import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import utils 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.views 1.0 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import 1.0 import "../controls" Item { id: root property var chatContentModule property var rootStore property var messageStore property var usersStore property var contactsStore property string channelEmoji property var emojiPopup property var stickersPopup property bool stickersLoaded: false property alias chatLogView: chatLogView property bool isChatBlocked: false property bool isActiveChannel: false property var messageContextMenu signal openStickerPackPopup(string stickerPackId) signal showReplyArea(string messageId, string author) signal editModeChanged(bool editModeOn) QtObject { id: d readonly property real scrollY: chatLogView.visibleArea.yPosition * chatLogView.contentHeight readonly property bool isMostRecentMessageInViewport: chatLogView.visibleArea.yPosition >= 0.999 - chatLogView.visibleArea.heightRatio readonly property var chatDetails: chatContentModule.chatDetails || null function markAllMessagesReadIfMostRecentMessageIsInViewport() { if (!isMostRecentMessageInViewport || !chatLogView.visible) { return } if (chatDetails && && chatDetails.hasUnreadMessages && !messageStore.messageSearchOngoing) { chatContentModule.markAllMessagesRead() } } onIsMostRecentMessageInViewportChanged: markAllMessagesReadIfMostRecentMessageIsInViewport() } Connections { target: root.messageStore.messageModule function onMessageSuccessfullySent() { chatLogView.positionViewAtBeginning() } function onSendingMessageFailed() { } function onScrollToMessage(messageIndex) { chatLogView.positionViewAtIndex(messageIndex, ListView.Center) chatLogView.itemAtIndex(messageIndex).startMessageFoundAnimation() } function onMessageSearchOngoingChanged() { d.markAllMessagesReadIfMostRecentMessageIsInViewport() } } Connections { target: !!d.chatDetails ? d.chatDetails : null function onActiveChanged() { d.markAllMessagesReadIfMostRecentMessageIsInViewport() } function onHasUnreadMessagesChanged() { if (!d.chatDetails.hasUnreadMessages) { return } // HACK: we call `addNewMessagesMarker` later because messages model // may not be yet propagated with unread messages when this signal is emitted if (chatLogView.visible) { if (!d.isMostRecentMessageInViewport) { Qt.callLater(() => messageStore.addNewMessagesMarker()) } } else { Qt.callLater(() => messageStore.addNewMessagesMarker()) } } } Item { id: loadingMessagesIndicator visible: root.rootStore.loadingHistoryMessagesInProgress anchors.left: parent.left height: visible? 20 : 0 width: parent.width Loader { active: root.rootStore.loadingHistoryMessagesInProgress anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter sourceComponent: Component { LoadingAnimation { width: 18 height: 18 } } } } StatusListView { id: chatLogView objectName: "chatLogView" loadingMessagesIndicator.bottom anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right spacing: 0 verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop function checkHeaderHeight() { if (!chatLogView.headerItem) { return } if (chatLogView.contentItem.height - chatLogView.headerItem.height < chatLogView.height) { chatLogView.headerItem.height = chatLogView.height - (chatLogView.contentItem.height - chatLogView.headerItem.height) - 36 } else { chatLogView.headerItem.height = 0 } } model: messageStore.messagesModel onContentYChanged: { scrollDownButton.visible = contentHeight - (d.scrollY + height) > 400 if(d.scrollY < 500) messageStore.loadMoreMessages() } onCountChanged: d.markAllMessagesReadIfMostRecentMessageIsInViewport() onVisibleChanged: d.markAllMessagesReadIfMostRecentMessageIsInViewport() ScrollBar.vertical: StatusScrollBar { visible: chatLogView.visibleArea.heightRatio < 1 } // This header and Connections is to create an invisible padding so that the chat identifier is at the top // The Connections is necessary, because doing the check inside the header created a binding loop (the contentHeight includes the header height // If the content height is smaller than the full height, we "show" the padding so that the chat identifier is at the top, otherwise we disable the Connections header: Item { height: 0 width: chatLogView.width } Timer { id: timer } Button { id: scrollDownButton readonly property int buttonPadding: 5 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding visible: false height: 32 width: arrowImage.width + 2 * Style.current.halfPadding background: Rectangle { color: Style.current.buttonSecondaryColor border.width: 0 radius: 16 } onClicked: { scrollDownButton.visible = false chatLogView.positionViewAtBeginning() } StatusIcon { id: arrowImage anchors.centerIn: parent width: 24 height: 24 icon: "arrow-down" color: Style.current.pillButtonTextColor } MouseArea { cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton } } Connections { target: chatLogView.model || null function onDataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight, roles) { if (roles.indexOf(Constants.messageModelRoles.responseToMessageWithId) !== -1) { let item = chatLogView.itemAtIndex(topLeft.row) if (item) { item.updateReplyInfo() } } } function onReplyDeleted(messageIndex) { let item = chatLogView.itemAtIndex(messageIndex) if (item) { item.replyDeleted() } } } delegate: MessageView { id: msgDelegate width: ListView.view.width height: implicitHeight objectName: "chatMessageViewDelegate" rootStore: root.rootStore messageStore: root.messageStore usersStore: root.usersStore contactsStore: root.contactsStore channelEmoji: root.channelEmoji emojiPopup: root.emojiPopup stickersPopup: root.stickersPopup chatLogView: ListView.view isActiveChannel: root.isActiveChannel isChatBlocked: root.isChatBlocked messageContextMenu: root.messageContextMenu messageId: communityId: model.communityId responseToMessageWithId: model.responseToMessageWithId senderId: model.senderId senderDisplayName: model.senderDisplayName senderOptionalName: model.senderOptionalName senderIsEnsVerified: model.senderEnsVerified senderIcon: model.senderIcon senderIsAdded: model.senderIsAdded senderTrustStatus: model.senderTrustStatus amISender: model.amISender messageText: model.messageText messageImage: model.messageImage messageTimestamp: model.timestamp messageOutgoingStatus: model.outgoingStatus resendError: model.resendError messageContentType: model.contentType pinnedMessage: model.pinned messagePinnedBy: model.pinnedBy reactionsModel: model.reactions sticker: model.sticker stickerPack: model.stickerPack editModeOn: model.editMode onEditModeOnChanged: root.editModeChanged(editModeOn) isEdited: model.isEdited linkUrls: model.links messageAttachments: model.messageAttachments transactionParams: model.transactionParameters hasMention: model.mentioned gapFrom: model.gapFrom gapTo: model.gapTo // This is possible since we have all data loaded before we load qml. // When we fetch messages to fulfill a gap we have to set them at once. // Also one important thing here is that messages are set in descending order // in terms of `timestamp` of a message, that means a message with the most // recent time is added at index 0. prevMessageIndex: model.prevMsgIndex prevMessageAsJsonObj: messageStore.getMessageByIndexAsJson(model.prevMsgIndex) prevMsgTimestamp: model.prevMsgTimestamp nextMessageIndex: model.nextMsgIndex nextMessageAsJsonObj: messageStore.getMessageByIndexAsJson(model.nextMsgIndex) onOpenStickerPackPopup: { root.openStickerPackPopup(stickerPackId); } onShowReplyArea: { root.showReplyArea(messageId, author) } onImageClicked: Global.openImagePopup(image, messageContextMenu) stickersLoaded: root.stickersLoaded onVisibleChanged: { if(!visible && model.editMode) messageStore.setEditModeOff( } } } MessageDialog { id: sendingMsgFailedPopup standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok text: qsTr("Failed to send message.") icon: StandardIcon.Critical } }