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Decline invitation 초대 거절 Sent 전송됨 Sending... 보내기 Public chat 오픈채팅 Contact 연락처에 등록됨 Not a contact 연락처에 없음 %1 members 1 member Clear history 채팅 내역 삭제 Delete Chat 채팅방 나가기 Leave Chat 채팅방 나가기 Group Information Leave Group 그룹 나가기 Chat 채팅 Admin 관리자 (You) New group chat 새 그룹 채팅 %1 / 10 members Group name Create Group Chat 그룹 채팅 생성 Add members 멤버 추가 Members 멤버 Make Admin 관리자로 지정 Remove From Group Add selected User not found 사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다 New chat 새로운 채팅 Enter ENS username or chat key 채팅 키 또는 ENS 이름 입력 ENS username ENS 이름 Chat key 채팅 키 Share Profile URL Send Message 메시지 보내기 Block User Remove Contact Add to contacts 연락처에 추가 Start new chat 새 채팅 시작 Start group chat 그룹 채팅 시작 Join public chat 오픈채팅 참여하기 A public chat is where you get to hang out with others, make friends and talk about subjects of your interest. chat-name 대화명 Save 저장 You don't have any stickers yet Recently used stickers will appear here 최근 사용한 이모티콘이 여기에 나타납니다 Get Stickers 이모티콘 가져오기 Type json-rpc message... e.g {"method": "eth_accounts"} ENS usernames ENS 이름 Contacts 연락처 Privacy and security 개인 정보 및 보안 Devices 디바이스 Sync settings 동기화 설정 Language settings Notifications settings Advanced settings 고급 설정 Need help? 도움이 필요하신가요? About 앱 정보 Sign out 로그아웃 About the app Status Desktop Version: alpha.0 Node Version: %1 Thanks for trying Status Desktop! Please note that this is an alpha release and we advise you that using this app should be done for testing purposes only and you assume the full responsibility for all risks concerning your data and funds. Status makes no claims of security or integrity of funds in these builds. Theme (Light - Dark) Chat Compact Mode Wallet Tab NOT RECOMMENDED - Use at your own risk Browser Tab experimental (web3 not supported yet) Node Management Tab under development Display images in chat automatically Enable testnet (Ropsten) Current network: %1 Under development NOTE: You will be logged out and all installed sticker packs will be removed and will need to be reinstalled. Purchased sticker packs will not need to be re-purchased. Write down your seed phrase With this 12 words you can always get your key back. Write it down. Keep it safe, offline, and separate from this device. Done 완료 Please set a name for your device. 기기의 이름을 설정해주세요 Specify a name 이름 지정 Continue 계속 Advertise device 디바이스 페어링 Pair your devices to sync contacts and chats between them 기기를 페어링하여 연락처와 채팅을 동기화합니다 Learn more 더 알아보기 Paired devices 페어링 된 기기 Syncing... 동기화 중... Sync all devices 모든 기기 동기화 Help menus: FAQ, Glossary, etc. Privacy and security settings Security 보안 Backup Seed Phrase Sign out controls LogoutExit Status account settings You need to enter an account name Enter an account name... Account name 계정 이름 Account color 계정 색상 Type 종류 Watch-only 열람 전용 Off Status tree 스테이터스 트리 아님 On Status tree 스테이터스 트리 계정 Wallet address 지갑 주소 Derivation path 파생 경로 Storage 스토리지 This device 스마트폰에 저장 Delete account 계정 삭제 Are you sure? 정말 삭제하시겠어요? A deleted account cannot be retrieved later. Only press yes if you backed up your key/seed or don't care about this account anymore Save changes Add custom token 커스텀 토큰 추가 Enter contract address... Contract address 컨트랙트 주소 (Contract address) The name of your token... Name 이름 ABC Symbol 기호 (Symbol) Decimals 소수점 (Decimals) Add 추가 No collectibles in this account Wallet 지갑 Send 보내기 Add/Remove Tokens Account Settings 계정 설정 Set Currency 통화 설정 Generate an account 계정 생성 Add a watch-only address 열람 전용 계정 추가 Enter a seed phrase 시드 구문 입력 Enter a private key 개인 키 입력 Add account from private key 개인 키로 계정 추가 You need to enter a password Password needs to be 4 characters or more You need to enter a private key Enter a valid private key (64 characters hexadecimal string) Enter your password… Password 비밀번호 Paste the contents of your private key Private key 개인 키 Loading... 로딩 중... Add account > 계정 추가 You need to enter a seed phrase Enter a valid mnemonic Add account with a seed phrase 시드 구문으로 계정 추가 Enter your seed phrase, separate words with commas or spaces... Seed phrase 시드 구문 Add a watch-only account 보기 전용 계정 추가 You need to enter an address This needs to be a valid address (starting with 0x) Enter address... Account address 계정 주소 Transaction sent to the blockchain. You can watch the progress on Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/tx/%1 You need to enter a destination address You need to enter an amount This needs to be a number Amount needs to be lower than your balance (%1) Success sending the transaction Amount 수량 Enter amount... Select the asset Balance: %1 From account Recipient 받는 주소 Send to Enter Password 비밀번호 입력 Transaction Details 거래 세부정보 9999 Confirmations When the transaction has 12 confirmations you can consider it settled. 12번 이상 확인된 거래는 확정된 것으로 간주됩니다. Block 블록 Hash 해시값 From 보내는 분 To 받는 분 Gas limit 가스 한도 Gas price 가스 가격 Gas used 가스 사용량 Nonce Nonce US Dollars Euros Nim Status Client Quit You need to repeat your password Both passwords must match Create a password 비밀번호 만들기 New password... Confirm password… At least 6 characters. You will use this password to unlock status on this device & sign transactions. Logging in... Create password Error importing account An error occurred while importing your account: Login failed Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again. Add key Enter 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words. Seperate words by a single space. Choose a chat name 채팅 이름 선택하기 Truly private communication 검열 없는 안전한 커뮤니케이션 Chat over a peer-to-peer, encrypted network where messages can't be censored or hacked Secure crypto wallet 안전한 암호화폐 지갑 Send and receive digital assets anywhere in the world--no bank account required Decentralized apps 탈중앙 앱 Explore games, exchanges and social networks where you alone own your data I understand Status does not collect, share or sell any personal data. By continuing you agree with the privacy policy. Invalid seed phrase 잘못된 시드 구문 Buy for %1 SNT Uninstall Install ↓ 설치 Free ↓ 무료 Pending... Cancel 취소 Update 업데이트 Get your keys 키 생성하기 A set of keys controls your account. Your keys live on your device, so only you can use them. I'm new, generate keys Access existing key Enter password 비밀번호 입력 Generate new keys Enter seed phrase 시드 구문 입력 Your accounts Search 검색 View profile 프로필 보기 Reply to No messages 메시지 없음 Yesterday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Your chats will appear here. To start new chats press the  button at the top Chat and transact privately with your friends Invite friends 친구 초대 Follow your interests in one of the many Public Chats. Get Status at https://status.im Download Status link Assets 자산 Collectibles 수집품 History 거래 내역