import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import "../../../../imports" import "../../../../shared" Item { property string searchString: "" property string searchStringLowercase: searchString.toLowerCase() property int imageWidth: 26 property int imageMargin: 4 property var emojis: [] property var allEmojis: [] id: emojiSection visible: emojis.length > 0 || !!(modelData && modelData.length && modelData[0].empty && searchString === "") index === 0 ? : parent.children[index - 1].bottom anchors.topMargin: index === 0 ? 0 : Style.current.padding width: parent.width // childrenRect caused a binding loop here height: this.visible ? emojiGrid.height + categoryText.height + noRecentText.height + Style.current.padding : 0 StyledText { id: categoryText text: modelData && modelData.length ? modelData[0].category.toUpperCase() : "" color: Style.current.darkGrey font.pixelSize: 13 } StyledText { id: noRecentText visible: !!(modelData && modelData.length && modelData[0].empty) text: qsTr("No recent emojis") color: Style.current.darkGrey font.pixelSize: 10 categoryText.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding } onSearchStringLowercaseChanged: { if (emojiSection.searchStringLowercase === "") { this.emojis = this.allEmojis return } this.emojis = this.allEmojis.filter(function (emoji) { return || emoji.shortname.includes(emojiSection.searchStringLowercase) || emoji.aliases.some(a => a.includes(emojiSection.searchStringLowercase)) }) } Component.onCompleted: { var myEmojis = [] modelData.forEach(function (emoji) { if (emoji.empty) { return } myEmojis.push({ filename: emoji.unicode + '.png', name:, shortname: emoji.shortname, name:, aliases: emoji.aliases }) }) // We use two arrays for filtering purposes this.emojis = myEmojis this.allEmojis = myEmojis } GridView { id: emojiGrid categoryText.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.smallPadding width: parent.width height: childrenRect.height visible: count > 0 cellWidth: emojiSection.imageWidth + emojiSection.imageMargin * 2 cellHeight: emojiSection.imageWidth + emojiSection.imageMargin * 2 model: emojiSection.emojis focus: true clip: true interactive: false delegate: Item { id: emojiContainer width: emojiGrid.cellWidth height: emojiGrid.cellHeight Column { anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: emojiSection.imageMargin anchors.leftMargin: emojiSection.imageMargin SVGImage { width: emojiSection.imageWidth height: emojiSection.imageWidth source: "../../../../imports/twemoji/26x26/" + modelData.filename MouseArea { cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { const extenstionIndex = modelData.filename.lastIndexOf('.'); let iconCodePoint = modelData.filename if (extenstionIndex > -1) { iconCodePoint = iconCodePoint.substring(0, extenstionIndex) } // Split the filename to get all the parts and then encode them from hex to utf8 const splitCodePoint = iconCodePoint.split('-') let codePointParts = [] splitCodePoint.forEach(function (codePoint) { codePointParts.push(`0x${codePoint}`) }) const encodedIcon = String.fromCodePoint(...codePointParts); popup.addToChat(encodedIcon + ' ') // Adding a space because otherwise, some emojis would fuse since it's just an emoji is just a string popup.close() } } } } } } } /*##^## Designer { D{i:0;formeditorColor:"#ffffff";height:440;width:360} } ##^##*/