出該帳戶,請選擇使用既有金鑰,並以種子詞組進行恢復 everyone 所有人 show-profile-pictures 展示個人大頭貼 show-profile-pictures-to 將您的個人頭像顯示給 non-archival-node RPC端點不支援存檔請求。您的本機交易記錄可能不完整。 custom-node 您正在使用自訂RPC端點。您的本機交易記錄可能不完整。 connection-status 連結狀態 peer-to-peer 點對點 not-connected-to-peers 沒有連結到任何端點 unable-to-send-messages 無法傳送和接收訊息 can-send-messages 您可以傳送和接收新訊息 not-connected-nodes 未連結到Status節點 unable-to-fetch 無法取得對話記錄 nodes-disabled Status節點已停用 waiting-wi-fi 正在等待Wi-Fi… you-can-fetch 您可以取得對話記錄 youre-on-mobile-network 您正在使用行動網路 status-mobile-descr 同步對話時,Status會使用大量數據傳輸。您可以選擇在行動網路上關閉同步 restore-defaults 恢復預設值 rpc-usage-info RPC使用情況統計 rpc-usage-get-stats 重新整理 rpc-usage-reset 重置 rpc-usage-filter 過濾方式 rpc-usage-filter-methods 過濾方式 rpc-usage-copy 複製 rpc-usage-total 共计 rpc-usage-filtered-total 第{{filtered-total}} ,共 {{total}} community-message-preview 邀請加入{{community-name}} non-contacts 未知聯絡人 community 社群 verified-community ✓經過驗證的社群 community-info-not-found 找不到社群資訊 community-info 社群資訊 not-found 未找到 activity 活動 reject-and-delete 拒絕並刪除 accept-and-add 接受並新增 one-day 一天 three-days 三天 one-week 一週 one-month 一個月 my-profile 我的個人資料 bip39-password-placeholder BIP39密碼 public-channel 公共頻道 default-sync-period 同步歷史記錄 what-is-shared 共享的内容 view-data 查看資料 data-collected 資料已收集 data-collected-subtitle 下表顯示將儲存和傳送的確切資料。資料根據公共規則進行驗證,以確保不會發送敏感資料。應隨時保持懷疑,進行驗證。 view-rules 查看規則 expand-all 展開全部 about-sharing-data 關於共享資料 sharing-data-desc-1 資料根據公共規則進行驗證,以確保不會發送敏感資料。請隨時保持懷疑,進行驗證。 sharing-data-desc-2 使用資料是通過 Status 的對等網路進行端到端加密發送 sharing-data-desc-3 使用一次性密鑰而不是您個人的聊天密鑰 sharing-data-desc-4 使用資料無法與您的 IP 地址相關聯 sharing-data-desc-5 所有用戶的總計資料均公開可得 view-public-dashboard 查看公共統計資料面板 sharing-data-desc-6 資料傳送後會從您的手機中刪除 allow-and-send 允許並傳送 no-thanks 不,謝謝 help-improve-status 幫助改善Status thank-you 感謝您 current-password 目前密碼 reset-password 重設密碼 password-reset-success 密碼已重設 password-reset-success-message 您將需要重新登入 password-reset-in-progress 更改密碼中... new-password 新密碼 confirm-new-password 確認新密碼 password-mismatch 新密碼與確認不一致 terms-of-service 使用條款 accept-status-tos-prefix 我接受Status updates-to-tos 使用條款更新 updates-to-tos-desc 在繼續之前,請查看使用條款並確認您對於此應用程式的使用方式承擔全部責任。 what-changed 變動更新內容 wc-new-tos-based-on-principles-prefix 基於設計原則而更新的使用條款 principles 原則 wc-how-to-use-status-app 如何使用Status應用程式,並涵蓋隱私和安全 wc-brand-guide 商標和品牌圖像的使用指引 wc-disclaimer 免責聲明(包括第三方提供商)、保固和法律聲明 wc-dispute 爭議解決條款 status-is-open-source Status是開源項目 build-yourself 若您不同意這些服務條款,您可以考慮建立自己的應用程式版本 accept-and-continue 接受並繼續 empty-activity-center 您的聊天通知會出現在此 pinned-messages 釘選的訊息 pin 釘選 unpin 取消釘選 no-pinned-messages 沒有釘選的訊息 pinned-messages-count {{count}} 則釘選訊息 pinned-messages-empty 釘選的訊息將顯示在此。要釘選訊息,請長按該訊息並確認“釘選” pinned-by 設為釘選 pin-limit-reached 達到釘選限制數。請先取消釘選上一則訊息。 max-fee 最高交易費用 max-priority-fee 最高手續費用 miners-higher-fee 如果您支付更高的費用,礦工可能會更快處理您的交易。 gas-amount-limit Gas數量上限 per-gas-tip-limit 每次gas手續費用限制 per-gas-price-limit 每次gas價格限制 current-base-fee 目前基本費用 fee-explanation 交易的最高價格。如果區塊基本費用超過此值,它將會延遲到下一個價格較低的區塊中處理。 slow optimal 最佳 fast 快速 see-suggestions 查看建議 maximum-fee 最高費用上限 low-tip 手續費用太低 lower-than-average-tip 低於平均手續費用 below-base-fee 最高交易費用低於基本費用 reduced-tip 手續費將會減少 are-you-sure 您確定嗎? bad-fees-description 您的手續費用低於我們建議的參數。 change-tip 變更手續費 current-minimum-tip 目前最低手續費用 current-average-tip 目前平均手續費用 your-tip-limit 您的手續費上限 your-price-limit 您的設定價格 suggested-min-tip 建議最低手續費 suggested-price-limit 建議價格 include 包括 category 類別 edit-chats 編輯聊天 edit-categories 編輯分類 hide 隱藏 account-is-used 該帳戶正在瀏覽器中與 Dapps 一起使用。 normal 普通 never 從未 fee-options 建議的費用選項 fee-cap 費用上限 tip-cap 費用上限 collectibles-leak-metadata 您可以在此處顯示您的 NFT。如果這樣做,您將會分享您的錢包和 IP 地址 display-collectibles 展示收藏 disable-later-in-settings 您可以稍後在“設定”中禁用此功能 use-as-profile-picture 設為個人頭像 view-on-opensea 在OpenSea中查看 profile-picture-updated 個人資料圖片已更新 status-automatic 自動 status-automatic-subtitle 自動設定個人狀態 status-dnd 請勿打擾 status-dnd-subtitle 靜音所有通知 status-always-online 總是在線上 status-inactive 關閉 status-inactive-subtitle 隱藏您的線上狀態 two-minutes 2分鐘 swap 交換 select-token-to-swap 選擇要交換的代幣 select-token-to-receive 選擇要接收的代幣 minimum-received 最低收到 powered-by-paraswap 由 Paraswap 提供 priority 優先程度 switch-to-simple-interface 切換到簡易界面 transaction-fee 交易費用 swap-details 交換詳情 slippage 滑價 price-impact 價格影響 total-gas 總交易手續費 token 代幣 approve-limit 核准限額 approve-token 核准代幣 approve-token-contract-desc 核准代幣合約將會允許它花費您的代幣餘額。如果您覺得某個項目不值得信賴,請不要選擇核准代幣,或者只核准您需要使用的金額額度。 unlimited 無上限 approve 核准 limit 限額 last-transaction 最後一筆交易 price-impact-desc 本次交易的價格影響估計。如果當前的區塊處理費用超過此值,您的交易將包含在稍後處理費用較低的區塊中。 safe-estimate 安全估計 current-average 目前平均值 current-base 目前基礎 maximum-fee-desc 交易的最高價格。如果區塊處理費用超過此值,它將會延遲至稍後價格較低的區塊中處理。 insufficient-balance-to-cover-fee 餘額不足以支付交易費用 wallet-connect-proposal-title 請求連結到您的錢包 wallet-connect-proposal-description 連結後,將授權{{name}}檢索您的錢包地址並啟用Web3 wallet-connect-app-connected 已連結 wallet-connect-go-back 返回您的瀏覽器或dapp wallet-connect-2.0 錢包連結2.0 wallet-connect 錢包連結 reject 拒絕 manage-connections 從應用程式連結內管理連線 wallet-manage-app-connections 管理應用程式連結 connection-request 連結請求 disconnect 中斷連結 new-ui 新的用户界面 send-contact-request-message 要开始聊天,您需要成为联系人 contact-request 联络请求 say-hi 打个招呼 accepted 已接受 declined 拒绝 contact-request-header 请求加为好友 contact-request-declined 已拒绝 (x) contact-request-accepted 已接受 ✓ contact-request-pending 待定... removed-from-contacts 从联系人中删除 mutual-contact-requests 好友请求 negative 负的 positive 正的 Please enter a URL 请输入网址 This fields needs to be a valid URL 此字段必须是有效的网址 Please enter a Name 请输入一个名字 Favorite added 收藏夹已添加 Edit 编辑 Add favorite 添加收藏夹 URL 网址 Paste URL 粘贴网址 Name 名称 Name the website 为网站命名 Remove 删除 Done 完成 Add 添加 '%1' would like to connect to '%1'想连接到 Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 允许授权此 DApp 检索您的钱包地址并启用 Web3 Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key 授予访问权限会授权此 DApp 检索您的聊天密钥 Deny 拒绝 Allow 允许 Enter URL 输入网址 Error sending the transaction 发送交易时出错 Error signing message 签名消息错误 Transaction pending... 交易待确定… Wrong password 密码错误 Start Page 首页 New Tab 新标签 Downloads Page 下载页面 Server's certificate not trusted 服务器的证书不受信任 Do you wish to continue? 是否要继续? If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. Do you wish to override the security check and continue? 如果你愿意,你可以继续使用未经验证的证书。接受一个未经验证的证书意味着你可能无法与你试图连接的主机相连。 你是否希望覆盖安全检查并继续? Exit Incognito mode 退出隐身模式 Go Incognito 隐身 Zoom In 放大 Zoom Out 缩小 Find 查找 Compatibility mode 兼容模式 Developer Tools 开发者工具 Settings 设置 Mainnet 主网 Ropsten Ropsten Unknown 未知 Disconnect 断开连接 Assets 资产 History 历史记录 Show All 显示全部 Cancelled 已取消 Paused 暂停 Open 打开 Show in folder 在文件夹中显示 Pause 暂停 Resume 恢复 Cancel 取消 Downloaded files will appear here. 下载的文件会出现在这里。 Open in new Tab 在新标签中打开 Ok 好的 Signature request 签名请求 From Data 数据 Message 消息 Reject 拒绝 Sign 签名 Sign with password 使用密码签署 Contact request pending 联系人请求待处理 Connected 已连接 Disconnected 断开 This user has been blocked. 该用户已被屏蔽。 Type a message. 输入消息。 Send 发送 Request Address 请求地址 Request 请求 Transaction pending 交易待处理 Continue 继续 Receive on account 账户收款 From account 从帐户 Address request required 需要地址请求 To Preview 预览 Transaction preview 交易预览 Next 下一步 Invalid transaction parameters 交易参数无效 Authorize %1 %2 授权 %1 %2 Choose account 选择账户 Network fee 网络费 Error estimating gas: %1 估算Gas费时出错: %1 Send %1 %2 发送 %1 %2 Image 图像 Sticker 贴纸 You have a new message 你有一条新消息 You have been accepted into the ‘%1’ community 您已被“%1”社区接受 Your request to join the ‘%1’ community was declined 您加入“%1”社区的请求被拒绝 New membership request 新成员申请 %1 asks to join ‘%2’ %1要求加入'%2'。 Failed to send message. 发送消息失败。 Share your chat key 分享您的聊天密钥 friends to start messaging in Status 朋友开始在Status中传递信息 ↓ Fetch more messages ↓获取更多消息 before %1 在 %1 之前 Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! 欢迎来到<span style='color: %1'> %2 </span>群! Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> 你在这里发送的任何信息都是加密的,只能由你和<span style='color: %1'>%2</span>阅读。 Join chat 加入聊天 Decline invitation 拒绝邀请 Add reaction 添加反应 Reply 回复 More 更多 Today 今天 Yesterday 昨天 January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月 and %1 more 还有 %1 个 reacted with 反应用 Error loading the image 加载图像时出错 Loading image... 正在加载图像... This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. 此功能是实验性的,旨在供核心贡献者和社区进行测试。它不适合实际使用,也不对资金或数据的安全性或完整性负责。使用风险自负。 Membership requires an ENS username 成员资格需要 ENS 用户名 You need to be invited 你需要被邀请 Request Access 请求访问 Verified community invitation 已验证的社区邀请 Community invitation 社区邀请 You invited %1 to join a community 您邀请 %1 加入社区 %1 invited you to join a community %1邀请你加入一个社区 You shared a community 您共享了一个社区 A community has been shared 已共享一个社区 Unsupported state 不支持的状态 %1 members %1成员 Joined 已加入 Join 加入 Enable automatic image unfurling 启用自动图像预览 Enable link previews in chat? 在聊天中启用链接预览? Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners 启用后,聊天中发布的链接可能会与其所有者共享您的元数据 Enable in Settings 在设置中启用 Don't ask me again 不要再问我 Resend 重新发送 Transaction request 交易请求 ↑ Outgoing transaction ↑ 转出交易 ↓ Incoming transaction ↓ 转入交易 Something has gone wrong 出错 Accept and share address 同意并分享地址 Accept and send 接受并发送 Decline 拒绝 Select account 选择账户 Choose accountSelect account to share and receive assets 选择账户来分享和接收资产 Confirm and share address 确认并分享地址 Sign and send 签名并发送 Pending 等待中 Confirmed 已确认 Unknown token 未知代币 Address requested 请求的地址 Waiting to accept 等待接受 Address shared 共享的地址 Address received 已收到地址 Transaction declined 交易被拒绝 failure 失败 Unknown state 未知状态 Group Information 群信息 Clear history 清空历史记录 Leave group 退群 Are you sure you want to leave this chat? 确定要退出此聊天吗? Remove contact 删除联系人 Are you sure you want to remove this contact? 你确定要删除这个联系人吗? Communities 社区 Search for communities or topics 搜索社区或主题 1 member 1 名成员 Import a community 导入社区 Create a community 创建一个社区 Public community 公共社区 Invitation only community 仅限邀请的社区 On request community 应要求社区 Unknown community 未知社区 - ENS only - 仅限ENS Chats 聊天 Join ‘%1’ 加入“%1” Request to join ‘%1’ 要求加入'%1'。 Error joining the community 加入社区时出错 No search results in Communities 社区中没有搜索结果 Members 成员 Create category 创建分类 Invite People 邀请其他人 Membership requests 成员资格申请 Edit category 编辑类别 Delete category 删除类别 Delete %1 category 删除 %1 类别 Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. 是否确实要删除 %1 类别?该类别中的频道不会被删除。 Error deleting the category 删除类别时出错 View Profile 查看资料 Roles 角色 Kick Ban 禁止 Transfer ownership 所有权转让 Invite successfully sent 邀请函成功发送 Share community 分享社区 Notifications 通知 Edit community 编辑社区 Export community 导出社区 Create channel 创建频道 Leave community 退出社区 Delete 删除 Welcome to your community! 欢迎来到您的社区! Add members 添加成员 Manage community 管理社区 You need to enter a name 你需要输入一个名字 Please restrict your name to letters, numbers, dashes and spaces 请将您的名字限制为字母、数字、破折号和空格 Your name needs to be 100 characters or shorter 您的名字必须不超过 100 个字符 New channel 新频道 Edit #%1 编辑#%1 channel name 频道名称 channel decription 频道描述 Channel name 频道名称 Describe the channel 描述渠道 Pinned messages 置顶的消息 A cool name 一个很酷的名字 channel description 频道描述 What your channel is about 你的频道简介 The description cannot exceed %1 characters 描述不能超过%1个字符 Private channel 私人频道 By making a channel private, only members with selected permission will be able to access it 通过将频道设为私有,只有具有选定权限的成员才能访问该频道 category name 分类名称 New category 新类别 Category title 类别标题 Channels 频道 Create 创建 Error editing the category 编辑类别时出错 Error creating the category 创建类别时出错 Error creating the community 创建社区时出错 You need to select an image 你需要选择一个图像 You need to enter a color 你需要输入一个颜色 This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) 此处需要填表示颜色的十六进制数(例如:#4360DF) New community 新社区 Name your community 命名你的社区 A catchy name 容易记住的名称 Give it a short description 简单描述一下 What your community is about 介绍你的社区 The description cannot exceed 140 characters 描述不能超过140个字符 community name 社区名称 community decription 社区描述 Thumbnail image 缩略图 Please choose an image 请选择一个图像 Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) 图像文件 (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) Upload 上传 Community colour 社区颜色 Pick a color 选择颜色 Please choose a color 请选择颜色 Membership requirement 加入条件 Require invite from another member 需要其他成员的邀请 Require approval 需要取得同意 No requirement 无要求 You can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any time 您可以要求新成员在加入前满足某些条件。这些条件可以随时更改 Save 保存 Private community 私人社区 Only members with an invite link will be able to join your community. Private communities are not listed inside Status 只有拥有邀请链接的成员才能加入您的社区。私人社区未在 Status 中列出 Your community will be public for anyone to join. Public communities are listed inside Status for easy discovery 你的社区将是公开的,任何人都可以加入。公共社区被列在Status里面,以便于发现 You need to enter a key 您需要输入密钥 Access existing community 访问现有社区 Community private key 社区私钥 Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. 输入社区密钥将授予您该社区的所有权。请对此负责,不要与你不信任的人分享私钥。 0x... 0x... Import 导入 Error importing the community 导入社区时出错 Invite friends 邀请好友 Invite 邀请 Contacts 联系人 Chat 聊天 Community imported 社区已导入 Importing community is in progress 导入社区正在进行中 Community %1 imported 社区 %1 已导入 Importing community %1 is in progress 正在导入社区 %1 Start new chat 开始新的聊天 Start group chat 开始群聊 Join public chat 加入公共聊天 No messages 没有消息 No search results 没有搜索结果 Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top 你的聊天记录会出现在这里。要开始新的聊天,请按顶部的按钮 Chat and transact privately with your friends 与你的朋友私下聊天并进行交易 Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. 在众多公共聊天中关注您感兴趣的。 View Group 查看组 Share Chat 分享聊天 Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages 测试 WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages Unmute chat 取消聊天静音 Mute chat 聊天静音 Edit Channel 编辑频道 Mark as Read 标记为已读 Delete chat 删除聊天 Leave chat 离开聊天 Choose browser 选择浏览器 Open in Status 在Status中打开 Open in my default browser 在我的默认浏览器中打开 Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. 记住我的选择。要覆盖它,请到设置中操作。 Admin 管理员 Last 24 hours 过去 24 小时 Last 2 days 最近 2 天 Last 3 days 最近3天 Last 7 days 最近7天 (You) (你) You need to enter a channel name 您需要输入频道名称 The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes 频道名称只能包含小写字母、数字和短划线 New group chat 新的群聊 %1 / 10 members %1 / 10 个成员 Group name 群组名称 Create Group Chat 创建群聊 All your contacts are already in the group 您的所有联系人都已在群组中 Make Admin 设为管理员 Remove From Group 从群组中删除 Add selected 添加选定的 Get Status at https://status.im 在 https://status.im 获取Status Download Status link 下载Status链接 Unpin 取消置顶 Pin 置顶 Copy link 复制链接 Edit message 编辑消息 Send message 发送消息 Reply to 回复 Jump to 跳转到 Delete message 删除消息 Confirm deleting this message 确认删除此消息 Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. 是否确实要删除此消息?请注意,不能保证其他客户端也会删除该消息。 Nickname 昵称 Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added 昵称可帮助您识别Status中的其他人。只有您才能看到您添加的昵称 Your nickname is too long 您的昵称太长 You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. 您还没有任何联系人。邀请您的朋友开始聊天。 Enter a valid chat key or ENS usernameEnter a valid chat key or ENS username 输入有效的聊天码或 ENS 用户名 Can't chat with yourself 不能和自己聊天 New chat 新聊天 My Profile 我的资料 Enter ENS username or chat key 输入聊天码或ENS用户名 Non contacts 非联系人 No profile found 未找到个人资料 ENS username ENS用户名 Chat key 聊天码 Share Profile URL 分享个人资料链接 Chat settings 聊天设置 None Unblock User 解除对用户的屏蔽 Block User 屏蔽此用户 Add to contacts 添加到联系人 A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. 公共聊天是你与他人一起玩耍,交朋友和谈论你感兴趣的话题的地方。 Start chat 开始聊天 Pinned by %1 由 %1 置顶 Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} 键入json-rpc信息...例如{"method":"eth_accounts"} Profile 个人资料 App version 应用程序版本 Version: %1 版本: %1 Node version 节点版本 Privacy Policy 隐私政策 Network 网络 Fleet 组别 Minimize on close 关闭时最小化 Experimental features 实验功能 Wallet 钱包 Dapp Browser Dapp浏览器 Activity Center 活动中心 Online users 在线用户 Broadcast user status 广播用户状态 Bloom filter level 布隆过滤器级别 The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled 该账户将被注销。当你再次登录时,所选模式将被启用。 Light Node 轻节点 Full Node 全节点 GIF Widget GIF 小工具 Waku Bloom Mode Waku 布隆模式 Node Management 节点管理 Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. 区块链将降低搜索成本,造成一种分解,让你拥有横向隔离和纵向隔离的实体市场。 Size 大小 Change font size 更改字体大小 XS XS S This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase" S M This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver" M L L XL XL XXL XXL Light 白天模式 Chat mode 聊天模式 Normal 正常 Compact 紧凑的 Appearance 显示 Dark 夜晚模式 System 系统 Back up seed phrase 备份助记词 Step %1 of 3 第 %1 步,共 3 步 If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and funds 如果您丢失了您的助记词, 您也同时失去了您的数据和资金 If you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safe 如果您失去了访问权限(例如,丢失了手机),则只能使用助记词访问密钥。除了您没有任何其他人有您的助记词。请将其写下来并安全保存 Check your seed phrase 查看您的助记词 Word #%1 单词 #%1 Enter word 输入单词 In order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 above 为了检查你是否正确备份了你的种子词组,请在上面输入#%1单词 Are you sure? 你确定吗? You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase again 您将无法再次查看整个助记词 With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. 有了这12个单词,你总能找回你的私钥。把它写下来。把它放在安全的地方,离线,并与这个设备分开存放。 Okay, continue 好的,继续 Wrong word 错误的单词 General 一般 Default 默认 Show favorites bar 显示收藏夹栏 Search engine used in the address bar 地址栏中使用的搜索引擎 Ethereum explorer used in the address bar 地址栏中使用的以太坊浏览器 Open an ethereum explorer after a transaction hash or an address is entered 在输入交易哈希值或地址后,打开以太坊浏览器 Privacy 隐私 Set DApp access permissions 设置DApp访问权限 Profile picture 个人头像 Crop your image (optional) 裁剪你的图像(可选) Finish 完成 Chat link previews 聊天中的链接预览 Websites 网站 Enable all 全部启用 Previewing links from these websites may share your metadata with their owners. 预览这些网站的链接可能会与它们的所有者分享你的元数据。 Add new contact 添加新联系人 Blocked contacts 已屏蔽的联系人 Add contact 添加联系人 You can't add yourself 你不能添加自己 User not found 未找到用户 You don’t have any contacts yet 您还没有任何联系人 Devices 设备 Please set a name for your device. 请为您的设备设置名称。 Specify a name 指定名称 Advertise device 广告设备 Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them 配对您的设备,以在它们之间同步联系人和聊天 Learn more 了解更多 Paired devices 已配对设备 Syncing... 正在同步... Sync all devices 同步所有设备 ENS usernames ENS用户名 Username added 用户名已添加 %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. %1 现在已与您的聊天密钥连接,并且可以在Status中使用。 Ok, got it 好的, 知道了 %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. 事务完成后,%1 将被连接。 You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. 您可以在钱包的"交易历史记录"中关注进度。 Wallet address 钱包地址 Key 密钥 Back 返回 Primary username 主用户名 Your messages are displayed to others with this username: 您的消息会显示给使用此用户名的其他人: Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. 选择用户名后,您将无法将其禁用。您只能选择要显示的其他用户名。 Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. 好!交易完成后,您将拥有 %1.stateofus.eth。 Hey (pending) (待定) Add username 添加用户名 Your usernames 您的用户名 Primary Username 主用户名 None selected 未选择 You’re displaying your ENS username in chats 您在聊天中显示您的 ENS 用户名 At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. 至少4个字符。仅限拉丁字母、数字和小写字母。 Letters and numbers only. 仅限字母和数字。 Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth 输入完整的用户名,包括自定义域,例如username.domain.eth Your username 您的用户名 ✓ Username available! ✓用户名可用! Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. 如果继续,会将此用户名与您的聊天码关联。 Username doesn’t belong to you :( 用户名不属于您 :( Username already taken :( 用户名已被占用 :( (edited) (已编辑) Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. 用户名已经与您的聊天密钥相连,可以在Status中使用。 This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. 该用户名由您拥有,并与您的聊天密钥相关联。继续设置`在聊天中显示我的ENS用户名`。 Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. 如果继续,将需要通过一笔交易将用户名与您当前的聊天码关联起来。 Custom domain 自定义域名 I want a stateofus.eth domain 我想要一个stateofus.eth域名 I own a name on another domain 我在其他域名上拥有一个名称 Connect username with your pubkey 将用户名与您的公钥相关联 Terms of name registration 名称注册的条款 Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. 资金存入1年。您的SNT将被锁定,但不会被花费。 After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. 1年后,您可以释放名称并赎回您的押金,或者不采取任何措施保留该名称。 If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. 如果合约条款发生变化(例如,Status升级合约),用户有权释放用户名,无论持有时间长短。 The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. 合约控制者无法访问您缴纳的押金。它们只能原路返回发送它们的钱包地址。 Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. 您的地址将与您的ENS名称公开关联。 Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. 用户名创建为stateofus.eth的子域节点,并受ENS智能合约条款的约束。 You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. 您授权合约代表您转发SNT。仅当您批准交易以授权转发时,才会出现这种情况。 These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: 这些条款由下列地址的智能合约逻辑保证: %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). %1(Status用户名注册器)。 <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> <a href='%1%2'>在Etherscan上查询</a> %1 (ENS Registry). %1(ENS 注册表)。 Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. 同意<a href="#">名字注册的条款。</a>我明白,我的钱包地址将公开与我的用户名相关联。 10 SNT 10 SNT Deposit 存款 Not enough SNT SNT不足 Register 注册 Get a universal username 获取通用用户名 ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. ENS名称将那些冗长的地址转换为独一无二的用户名。 Customize your chat name 自定义聊天名称 An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. ENS名称可以替换聊天中随机的3个单词名称。应@yourname而不是 %1。 Simplify your ETH address 简化您的ETH地址 You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). 您可以使用易于共享的ENS名称而不是十六进制哈希(0x ...)来接收资金。 Receive transactions in chat 在聊天中接收交易 Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. 其他人可以在聊天中通过一个简单的操作向您汇款。 10 SNT to register 注册需要10个SNT Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. 注册一次就可以永久保留该用户名。1年后,您可以解绑用户名,并赎回您的SNT。 Already own a username? 已经拥有用户名? You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. 您可以在后续步骤中验证并添加您拥有的任何用户名。 Powered by Ethereum Name Services 由以太坊名称服务提供支持 Start 开始 Only available on Mainnet 仅适用于主网 ENS Registration failed ENS 注册失败 ENS Registration completed ENS 注册已完成 Updating ENS pubkey failed 更新 ENS 公钥失败 Updating ENS pubkey completed 更新 ENS 公钥已完成 Warning! 警告! Change fleet to %1 将组别更改为 %1 Glossary 词汇 Account 帐户 A This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account" A Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the wallet 您的Status帐户,可通过您在首次打开的时候创建或导入助记词访问。除了在首次打开期间创建的地址外,Status帐户还可以持有多个以太坊地址。我们将这些称为钱包中的其他帐户 Chat Key 聊天码 C This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key" C Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status. 在Status聊天协议中使用加密密钥发送和接收消息。公共聊天码是您与他人分享的一串字符,在Status中用于其他人向您发送消息。 Chat Name 聊天名称 Three random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words. 三个随机的词,通过算法从您的聊天码中派生,并用作您在聊天中的默认别名。聊天名称是独一无二的;没有任何其他用户可以拥有相同的三个词。 ENS Name ENS名称 E This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name" E Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames. 您可以使用以太坊名称服务(ENS)为您的聊天码注册的自定义别名。ENS名称是去中心化的用户名。 Mailserver 邮件服务器 A node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days. Status网络中路由和存储消息的节点,最多存储30天的消息。 Peer 对等点 P This letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer" P A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devices 连接到Status聊天网络的设备。每个用户可以表示一个或多个对等方,具体取决于其设备数量 Seed Phrase 助记词 A 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address. 基于以太坊标准并以 0x 开头的 64 个字符的十六进制地址。面向公众,当您想要接收资金时,您的钱包公钥将与他人共享。也称为“以太坊地址”或“钱包地址”。 Frequently asked questions 常见问题 Submit a bug 提交错误 Request a feature 申请一个功能 Language settings 语言设置 Language 语言 Muted chats 静音聊天 Unmute 取消静音 The account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be used 该帐户将被注销。再次解锁时,将使用所选网络 Add network 添加网络 You need to enter the RPC endpoint URL 你需要输入RPC端点的URL Invalid URL 无效的网址 You need to enter the network id 您需要输入网络ID Should be a number 应该是一个数字 Invalid network id 无效的网络ID RPC URL RPC 网址 Specify a RPC URL 指定 RPC 网址 Network chain 网络链 Ropsten test network Ropsten测试网络 Rinkeby test network Rinkeby测试网络 Custom 自定义 Network Id 网络 ID Specify the network id 指定网络 ID Main networks 主网 Test networks 测试网络 Custom Networks 自定义网络 Under development NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed sticker packs will be removed and will need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker packs will not need to be re-purchased. 开发中 注意:你将被注销,所有已安装的 贴纸包将被删除,并将 需要重新安装。购买的贴纸 包将不需要重新购买。 Notification preferences 通知偏好 All messages 所有消息 Just @mentions 只需@提及 Nothing Play a sound when receiving a notification 收到通知时播放声音 Use your operating system's notifications 使用操作系统的通知 Setting this to false will instead use Status' notification style as seen below 将此设置为 false 将改为使用Status的通知样式,如下所示 Message preview 消息预览 Anonymous 匿名的 Name only 仅名称 Name & Message 名称和消息 Hi there! Yes, no problem, let me know if I can help. 嘿,您好!是的,没问题,有什么可以帮助您的,请告诉我。 No preview or Advanced? Go to Notification Center 没有预览或高级设置?转到通知中心 Contacts & Users 联系人和用户 Notify on new requests 通知新请求 Receive notifications from non-contacts 接收来自非联系人的通知 Muted users 静音的用户 Muted contacts 已静音的联系人 Muted contacts will appear here 静音的联系人将显示在此处 Muted chats will appear here 静音聊天将显示在此处 You can limit what gets shown in notifications 您可以限制通知中显示的内容 Reset notification settings 重置通知设置 Restore default notification settings and unmute all chats and users 恢复默认通知设置并取消所有聊天和用户的静音 Open links with... 打开链接... My default browser 我的默认浏览器 Security 安全 Backup Seed Phrase 备份助记词 Display all profile pictures (not only contacts) 显示所有个人资料图片(不仅是联系人) Display images in chat automatically 自动在聊天中显示图像 All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed, regardless of the whitelist settings below 所有的图片(包含图片扩展名的链接)都将被下载和显示,不管下面的白名单设置如何 Allow new contact requests 允许新的联系人请求 Sign out controls 退出控件 LogoutExit 注销退出 Sounds settings 声音设置 Sound volume 音量 Sync settings 同步设置 Add mailserver 添加邮件服务器 You need to enter the enode address 需要输入enode地址 History node address 历史节点地址 enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number} enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port-number}。 Automatic mailserver selection 自动选择邮件服务器 ... ... Share what's on your mind and stay updated with your contacts 分享您的想法并与您的联系人保持同步 Status account settings Status 帐户设置 You need to enter an account name 您需要输入一个帐户名称 Enter an account name... 输入帐户名称... Account name 帐户名称 Type 类型 Watch-only 仅限观察 Off Status tree 不在Status树上 On Status tree 在Status树上 Derivation path 派生路径 Storage 存储 This device 本设备 Delete account 删除帐户 A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore 已删除的帐户以后无法检索。如果您备份了密钥/种子或不再关心此帐户,请点击是 Save changes 保存更改 Add custom token 添加自定义代币 This needs to be a valid address 这需要是一个有效的地址 Invalid ERC20 address 无效的ERC20地址 Enter contract address... 输入合约地址... Contract address 合约地址 The name of your token... 代币的名称... ABC ABC Symbol 符号 Decimals 小数点 Collectibles will appear here 收藏品将在这里显示 To From At Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. Status 桌面连接到一个非存档节点。交易历史可能不完整。 No transactions found 没有发现交易 Load More 加载更多 Total value 总价值 Receive 收到 Back up your seed phrase 备份助记词 Recipient 接收者 Transaction completed 交易完成 Transaction failed 交易失败 Set Currency 设置货币 Signing phrase 签名短语 This is your signing phrase 这是您的签名短语 You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction 在签署每笔交易之前, 您应看到这3个单词 If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out 如果您看到其他组合,请取消交易并注销 Remind me later 稍后提醒我 Manage Assets 管理资产 Account Settings 帐户设置 Collectibles 收藏品 Generate an account 生成帐户 Add a watch-only address 添加仅限观察的地址 Enter a seed phrase 输入助记词 Enter a private key 输入私钥 Add account from private key 通过私钥添加帐户 You need to enter a password 您需要输入密码 Password needs to be 6 characters or more 密码需要是6个字符或更多 You need to enter a private key 您需要输入私钥 Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) 输入有效的私钥(64 个字符的十六进制字符串) Enter your password… 输入您的密码... Password 密码 Paste the contents of your private key 粘贴您的私钥 Private key 私钥 Loading... 正在加载... Add account 添加账户 You need to enter a seed phrase 您需要输入助记词 Enter a valid mnemonic 输入有效的助记符 Add account with a seed phrase 使用助记词添加帐户 Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... 输入您的助记词,用逗号或空格分隔单词... Seed phrase 助记词 Add a watch-only account 添加仅限查看的帐户 You need to enter an address 您需要输入地址 This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) 需要是一个有效的地址(以 0x 开头) Enter address... 输入地址... Account address 账户地址 Token details 代币详情 Remove token 删除代币 Transaction Details 交易明细 9999 Confirmations 9999次确认 When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. 当交易有 12 次确认时,您可以认为它已完成。 Block Hash 哈希 Gas limit Gas限制 Gas price Gas价格 Gas used 使用的Gas Nonce 序号 Something went wrong 出错 Reload 重新加载 Maximum number of collectibles to display reached 已达到最大收藏品展示数量 View 查看 Unnamed 未命名 ID ID Description 描述 US Dollars 美元 Euros 欧元 United Arab Emirates dirham 阿联酋迪拉姆 Afghan afghani 阿富汗阿富汗尼 Argentine peso 阿根廷比索 Australian dollar 澳元 Barbadian dollar 巴巴多斯元 Bangladeshi taka 孟加拉塔卡 Bulgarian lev 保加利亚列弗 Bahraini dinar 巴林第纳尔 Brunei dollar 文莱元 Bolivian boliviano 玻利维亚诺玻利维亚诺 Brazillian real 巴西雷亚尔 Bhutanese ngultrum 不丹努尔特鲁姆 Canadian dollar 加拿大元 Swiss franc 瑞士法郎 Chilean peso 智利比索 Chinese yuan 人民币 Colombian peso 哥伦比亚比索 Costa Rican colón 哥斯达黎加科隆 Czech koruna 捷克克朗 Danish krone 丹麦 克朗 Dominican peso 多米尼加 比索 Egyptian pound 埃及镑 Ethiopian birr 埃塞俄比亚 比尔 British Pound 英镑 Georgian lari 格鲁吉亚 拉里 Ghanaian cedi 加纳 塞地 Hong Kong dollar 港元 Croatian kuna 克罗地亚 库纳 Hungarian forint 匈牙利 福林 Indonesian rupiah 印尼盾 Israeli new shekel 以色列 新谢克尔 Indian rupee 印度 卢比 Icelandic króna 冰岛 克朗 Jamaican dollar 牙买加元 Japanese yen 日元 Kenyan shilling 肯尼亚 先令 South Korean won 韩元 Kuwaiti dinar 科威特 第纳尔 Kazakhstani tenge 哈萨克斯坦 坚戈 Sri Lankan rupee 斯里兰卡 卢比 Moroccan dirham 摩洛哥 迪拉姆 Moldovan leu 摩尔多瓦 列伊 Mauritian rupee 毛里求斯 卢比 Malawian kwacha 马拉维 克瓦查 Mexican peso 墨西哥 比索 Malaysian ringgit 马来西亚 林吉特 Mozambican metical 莫桑比克 梅蒂卡尔 Namibian dollar 纳米比亚元 Nigerian naira 尼日利亚 奈拉 Norwegian krone 挪威克朗 Nepalese rupee 尼泊尔卢比 New Zealand dollar 新西兰元 Omani rial 阿曼里亚尔 Peruvian sol 秘鲁索尔 Papua New Guinean kina 巴布亚新几内亚基那 Philippine peso 菲律宾比索 Pakistani rupee 巴基斯坦卢比 Polish złoty 波兰兹罗提 Paraguayan guaraní 巴拉圭瓜拉尼 Qatari riyal 卡塔尔里亚尔 Romanian leu 罗马尼亚列伊 Serbian dinar 塞尔维亚第纳尔 Russian ruble 俄罗斯卢布 Saudi riyal 沙特 里亚尔 Swedish krona 瑞典 克朗 Singapore dollar 新加坡元 Thai baht 泰铢 Trinidad and Tobago dollar 特立尼达和多巴哥元 New Taiwan dollar 新台币 Tanzanian shilling 坦桑尼亚 先令 Turkish lira 土耳其 里拉 Ukrainian hryvnia 乌克兰格 里夫纳 Ugandan shilling 乌干达 先令 Uruguayan peso 乌拉圭 比索 Venezuelan bolívar 委内瑞拉 玻利瓦尔 Vietnamese đồng 越南盾 South African rand 南非 兰特 View Community 查看社区 Browser 浏览器 Timeline 时间轴 Contact request accepted 已接受好友申请 New contact request 新的好友申请 You can now chat with %1 您现在可以与 %1 聊天 %1 requests to become contacts %1申请成为联系人 Where do you want to go? 你想去哪里? Status Desktop Status桌面 Open Status 打开Status Quit 退出 Create a password 创建密码 New password... 新密码... Confirm password… 确认密码… At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. 至少 6 个字符。您将使用此密码解锁此设备上的Status并签署交易。 Create password 创建密码 Error importing account 导入账户出错 An error occurred while importing your account: 在导入您的账户时发生了错误。 Login failed 登录失败 Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. 登录失败。请重新输入您的密码,然后重试。 Enter seed phrase 输入助记词 This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. 该助记词与我们支持的词库不匹配。请检查是否存在拼写错误。 Start with the first word 从第一个单词开始 Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. Seperate words by a single space. 输入 12、15、18、21 或 24 个单词。 用一个空格分隔单词。 Invalid seed phrase 助记词无效 Choose a chat name 选择一个聊天名称 Truly private communication 真正私密的通信 Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network where messages can't be censored or hacked 通过一个点对点的加密网络进行聊天 信息不能被审查或黑客攻击 Secure crypto wallet 安全加密钱包 Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the world--no bank account required 在世界任何地方发送和接收数字资产 不需要银行账户 Decentralized apps 去中心化应用 Explore games, exchanges and social networks where you alone own your data 探索游戏、交易所和社交网络 在这些地方您独自拥有您的数据 Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. 感谢试用Status桌面! 请注意,这是一个测试版本,我们建议你使用这个应用程序应该只用于测试目的,你要对你的数据和资金的所有风险承担全部责任。在这些构建中,Status对资金的安全性和完整性不做任何声明。 I understand 我明白 Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. Status 不会收集、共享或出售任何个人数据。继续即表示您同意隐私政策。 I'm new, generate keys 我是新人,生成密钥 Access existing key 访问现有密钥 Enter password 输入密码 Connecting... 连接... Login failed: %1 登录失败: %1 Generate new keys 生成新密钥 Your keys 您的密钥 Add another existing key 添加另一个现有密钥 Your keys have been successfully recovered 您的密钥已成功恢复 You will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keys 你将不得不创建一个新的代码或密码来重新加密你的私钥 Re-encrypt your keys 重新加密密钥 Cannot find asset '%1'. Ensure this asset has been added to the token list. 无法找到资产'%1'。请确保该资产已被添加到代币列表中。 ENS Username not found 未找到 ENS 用户名 eg. 0x1234 or ENS 例如。 0x1234 或 ENS Paste 粘贴 You need to request the recipient’s address first. Assets won’t be sent yet. 你需要先请求对方的地址。 资产还不会被发送。 Invalid source 无效源 Insufficient balance 余额不足 Must be greater than 0 必须大于0 Priority 优先 Use suggestions 使用建议 Use custom 使用自定义 Low High Gas amount limit gas数量上限 Per-gas overall limit gas 总限制 Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. 交易的最高费用。如果区块基本费用超过这个数值,则交易将被打包进基础费用较低的下一个区块中。 Must be greater than or equal to 0 必须大于或等于0 This needs to be a number 这需要是数字 Please enter an amount 请输入金额 The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. 金额为 0。仅在需要时继续。 Balance: 余额 Asset & Amount 资产及金额 Blocking will remove any messages you received from %1 and stop new messages from reaching you. 屏蔽将删除您从 %1 收到的所有消息,并阻止新消息送达您。 Account color 帐户颜色 Confirm your action 确认您的操作 Confirm 确认 Are you sure you want to this? 你确定你想这样做吗? Do not show this again 不再显示此内容 Please select a contact 请选择一个联系人 Select a contact 选择联系人 Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. 联系人没有 ENS 地址。请在聊天中发送交易。 No contact selected 未选择联系人 Copied! 已复制! Slow Optimal 最佳 Fast Reset 重置 Advanced 高级 Custom Network Fee 自定义网络费用 Gwei GWEI Apply 应用 Not enough ETH for gas 没有足够的 ETH 来支付 gas Copied 已复制 Pasted 已粘贴 Copy 复制到剪切板 Invalid ethereum address 无效的以太坊地址 Address 地址 My account 我的帐户 Contact 联系人 Search 搜索 In: 在。 Messages 消息 Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. 代币将直接发送到合约地址,这可能会导致资金损失。要转移 ERC-20 代币,请确保接收地址是目标钱包的地址。 View on Etherscan 在 Etherscan 上查看 <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> <a href='%1' style='color:%2;text-decoration:none;'>%3</a> Asset 资产 Amount 金额 Data field 数据字段 Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. 签名短语是您第一次在此设备上进入钱包时显示的 3 个单词的组合。 Enter the password you use to unlock this device 输入您用于解锁此设备的密码 Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. 取消屏蔽将允许您从 %1 收到的新消息发送给您。 Send transaction 发送交易 Request transaction 请求交易 Public chat 公共聊天 Not a contact 非联系人 Image files (%1) 图像文件 (%1) Your message is too long. 你的消息太长了。 Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. 请缩短您的信息。为了尊重他人,我们将字数限制为2000字。 Type a message 键入消息 Bold 粗体 Italic 斜体 Strikethrough 删除线 Code 代码 No recent emojis 没有最近的表情符号 Buy for %1 SNT 购买 %1 SNT Uninstall 卸载 Install 安装 Free ↓免费 Pending... 待定... Update 更新 Could not buy Stickerpack 无法购买贴纸包 Stickerpack bought successfully 成功购买贴纸包 You don't have any stickers yet 您还没有任何贴纸 Recently used stickers will appear here 最近使用的贴纸将显示在此处 Get Stickers 获取贴纸 Ethereum explorer 以太坊浏览器 Custom... 自定义 Search engine 搜索引擎 Dapp permissions Dapp 权限 Revoke access 撤消访问权限 Revoke all access 撤消所有访问权限 Show more 显示更多 %1 invited you to join the group %1 邀请您加入群组 All 全部 Mentions 提及 Replies 回复 Contact requests 好友申请 Mark all as Read 标记全部为已读 Show read notifications 显示已读通知 Hide read notifications 隐藏已读通知 Notification settings 通知设置 You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages 你需要和这个人有共同的联系,他们才能收到你的信息 Waiting for %1 to accept your request 等待 %1 接受您的请求 Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat 只要点击这个按钮,就可以把他们添加为联系人。他们会收到一个通知。一旦他们接受请求,你们就可以聊天了。 Back up community key 备份社区密钥 Back up 备份 Member name 成员名字 Community members will appear here 社区成员将出现在这里 No contacts found 未找到联系人 Your community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator first 您的社区可以自由加入,但是新成员首先必须先获得社区创建者的同意 Your community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community members 您的社区只能通过现有社区成员的邀请才能加入 Your community is free for anyone to join 任何人都可以自由加入您的社区 You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community 您应该保持其安全,并仅与您信任的人共享,以拥有您的社区 You can also use this key to import your community on another device 你也可以用这个密钥在另一个设备上导入你的社区 Decline and block 拒绝和屏蔽 Decline all contacts 拒绝所有好友请求 Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests 您确定要拒绝所有好友请求吗 Accept all contacts 接受所有联系人 Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests 您确定要接受所有好友申请吗 Decline all 全部拒绝 Accept all 全都同意 Pin limit reached 达到置顶消息数上限 Unpin a previous message first 先取消上一条置顶消息 %1 messages %1条消息 %1 message %1 条消息 Pinned messages will appear here. 置顶的消息将出现在这里。 I accept 我接受 Format not supported. 不支持格式。 Upload %1 only 仅上传 %1 You can only upload %1 images at a time 你一次只能上传%1张图片 Max image size is %1 MB 最大图像大小为 %1 MB TODO 待办事项 NOW 现在 %1M %1月 %1H %1H %1D %1D Sun 星期天 Mon 星期一 Tue 星期二 Wed 星期三 Thu 星期四 Fri 星期五 Sat 星期六 Jan 一月 Feb 二月 Mar 三月 Apr 四月 Jun 六月 Jul 七月 Aug 八月 Sep 九月 Oct 十月 Nov 十一月 Dec 十二月 Sunday 星期日 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 与%1开始1对1聊天 Join the %1 community 加入%1社区 Join the %1 group chat 加入 %1 群聊 Join the %1 public channel 加入 %1 公共频道 words Mainnet with upstream RPC 带有上游 RPC 的主网 POA Network POA网络 xDai Chain xDai 链 Goerli with upstream RPC 带有上游RPC的Goerli Rinkeby with upstream RPC 带有上游RPC的Rinkeby Ropsten with upstream RPC 使用上游 RPC 的 Ropsten You need to repeat your password 您需要重复密码 Passwords don't match 密码不匹配 You need to enter a %1 您需要输入 %1 The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters %1 不能超过 %2 个字符 Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) 必须是一个十六进制表示的颜色(例如:#4360DF)。 Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. 只能使用小写字母(a 到 z)、数字和破折号 (-)。不要使用聊天码。 community-image-delete public 公開 AboutView Status Desktop Status桌面版 Privacy Policy 隐私政策 Check for updates Current Version Release Notes Our Principles Status desktop’s GitHub Repositories Status Go StatusQ go-waku Legal & Privacy Documents Terms of Use Software License AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanel View Profile 查看资料 Decline and block 拒绝和屏蔽 AccessExistingCommunityPopup You need to enter a key 您需要输入密钥 Import 导入 Error importing the community 导入社区时出错 AccountView Type 类型 Storage 存储 Watch-Only Account Generated by your Status seed phrase profile Imported Account On Device Derivation Path Remove from your profile Confirm %1 Removal You will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again. Remove Account ActivityCenterMessageComponentView Mark as Read 标记为已读 Mark as Unread AddAccountModal Advanced 高级 Generate an account Wrong password You need to enter a password Password needs to be 6 characters or more Enter your password… Password Enter an account name... Account name You need to enter an account name color Loading... Add account AddEditSavedAddressPopup Name 名称 Address 地址 Save 保存 Edit saved address Add saved address Enter a name Name must not be blank This is not a valid account name Enter ENS Name or Ethereum Address Please enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum Address Add address AddFavoriteModal URL 网址 Paste URL 粘贴网址 Paste 粘贴 Pasted 已粘贴 Name 名称 Favorite added Edit Add favorite Please enter a valid URL Name of the website Please enter a name Remove Done Add Add Favorite AdvancedContainer Online users 在线用户 AdvancedView disable 禁用 enable 啟用 Fleet Minimize on close Application Logs Experimental features Wallet WalletSettingsLineButton Dapp Browser Community History Archive Protocol Node Management Keycard Bloom filter level Warning! The account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabled Light Node Normal Full Node WakuV2 mode Developer features Full developer mode Download messages Telemetry Debug Auto message Are you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted. Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect. This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. I understand AllowNotificationsView Ok, got it 好的, 知道了 Allow notifications Status will notify you about new messages. You can edit your notification preferences later in settings. AppMain Where do you want to go? 你想去哪里? Profile Picture Make this my Profile Pic Invite People View Community Leave Community A new version of Status (%1) is available Download Your version is up to date Close Can not connect to mailserver The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. Pick another Retry AppearanceView XS XS S S M M L L XL XL XXL XXL Preview Blockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated. Size Change font size Change Zoom (requires restart) 50% 100% 150% 200% Appearance Light Dark System BackupSeedModal Back up your seed phrase 备份助记词 Continue 继续 Not Now Confirm Seed Phrase Complete & Delete My Seed Phrase Confirm word #%1 of your seed phrase BackupSeedStepBase Enter word 输入单词 Wrong word 错误的单词 Word #%1 BeforeGetStartedModal Privacy Policy 隐私政策 Before you get started I acknowledge that status desktop is in beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds Before you get started... Get Started I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds. I accept Status Terms of Use Terms of service Get started BrowserLayout Transaction pending... 交易待确定… Error sending the transaction Error signing message View on etherscan Server's certificate not trusted Do you wish to continue? If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to. Do you wish to override the security check and continue? ChatContextMenuView Leave group 退群 Save 保存 Delete 删除 Are you sure you want to leave this chat? 确定要退出此聊天吗? View Members Add / remove from group Test WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessages Edit name Mark as Read Clear history Edit Channel Download Delete Channel Delete chat Leave chat Download messages Delete #%1 Are you sure you want to delete #%1 channel? Are you sure you want to delete this chat? ChatView Members 成员 Remove contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? CollectibleDetailsHeader Send 发送 CollectibleModal description 描述 unnamed id View in Opensea CollectiblesStore Collectibles 收藏品 CollectiblesView Collectibles will appear here 收藏品将在这里显示 CommunitiesListPanel Cancel 取消 Leave community 退出社区 Leave %1 Are you sure you want to leave? Once you leave, you will have to request to rejoin if you change your mind. CommunitiesPopup Communities 社区 1 member 1 名成员 %1 members %1成员 Create a community 创建社区 Search for communities or topics 搜索社区或主题 Access existing community CommunitiesPortalLayout Search 搜索 Find community Import Community Create New Community Featured Popular CommunityColorPicker Community colour 社区颜色 CommunityColumnView Create channel 创建频道 Create category 创建分类 1 Member %1 Members Start chat Membership requests Invite people Unmute category Mute category Edit Category Delete Category Delete %1 category Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. Create channel or category Error deleting the category CommunityDescriptionInput Description 描述 What your community is about 介绍你的社区 community description CommunityDetailPopup Join ‘%1’ 加入'%1' Pending 等待中 Unknown community 未知社区 Public community Invitation only community On request community - ENS only %1 members Channels You need to be invited Request to join ‘%1’ Error joining the community CommunityEditSettingsPanel A catchy name 容易记住的名称 community name 社区名称 Description 描述 What your community is about 介绍你的社区 Pick a color 选择颜色 CommunityHeaderButton 1 member 1 名成员 %1 members %1成员 CommunityMembersSettingsPanel Members 成员 Member name 成员名称 Ban 禁止 Kick Membership requests Community members will appear here No contacts found You CommunityNameInput A catchy name 容易记住的名称 community name 社区名称 Community name CommunityProfilePopup Members 成员 Transfer ownership 所有权转让 Public community Invitation only community On request community Unknown community Invite friends Invite CommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanel Copied! 已复制! Contacts 联系人 Share community CommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanel Member name 成员名称 CommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanel Copied! 复制! Share community Transfer ownership Leave community CommunitySettingsView Members 成员 Notifications 通知 Settings 设置 Overview Open legacy popup (to be removed) Back to community Error editing the community CommunityUserList Members 成员 ConfirmPasswordView Passwords don't match 密码不匹配 Have you written down your password? You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it. If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place. If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile. Confirm your password (again) Confirm you password (again) Finalise Status Password Creation Keys for this account already exist Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase Login failed Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. ConfirmationDialog Confirm 确认 Reject 拒绝 Cancel 取消 Confirm your action 确认您的操作 Do not show this again 不再显示此内容 Are you sure you want to do this? ContactPanel View Profile 查看资料 Send message 发送消息 Respond to ID Request See ID Request Rename ContactsColumnView Start chat 开始聊天 Chat Search Join public chats Contact requests Community imported Importing community is in progress ContactsView Contacts 联系人 Send contact request to chat key Search by a display name or chat key Pending Requests Blocked Identity Verified Contacts You don’t have any contacts yet Received Sent Remove contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? Controls XS XS S S M M L L XL XL XXL XXL 50% 100% 150% 200% CreateCategoryPopup Category title 类别标题 category name 分类名称 Edit category New category Name the category Channels Delete category Delete %1 category Are you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted. Save Create Error editing the category Error creating the category CreateChannelPopup Channel name 频道名称 channel name 频道名称 Description 描述 Describe the channel 描述渠道 channel description 频道说明 New channel Edit #%1 Name the channel Channel colour Pick a color Save Create Error creating the community CreateChatView Contacts 联系人 To: USER LIMIT REACHED You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. You can only send direct messages to your Contacts. Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to chat with them once they have accepted your contact request. Confirm CreateCommunityPopup You need to enter a color 你需要输入一个颜色 This field needs to be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) 此处需要填表示颜色的十六进制数(例如:#4360DF) Community color 社区颜色 Pick a color 选择颜色 Please choose a color 请选择颜色 Next 下一步 Error creating the community 创建社区时出错 Name your community 命名您的社区 A catchy name 容易记住的名称 Give it a short description 简单描述一下 What your community is about 介绍你的社区 Community colour 社区颜色 Create New Community Create Community CreatePasswordView Create password 创建密码 DemoApp Invite People 邀请其他人 View Community 查看社区 Edit Community Leave Community DerivationPathsPanel Reset 重置 Derivation Path DerivedAddressesPanel Pending 等待中 Account 帐户 No activity Invalid path Has Activity No Activity DisplayNamePopup Edit 编辑 Ok 好的 Display Name OK EnsDetailsView Wallet address 钱包地址 Key 密钥 Connect username with your pubkey 将用户名与您的公钥相关联 Copied to clipboard! Release username Username locked. You won't be able to release it until %1 Back EnsSearchView Connect username with your pubkey 将用户名与您的公钥相关联 At least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only. Letters and numbers only. Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.eth Custom domain I want a stateofus.eth domain I own a name on another domain EnsView Transaction pending... 交易待确定… View on etherscan ENS Registration failed ENS Registration completed Updating ENS pubkey failed Updating ENS pubkey completed ExemptionNotificationsModal Done 完成 %1 exemption Mute all messages Personal @ Mentions Global @ Mentions Other Messages Clear Exemptions GasSelector Priority 优先程度 Low High Must be greater than 0 This needs to be a number Please enter an amount Min 21000 units Not enough gas Miners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 Gwei The average miner tip is %1 Gwei Gas Price Current base fee: %1 %2 Use suggestions Use custom Optimal Gas amount limit Per-gas tip limit Gwei Per-gas overall limit Maximum priority fee: %1 ETH Maximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee. GroupInfoPopup %1/%2 members %1 个成员 {1/%2 ?} Add members %1 members 1 member Search All your contacts are already in the group Pinned messages Admin Make Admin Remove From Group Add selected ImageCropperModal Crop your image (optional) 裁剪你的图像(可选) Finish 完成 ImportPrivateKeyPanel Pending 等待中 You need to enter a private key Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) Private key Paste the contents of your private key Public address Account already added Has Activity No Activity InsertCard Cancel 取消 Please insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operation InsertDetailsView Next 下一步 Profile picture 个人头像 Your profile Longer and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else. Display name Chatkey: Choose an image for profile picture Make this my profile picture Your emojihash and identicon ring This set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators. InvitationBubbleView Unsupported state 不支持的状态 Membership requires an ENS username You need to be invited Pending View Request Access Join Verified community invitation Community invitation %1 members Error joining the community KeysMainView Enter a seed phrase 输入助记词 Generate new keys 生成新密钥 intro-wizard-title1 a-set-of-keys-controls-your-account.-your-keys-live-on-your-device,-so-only-you-can-use-them. Connect your keys Use your existing Status keys to login to this device. Get your keys A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them. Import a seed phrase Seed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys. Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase. LanguageView Language 语言 Set Display Currency Search Currencies Search Languages Date Format DD/MM/YY MM/DD/YY Time Format 24-Hour Time 12-Hour Time Change language Display language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect. Close the app now Layout Invite People 邀请其他人 View Community 查看社区 To: USER LIMIT REACHED Edit Community Leave Community LeftTabView Settings 设置 Sign out Make sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds. Sign out & Quit Wallet Total value Add account Saved addresses LoginView Ok 好的 Welcome back Add new user Add existing Status user Connecting... Password Enter password Login failed: %1 Password incorrect MenuPanel Settings 设置 Apps About & Help MessageContextMenuView Jump to 跳转到 Copy image Download image Block User Unblock User Rename Reply to Edit message Copy Message Id Unpin Pin Delete message Please choose a directory Confirm deleting this message Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. MessagingView Contacts 联系人 Allow new contact requests Show My Profile Picture To Everyone No One See Profile Pictures From Open Message Links With Status Browser System Default Browser Contacts, Requests, and Blocked Users Display Message Link Previews Fine tune which sites to allow link previews Image unfurling All images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayed Message syncing Waku nodes For security reasons, private chat history won't be synced. MyProfileView ENS username ENS用户名 Chat key 聊天码 Share Profile URL 分享个人资料链接 Change Password Edit Preview NicknamePopup Nickname 昵称 Nicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve added Done NoImageUploadedPanel Upload 上传 Wide aspect ratio is optimal NotificationsView Messages 消息 You have a new message 你有一条新消息 Anonymous 匿名的 Community 1:1 Chat Group Chat Muted Off Quiet Personal @ Mentions %1 Global @ Mentions %1 Alerts Other Messages %1 Multiple Exemptions Enable Notifications in macOS Settings To receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b> Sync your devices to share notifications preferences Syncing > Allow Notifications 1:1 Chats Group Chats Personal @ Mentions Messages containing @%1 Global @ Mentions Messages containing @here and @channel All Messages Others Contact Requests Identity Verification Requests Notification Content Show Name and Message Hi there! So EIP-1559 will defini... Name Only Play a Sound When Receiving a Notification Volume Send a Test Notification Exemptions Search Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 Chats Most recent PasswordView Create a password 创建密码 Passwords don't match 密码不匹配 Create a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost. Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including: This password has been pwned and shouldn't be used This password is a common word and shouldn't be used Password must be at least %1 characters long Current password New password Very weak Weak So-so Good Great Lower case Upper case Numbers Symbols Confirm password PermissionsListView Disconnect 断开连接 Disconnect All PinnedMessagesPopup Unpin 取消置顶 Pin limit reached Pinned messages Unpin a previous message first %1 messages %1 message Pinned messages will appear here. ProfileLayout Contacts 联系人 Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets. Secure your seed phrase Back up now ProfilePopup ENS username ENS用户名 Chat key 聊天码 Share Profile URL 分享个人资料链接 Chat settings 聊天设置 Nickname 昵称 None Remove contact 删除联系人 Are you sure you want to remove this contact? 您确定要删除此联系人吗? Unblock User 解除对用户的屏蔽 Block User 屏蔽此用户 Add to contacts 添加到联系人 's Profile Send Contact Request to Verify %1's Identity My Profile %1's Profile Send Contact Request to %1 Cancel verification Remove Contact Send Contact Request Mark Untrustworthy Remove 'Identity Verified' status No Yes Remove Untrustworthy Mark Verify Identity Verify Identity pending... Send verification request Verification request sent Confirm Identity Rename Close ProfileSectionStore Profile 个人资料 ENS usernames ENS用户名 Wallet 钱包 Browser 浏览器 Communities 社区 Appearance 显示 Back up seed phrase 备份助记词 Advanced 高级 Messaging Notifications & Sounds Language & Currency Devices settings About Sign out & Quit RateView Upload 上传 Bandwidth Kb/s Download ReceiveModal Copy 复制到剪切板 Receive Legacy Multichain Your Address RootStore You Start a 1-on-1 chat with %1 Join the %1 community Join the %1 group chat SavedAddressesView Cancel 取消 Delete 删除 Saved addresses Add new address Edit Are you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses? Are you sure? No saved addresses SeedPhraseInputView Enter seed phrase 输入助记词 Next 下一步 Import 导入 Keys for this account already exist Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase Error importing seed %1 words %1SeedButton Invalid seed Restore Status Profile SendContactRequestModal Paste 粘贴 Send Contact Request to chat key Enter chat key here Say who you are / why you want to become a contact... who are you Send Contact Request SendModal Transaction pending... 交易待确定… Error sending the transaction Send Max: No balances active Please enter a valid amount To Enter an ENS name or address Error estimating gas: %1 Wrong password View on etherscan SendModalFooter Unknown 未知 Estimated Time: Max Fees: Send SendModalHeader To SettingsPageLayout Cancel 取消 Save changes 保存更改 SignTransactionModal Send 发送 Continue 继续 Error estimating gas: %1 估算Gas费时出错: %1 Transaction pending... 交易待确定… Error sending the transaction Choose account Network fee Transaction preview Sign with password Send %1 %2 Next Wrong password View on etherscan StatusAppCommunityView Members 成员 StatusChatInput Send 发送 Message Please choose an image Image files (%1) Your message is too long. Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others. Bold Italic Strikethrough Code Unblock StatusChatListAndCategories More 更多 Add channel inside category StatusChatListCategoryItem More 更多 Add channel inside category StatusChatListItem Unmute 取消静音 StatusChatToolBar Search 搜索 Members 成员 More 更多 StatusColorDialog Preview 预览 This is not a valid color Standart colours Select Colour StatusExpandableSettingsItemPage Back up seed phrase 备份助记词 Not Implemented StatusListPicker Search 搜索 StatusMacNotification Open 打开 My latest message with a return StatusStickerMarket This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk. 此功能是实验性的,旨在供核心贡献者和社区进行测试。它不适合实际使用,也不承诺对资金或数据的安全性或完整性负责。使用风险自负。 I understand 我明白 StatusTokenInlineSelector or Hold to post StatusWalletColorSelect Account color 帐户颜色 TabNetworkAndFees Advanced 高级 Custom 自定义 Slow TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopup Are you sure? 你确定吗? Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters. Current base fee %1 Gwei Current minimum tip Current average tip Your tip limit Suggested minimum tip Your price limit Suggested minimum price limit Change Limit Continue anyway TransferOwnershipPopup Transfer ownership 所有权转让 Community private key 社区私钥 Copy 复制到剪切板 Copied 已复制 You should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your community You can also use this key to import your community on another device UploadProfilePicModal Profile picture 个人头像 Remove 删除 Upload 上传 Done 完成 Upload profile picture Choose an image for profile picture Make this my profile picture UserList Members 成员 UsernameLabel You Utils Password needs to be 6 characters or more 密码需要至少6个字符 You need to enter a %1 您需要输入 %1 now 現在 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Yesterday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday NOW %1M %1H %1D words You need to enter a password You need to repeat your password Passwords don't match You need to enter a PIN The PIN must contain only digits The PIN must be exactly 6 digits You need to repeat your PIN PIN don't match The %1 cannot exceed %2 characters Must be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF) Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys. Value has to be at least %1 characters long Unknown < 1 min < 3 mins < 5 mins > 5 mins years ago year ago months ago month ago weeks ago week ago days ago day ago hours ago hour ago mins ago min ago secs ago sec ago WalletView Wallet 钱包 Networks DApp Permissions Testnet Mode AcceptTransactionView Accept and share address Accept and send Decline Acknowledgements Secure Your Assets and Funds Your seed phrase is a 12-word passcode to your funds. Your seed phrase cannot be recovered if lost. Therefore, you <b>must</b> back it up. The simplest way is to <b>write it down offline and store it somewhere secure.</b> I have a pen and paper I am ready to write down my seed phrase I know where I’ll store it You can only complete this process once. Status will not store your seed phrase and can never help you recover it. ActivityCenterPopup Show more ActivityCenterPopupTopBarPanel All Mentions Replies Mark all as Read Show read notifications Hide read notifications Notification settings AddShowTokenModal Add custom token This needs to be a valid address Invalid ERC20 address Enter contract address... Contract address The name of your token... Name ABC Symbol Decimals Changing settings failed Add AddWakuNodeModal Waku nodes Name Specify a name You need to enter a name History node address You need to enter the enode address The format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port} Save AddressInput ENS Username not found AddressRequiredValidator You need to request the recipient’s address first. Assets won’t be sent yet. AddressSourceSelector Invalid source AdvancedAddAccountView Enter address... Account address This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) You need to enter an address AppSearch No results Anywhere AssetAndAmountInput Insufficient balance Must be greater than or equal to 0 This needs to be a number Please enter an amount Balance: Asset & Amount The amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired. BackUpCommuntyBannerPanel Back up community key Back up BalanceExceeded Balance exceeded No networks available BalanceValidator Insufficient balance BlockContactConfirmationDialog Block User Blocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1. BloomSelectorButton TODO BrowserConnectionModal '%1' would like to connect to Allowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3 Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat key Deny Allow BrowserHeader Enter URL BrowserSettingsMenu New Tab Exit Incognito mode Go Incognito Zoom In Zoom Out Find Compatibility mode Developer Tools Settings BrowserTabStyle Start Page BrowserTabView Start Page New Tab Downloads Page BrowserView Search engine used in the address bar None Show Favorites Bar Connected DApps No connected dApps Connecting a dApp grants it permission to view your address and balances, and to send you transaction requests BrowserWalletMenu Mainnet Ropsten Unknown Disconnect Assets History BrowserWebEngineView Add Favorite ChangePasswordModal Change password Change password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions. Change Password ChangePasswordSuccessModal <b>Password changed</b> You need to sign in again using the new password. Sign out & Quit ChangeProfilePicModal Profile picture Remove Upload Please choose an image Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png) ChannelIdentifierView Welcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group! Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> ChatButtonsPanel Add reaction Reply Edit Unpin Pin Delete Confirm deleting this message Are you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well. ChatColumnView Send Request Address Request ChatCommandModal Continue Receive on account From account Address request required From To Preview Transaction preview Next ChatCommandsPopup Send transaction Request transaction ChatContentView Contact Not a contact Public chat %1 members 1 member Connected Disconnected Blocked This user has been blocked. ChatMessagesView Loading... Failed to send message. ChatRequestMessagePanel You need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messages Just click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chat Add to contacts ChooseBrowserPopup Choose browser Open in Status Open in my default browser Remember my choice. To override it, go to settings. ClosedEmptyPanel Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top CollectibleCollectionView No collectibles available CollectibleDetailView Properties Levels Stats CollectiblesContent Something went wrong Reload CollectiblesHeader Maximum number of collectibles to display reached CollectiblesModal View Unnamed CollectiblesModalContent ID Description CommunitiesView Import community Communities you've joined CommunityBannerPicker Community banner Choose an image for banner Make this my Community banner CommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanel Expand your community by adding more channels and categories Add channels Add categories CommunityColorPanel Community Colour Select Community Colour This is not a valid colour White text should be legable on top of this colour Standard colours CommunityDelegate Admin Member CommunityIntroDialog Welcome to %1 Join %1 Community <b>%1</b> has no intro message... I agree with the above CommunityIntroMessageInput Community introduction and rules What new members will read before joining (eg. community rules, welcome message, etc.). Members will need to tick a check box agreeing to these rules before they are allowed to join your community. community intro message CommunityLogoPicker Community logo Choose an image as logo Make this my Community logo CommunityOptions Community history service Request to join required Any member can pin a message CommunityOutroMessageInput Leaving community message The message a member will see when they leave your community community intro message CommunityOverviewSettingsPanel Overview Edit Community This node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible. Welcome to your community! Invite new people Try an airdrop to reward your community for engagement! Airdrop Tokens Back up community key Back up CommunityTagsPanel Community Tags Confirm Community Tags Select tags that will fit your Community Search tags Selected tags CommunityTagsPicker Tags CommunityWelcomeBannerPanel Welcome to your community! Add members Manage community CompactMessageView Pinned by %1 Cancel Save ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal Enter seed phrase Do you want to add another existing key? Add another existing key ConfirmAppRestartModal Application Restart Please restart the application to apply the changes. Restart ConfirmSeedPhrasePanel Write down your 12-word seed phrase to keep offline Reveal seed phrase The next screen contains your seed phrase. <b>Anyone</b> who sees it can use it to access to your funds. ConfirmStoringSeedPhrasePanel Complete back up Store Your Phrase Offline and Complete Your Back Up By completing this process, you will remove your seed phrase from this application’s storage. This makes your funds more secure. You will remain logged in, and your seed phrase will be entirely in your hands. I acknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. I aknowledge that Status will not be able to show me my seed phrase again. Constants Username must be at least 5 characters Only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed 24 character username limit Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username (edited) Username already taken :( Username doesn’t belong to you :( Continuing will connect this username with your chat key. ✓ Username available! Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status. This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`. Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key. Contact Admin ContactRequestsPopup Contact requests Decline all contacts Are you sure you want to decline all these contact requests Accept all contacts Are you sure you want to accept all these contact requests Decline all Accept all ContactSelector Please select a contact Select a contact Contact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat. No contact selected You don’t have any contacts yet ContactVerificationRequestPopup %1 is asking you to verify your identity %1 would like to verify your identity. Answer the question to prove your identity to %2 Provide answer to verification request from this contact. Your answer has been sent to %1. Refuse Verification Send Answer Change answer Close ContactsListAndSearch Enter a valid chat key or ENS username Can't chat with yourself Enter ENS username or chat key ContactsListPanel Contact Request Sent Contact Request Rejected CopyToClipBoardButton Copied! CreatePasswordModal Store password Create a password Current password... New password... Confirm password… At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. Create password Error importing account An error occurred while importing your account: Login failed Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. Incorrect password CryptoServicesModal Buy / Sell crypto Choose a service you'd like to use to buy crypto CurrenciesStore US Dollars British Pound Euros Russian ruble South Korean won Ethereum Tokens Bitcoin Status Network Token Dai United Arab Emirates dirham Other Fiat Afghan afghani Argentine peso Australian dollar Barbadian dollar Bangladeshi taka Bulgarian lev Bahraini dinar Brunei dollar Bolivian boliviano Brazillian real Bhutanese ngultrum Canadian dollar Swiss franc Chilean peso Chinese yuan Colombian peso Costa Rican colón Czech koruna Danish krone Dominican peso Egyptian pound Ethiopian birr Georgian lari Ghanaian cedi Hong Kong dollar Croatian kuna Hungarian forint Indonesian rupiah Israeli new shekel Indian rupee Icelandic króna Jamaican dollar Japanese yen Kenyan shilling Kuwaiti dinar Kazakhstani tenge Sri Lankan rupee Moroccan dirham Moldovan leu Mauritian rupee Malawian kwacha Mexican peso Malaysian ringgit Mozambican metical Namibian dollar Nigerian naira Norwegian krone Nepalese rupee New Zealand dollar Omani rial Peruvian sol Papua New Guinean kina Philippine peso Pakistani rupee Polish złoty Paraguayan guaraní Qatari riyal Romanian leu Serbian dinar Saudi riyal Swedish krona Singapore dollar Thai baht Trinidad and Tobago dollar New Taiwan dollar Tanzanian shilling Turkish lira Ukrainian hryvnia Ugandan shilling Uruguayan peso Venezuelan bolívar Vietnamese đồng South African rand DateGroup Today Yesterday January February March April May June July August September October November December DefaultDAppExplorerView Default DApp explorer none DevicesView Please set a name for your device. Specify a name Continue Advertise device Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them Learn more Paired devices Syncing... Sync all devices DownloadBar Cancelled Paused Show All DownloadMenu Open Show in folder Pause Resume Cancel DownloadPage Thanks for using Status You're curently using version %1 of Status. There's new version available to download. Get Status %1 DownloadView Cancelled Paused Downloaded files will appear here. ENSPopup Primary username Your messages are displayed to others with this username: Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display. EmojiReactionsPanel Add reaction EmptyChatPanel Share your chat key or invite friends to start messaging in Status EnsAddedView ENS usernames Username added %1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status. Ok, got it EnsConnectedView ENS usernames Username added %1 will be connected once the transaction is complete. You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. Ok, got it EnsListView Hey (pending) ENS usernames Add username Your usernames Chat settings Primary Username None selected You’re displaying your ENS username in chats EnsRegisteredView ENS usernames Username added Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete. You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. Ok, got it EnsReleasedView ENS usernames Username removed The username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is mined You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet. Ok, got it EnsTermsAndConditionsView ENS usernames Terms of name registration Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent. After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name. If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held. The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them. Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name. Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms. You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer. These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses: %1 (Status UsernameRegistrar). <a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a> %1 (ENS Registry). Wallet address Copied to clipboard! Key Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username. Back 10 SNT Deposit Not enough SNT Register EnsWelcomeView Get a universal username ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames. Customize your chat name An ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1. Simplify your ETH address You can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...). Receive transactions in chat Others can send you funds via chat in one simple step. 10 SNT to register Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back. Already own a username? You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps. Powered by Ethereum Name Services Start Only available on Mainnet FavoriteMenu Open in new Tab Edit Remove FetchMoreMessagesButton ↓ Fetch more messages Before %1 before--%1 FleetRadioSelector Warning! Change fleet to %1 FleetsModal Fleet GapComponent fetch-messages between--1-and--2 Fetch messages Between %1 and %2 GasSelectorButton Low GasValidator Not enough ETH for gas GroupChatPanel To: USER LIMIT REACHED Confirm HistoryView Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete. No transactions found Load More HomePageView homepage System default Other Example: duckduckgo.com ImageCropWorkflow Supported image formats (%1) ImportCommunityPopup Import Community Entering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust. Community private key Import ImportSeedPhrasePanel Invalid seed phrase This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. %1 words Input Copied Pasted Copy Paste InviteFriendsPopup Get Status at https://status.im Download Status link Copy to clipboard InviteFriendsToCommunityPopup Invite friends Invite successfully sent Invite JSDialogWindow Ok Cancel KeycardCreatePINModal Create PIN New PIN Confirm PIN Create a 6 digit long PIN LanguageStore Beta Languages LinksMessageView Enable automatic image unfurling Enable link previews in chat? Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their owners Enable in Settings Don't ask me again MailserverConnectionDialog Can not connect to mailserver The mailserver you're connecting to is unavailable. Pick another Retry MainView DApp Permissions Networks Accounts Generated from Your Seed Phrase Imported Watch-Only MembershipRequestsPopup Membership requests MessageStore and %1 more reacted with You MuteChatMenuItem Mute chat Unmute chat MutedChatsModal Muted chats Unmute MyProfileSettingsView Display name Display Name Biometric login and transaction authentication Communities Accounts You haven't joined any communities yet You don't have any wallet accounts yet NetworkCardsComponent Your Balances No Balance No Gas BALANCE: Disabled NetworkFilter All networks %n network(s) NetworkSelectPopup Layer 2 NetworkSelector Networks Choose a network to use for the transaction No networks available Simple Advanced Custom NetworksAdvancedCustomRoutingView Networks Show Unpreferred Networks The networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost. NetworksSimpleRoutingView Networks Choose a network to use for the transaction NetworksView Layer 2 Add Custom Network NoFriendsRectangle You don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting. Invite friends NodeLayout Bloom Filter Usage Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} NotificationSelect Send Alerts Deliver Quietly Turn Off NotificationWindow Everything is connected PINModal Authenticate PIN PIN Insert your 6-digit PIN Authenticate PairingModal Insert pairing code Pairing code Insert the Keycard pairing code Pair PrivateChatPopup New chat My Profile ProfileHeader Chatkey:%1... ProfileView Blocked Send Request Receive Response Confirm Identity You have confirmed %1's identity. From now on this verification emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. You have marked %1 as Untrustworthy. From now on this Untrustworthy emblem will always be displayed alongside %1's nickname. ENS username Username Ask a question that only the real %1 will be able to answer e.g. a question about a shared experience, or ask Mark to enter a code or phrase you have sent to them via a different communication channel (phone, post, etc...). Waiting for %1's response... Copied to clipboard Chat key Share Profile URL Chat settings Nickname None Remove contact Are you sure you want to remove this contact? PublicChatPopup You need to enter a channel name The channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes Join public chat A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. chat-name Start chat RecipientSelector Invalid ethereum address Address My account Contact Recipient RenameAccontModal Rename %1 Enter an account name... You need to enter an account name This is not a valid account name color Change Name Changing settings failed RenameGroupPopup Group name Save Retry Resend RightTabView Assets Collectibles Activity History SearchBox Search SearchEngineModal Search engine None SearchResults Non contacts No profile found SeedPhraseBackupWarning Back up your seed phrase Back up SeedPhraseTextArea Invalid seed phrase This seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words. Start with the first word SelectAccountModal Select account Select account to share and receive assets Confirm and share address SelectAnotherAccountModal Your keys Add another existing key SelectGeneratedAccount Import new Seed Phrase Generate from Private key Add a watch-only address Imported Add new Origin SendContactRequestMenuItem Send Contact Request SendMessageMenuItem Send message SendToContractWarning Tokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet. SendTransactionButton Sign and send SettingsDirtyToastMessage Changes detected Cancel Save changes SignMessageModal Signature request From Data Message Reject Sign Sign with password SignPhraseModal Signing phrase This is your signing phrase You should see these 3 words before signing each transaction If you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign out Ok, got it Remind me later StateBubble Pending Confirmed Unknown token Address requested Waiting to accept Address shared Address received Transaction declined failure Unknown state StatusActivityCenterButton Activity StatusAddressOrEnsValidator Please enter a valid address or ENS name. StatusAddressValidator Please enter a valid address. StatusAppChatView Join public chats Start chat StatusAppCommunitiesPortalView Find community Featured Popular StatusAsyncEnsValidator ENS name could not be resolved in to an address StatusAsyncValidator invalid input StatusBadge 99+ StatusChatImageExtensionValidator Format not supported. Upload %1 only StatusChatImageLoader Error loading the image Loading image... StatusChatImageQtyValidator You can only upload %1 images at a time StatusChatImageSizeValidator Max image size is %1 MB StatusColorSpacePage Thickness Min saturate: Max saturate: Min value: Max value: Color StatusCommunityTagsPage Select tags that will fit your Community Search tags Selected tags StatusDialog Close Abort Cancel No to all No Open Save Save all Retry Ignore Ok Yes to all Yes Apply StatusETHTransactionModal Contract interaction Wrong password Error sending the transaction Continue Choose account Sign with password Next StatusEmojiSection No recent emojis StatusFloatValidator Please enter a valid numeric value. StatusGifColumn Remove from favorites Add to favorites StatusGifPopup Search Tenor TRENDING FAVORITES RECENT Enable Tenor GIFs? Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor. Enable Favorite GIFs will appear here Recent GIFs will appear here Error while contacting Tenor API, please retry. Retry StatusIntValidator Please enter a valid numeric value. StatusItemSelector and or StatusListPickerPage Search Languages Search Currencies StatusNotification Open StatusPasswordStrengthIndicator Very weak Weak So-so Good Great StatusSNTTransactionModal Authorize %1 %2 Error sending the transaction Wrong password Continue Choose account Sign with password Send %1 %2 Next StatusSearchListPopup Search... StatusSearchLocationMenu Anywhere StatusSearchPopup No results Anywhere Search In: In StatusSpellcheckingMenuItems Add to dictionary Disable Spellchecking StatusStackModal StackModal Next Finish StatusStickerButton Buy for %1 SNT Uninstall Install Free Pending... Cancel Update StatusStickersPopup You don't have any stickers yet Recently used stickers will appear here Get Stickers StatusTagSelectorPage To: USER LIMIT REACHED StatusUrlValidator Please enter a valid URL StatusValidator invalid input StatusWindowsTitleBar Status SubheaderTabBar Step %1 of %2 TabAddressSelectorView Saved My Accounts Recent Search for saved address No Saved Address No Recents ToastMessage View on Etherscan Transaction pending... TokenSettingsModal Manage Assets Add custom token TokenSettingsModalContent Token details Remove token Custom Default TouchIDAuthView Biometrics Would you like to use Touch ID to login to Status? Yes, use Touch ID I prefer to use my password TransactionBubbleView Transaction request ↑ Outgoing transaction ↓ Incoming transaction Token not found on your current network TransactionDelegate From To At TransactionModal Transaction Details confirmation(s) When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. Block Hash From To Gas limit Gas price Gas used Nonce TransactionPreview From Recipient Unknown Asset Amount Network fee Data Data field TransactionSigner You need to enter a password Password needs to be 6 characters or more Signing phrase Signing phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time. Enter the password you use to unlock this device Password Enter password UnblockContactConfirmationDialog Unblock User Unblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you. UserListPanel Offline Online Inactive Do not disturb Idle UserStatusContextMenu View My Profile Always online Inactive Set status automatically Online Offline ViewProfileMenuItem View Profile WakuNodesModal Waku nodes Use Waku nodes Select node automatically Waku Nodes Node %1 Add a new node WalletFooter Send Receive Buy / Sell WelcomeView Welcome to Status Your fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3. Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser. I am new to Status I already use Status main StatusQ Documentation App Status Desktop Open Status Quit