Feature: Wallet -> Saved addresses Management Background: Given A first time user lands on the status desktop and generates new key And the user signs up with username "tester123" and password "TesTEr16843/!@00" And the user lands on the signed in app And the user opens the wallet section And the user accepts the signing phrase Scenario Outline: The user can add saved address with all network options and delete address record When the user adds a saved address with name "" and address "
" Then the saved address with name "" is in the list of saved addresses When the user deletes the saved address with name "" Then the saved address with name "" is not in the list of saved addresses Examples: | name | address | | Saved address | 0x8397bc3c5a60a1883174f722403d63a8833312b7 | | ENS name as address | nastya.stateofus.eth | Scenario Outline: The user can add saved address with all network options, change address name and disable networks When the user adds a saved address with name "" and address "
" And the user edits a saved address with name "" and address "
" to "" Then the saved address with name "" is in the list of saved addresses # And the user can open saved address in "" TODO: later Examples: | name | address |new_name | | Saved address name before | 0x8397bc3c5a60a1883174f722403d63a8833312b7 |Saved address name after | | Ens name before | nastya.stateofus.eth |Ens name after | # | foo | nastya.stateofus.eth | bar | https://github.com/status-im/status-desktop/issues/11090 # TODO: actions from burger menu # TODO: enhance edit actions to change networks # TODO: test for Share button # TODO: add logic to recognize mainnet / testnet and select appropriate networks