import QtQuick 2.15 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import utils 1.0 StatusMenu { id: root property var keyPair signal runImportViaSeedPhraseFlow() signal runImportViaPrivateKeyFlow() signal runRenameKeypairFlow() signal runRemoveKeypairFlow() StatusAction { text: enabled? qsTr("Show encrypted QR of keypairs on device") : "" enabled: !!root.keyPair && root.keyPair.pairType !== Constants.keypair.type.profile && !root.keyPair.migratedToKeycard && root.keyPair.operability !== Constants.keypair.operability.nonOperable "qr" icon.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1 onTriggered: { // in this case we need to check if any account of a keypair is partially operable and not migrated to a keycard // and if so we need to create a keystore for them first and then proceed with qr code console.warn("TODO: show encrypted QR") } } StatusAction { text: enabled? root.keyPair.migratedToKeycard? qsTr("Stop using Keycard") : qsTr("Move keys to a Keycard") : "" enabled: !!root.keyPair && root.keyPair.operability !== Constants.keypair.operability.nonOperable !!root.keyPair && root.keyPair.migratedToKeycard? "keycard-crossed" : "keycard" icon.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1 onTriggered: { if (root.keyPair.migratedToKeycard) console.warn("TODO: stop using Keycard") else console.warn("TODO: move keys to a Keycard") } } StatusAction { text: enabled? qsTr("Import keypair from device via encrypted QR") : "" enabled: !!root.keyPair && root.keyPair.pairType !== Constants.keypair.type.profile && !root.keyPair.migratedToKeycard && root.keyPair.operability === Constants.keypair.operability.nonOperable && root.keyPair.syncedFrom !== Constants.keypair.syncedFrom.backup "qr-scan" icon.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1 onTriggered: { console.warn("TODO: run import via encrypted QR") } } StatusAction { text: enabled? root.keyPair.pairType === Constants.keypair.type.privateKeyImport? qsTr("Import via entering private key") : qsTr("Import via entering seed phrase") : "" enabled: !!root.keyPair && !root.keyPair.migratedToKeycard && root.keyPair.operability === Constants.keypair.operability.nonOperable && (root.keyPair.pairType === Constants.keypair.type.seedImport || root.keyPair.pairType === Constants.keypair.type.privateKeyImport) enabled? root.keyPair.pairType === Constants.keypair.type.privateKeyImport? "objects" : "key_pair_seed_phrase" : "" icon.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1 onTriggered: { if (root.keyPair.pairType === Constants.keypair.type.privateKeyImport) root.runImportViaPrivateKeyFlow() else root.runImportViaSeedPhraseFlow() } } StatusAction { text: enabled? qsTr("Rename keypair") : "" enabled: !!root.keyPair && root.keyPair.pairType !== Constants.keypair.type.profile "edit" icon.color: Theme.palette.primaryColor1 onTriggered: { root.runRenameKeypairFlow() } } StatusMenuSeparator { visible: !!root.keyPair && root.keyPair.pairType !== Constants.keypair.type.profile } StatusAction { text: enabled? qsTr("Remove keypair and associated accounts") : "" enabled: !!root.keyPair && root.keyPair.pairType !== Constants.keypair.type.profile type: StatusAction.Type.Danger "delete" icon.color: Theme.palette.dangerColor1 onTriggered: { root.runRemoveKeypairFlow() } } }