import QtQuick 2.15 import utils 1.0 /* This is so that all the data from the response to the swap request can be placed here at one place. */ QtObject { id: root property string fromTokenAmount: "" property string toTokenAmount: "" // TODO: this should be string but backend gas_estimate_item.nim passes this as float property real totalFees: 0 property var bestRoutes: [] property bool hasError property var rawPaths: [] // need to check how this is done in new router v2, right now it is Enum type property int estimatedTime property string txProviderName property bool approvalNeeded property string approvalGasFees property string approvalAmountRequired property string approvalContractAddress function reset() { root.fromTokenAmount = "" root.toTokenAmount = "" root.resetAllButReceivedTokenValuesForSwap() } function resetAllButReceivedTokenValuesForSwap() { root.totalFees = 0 root.bestRoutes = [] root.approvalNeeded = false root.hasError = false root.rawPaths = [] root.estimatedTime = Constants.TransactionEstimatedTime.Unknown txProviderName = "" approvalNeeded = false approvalGasFees = "" approvalAmountRequired = "" approvalContractAddress = "" } }