import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtWebEngine 1.10 import QtWebChannel 1.13 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.0 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import utils 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import shared 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import "popups" import "controls" import "views" import "panels" import "stores" import "../Chat/popups" // Code based on // Licensed under BSD Rectangle { id: browserWindow property var globalStore property Item currentWebView: tabs.currentIndex < tabs.count ? tabs.getTab(tabs.currentIndex).item : null property Component browserDialogComponent: BrowserDialog { onClosing: destroy() } property Component jsDialogComponent: JSDialogWindow {} property bool currentTabConnected: false property Component accessDialogComponent: BrowserConnectionModal { currentTab: tabs.getTab(tabs.currentIndex) && tabs.getTab(tabs.currentIndex).item x: browserWindow.width - width - Style.current.halfPadding y: browserHeader.y + browserHeader.height + Style.current.halfPadding } // TODO we'll need a new dialog at one point because this one is not using the same call, but it's good for now property Component sendTransactionModalComponent: SignTransactionModal { store: browserWindow.globalStore } property Component signMessageModalComponent: SignMessageModal {} property MessageDialog sendingError: MessageDialog { id: sendingError //% "Error sending the transaction" title: qsTrId("error-sending-the-transaction") icon: StandardIcon.Critical standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } property MessageDialog signingError: MessageDialog { id: signingError //% "Error signing message" title: qsTrId("error-signing-message") icon: StandardIcon.Critical standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } property QtObject defaultProfile: WebEngineProfile { storageName: "Profile" offTheRecord: false httpUserAgent: { if (localAccountSensitiveSettings.compatibilityMode) { // Google doesn't let you connect if the user agent is Chrome-ish and doesn't satisfy some sort of hidden requirement return "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0" } return "" } useForGlobalCertificateVerification: true userScripts: [ WebEngineScript { injectionPoint: WebEngineScript.DocumentCreation sourceUrl: Qt.resolvedUrl("./helpers/provider.js") worldId: WebEngineScript.MainWorld // TODO: check } ] } property QtObject otrProfile: WebEngineProfile { offTheRecord: true persistentCookiesPolicy: WebEngineProfile.NoPersistentCookies httpUserAgent: defaultProfile.httpUserAgent userScripts: [ WebEngineScript { injectionPoint: WebEngineScript.DocumentCreation sourceUrl: Qt.resolvedUrl("./helpers/provider.js") worldId: WebEngineScript.MainWorld // TODO: check } ] } function openUrlInNewTab(url) { browserWindow.addNewTab() determineRealURL(url) } function addNewDownloadTab() { tabs.createDownloadTab(tabs.count !== 0 ? currentWebView.profile : defaultProfile); tabs.currentIndex = tabs.count - 1; } function addNewTab() { tabs.createEmptyTab(tabs.count !== 0 ? currentWebView.profile : defaultProfile); tabs.currentIndex = tabs.count - 1; browserHeader.addressBar.forceActiveFocus(); browserHeader.addressBar.selectAll(); } function onDownloadRequested(download) { downloadBar.isVisible = true download.accept(); DownloadsStore.addDownload(download) } function determineRealURL(url) { return Web3ProviderStore.determineRealURL(url) } onCurrentWebViewChanged: { findBar.reset(); browserHeader.addressBar.text = Web3ProviderStore.obtainAddress(currentWebView.url) } Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true color: Style.current.inputBackground border.width: 0 WebProviderObj { id: provider } BrowserShortcutActions { id: keyboardShortcutActions } WebChannel { id: channel registeredObjects: [provider] } BrowserHeader { id: browserHeader anchors.topMargin: tabs.tabHeight + tabs.anchors.topMargin z: 52 addNewTab: browserWindow.addNewTab favoriteComponent: favoritesBar currentFavorite: currentWebView && BookmarksStore.getCurrentFavorite(currentWebView.url) dappBrowserAccName: dappBrowserAccIcon: WalletStore.dappBrowserAccount.iconColor onAddNewFavoritelClicked: { addFavoriteModal.modifiyModal = browserHeader.currentFavorite addFavoriteModal.toolbarMode = true addFavoriteModal.x = xPos - 30 addFavoriteModal.y = browserHeader.y + browserHeader.height + 4 addFavoriteModal.ogUrl = browserHeader.currentFavorite ? browserHeader.currentFavorite.url : currentWebView.url addFavoriteModal.ogName = browserHeader.currentFavorite ? : currentWebView.title } } BrowserTabView { id: tabs anchors.topMargin: Style.current.halfPadding anchors.bottom: anchors.bottomMargin: browserHeader.height anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right z: 50 tabComponent: webEngineView } ProgressBar { id: progressBar height: 3 from: 0 to: 100 visible: value != 0 && value != 100 value: (currentWebView && currentWebView.loadProgress < 100) ? currentWebView.loadProgress : 0 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Style.current.padding anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Style.current.padding } WebEngineView { id: devToolsView visible: localAccountSensitiveSettings.devToolsEnabled height: visible ? 400 : 0 inspectedView: visible && tabs.currentIndex < tabs.count ? tabs.getTab(tabs.currentIndex).item : null anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom onNewViewRequested: function(request) { var tab = tabs.createEmptyTab(currentWebView.profile); tabs.currentIndex = tabs.count - 1; request.openIn(tab.item); } z: 100 } AddFavoriteModal { id: addFavoriteModal } FavoriteMenu { id: favoriteMenu openInNewTab: function (url) { browserWindow.openUrlInNewTab(url) } } MessageDialog { id: sslDialog property var certErrors: [] icon: StandardIcon.Warning standardButtons: StandardButton.No | StandardButton.Yes //% "Server's certificate not trusted" title: qsTrId("server-s-certificate-not-trusted") //% "Do you wish to continue?" text: qsTrId("do-you-wish-to-continue-") //% "If you wish so, you may continue with an unverified certificate. Accepting an unverified certificate means you may not be connected with the host you tried to connect to.\nDo you wish to override the security check and continue?" detailedText: qsTrId("if-you-wish-so--you-may-continue-with-an-unverified-certificate--accepting-an-unverified-certificate-means-you-may-not-be-connected-with-the-host-you-tried-to-connect-to--ndo-you-wish-to-override-the-security-check-and-continue-") onYes: { certErrors.shift().ignoreCertificateError(); presentError(); } onNo: reject() onRejected: reject() function reject(){ certErrors.shift().rejectCertificate(); presentError(); } function enqueue(error){ certErrors.push(error); presentError(); } function presentError(){ visible = certErrors.length > 0 } } DownloadBar { id: downloadBar anchors.bottom: parent.bottom z: 60 downloadsModel: DownloadsStore.downloadModel onOpenDownloadClicked: { if (downloadComplete) { return DownloadsStore.openFile(index) } DownloadsStore.openDirectory(index) } } FindBar { id: findBar visible: false anchors.right: parent.right browserHeader.bottom z: 60 onFindNext: { if (text) currentWebView && currentWebView.findText(text); else if (!visible) visible = true; } onFindPrevious: { if (text) currentWebView && currentWebView.findText(text, WebEngineView.FindBackward); else if (!visible) visible = true; } } Rectangle { id: statusBubble color: "oldlace" property int padding: 8 visible: false anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom width: statusText.paintedWidth + padding height: statusText.paintedHeight + padding Text { id: statusText anchors.centerIn: statusBubble elide: Qt.ElideMiddle Timer { id: hideStatusText interval: 750 onTriggered: { statusText.text = ""; statusBubble.visible = false; } } } } DownloadMenu { id: downloadMenu } Component { id: favoritesBar FavoritesBar { bookmarkModel: BookmarksStore.bookmarksModel } } Component { id: webEngineView BrowserWebEngineView {} } Connections { target: currentWebView onUrlChanged: { browserHeader.addressBar.text = Web3ProviderStore.obtainAddress(currentWebView.url) } } Connections { target: BookmarksStore.bookmarksModel onModelChanged: { browserHeader.currentFavorite = Qt.binding(function () {return BookmarksStore.getCurrentFavorite(currentWebView.url)}) } } }