Favorite addedEditEditarAdd favoriteURLURLNameNomeRemoveRemoverDoneConcluídoAddAdicionar'%1' would like to connect toAllowing authorizes this DApp to retrieve your wallet address and enable Web3Permitir que este DApp recupere o endereço da sua carteira e ative o Web3Granting access authorizes this DApp to retrieve your chat keyA concessão de acesso autoriza este DApp a recuperar sua chave de bate-papoDenyNegarAllowPermitirEnter URLInserir URLError sending the transactionError signing messageTransaction pending...Transação pendente ...Wrong passwordSenha incorretaStart PageNew TabNova abaDownloads PageServer's certificate not trustedDo you wish to continue?If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to.
Do you wish to override the security check and continue?Exit Incognito modeGo IncognitoZoom InZoom OutFindEncontrarCompatibility modeDeveloper ToolsSettingsConfiguraçõesMainnetRopstenUnknownDesconhecidoDisconnectAssetsAtivosHistoryHistóricoShow AllCancelledPausedOpenAbrirShow in folderPauseResumeCancelCancelarDownloaded files will appear here.Open in new TabAbrir em nova abaOkOKSignature requestFromDeDataDadosMessageMensagemRejectSignAssinarSign with passwordAssinar com senhaConnectedConectadoDisconnectedBate-papo offlineThis user has been blocked.Type a message.SendEnviarRequest AddressRequestSolicitaçãoContinueContinuarReceive on accountFrom accountAddress request requiredToParaPreviewTransaction previewNextPróximoAuthorize %1 %2Choose accountNetwork feeTaxa de redeError estimating gas: %1. The transaction will probably fail.Send %1 %2ImageImagemFailed to send message.Share your chat keyorOUinviteConvidarfriends to start messaging in Statusbefore %1Between %1 and %2↓ Fetch more messages↓ Buscar mais mensagensWelcome to the beginning of the <span style='color: %1'>%2</span> group!Welcome to the beginning of the <span style=Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style='color: %1'>%2</span>Any messages you send here are encrypted and can only be read by you and <span style=Join chatDecline invitationRecusar o conviteAdd reactionReplyResponderMoremaisTodayYesterdayJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember and %1 more reacted with Error loading the imageError loading the imageLoading image...Loading image...This feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk.Membership requires an ENS usernameYou need to be invitedRequest AccessSolicitar acessoVerified community invitationCommunity invitationUnsupported state%1 membersJoinedEntrouJoinParticiparEnable automatic image unfurlingEnable link previews in chat?Ativar visualizações de link no chat?Once enabled, links posted in the chat may share your metadata with their ownersEnable in SettingsDon't ask me againNão me pergunte novamenteResendReenviarTransaction requestSolicitação de transação↑ Outgoing transaction↓ Incoming transactionAccept and share addressAceitar e compartilhar endereçoAccept and sendDeclineRecusarSelect accountSelecionar contaChoose accountSelect account to share and receive assetsConfirm and share addressSign and sendAssinar e enviarPendingPendenteConfirmedConfirmadoUnknown tokenAddress requestedEndereço solicitadoWaiting to acceptAddress sharedAddress receivedEndereço recebidoTransaction declinedTransação recusadafailureUnknown stateYouVocêClear historyClear HistoryApagar históricoLeave groupLeave GroupSair do grupoRemove contactRemove ContactAre you sure you want to remove this contact?CommunitiesComunidades1 memberImport a communityImportar uma comunidadeCreate a communityCriar uma comunidadePublic communityInvitation only communityOn request communityUnknown community - ENS only - ENS OnlyChatsChatsJoin ‘%1’Request to join ‘%1’Error joining the communityMembersMembrosCreate categoryInvite PeopleInvite peopleConvide pessoasMembership requestsPedidos de participaçãoEdit categoryEdit CategoryDelete categoryDelete CategoryDelete %1 categoryAre you sure you want to delete %1 category? Channels inside the category won’t be deleted.Error deleting the categoryView ProfileVer perfilKickBanTransfer ownershipInvite successfully sentShare communityNotificationsNotificaçõesEdit communityEditar comunidadeCreate channelCriar um canalLeave communityDeixar a comunidadeDeleteExcluirWelcome to your community!Add membersAdicionar membrosManage communityYou need to enter a nameNew channelNovo canalEdit #%1Channel nameNome do canalDescribe the channelDescreva o canalPinned messagesMensagens fixadasNew categoryChannelsCreateCriarError editing the categoryError creating the categoryError creating the communityName your communityDê um nome para sua comunidadeA catchy nameUm nome atraenteGive it a short descriptionDê uma breve descriçãoCommunity colourCommunity colorCor da comunidadePick a colorMembership requirementRequisitos de participaçãoRequire invite from another memberExigir convite de outro membroRequire approvalExigir aprovaçãoNo requirementNenhuma exigênciaYou can require new members to meet certain criteria before they can join. This can be changed at any timeVocê pode exigir que novos membros atendam a certos critérios antes que eles possam participar. Isso pode ser alterado a qualquer momentoSaveSalvarThumbnail imagePlease choose an imageImage files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png)UploadMembersMembrosInvite friendsConvide amigosInviteConvidarContactsContatosInviteConvidarChatBate-papoCommunity importedImporting community is in progressStart new chatIniciar nova conversaStart group chatIniciar conversa em grupoJoin public chatParticipar do bate-papo públicoNo messagesNenhuma mensagemYour chats will appear here. To start new chats press the button at the topChat and transact privately with your friendsFollow your interests in one of the many Public Chats.Share ChatCompartilhar bate-papoTest WakuV2 - requestAllHistoricMessagesUnmute chatMute chatEdit ChannelMark as ReadDelete chatExcluir conversaLeave chatSair da conversaChoose browserOpen in StatusAbrir no StatusOpen in my default browserRemember my choice. To override it, go to settings.AdminAdministrador↓ Fetch messages↓ Buscar mensagensYou need to enter a channel nameThe channel name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashesNew group chatNovo grupo de bate-papoGroup nameCreate Group ChatCriar bate-papo do grupo%1 membersAll your contacts are already in the groupTodos os seus contatos já estão no grupoMake AdminTornar-se administradorRemove From GroupAdd selectedGet Status at https://status.imDownload Status linkUnpinDesafixarPinFixarEdit messageSend messageEnviar mensagemReply toDelete messageApagar mensagemConfirm deleting this messageAre you sure you want to delete this message? Be aware that other clients are not guaranteed to delete the message as well.NicknameApelidoNicknames help you identify others in Status. Only you can see the nicknames you’ve addedYou don’t have any contacts yet. Invite your friends to start chatting.Can't chat with yourselfNew chatNova conversaMy ProfileMeu perfilEnter ENS username or chat keyENS (vitalik94) ou chave de bate-papo (0x04 ...)Non contactsSem contatosNo profile foundENS usernameNome de usuário ENSChat keyChave de bate-papoChat settingsConfigurações do chatNoneNenhumUnblock UserBlock UserAdd to contactsAdicionar aos contatosA public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest.chat-nameNome do chatStart chatIniciar bate-papoPinned by %1SaveSalvarType json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"}ProfilePerfilApp versionVersão do aplicativoVersion: %1Node version Check for updatesPrivacy PolicyPolítica de privacidadeNetworkRedeFleetFrotaMinimize on closeExperimental featuresWalletCarteiraDapp BrowserCommunitiesComunidadesActivity CenterNode ManagementBloom filter levelThe account will be logged out. When you login again, the selected mode will be enabledLight NodeNormalFull NodeBlockchains will drop search costs, causing a kind of decomposition that allows you to have markets of entities that are horizontally segregated and vertically segregated.SizeChange font sizeXSSThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "S" because the title above is "Seed Phrase"MThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "M" because the title above is "Mailserver"LXLXXLAppearanceAparênciaLightClaroLightClaroDarkEscuroSystemSistemaBack up seed phraseFazer backup da frase-sementeStep %1 of 3If you lose your seed phrase you lose your data and fundsSe você perder a sua frase-semente, você perde seus dados e fundosIf you lose access, for example by losing your phone, you can only access your keys with your seed phrase. No one, but you has your seed phrase. Write it down. Keep it safeSe perder o acesso, por exemplo, ao perder seu telefone, você só pode acessar suas chaves com sua frase-semente. Só você tem a sua frase-semente. Anote e mantenha sua frase-semente em segurançaCheck your seed phraseConfira sua frase-sementeWord #%1Enter wordDigite a palavraIn order to check if you have backed up your seed phrase correctly, enter the word #%1 aboveAre you sure?Você tem certeza?You will not be able to see the whole seed phrase againVocê não poderá ver toda a frase-semente de novoWith this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device.Okay, continueOk, continuarWrong wordPalavra erradaHomepageDefaultPadrãoSearch engine used in the address barPrivacyPrivacidadeSet DApp access permissionsDefinir permissões de acesso do DAppProfile pictureCrop your image (optional)FinishTerminarChat link previewsVisualizações de links de chatWebsitesSitesEnable allHabilitar todosAdd new contactAdicionar novo contatoAdd contactAdicionar contatoUser not foundUsuário não encontradoYou don’t have any contacts yetDevicesDispositivosPlease set a name for your device.Defina um nome para o seu dispositivo.Specify a nameEspecifique um nomeAdvertise deviceAnunciar dispositivoPair your devices to sync contacts and chats between themEmparelhe seus dispositivos para sincronizar contatos e bate-papos entre elesLearn moreSaiba maisPaired devicesDispositivos sincronizadosSyncing...Sincronizando...Sync all devicesSincronizar todos dispositivosENS usernamesNomes de usuário ENSUsername addedNome de usuário adicionado%1 is now connected with your chat key and can be used in Status.Ok, got itOk, entendi.%1 will be connected once the transaction is complete.You can follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet.Você pode acompanhar o progresso na seção Histórico de Transações da sua carteira.Wallet addressEndereço da carteiraKeyChaveBackVoltarPrimary usernameNome de usuário principalYour messages are displayed to others with this username:Once you select a username, you won’t be able to disable it afterwards. You will only be able choose a different username to display.Nice! You own %1.stateofus.eth once the transaction is complete.HeyOlá(pending)Add usernameAdicionar nome de usuário Your usernamesSeus nomes de usuárioPrimary UsernameNone selectedYou’re displaying your ENS username in chatsAt least 4 characters. Latin letters, numbers, and lowercase only.Pelo menos 4 caracteres. Usando letras minúsculas e números.Letters and numbers only.Apenas letras e números.Type the entire username including the custom domain like username.domain.ethDigite o nome de usuário inteiro, incluindo o domínio personalizado, como nomedeusuario.domínio.ethYour usernameSeu nome de usuário✓ Username available!✓ Nome de usuário disponível!Continuing will connect this username with your chat key.Continuar conectará esse nome de usuário com sua chave de bate-papo.Username doesn’t belong to you :(O nome de usuário não pertence a você :(Username already taken :(Nome de usuário já utilizado :((edited)Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status.O nome de usuário já está conectado à sua chave de bate-papo e pode ser usado dentro do Status.This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`.Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key.Continuar exigirá uma transação para conectar o nome de usuário com sua chave de bate-papo atual.Custom domainDomínio personalizadoI want a stateofus.eth domainEu quero um domínio stateofus.ethI own a name on another domainEu possuo um nome em outro domínioTerms of name registrationTermos de cadastro de nomeFunds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent.Os fundos são depositados por 1 ano. Seu SNT será bloqueado, mas não será gasto.After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back, or take no action to keep the name.Após 1 ano, você pode liberar o nome e receber seu depósito de volta ou não fazer nenhuma ação para manter o nome.If terms of the contract change — e.g. Status makes contract upgrades — user has the right to release the username regardless of time held.Se os termos do contrato mudarem — por exemplo, o Status fizer atualizações do contrato — o usuário tem o direito de liberar o nome de usuário, independentemente do tempo de espera.The contract controller cannot access your deposited funds. They can only be moved back to the address that sent them.O controlador do contrato não pode acessar seus fundos depositados. Eles só podem ser movidos de volta para o endereço que os enviou.Your address(es) will be publicly associated with your ENS name.Seus endereços serão publicamente associados ao seu nome no ENS.Usernames are created as subdomain nodes of stateofus.eth and are subject to the ENS smart contract terms.Os nomes de usuários são criados como nós de subdomínio stateofus.eth e estão sujeitos aos termos do contrato inteligente do ENS.You authorize the contract to transfer SNT on your behalf. This can only occur when you approve a transaction to authorize the transfer.Você autoriza o contrato a transferir o SNT em seu nome. Isso só pode ocorrer quando você aprovar uma transação para autorizar a transferência.These terms are guaranteed by the smart contract logic at addresses:Estes termos são garantidos pela lógica do contrato inteligente nos endereços:%1 (Status UsernameRegistrar).<a href='%1%2'>Look up on Etherscan</a>%1 (ENS Registry).Agree to <a href="#">Terms of name registration.</a> I understand that my wallet address will be publicly connected to my username.10 SNT10 SNTDepositDepósitoNot enough SNTSNT insuficienteRegisterCadastroGet a universal usernameObter um nome universalENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames.Os nomes do ENS transformam esses endereços compridos e malucos em nomes de usuário exclusivos.Customize your chat namePersonalize seu nome de chatAn ENS name can replace your random 3-word name in chat. Be @yourname instead of %1.Simplify your ETH addressSimplifique seu endereço ETHYou can receive funds to your easy-to-share ENS name rather than your hexadecimal hash (0x...).Você pode receber fundos em um nome ENS fácil de compartilhar, em vez do seu endereço hexadecimal (0x ...).Receive transactions in chatReceba transações no chatOthers can send you funds via chat in one simple step.Outras pessoas podem enviar fundos para você pelo chat em um único passo.10 SNT to register10 SNT para se cadastrarRegister once to keep the name forever. After 1 year you can release the name and get your SNT back.Cadastre-se uma vez para manter o nome para sempre. Após 1 ano, você pode liberar o nome e recuperar seu SNT.Already own a username?Já possui um nome de usuário?You can verify and add any usernames you own in the next steps.Você pode verificar e adicionar qualquer nome de usuário que você possui nos próximos passos.Powered by Ethereum Name ServicesDesenvolvido com Ethereum Name ServicesStartOnly available on MainnetDisponível apenas na MainnetENS Registration failedPara cadastrar o nome de usuário, tente novamente.ENS Registration completedUpdating ENS pubkey failedUpdating ENS pubkey completedWarning!Atenção!Change fleet to %1GlossaryGlossárioAccountContaAThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "A" because the title above is "Account"Your Status account, accessed by the seed phrase that you create or import during onboarding. A Status account can hold more than one Ethereum address, in addition to the one created during onboarding. We refer to these as additional accounts within the walletChat KeyChave de bate-papoCThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "C" because the title above is "Chat Key"Messages on the Status chat protocol are sent and received using encryption keys. The public chat key is a string of characters you share with others so they can send you messages in Status.As mensagens no protocolo de bate-papo Status são enviadas e recebidas usando chaves de criptografia. A chave de bate-papo público é uma sequência de caracteres que você compartilha com outras pessoas para que elas possam enviar mensagens para você no Status.Chat NameNome no chatThree random words, derived algorithmically from your chat key and used as your default alias in chat. Chat names are completely unique; no other user can have the same three words.Três palavras aleatórias, derivadas algoritmicamente da sua chave de bate-papo e usadas como pseudônimo padrão no bate-papo. Os nomes de bate-papo são completamente únicos; nenhum outro usuário pode ter as mesmas três palavras.ENS NameNome ENSEThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "E" because the title above is "ENS Name"Custom alias for your chat key that you can register using the Ethereum Name Service. ENS names are decentralized usernames.Pseudônimo personalizado para sua chave de bate-papo que você pode cadastrar usando o Ethereum Name Service. Os nomes do ENS são nomes de usuário descentralizados.MailserverNó de mensagem StatusA node in the Status network that routes and stores messages, for up to 30 days.Um nó na rede Status que encaminha e armazena mensagens por até 30 dias.PeerParPThis letter corresponds to the section title above, so here it is "P" because the title above is "Peer"A device connected to the Status chat network. Each user can represent one or more peers, depending on their number of devicesSeed PhraseFrase-sementeA 64 character hex address based on the Ethereum standard and beginning with 0x. Public-facing, your wallet key is shared with others when you want to receive funds. Also referred to as an “Ethereum address” or “wallet address.Frequently asked questionsPerguntas frequentesSubmit a bugRelatar um bugRequest a featureSolicitar um recursoLanguageIdiomaMuted chatsUnmuteAtivar somThe account will be logged out. When you unlock it again, the selected network will be usedA conta será desconectada. Quando você a desbloquear novamente, a rede selecionada será usadaAdd networkAdicionar redeYou need to enter the RPC endpoint URLInvalid URLYou need to enter the network idShould be a numberInvalid network idRPC URLRPC URLSpecify a RPC URLEspecifique um URL RPCNetwork chainCadeia de redeMain networkRede principalRopsten test networkRede de teste de RopstenRinkeby test networkRede de teste RinkebyCustomPersonalizadoNetwork IdID de redeSpecify the network idMain networksRedes principaisTest networksRedes de testeCustom NetworksRedes personalizadasUnder development
NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed
sticker packs will be removed and will
need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker
packs will not need to be re-purchased.Notification preferencesPreferências de notificaçãoSecuritySegurançaBackup Seed PhraseAllow new contact requestsSync settingsConfigurações de sincronizaçãoAdd mailserverAdicionar nó do StatusYou need to enter the enode addressHistory node addressYou need to enter an account nameEnter an account name...Account nameNome da contaTypeTipoWatch-onlySomente exibiçãoOff Status treeÁrvore Status desativadaOn Status treeÁrvore Status ativadaDerivation pathCaminho de derivaçãoStorageArmazenamentoThis deviceEste dispositivoDelete accountRemover contaAdd custom tokenAdicionar token personalizadoThis needs to be a valid addressInvalid ERC20 addressEnter contract address...Contract addressEndereço do contratoThe name of your token...ABCSymbolSímboloDecimalsDecimaisTo From At Status Desktop is connected to a non-archival node. Transaction history may be incomplete.No transactions foundLoad MoreTotal valueValor totalReceiveReceberBuy / SellBack up your seed phraseFazer backup da frase-sementeRecipientDestinatárioTransaction failedFalha na transaçãoSet CurrencyDefinir moedaSigning phraseFrase de assinaturaThis is your signing phraseEsta é a sua frase de assinaturaYou should see these 3 words before signing each transactionVocê deve ver essas três palavras antes de assinar cada transaçãoIf you see a different combination, cancel the transaction and sign outSe você ver uma combinação diferente, cancele a transação e finalize a sessãoRemind me laterMostrar isso novamenteManage AssetsAccount SettingsConfigurações da contaCollectiblesColecionáveisGenerate an accountGerar uma contaAdd a watch-only addressAdicione um endereço somente leituraEnter a seed phraseDigite uma frase-sementeEnter a private keyDigite uma chave privadaAdd account from private keyAdicionar conta a partir de chave privadaYou need to enter a passwordPassword needs to be 6 characters or moreYou need to enter a private keyEnter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string)Enter your password…PasswordSenhaPaste the contents of your private keyPrivate keyChave privadaLoading...Carregando...Add accountAdicione uma contaAdd account with a seed phraseAdicionar conta com uma frase-sementeSeed phraseFrase-sementeAdd a watch-only accountAdicionar uma conta somente para exibiçãoYou need to enter an addressThis needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x)Enter address...Account addressEndereço da contaToken detailsDetalhes do TokenRemove tokenRemover tokenTransaction DetailsDetalhes da transaçãoWhen the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled.Quando a transação tiver 12 confirmações, você poderá considerá-la liquidada.BlockBloquear HashHashGas limitLimite de gásGas pricePreço do gásGas usedGás usadoNonceNonceSomething went wrongAlgo deu erradoReloadMaximum number of collectibles to display reachedViewVisualizarUnnamedIDDescriptionDescriçãoUS DollarsEurosUnited Arab Emirates dirhamAfghan afghaniArgentine pesoAustralian dollarBarbadian dollarBangladeshi takaBulgarian levBahraini dinarBrunei dollarBolivian bolivianoBrazillian realBhutanese ngultrumCanadian dollarSwiss francChilean pesoChinese yuanColombian pesoCosta Rican colónCzech korunaDanish kroneDominican pesoEgyptian poundEthiopian birrBritish PoundGeorgian lariGhanaian cediHong Kong dollarCroatian kunaHungarian forintIndonesian rupiahIsraeli new shekelIndian rupeeIcelandic krónaJamaican dollarJapanese yenKenyan shillingSouth Korean wonKuwaiti dinarKazakhstani tengeSri Lankan rupeeMoroccan dirhamMoldovan leuMauritian rupeeMalawian kwachaMexican pesoMalaysian ringgitMozambican meticalNamibian dollarNigerian nairaNorwegian kroneNepalese rupeeNew Zealand dollarOmani rialPeruvian solPapua New Guinean kinaPhilippine pesoPakistani rupeePolish złotyParaguayan guaraníQatari riyalRomanian leuSerbian dinarRussian rubleSaudi riyalSwedish kronaSingapore dollarThai bahtTrinidad and Tobago dollarNew Taiwan dollarTanzanian shillingTurkish liraUkrainian hryvniaUgandan shillingUruguayan pesoVenezuelan bolívarVietnamese đồngSouth African randView CommunityBrowserNavegadorTimelineLinha do tempoStatus DesktopOpen StatusQuitCreate a passwordCrie uma senhaNew password...Confirm password…At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions.Create passwordError importing accountAn error occurred while importing your account: Login failedLogin failed. Please re-enter your password and try again.Enter seed phraseInserir frase-sementeThis seed phrase doesn't match our supported dictionary. Check for misspelled words.Esta frase-semente não é compatível com o nosso dicionário. Verifique se há palavras com erros ortográficos.Start with the first wordInvalid seed phraseFrase-semente inválidaChoose a chat nameEscolha um nome de bate-papoTruly private communicationComunicação verdadeiramente privadaSecure crypto walletCarteira criptográfica seguraDecentralized appsAplicativos descentralizadosI understandGet your keysObtenha suas chavesA set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them.Enter passwordDigite a senhaConnecting...Enter passwordConnecting...Conectando...Login failed: %1Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again.Your keysSuas chavesAdd another existing keyYou will have to create a new code or password to re-encrypt your keysVocê terá que definir um novo código ou senha para recriptografar suas chavesRe-encrypt your keysRecriptografe suas chavesENS Username not foundPasteColarYou need to request the recipient’s address first.
Assets won’t be sent yet.Invalid sourceInsufficient balanceMust be greater than 0PriorityUse suggestionsuse-suggestionsUse customLowGas amount limitPer-gas overall limitMaximum priority fee: %1 ETHMaximum overall price for the transaction. If the block base fee exceeds this, it will be included in a following block with a lower base fee.Must be greater than or equal to 0This needs to be a numberPlease enter an amountThe amount is 0. Proceed only if this is desired.Balance: Asset & AmountAccount colorCor da contaConfirmConfirmarPlease select a contactSelect a contactContact does not have an ENS address. Please send a transaction in chat.No contact selectedCopied!OptimalAdvancedAvançadoGweiGweiApplyAplicarNot enough ETH for gasNão há ETH suficiente para o gásCopiedCopiadoPastedCopyCopy to clipboardCopiarInvalid ethereum addressAddressEndereçoMy accountContactContatoSearchProcurarMessagesMensagensTokens will be sent directly to a contract address, which may result in a loss of funds. To transfer ERC-20 tokens, ensure the recipient address is the address of the destination wallet.View on EtherscanAssetAtivoAmountQuantiaData fieldSigning phrase is a 3 word combination that displayed when you entered the wallet on this device for the first time.Enter the password you use to unlock this deviceUnblocking will allow new messages you received from %1 to reach you.Send transactionEnviar transaçãoRequest transactionSolicitar transaçãoPublic chatConversa públicaNot a contactNão é um contatoImage files (%1)Your message is too long.Please make your message shorter. We have set the limit to 2000 characters to be courteous of others.Type a messageMensagemBoldItalicStrikethroughCodeNo recent emojisBuy for %1 SNTUninstallInstallInstalarFree↓ GrátisPending...UpdateAtualizarYou don't have any stickers yetRecently used stickers will appear hereOs adesivos usados recentemente aparecerão aquiGet StickersObter AdesivosSearch engineRevoke accessRecuperar acessoShow moreMostrar maisAllTodosMentionsRepliesContact requestsMark all as ReadShow read notificationsShow read notificationsHide read notificationsHide read notificationsNotification settingsConfigurações de notificaçãoYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesYou need to be mutual contacts with this person for them to receive your messagesWaiting for %1 to accept your requestJust click this button to add them as contact. They will receive a notification. Once they accept the request, you'll be able to chatAccess existing communityCommunity private keyChave privada da comunidadeEntering a community key will grant you the ownership of that community. Please be responsible with it and don’t share the key with people you don’t trust.ImportImportarBack up community keyBack upCópia de segurançaCommunity members will appear hereNo contacts foundYour community is free to join, but new members are required to be approved by the community creator firstSua comunidade é livre para participar, mas novos membros são obrigados a ser aprovados pelo criador da comunidade primeiroYour community can only be joined by an invitation from existing community membersSua comunidade só pode ser acessada por convite de membros existentes da comunidadeYour community is free for anyone to joinSua comunidade é livre para que qualquer pessoa possa participarYou should keep it safe and only share it with people you trust to take ownership of your communityYou can also use this key to import your community on another deviceDecline all contactsAre you sure you want to decline all these contact requestsAccept all contactsAre you sure you want to accept all these contact requestsDecline allAccept allPin limit reachedLimite de mensagens fixadas atingido. Desafixe uma mensagem anterior primeiro.Unpin a previous message first%1 messages%1 messagePinned messages will appear here.LanguageIdiomaBefore you get started...I acknowledge that Status Desktop is in Beta and by using it, I take the full responsibility for all risks concerning my data and funds.Terms of UseTermos de usoGet StartedComeçarFormat not supported.Upload %1 onlyYou can only upload %1 images at a timeMax image size is %1 MBTODONOWAgora%1M%1H%1DSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayStart a 1-on-1 chat with %1Join the %1 communityJoin the %1 group chatwordsMainnet with upstream RPCPOA NetworkxDai ChainGoerli with upstream RPCRinkeby with upstream RPCRopsten with upstream RPCYou need to repeat your passwordPasswords don't matchYou need to enter a %1The %1 cannot exceed %2 charactersMust be an hexadecimal color (eg: #4360DF)Use only lowercase letters (a to z), numbers & dashes (-). Do not use chat keys.AcceptRejectOptionsButtonsPanelView ProfileVer perfilDecline and blockAccountViewTypeTipoWatch-Only AccountGenerated by your Status seed phrase profileImported AccountStorageArmazenamentoOn DeviceDerivation PathRemove from your profileConfirm %1 RemovalYou will not be able to restore viewing access to this account in the future unless you enter this account’s address again.Remove AccountActivityCenterMessageComponentViewMark as ReadMark as UnreadAddAccountModalcolorAdvancedAvançadoAddEditSavedAddressPopupEdit saved addressAdd saved addressEnter a nameNameNomeName must not be blankThis is not a valid account nameAddressEndereçoEnter ENS Name or Ethereum AddressPlease enter a valid ENS name OR Ethereum AddressSaveSalvarAdd addressAddFavoriteModalURLURLPaste URLPasteColarPastedPlease enter a valid URLNameNomeName of the websitePlease enter a nameAdd FavoriteAddShowTokenModalChanging settings failedAddWakuNodeModalWaku nodesThe format must be: enode://{enode-id}:{password}@{ip-address}:{port}AdvancedViewApplication LogsMulti networkKeycardWakuV2 modeDeveloper featuresFull developer modeDownload messagesTelemetryDebugAuto messageStickers/ENS on ropstenAre you sure you want to enable all the develoer features? The app will be restarted.Are you sure you want to enable telemetry? This will reduce your privacy level while using Status. You need to restart the app for this change to take effect.Are you sure you want to enable auto message? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect.Are you sure you want to %1 debug mode? You need to restart the app for this change to take effect.disableenableAppMainA new version of Status (%1) is availableDownloadYour version is up to dateCloseWhere do you want to go?AppSearchNo resultsAnywhereAppearanceViewChange Zoom (requires restart)BeforeGetStartedModalI accept StatusPrivacy PolicyPolítica de privacidadeBlockContactConfirmationDialogBlocking will stop new messages from reaching you from %1.BrowserViewShow Favorites BarConnected DAppsBrowserWebEngineViewAdd FavoriteChangePasswordModalChange passwordChange password used to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions.Change PasswordChangePasswordSuccessModal<b>Password changed</b>You need to sign in again using the new password.Sign out & QuitChatContentViewBlockedChatContextMenuViewView MembersEdit nameDownloadDelete ChannelLeave groupSair do grupoSaveSalvarDownload messagesDelete #%1DeleteExcluirAre you sure you want to delete #%1 channel?Are you sure you want to delete this chat?Are you sure you want to leave this chat?ChatViewMembersMembrosCollectibleCollectionViewNo collectibles availableCollectibleDetailViewPropertiesLevelsStatsCollectibleDetailsHeaderSendEnviarCollectibleModalunnamediddescriptionView in OpenseaCollectiblesStoreCollectiblesColecionáveisCollectiblesViewCollectibles will appear hereCommunitiesPopupCommunitiesComunidadesCreate a communityCriar uma comunidadeSearch for communities or topicsCommunityChannelsAndCategoriesBannerPanelExpand your community by adding more channels and categoriesAdd categoriesCommunityDetailPopupPendingPendenteUnknown communityCommunityEditSettingsPanelCommunity nameA catchy nameUm nome atraentecommunity nameDescriptionDescriçãoWhat your community is aboutcommunity descriptionPick a colorCommunityMembersSettingsPanelMembersMembrosMember nameBanKickCommunityOverviewSettingsPanelOverviewEdit CommunityThis node is the Community Owner Node. For your Community to function correctly try to keep this computer with Status running and onlinie as much as possible.CommunityProfilePopupMembersMembrosCommunityProfilePopupInviteFriendsPanelCopied!ContactsContatosCommunityProfilePopupMembersListPanelMember nameCommunityProfilePopupOverviewPanelCopied!CommunitySettingsViewOverviewMembersMembrosNotificationsNotificaçõesSettingsConfiguraçõesOpen legacy popup (to be removed)Back to communityEnabledCommunityUserListMembersMembrosConfirmAppRestartModalApplication RestartPlease restart the application to apply the changes.RestartConfirmPasswordViewPasswords don't matchHave you written down your password?You will never be able to recover your password if you lose it.If you need to, write it using pen and paper and keep in a safe place.If you lose your password you will lose access to your Status profile.Confirm you password (again)Finalise Status Password CreationKeys for this account already existKeys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phraseConfirmationDialogConfirmConfirmarRejectCancelCancelarAre you sure you want to do this?Confirm your actionDo not show this againConstantsUsername must be at least 5 charactersOnly letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens allowed24 character username limitUsernames ending with '-eth' are not allowedUsernames ending with '_eth' are not allowedUsernames ending with '.eth' are not allowedSorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another usernameContactPanelView ProfileVer perfilSend messageEnviar mensagemRenameContactsColumnViewPublic chats & communitiesStart chatIniciar bate-papoContactsListAndSearchEnter a valid chat key or ENS usernameContactsListPanelContact Request SentContact Request RejectedContactsViewSend contact request to chat keySearch by a display name or chat keyContactsContatosPending RequestsBlockedIdentity Verified ContactsReceivedSentCreateCategoryPopupCategory titlecategory nameCreateChannelPopupChannel nameNome do canalName the channelchannel nameChannel colourDescriptionDescriçãoDescribe the channelDescreva o canalchannel descriptionCreateChatViewTo: USER LIMIT REACHEDContactsContatosYou can only send direct messages to your Contacts.
Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be
able to
chat with them once they have accepted your contact request.You can only send direct messages to your Contacts.
Send a contact request to the person you would like to chat with, you will be able to
chat with them once they have accepted your contact request.CreateCommunityPopupEdit CommunityCreate New CommunityName your communityDê um nome para sua comunidadeA catchy nameUm nome atraenteThis is not a valid community nameGive it a short descriptionDê uma breve descriçãoWhat your community is aboutCommunity colourCor da comunidadePick a colourCommunity history serviceRequest to join requiredCreatePasswordModalStore passwordCurrent password...Incorrect passwordCreatePasswordViewCreate passwordCryptoServicesModalBuy / Sell cryptoChoose a service you'd like to use to buy cryptoCurrenciesStoreEthereumBitcoinStatus Network TokenDaiDefaultDAppExplorerViewDefault DApp explorerDemoAppInvite PeopleConvide pessoasView CommunityEdit CommunityLeave CommunityDerivationPathsPanelDerivation PathDerivedAddressesPanelNo activityHas ActivityNo ActivityAccountContaDisplayNamePopupEditEditarDisplay NameOkOKDownloadPageThanks for using StatusYou're curently using version %1 of Status.There's new version available to download.Get Status %1EditCroppedImagePanelImage files (*.jpg *.jpeg, *.jfif, *.png *.tiff *.heif)EnsDetailsViewWallet addressEndereço da carteiraCopied to clipboard!KeyChaveConnect username with your pubkeyUsername locked. You won't be able to release it until %1EnsReleasedViewUsername removedThe username %1 will be removed and your deposit will be returned once the transaction is minedEnsSearchViewConnect username with your pubkeyEnsTermsAndConditionsViewCopied to clipboard!ExemptionNotificationsModal%1 exemptionMute all messagesPersonal @ MentionsGlobal @ MentionsOther MessagesClear ExemptionsDoneConcluídoFetchMoreMessagesButtonbefore--%1GasSelectorMin 21000 unitsNot enough gasMiners will currently not process transactions with a tip below %1 Gwei, the average is %2 GweiThe average miner tip is %1 GweiCurrent base fee: %1 %2LowHighPer-gas tip limitGroupInfoPopup%1/%2 membersHomePageViewSystem defaultOtherExample: duckduckgo.comImageCropperModalFinishTerminarImportSeedPhrasePanelUse 24 word seed phraseUse 12 word seed phraseInsertCardPlease insert your Keycard to proceed or press the cancel button to cancel the operationCancelCancelarInsertDetailsViewYour profileLonger and unusual names are better as they are less likely to be used by someone else.Display nameChatkey:NextPróximoYour emojihash and identicon ringThis set of emojis and coloured ring around your avatar are unique and represent your chat key, so your friends can easily distinguish you from potential impersonators.InviteFriendsPopupCopy to clipboardKeycardCreatePINModalCreate PINNew PINConfirm PINCreate a 6 digit long PINKeysMainViewConnect your keysUse your existing Status keys to login to this device.Enter a seed phraseDigite uma frase-sementeGet your keysA set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your
device, so only you can use them.Generate new keysImport a seed phraseSeed phrases are used to back up and restore your keys.
Only use this option if you already have a seed phrase.LanguageViewSet Display CurrencySearch CurrenciesLanguageIdiomaSearch LanguagesDate FormatDD/MM/YYMM/DD/YYTime Format24-Hour Time12-Hour TimeChange languageDisplay language has been changed. You must restart the application for changes to take effect.Close the app nowLayoutInvite PeopleConvide pessoasView CommunityEdit CommunityLeave CommunityLeftTabViewSettingsConfiguraçõesSign outMake sure you have your account password and seed phrase stored. Without them you can lock yourself out of your account and lose funds.Sign out & QuitSaved addressesLoginViewOkOKWelcome backAdd new userAdd existing Status userMainViewManage Assets & ListDApp PermissionsNetworksAccountsGenerated from Your Seed PhraseImportedWatch-OnlyMenuPanelAppsSettingsConfiguraçõesAbout & HelpMessageContextMenuViewCopy imageDownload imageCopy Message IdJump toPlease choose a directoryMessagingViewShow My Profile Picture ToEveryoneContactsContatosNo OneSee Profile Pictures FromOpen Message Links WithStatus BrowserSystem Default BrowserContacts, Requests, and Blocked UsersDisplay Message Link PreviewsFine tune which sites to allow link previewsImage unfurlingAll images (links that contain an image extension) will be downloaded and displayedMessage syncingWaku nodesFor security reasons, private chat history won't be synced.MyProfileViewENS usernameNome de usuário ENSCopy to clipboardChat keyChave de bate-papoShare Profile URLNetworkFilterAll networksNetworksViewLayer 2Add Custom NetworkNicknamePopupNicknameApelidoNoImageUploadedPanelUploadWide aspect ratio is optimalNodeLayoutBloom Filter UsageNotificationSelectSend AlertsDeliver QuietlyTurn OffNotificationsViewCommunity1:1 ChatGroup ChatMutedOffQuietPersonal @ Mentions %1Global @ Mentions %1AlertsOther Messages %1Multiple ExemptionsEnable Notifications in macOS SettingsTo receive Status notifications, make sure you've enabled them in your computer's settings under <b>System Preferences > Notifications</b>Sync your devices to share notifications preferencesSyncing >Allow NotificationsMessagesMensagens1:1 ChatsGroup ChatsPersonal @ MentionsMessages containing @%1Global @ MentionsMessages containing @here and @channelAll MessagesOthersContact RequestsIdentity Verification RequestsNotification ContentShow Name and MessageHi there! So EIP-1559 will defini...Name OnlyYou have a new messageAnonymousPlay a Sound When Receiving a NotificationVolumeSend a Test NotificationExemptionsSearch Communities, Group Chats and 1:1 ChatsMost recentPINModalAuthenticate PINPINInsert your 6-digit PINAuthenticatePairingModalInsert pairing codePairing codeInsert the Keycard pairing codePairPasswordViewCreate a passwordCrie uma senhaCreate a password to unlock Status on this device & sign transactions.You will not be able to recover this password if it is lost.Minimum %1 characters. To strengthen your password consider including:Passwords don't matchThis password has been pwned and shouldn't be usedThis password is a common word and shouldn't be usedPassword must be at least %1 characters longCurrent passwordNew passwordVery weakWeakSo-soGoodGreatLower caseUpper caseNumbersSymbolsConfirm passwordPermissionsListViewDisconnect AllDisconnectPinnedMessagesPopupUnpinDesafixarPrivacyViewChange passwordStore pass to KeychainStoreNeverNot nowProfileLayoutTestnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets.ContactsContatosProfilePopupBlockedENS usernameNome de usuário ENSUsernameCopy to clipboardChat keyChave de bate-papoShare Profile URLChat settingsConfigurações do chatNicknameApelidoNoneNenhumRemove contactAre you sure you want to remove this contact?Unblock UserBlock UserRemove ContactAdd to contactsAdicionar aos contatosProfileSectionStoreProfilePerfilENS usernamesNomes de usuário ENSMessagingWalletCarteiraBrowserNavegadorPrivacy and securityAppearanceAparênciaLanguage & CurrencyNotifications & SoundsDevices settingsAdvancedAvançadoHelp & GlossaryAboutSign out & QuitRateViewBandwidthUploadKb/sDownloadReceiveModalYour AddressCopyCopiarRenameAccontModalRename %1This is not a valid account namecolorChange NameChanging settings failedRootStoreYouVocêSavedAddressesViewSaved addressesAre you sure you want to remove '%1' from your saved addresses?CancelCancelarDeleteExcluirNo saved addressesSeedPhraseInputViewKeys for this account already existKeys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phraseError importing seedEnter seed phraseInserir frase-semente%1 wordsInvalid seedRestore Status ProfileNextPróximoImportImportarSelectGeneratedAccountImport new Seed PhraseImport new Private KeyImportedAdd newOriginSendContactRequestModalSend Contact Request to chat keyPasteColarEnter chat key hereSay who you are / why you want to become a contact...who are youSend Contact RequestSendModalFooterUnknownDesconhecidoEstimated Time:Max Fees:SendModalHeaderPlease enter a valid amountMax: No balances activeToParaEnter an ENS name or addressSettingsPageLayoutChanges detected!CancelCancelarSave changesSignTransactionModalSendEnviarContinueContinuarError estimating gas: %1StatusAddressOrEnsValidatorPlease enter a valid address or ENS name.StatusAddressValidatorPlease enter a valid address.StatusAppCommunityViewMembersMembrosStatusAsyncEnsValidatorENS name could not be resolved in to an addressStatusAsyncValidatorinvalid inputStatusBadge99+StatusChatInputSendEnviarUnblockStatusChatListAndCategoriesAdd channel inside categoryMoremaisStatusChatListCategoryItemAdd channel inside categoryMoremaisStatusChatListItemUnmuteAtivar somStatusChatToolBarSearchProcurarMembersMembrosMoremaisActivityStatusETHTransactionModalContract interactionStatusExpandableSettingsItemPageBack up seed phraseFazer backup da frase-sementeNot ImplementedStatusFloatValidatorPlease enter a valid numeric value.StatusGifColumnRemove from favoritesAdd to favoritesStatusGifPopupSearch TenorTRENDINGFAVORITESRECENTEnable Tenor GIFs?Once enabled, GIFs posted in the chat may share your metadata with Tenor.EnableFavorite GIFs will appear hereRecent GIFs will appear hereError while contacting Tenor API, please retry.RetryStatusIntValidatorPlease enter a valid numeric value.StatusListPickerSearchProcurarStatusListPickerPageSearch LanguagesSearch CurrenciesStatusMacNotificationMy latest message
with a returnOpenAbrirStatusPasswordStrengthIndicatorVery weakWeakSo-soGoodGreatStatusSearchListPopupSearch...StatusSearchLocationMenuAnywhereStatusSearchPopupNo resultsAnywhereInStatusSpellcheckingMenuItemsAdd to dictionaryDisable SpellcheckingStatusStickerMarketThis feature is experimental and is meant for testing purposes by core contributors and the community. It's not meant for real use and makes no claims of security or integrity of funds or data. Use at your own risk.I understandStatusTagSelectorPageTo: USER LIMIT REACHEDStatusTokenInlineSelectorHoldorOUto postStatusUrlValidatorPlease enter a valid URLStatusValidatorinvalid inputStatusWalletColorSelectAccount colorCor da contaStatusWindowsTitleBarStatusStoreToKeychainSelectionModalStore pass to KeychainStoreNot nowNeverWould you like to store password to the Keychain?TabAddressSelectorViewSavedMy AccountsRecentSearch for saved addressNo Saved AddressNo RecentsTabNetworkAndFeesSimpleAdvancedAvançadoCustomPersonalizadoNetworksThe networks where the receipient will receive tokens. Amounts calculated automatically for the lowest cost.FeesSlowTouchIDAuthViewBiometricsYes, use Touch IDI prefer to use my passwordTransactionBubbleViewToken not found on your current networkTransactionModal confirmation(s)TransactionSettingsConfirmationPopupAre you sure?Você tem certeza?Your priority fee is below our suggested parameters.Current base fee%1 GweiCurrent minimum tipCurrent average tipYour tip limitSuggested minimum tipYour price limitSuggested minimum price limitChange LimitContinue anywayTransferOwnershipPopupCommunity private keyChave privada da comunidadeCopyCopiarCopiedCopiadoUploadProfilePicModalUpload profile pictureChoose an image for profile pictureProfile pictureMake this my profile pictureRemoveRemoverUploadDoneConcluídoUserListMembersMembrosUserListPanelOfflineOnlineDo not disturbIdleUserStatusContextMenuView My ProfileOnlineOfflineUsernameLabelYouVocêUtilsYou need to enter a PINThe PIN must contain only digitsThe PIN must be exactly 6 digitsYou need to repeat your PINPIN don't matchYou need to enter a %1Value has to be at least %1 characters longyears agoyear agomonths agomonth agoweeks agoweek agodays agoday agohours agohour agomins agomin agosecs agosec agonowWakuNodesModalWaku nodesUse Waku nodesSelect node automaticallyWaku NodesNode %1Add a new nodeWalletViewWalletCarteiraNetworksDApp PermissionsTestnet ModeWelcomeViewWelcome to StatusYour fully decentralized gateway to Ethereum and Web3.
Crypto wallet, privacy first group chat, and dApp browser.I am new to StatusI already use StatusmainStatusQ Documentation App