import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Utils 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import AppLayouts.Communities.views 1.0 /*! \qmltype PermissionsRow \inherits Control \inqmlmodule AppLayouts.Communities.controls 1.0 \brief It is a permissions row control that provides information about community tokens permissions. Inherits \l{}{Control}. The \c PermissionsRow is the token permissions representation row component. It has different ui abreviations / permutations depending on the tokens and permissons the permissions model provides. Example of how to use it: \qml PermissionsRow { model: root.permissionsModel assetsModel: root.assetsModel collectiblesModel: root.collectiblesModel overlapping: 8 overlappingBorder: 1 backgroundRadius: 8 } \endqml For a list of components available see StatusQ. */ Control { id: root /*! \qmlproperty var PermissionsRow::model This property holds the permissions model with expected roles: [ holdingsModel [ roles: key] ]. */ property var model /*! \qmlproperty var PermissionsRow::assetsModel This property holds the global assets model. */ property var assetsModel /*! \qmlproperty var PermissionsRow::collectiblesModel This property holds the global collectibles model. */ property var collectiblesModel /*! \qmlproperty bool PermissionsRow::requirementsMet This property holds if the token requirements are met in case the community requires permissions. */ property bool requirementsMet: false /*! \qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::overlapping This property allows customizing the overlapping distance between elements. */ property int overlapping: 8 /*! \qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::overlappingBorder This property allows customizing the overlapping border between elements. */ property int overlappingBorder: 1 /*! \qmlproperty color PermissionsRow::backgroundColor This property holds the control background color, including border color of overlapped elements. */ property color backgroundColor: Theme.palette.baseColor4 /*! \qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::backgroundRadius This property holds the background radius. */ property int backgroundRadius: 8 /*! \qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::dotsIconSize This property holds the dots icon size. */ property int dotsIconSize: 8 /*! \qmlproperty int PermissionsRow::pixelSize This property holds the font pixel size of all elements that contain text, like the text `or` between elements or the `+2` and `+3` element's text. */ property int fontPixelSize: 11 QtObject { id: d readonly property int maxTokens: 5 readonly property int maxVisualPermissions: 2 property bool dotsVisible: false function buildShortModel(model) { shortModel.clear() if(!model) return const modelCount = model.rowCount() if(modelCount <= 0) return // CASE 1: Only 1 or 2 permission (no abbreviations) if(modelCount <= maxVisualPermissions) { dotsVisible = false for(var i = 0; i < modelCount; i++) shortModel.append(ModelUtils.get(model, i)) return } // Global data needed: const permission1 = ModelUtils.get(model, 0) const permission2 = ModelUtils.get(model, 1) const holdingsCount1 = permission1.holdingsListModel.rowCount() const holdingsCount2 = permission2.holdingsListModel.rowCount() // CASE 2: Exactly 3 permissions (All they have only 1 token // OR all they have 1 token but only 1 has 2 tokens) if(modelCount === 3) { const permission3 = ModelUtils.get(model, 2) const holdingsCount3 = permission3.holdingsListModel.rowCount() if((holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 1 && holdingsCount3 === 1) || (holdingsCount1 === 2 && holdingsCount2 === 1 && holdingsCount3 === 1) || (holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 2 && holdingsCount3 === 1) || (holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 1 && holdingsCount3 === 2)) { shortModel.append(permission1) shortModel.append(permission2) shortModel.append(permission3) return } } // CASE 3: More than 2 permissions and didn't fit with previous conditions (dots visualized) if(modelCount > maxVisualPermissions) { dotsVisible = true shortModel.append(permission1) // More than 2 permissions but 1st and 2nd have only 1:1 or 1:2 tokens if((holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 1) || (holdingsCount1 === 2 && holdingsCount2 === 1) || (holdingsCount1 === 1 && holdingsCount2 === 2)) { shortModel.append(permission2) } } } } implicitHeight: 24 spacing: 4 padding: 1 background: Rectangle { color: root.backgroundColor radius: root.backgroundRadius } contentItem: RowLayout { id: container anchors.centerIn: parent anchors.margins: root.padding spacing: root.spacing StatusIcon { Layout.preferredHeight: container.height - 6 Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight Layout.leftMargin: 4 icon: root.requirementsMet ? "tiny/unlocked" : "tiny/locked" color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } Repeater { id: repeater model: shortModel RowLayout { spacing: root.spacing SinglePermissionRow { model: holdingsListModel } StatusBaseText { visible: index !== (repeater.count - 1) || d.dotsVisible text: qsTr("or") font.pixelSize: root.fontPixelSize color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 } } } StatusRoundedComponent { Layout.preferredHeight: container.height Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight visible: d.dotsVisible color: Theme.palette.baseColor3 border.color: root.backgroundColor border.width: root.overlappingBorder StatusIcon { anchors.centerIn: parent visible: d.dotsVisible icon: "dots-icon" height: root.dotsIconSize width: height } } } onModelChanged: d.buildShortModel(root.model) Connections { target: root.model function onCountChanged() { d.buildShortModel(root.model) } } Component.onCompleted: d.buildShortModel(root.model) ListModel { id: shortModel } component SinglePermissionRow: RowLayout { id: singlePermissionItem readonly property int maxVisualTokens: 3 property var model property string plusElementText: "" property bool plusElementVisible: false function getVisualTokensCount(modelCount) { if(singlePermissionItem.maxVisualTokens < modelCount) // Need of shorter model return singlePermissionItem.maxVisualTokens - 1 // All elements in model return modelCount } function buildTokensRowModel(model) { shortTokensRowModel.clear() if(!model) return var modelCount = model.rowCount() for(var i = 0; i < getVisualTokensCount(modelCount); i++) shortTokensRowModel.append(ModelUtils.get(model, i)) plusElementVisible = modelCount > maxVisualTokens if(plusElementVisible) plusElementText = qsTr("+%1").arg(modelCount - maxVisualTokens) } spacing: -root.overlapping onModelChanged: buildTokensRowModel(singlePermissionItem.model) Connections { target: singlePermissionItem.model function onCountChanged() { buildTokensRowModel(singlePermissionItem.model) } } Component.onCompleted: buildTokensRowModel(singlePermissionItem.model) ListModel{ id: shortTokensRowModel } Repeater { model: HoldingsSelectionModel { sourceModel: shortTokensRowModel assetsModel: root.assetsModel collectiblesModel: root.collectiblesModel } StatusRoundedImage { Layout.preferredHeight: container.height Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight z: index image.source: model.imageSource color: "transparent" border.color: root.backgroundColor border.width: root.overlappingBorder } } StatusRoundedComponent { visible: singlePermissionItem.plusElementVisible Layout.preferredHeight: container.height Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.preferredHeight z: d.maxTokens color: Theme.palette.baseColor3 border.color: root.backgroundColor border.width: root.overlappingBorder StatusBaseText { anchors.centerIn: parent text: singlePermissionItem.plusElementText color: Theme.palette.baseColor1 font.pixelSize: root.fontPixelSize } } } }