import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import "../stores" import "../controls" import "../popups" import "../panels" import "./wallet" Item { id: root property var emojiPopup property WalletStore walletStore anchors.fill: parent readonly property int mainViewIndex: 0; readonly property int networksViewIndex: 1; readonly property int accountViewIndex: 2; readonly property int dappPermissionViewIndex: 3; StatusBanner { id: banner anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right visible: walletStore.areTestNetworksEnabled type: StatusBanner.Type.Danger statusText: qsTr("Testnet mode is enabled. All balances, transactions and dApp interactions will be on testnets.") } ScrollView { banner.visible ? banner.bottom: anchors.bottom: parent.bottom clip: true StackLayout { id: stackContainer anchors.fill: parent currentIndex: mainViewIndex MainView { id: main Layout.preferredWidth: 560 leftPadding: 64 topPadding: 64 walletStore: root.walletStore onGoToNetworksView: { stackContainer.currentIndex = networksViewIndex } onGoToAccountView: { root.walletStore.switchAccountByAddress(address) stackContainer.currentIndex = accountViewIndex } onGoToDappPermissionsView: { stackContainer.currentIndex = dappPermissionViewIndex } } NetworksView { walletStore: root.walletStore onGoBack: { stackContainer.currentIndex = mainViewIndex } } AccountView { walletStore: root.walletStore emojiPopup: root.emojiPopup onGoBack: { stackContainer.currentIndex = mainViewIndex } } DappPermissionsView { walletStore: root.walletStore onGoBack: { stackContainer.currentIndex = mainViewIndex } } } } }