pragma Singleton import QtQuick 2.13 import StatusQ.Controls.Validators 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 QtObject { readonly property QtObject appState: QtObject { readonly property int startup: 0 readonly property int appLoading: 1 readonly property int main: 2 readonly property int appEncryptionProcess: 3 } readonly property QtObject startupFlow: QtObject { readonly property string general: "General" readonly property string firstRunNewUserNewKeys: "FirstRunNewUserNewKeys" readonly property string firstRunNewUserNewKeycardKeys: "FirstRunNewUserNewKeycardKeys" readonly property string firstRunNewUserImportSeedPhrase: "FirstRunNewUserImportSeedPhrase" readonly property string firstRunNewUserImportSeedPhraseIntoKeycard: "FirstRunNewUserImportSeedPhraseIntoKeycard" readonly property string firstRunOldUserSyncCode: "FirstRunOldUserSyncCode" readonly property string firstRunOldUserKeycardImport: "FirstRunOldUserKeycardImport" readonly property string firstRunOldUserImportSeedPhrase: "FirstRunOldUserImportSeedPhrase" readonly property string appLogin: "AppLogin" readonly property string lostKeycardReplacement: "LostKeycardReplacement" readonly property string lostKeycardConvertToRegularAccount: "LostKeycardConvertToRegularAccount" } readonly property QtObject startupState: QtObject { readonly property string noState: "NoState" readonly property string allowNotifications: "AllowNotifications" readonly property string welcome: "Welcome" readonly property string welcomeNewStatusUser: "WelcomeNewStatusUser" readonly property string welcomeOldStatusUser: "WelcomeOldStatusUser" readonly property string recoverOldUser: "RecoverOldUser" readonly property string userProfileCreate: "UserProfileCreate" readonly property string userProfileChatKey: "UserProfileChatKey" readonly property string userProfileCreateSameChatKey: "UserProfileCreateSameChatKey" readonly property string userProfileCreatePassword: "UserProfileCreatePassword" readonly property string userProfileConfirmPassword: "UserProfileConfirmPassword" readonly property string userProfileImportSeedPhrase: "UserProfileImportSeedPhrase" readonly property string userProfileEnterSeedPhrase: "UserProfileEnterSeedPhrase" readonly property string userProfileWrongSeedPhrase: "UserProfileWrongSeedPhrase" readonly property string biometrics: "Biometrics" readonly property string keycardNoPCSCService: "KeycardNoPCSCService" readonly property string keycardPluginReader: "KeycardPluginReader" readonly property string keycardInsertKeycard: "KeycardInsertKeycard" readonly property string keycardInsertedKeycard: "KeycardInsertedKeycard" readonly property string keycardReadingKeycard: "KeycardReadingKeycard" readonly property string keycardRecognizedKeycard: "KeycardRecognizedKeycard" readonly property string keycardWrongKeycard: "KeycardWrongKeycard" readonly property string keycardCreatePin: "KeycardCreatePin" readonly property string keycardRepeatPin: "KeycardRepeatPin" readonly property string keycardPinSet: "KeycardPinSet" readonly property string keycardEnterPin: "KeycardEnterPin" readonly property string keycardWrongPin: "KeycardWrongPin" readonly property string keycardEnterPuk: "KeycardEnterPuk" readonly property string keycardWrongPuk: "KeycardWrongPuk" readonly property string keycardDisplaySeedPhrase: "KeycardDisplaySeedPhrase" readonly property string keycardEnterSeedPhraseWords: "KeycardEnterSeedPhraseWords" readonly property string keycardNotEmpty: "KeycardNotEmpty" readonly property string keycardNotKeycard: "KeycardNotKeycard" readonly property string keycardEmpty: "KeycardEmpty" readonly property string keycardLocked: "KeycardLocked" readonly property string keycardRecover: "KeycardRecover" readonly property string keycardMaxPairingSlotsReached: "KeycardMaxPairingSlotsReached" readonly property string keycardMaxPinRetriesReached: "KeycardMaxPinRetriesReached" readonly property string keycardMaxPukRetriesReached: "KeycardMaxPukRetriesReached" readonly property string login: "Login" readonly property string loginNoPCSCService: "LoginNoPCSCService" readonly property string loginPlugin: "LoginPlugin" readonly property string loginKeycardInsertKeycard: "LoginKeycardInsertKeycard" readonly property string loginKeycardInsertedKeycard: "LoginKeycardInsertedKeycard" readonly property string loginKeycardReadingKeycard: "LoginKeycardReadingKeycard" readonly property string loginKeycardRecognizedKeycard: "LoginKeycardRecognizedKeycard" readonly property string loginKeycardEnterPin: "LoginKeycardEnterPin" readonly property string loginKeycardEnterPassword: "LoginKeycardEnterPassword" readonly property string loginKeycardPinVerified: "LoginKeycardPinVerified" readonly property string loginKeycardWrongKeycard: "LoginKeycardWrongKeycard" readonly property string loginKeycardWrongPin: "LoginKeycardWrongPin" readonly property string loginKeycardMaxPinRetriesReached: "LoginKeycardMaxPinRetriesReached" readonly property string loginKeycardMaxPukRetriesReached: "LoginKeycardMaxPukRetriesReached" readonly property string loginKeycardMaxPairingSlotsReached: "LoginKeycardMaxPairingSlotsReached" readonly property string loginKeycardEmpty: "LoginKeycardEmpty" readonly property string loginNotKeycard: "LoginNotKeycard" readonly property string loginKeycardConvertedToRegularAccount: "LoginKeycardConvertedToRegularAccount" readonly property string profileFetching: "ProfileFetching" readonly property string profileFetchingSuccess: "ProfileFetchingSuccess" readonly property string profileFetchingTimeout: "ProfileFetchingTimeout" readonly property string profileFetchingAnnouncement: "ProfileFetchingAnnouncement" readonly property string lostKeycardOptions: "LostKeycardOptions" readonly property string syncDeviceWithSyncCode: "SyncDeviceWithSyncCode" readonly property string syncDeviceResult: "SyncDeviceResult" } readonly property QtObject predefinedKeycardData: QtObject { readonly property int wronglyInsertedCard: 1 readonly property int hideKeyPair: 2 readonly property int wrongSeedPhrase: 4 readonly property int wrongPassword: 8 readonly property int offerPukForUnlock: 16 readonly property int disableSeedPhraseForUnlock: 32 readonly property int useGeneralMessageForLockedState: 64 readonly property int maxPUKReached: 128 readonly property int copyFromAKeycardPartDone: 256 } readonly property QtObject keycardSharedFlow: QtObject { readonly property string general: "General" readonly property string factoryReset: "FactoryReset" readonly property string setupNewKeycard: "SetupNewKeycard" readonly property string setupNewKeycardNewSeedPhrase: "SetupNewKeycardNewSeedPhrase" readonly property string setupNewKeycardOldSeedPhrase: "SetupNewKeycardOldSeedPhrase" readonly property string importFromKeycard: "ImportFromKeycard" readonly property string authentication: "Authentication" readonly property string unlockKeycard: "UnlockKeycard" readonly property string displayKeycardContent: "DisplayKeycardContent" readonly property string renameKeycard: "RenameKeycard" readonly property string changeKeycardPin: "ChangeKeycardPin" readonly property string changeKeycardPuk: "ChangeKeycardPuk" readonly property string changePairingCode: "ChangePairingCode" readonly property string createCopyOfAKeycard: "CreateCopyOfAKeycard" } readonly property QtObject keycardSharedState: QtObject { readonly property string noPCSCService: "NoPCSCService" readonly property string noState: "NoState" readonly property string pluginReader: "PluginReader" readonly property string readingKeycard: "ReadingKeycard" readonly property string insertKeycard: "InsertKeycard" readonly property string keycardInserted: "KeycardInserted" readonly property string createPin: "CreatePin" readonly property string repeatPin: "RepeatPin" readonly property string pinSet: "PinSet" readonly property string pinVerified: "PinVerified" readonly property string enterPin: "EnterPin" readonly property string wrongPin: "WrongPin" readonly property string enterPuk: "EnterPuk" readonly property string wrongPuk: "WrongPuk" readonly property string wrongKeychainPin: "WrongKeychainPin" readonly property string maxPinRetriesReached: "MaxPinRetriesReached" readonly property string maxPukRetriesReached: "MaxPukRetriesReached" readonly property string maxPairingSlotsReached: "MaxPairingSlotsReached" readonly property string factoryResetConfirmation: "FactoryResetConfirmation" readonly property string factoryResetConfirmationDisplayMetadata: "FactoryResetConfirmationDisplayMetadata" readonly property string factoryResetSuccess: "FactoryResetSuccess" readonly property string keycardEmptyMetadata: "KeycardEmptyMetadata" readonly property string keycardMetadataDisplay: "KeycardMetadataDisplay" readonly property string keycardEmpty: "KeycardEmpty" readonly property string keycardNotEmpty: "KeycardNotEmpty" readonly property string keycardAlreadyUnlocked: "KeycardAlreadyUnlocked" readonly property string notKeycard: "NotKeycard" readonly property string unlockKeycardOptions: "UnlockKeycardOptions" readonly property string unlockingKeycard: "UnlockingKeycard" readonly property string unlockKeycardFailure: "UnlockKeycardFailure" readonly property string unlockKeycardSuccess: "UnlockKeycardSuccess" readonly property string wrongKeycard: "WrongKeycard" readonly property string recognizedKeycard: "RecognizedKeycard" readonly property string selectExistingKeyPair: "SelectExistingKeyPair" readonly property string enterSeedPhrase: "EnterSeedPhrase" readonly property string wrongSeedPhrase: "WrongSeedPhrase" readonly property string seedPhraseAlreadyInUse: "SeedPhraseAlreadyInUse" readonly property string seedPhraseDisplay: "SeedPhraseDisplay" readonly property string seedPhraseEnterWords: "SeedPhraseEnterWords" readonly property string keyPairMigrateSuccess: "KeyPairMigrateSuccess" readonly property string keyPairMigrateFailure: "KeyPairMigrateFailure" readonly property string migratingKeyPair: "MigratingKeyPair" readonly property string enterPassword: "EnterPassword" readonly property string wrongPassword: "WrongPassword" readonly property string biometricsPasswordFailed: "BiometricsPasswordFailed" readonly property string biometricsPinFailed: "BiometricsPinFailed" readonly property string biometricsPinInvalid: "BiometricsPinInvalid" readonly property string biometricsReadyToSign: "BiometricsReadyToSign" readonly property string enterBiometricsPassword: "EnterBiometricsPassword" readonly property string wrongBiometricsPassword: "WrongBiometricsPassword" readonly property string enterKeycardName: "EnterKeycardName" readonly property string renamingKeycard: "RenamingKeycard" readonly property string keycardRenameSuccess: "KeycardRenameSuccess" readonly property string keycardRenameFailure: "KeycardRenameFailure" readonly property string changingKeycardPin: "ChangingKeycardPin" readonly property string changingKeycardPinSuccess: "ChangingKeycardPinSuccess" readonly property string changingKeycardPinFailure: "ChangingKeycardPinFailure" readonly property string createPuk: "CreatePuk" readonly property string repeatPuk: "RepeatPuk" readonly property string changingKeycardPuk: "ChangingKeycardPuk" readonly property string changingKeycardPukSuccess: "ChangingKeycardPukSuccess" readonly property string changingKeycardPukFailure: "ChangingKeycardPukFailure" readonly property string createPairingCode: "CreatePairingCode" readonly property string changingKeycardPairingCode: "ChangingKeycardPairingCode" readonly property string changingKeycardPairingCodeSuccess: "ChangingKeycardPairingCodeSuccess" readonly property string changingKeycardPairingCodeFailure: "ChangingKeycardPairingCodeFailure" readonly property string removeKeycard: "RemoveKeycard" readonly property string sameKeycard: "SameKeycard" readonly property string copyToKeycard: "CopyToKeycard" readonly property string copyingKeycard: "CopyingKeycard" readonly property string copyingKeycardFailure: "CopyingKeycardFailure" readonly property string copyingKeycardSuccess: "CopyingKeycardSuccess" readonly property string manageKeycardAccounts: "ManageKeycardAccounts" readonly property string creatingAccountNewSeedPhrase: "CreatingAccountNewSeedPhrase" readonly property string creatingAccountNewSeedPhraseSuccess: "CreatingAccountNewSeedPhraseSuccess" readonly property string creatingAccountNewSeedPhraseFailure: "CreatingAccountNewSeedPhraseFailure" readonly property string creatingAccountOldSeedPhrase: "CreatingAccountOldSeedPhrase" readonly property string creatingAccountOldSeedPhraseSuccess: "CreatingAccountOldSeedPhraseSuccess" readonly property string creatingAccountOldSeedPhraseFailure: "CreatingAccountOldSeedPhraseFailure" readonly property string importingFromKeycard: "ImportingFromKeycard" readonly property string importingFromKeycardSuccess: "ImportingFromKeycardSuccess" readonly property string importingFromKeycardFailure: "ImportingFromKeycardFailure" } readonly property QtObject keycardAnimations: QtObject { readonly property QtObject cardInsert: QtObject { readonly property string pattern: "keycard/card_insert/img-%1" readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0 readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0 readonly property int endImgIndex: 15 readonly property int duration: 1000 readonly property int loops: 1 } readonly property QtObject cardInserted: QtObject { readonly property string pattern: "keycard/card_inserted/img-%1" readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0 readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0 readonly property int endImgIndex: 29 readonly property int duration: 1000 readonly property int loops: 1 } readonly property QtObject cardRemoved: QtObject { readonly property string pattern: "keycard/card_removed/img-%1" readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0 readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0 readonly property int endImgIndex: 29 readonly property int duration: 1000 readonly property int loops: 1 } readonly property QtObject warning: QtObject { readonly property string pattern: "keycard/warning/img-%1" readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0 readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0 readonly property int endImgIndex: 55 readonly property int duration: 3000 readonly property int loops: 1 } readonly property QtObject processing: QtObject { readonly property string pattern: "keycard/warning/img-%1" readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0 readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 18 readonly property int endImgIndex: 47 readonly property int duration: 1500 readonly property int loops: -1 } readonly property QtObject strongError: QtObject { readonly property string pattern: "keycard/strong_error/img-%1" readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0 readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 18 readonly property int endImgIndex: 29 readonly property int duration: 1300 readonly property int loops: -1 } readonly property QtObject success: QtObject { readonly property string pattern: "keycard/success/img-%1" readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0 readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0 readonly property int endImgIndex: 29 readonly property int duration: 1300 readonly property int loops: 1 } readonly property QtObject strongSuccess: QtObject { readonly property string pattern: "keycard/strong_success/img-%1" readonly property int startImgIndexForTheFirstLoop: 0 readonly property int startImgIndexForOtherLoops: 0 readonly property int endImgIndex: 20 readonly property int duration: 1300 readonly property int loops: 1 } } readonly property QtObject keychain: QtObject { readonly property QtObject errorType: QtObject { readonly property string authentication: "authentication" readonly property string keychain: "keychain" } readonly property QtObject storedValue: QtObject { readonly property string store: "store" readonly property string notNow: "notNow" readonly property string never: "never" } } readonly property int chatSectionLeftColumnWidth: 304 readonly property QtObject appSection: QtObject { readonly property int chat: 0 readonly property int community: 1 readonly property int wallet: 2 readonly property int browser: 3 readonly property int profile: 4 readonly property int node: 5 readonly property int communitiesPortal: 6 } readonly property QtObject appViewStackIndex: QtObject { readonly property int chat: 0 readonly property int community: 7 // any stack layout children with the index 7 or higher is community readonly property int communitiesPortal: 1 readonly property int wallet: 2 readonly property int browser: 3 readonly property int profile: 4 readonly property int node: 5 } readonly property QtObject settingsSubsection: QtObject { property int profile: 0 property int contacts: 1 property int ensUsernames: 2 property int messaging: 3 property int wallet: 4 property int appearance: 5 property int language: 6 property int notifications: 7 property int syncingSettings: 8 property int browserSettings: 9 property int advanced: 10 property int about: 11 property int communitiesSettings: 12 property int keycard: 13 property int signout: 14 property int backUpSeed: 15 } readonly property QtObject currentUserStatus: QtObject{ readonly property int unknown: 0 readonly property int automatic: 1 readonly property int doNotDisturb: 2 readonly property int alwaysOnline: 3 readonly property int inactive: 4 } readonly property QtObject onboarding: QtObject { readonly property int userImageWidth: 40 readonly property int userImageHeight: 40 readonly property int titleFontSize: 17 readonly property int fontSize1: 22 readonly property int fontSize2: 17 readonly property int fontSize3: 15 readonly property int fontSize4: 12 readonly property int loginInfoHeight1: 24 readonly property int loginInfoHeight2: 44 readonly property int loginInfoHeight3: 66 readonly property int radius: 8 readonly property QtObject profileFetching: QtObject { readonly property int timeout: 120 * 1000 //2 mins in milliseconds readonly property int titleFontSize: 22 readonly property int entityFontSize: 15 readonly property int entityProgressFontSize: 12 readonly property string imgInProgress: "onboarding/profile_fetching_in_progress" readonly property QtObject entity: QtObject { readonly property string profile: "profile" readonly property string contacts: "contacts" readonly property string communities: "communities" readonly property string settings: "settings" readonly property string keycards: "keycards" } } } readonly property QtObject onlineStatus: QtObject{ readonly property int inactive: 0 readonly property int online: 1 } readonly property QtObject chatType: QtObject{ readonly property int category: -1 readonly property int unknown: 0 readonly property int oneToOne: 1 readonly property int publicChat: 2 readonly property int privateGroupChat: 3 readonly property int profile: 4 readonly property int communityChat: 6 } readonly property QtObject messageContentType: QtObject { readonly property int newMessagesMarker: -3 readonly property int fetchMoreMessagesButton: -2 readonly property int chatIdentifier: -1 readonly property int unknownContentType: 0 readonly property int messageType: 1 readonly property int stickerType: 2 readonly property int statusType: 3 readonly property int emojiType: 4 readonly property int transactionType: 5 readonly property int systemMessagePrivateGroupType: 6 readonly property int imageType: 7 readonly property int audioType: 8 readonly property int communityInviteType: 9 readonly property int gapType: 10 readonly property int contactRequestType: 11 readonly property int discordMessageType: 12 } readonly property QtObject messageModelRoles: QtObject { readonly property int responseToMessageWithId: 262 // ModelRole.ResponseToMessageWithId } readonly property QtObject trustStatus: QtObject { readonly property int unknown: 0 readonly property int trusted: 1 readonly property int untrustworthy: 2 } readonly property QtObject verificationStatus: QtObject { readonly property int unverified: 0 readonly property int verifying: 1 readonly property int verified: 2 readonly property int declined: 3 readonly property int canceled: 4 readonly property int trusted: 5 readonly property int untrustworthy: 6 } readonly property QtObject contactsPanelUsage: QtObject { readonly property int unknownPosition: -1 readonly property int mutualContacts: 0 readonly property int verifiedMutualContacts: 1 readonly property int sentContactRequest: 2 readonly property int receivedContactRequest: 3 readonly property int rejectedSentContactRequest: 4 readonly property int rejectedReceivedContactRequest: 5 readonly property int blockedContacts: 6 } readonly property QtObject validators: QtObject { readonly property list displayName: [ StatusMinLengthValidator { minLength: 5 errorMessage: qsTr("Username must be at least 5 characters") }, StatusRegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+$/ errorMessage: qsTr("Only letters, numbers, underscores, whitespaces and hyphens allowed") }, // TODO: Create `StatusMaxLengthValidator` in StatusQ StatusValidator { name: "maxLengthValidator" validate: function (t) { return t.length <= 24 } errorMessage: qsTr("24 character username limit") }, StatusValidator { name: "endsWith-ethValidator" validate: function (t) { return !t.endsWith("-eth") } errorMessage: qsTr("Usernames ending with '-eth' are not allowed") }, StatusValidator { name: "endsWith_ethValidator" validate: function (t) { return !t.endsWith("_eth") } errorMessage: qsTr("Usernames ending with '_eth' are not allowed") }, StatusValidator { name: "endsWith.ethValidator" validate: function (t) { return !t.endsWith(".eth") } errorMessage: qsTr("Usernames ending with '.eth' are not allowed") }, StatusValidator { name: "isAliasValidator" validate: function (t) { return !globalUtils.isAlias(t) } errorMessage: qsTr("Sorry, the name you have chosen is not allowed, try picking another username") } ] } readonly property QtObject settingsSection: QtObject { readonly property int itemSpacing: 10 readonly property int radius: 8 readonly property int mainHeaderFontSize: 28 readonly property int subHeaderFontSize: 15 readonly property int importantInfoFontSize: 18 readonly property int infoFontSize: 15 readonly property int infoLineHeight: 22 readonly property int infoSpacing: 5 readonly property int itemHeight: 64 readonly property int leftMargin: 64 readonly property int rightMargin: 64 readonly property int topMargin: 64 readonly property int bottomMargin: 64 readonly property QtObject notificationsBubble: QtObject { readonly property int previewAnonymous: 0 readonly property int previewNameOnly: 1 readonly property int previewNameAndMessage: 2 } readonly property QtObject notifications: QtObject { readonly property string sendAlertsValue: "SendAlerts" readonly property string deliverQuietlyValue: "DeliverQuietly" readonly property string turnOffValue: "TurnOff" } readonly property QtObject exemptions: QtObject { readonly property int community: 0 readonly property int oneToOneChat: 1 readonly property int groupChat: 2 } } readonly property QtObject ephemeralNotificationType: QtObject { readonly property int normal: 0 readonly property int success: 1 } readonly property QtObject translationsState: QtObject { readonly property int alpha: 0 readonly property int beta: 1 readonly property int stable: 2 } readonly property QtObject keycard: QtObject { readonly property QtObject general: QtObject { readonly property string purchasePage: "" readonly property int onboardingHeight: 460 readonly property int loginHeight: 460 readonly property int imageWidth: 240 readonly property int imageHeight: 240 readonly property int seedPhraseWidth: 816 readonly property int seedPhraseHeight: 228 readonly property int enterSeedPhraseWordsWidth: 868 readonly property int enterSeedPhraseWordsHeight: 60 readonly property int keycardPinLength: 6 readonly property int keycardPukLength: 12 readonly property int keycardNameLength: 20 readonly property int keycardNameInputWidth: 448 readonly property int keycardPairingCodeInputWidth: 512 readonly property int keycardPukAdditionalSpacingOnEvery4Items: 4 readonly property int keycardPukAdditionalSpacing: 32 readonly property int fontSize1: 22 readonly property int fontSize2: 15 readonly property int fontSize3: 12 readonly property int seedPhraseCellWidth: 193 readonly property int seedPhraseCellHeight: 60 readonly property int seedPhraseCellNumberWidth: 24 readonly property int seedPhraseCellFontSize: 12 readonly property int buttonFontSize: 15 readonly property int pukCellWidth: 50 readonly property int pukCellHeight: 60 readonly property int popupWidth: 640 readonly property int popupHeight: 500 readonly property int popupBiggerHeight: 626 readonly property int titleHeight: 44 readonly property int messageHeight: 48 readonly property int footerButtonsHeight: 44 readonly property int loginInfoHeight1: 24 readonly property int loginInfoHeight2: 44 readonly property int loginStatusLogoWidth: 128 readonly property int loginStatusLogoHeight: 128 } readonly property QtObject keyPairType: QtObject { readonly property int unknown: -1 readonly property int profile: 0 readonly property int seedImport: 1 readonly property int privateKeyImport: 2 } readonly property QtObject shared: QtObject { readonly property int imageWidth: 240 readonly property int imageHeight: 240 } } readonly property QtObject regularExpressions: QtObject { readonly property var alphanumerical: /^$|^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/ readonly property var alphanumericalExpanded: /^$|^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+$/ readonly property var asciiPrintable: /^$|^[!-~]+$/ readonly property var ascii: /^$|^[\x00-\x7F]+$/ } readonly property QtObject errorMessages: QtObject { readonly property string alphanumericalRegExp: qsTr("Only letters and numbers allowed") readonly property string alphanumericalExpandedRegExp: qsTr("Only letters, numbers, underscores, whitespaces and hyphens allowed") readonly property string asciiRegExp: qsTr("Only letters, numbers and ASII characters allowed") } readonly property QtObject socialLinkType: QtObject { readonly property int custom: 0 readonly property int twitter: 1 readonly property int personalSite: 2 readonly property int github: 3 readonly property int youtube: 4 readonly property int discord: 5 readonly property int telegram: 6 } readonly property int maxSocialLinkTextLength: 24 readonly property QtObject localPairingEventType: QtObject { readonly property int eventUnknown: -1 readonly property int eventConnectionError: 0 readonly property int eventConnectionSuccess: 1 readonly property int eventTransferError: 2 readonly property int eventTransferSuccess: 3 readonly property int eventReceivedAccount: 4 readonly property int eventProcessSuccess: 5 readonly property int eventProcessError: 6 } readonly property QtObject addAccountPopup: QtObject { readonly property int popupWidth: 480 readonly property int contentHeight1: 554 readonly property int contentHeight2: 642 readonly property int itemHeight: 64 readonly property int importPrivateKeyWarningHeight: 86 readonly property int labelFontSize1: 15 readonly property int labelFontSize2: 13 readonly property int footerButtonsHeight: 44 readonly property int keyPairNameMaxLength: 20 readonly property int stepperWidth: 242 readonly property int stepperHeight: 30 readonly property QtObject keyPairType: QtObject { readonly property int unknown: -1 readonly property int profile: 0 readonly property int seedImport: 1 readonly property int privateKeyImport: 2 } readonly property QtObject predefinedPaths: QtObject { readonly property string custom: "m/44'" readonly property string ethereum: "m/44'/60'/0'/0" readonly property string ethereumRopsten: "m/44'/1'/0'/0" readonly property string ethereumLedger: "m/44'/60'/0'" readonly property string ethereumLedgerLive: "m/44'/60'" } readonly property QtObject state: QtObject { readonly property string noState: "NoState" readonly property string main: "Main" readonly property string selectMasterKey: "SelectMasterKey" readonly property string enterSeedPhrase: "EnterSeedPhrase" readonly property string enterSeedPhraseWord1: "EnterSeedPhraseWord1" readonly property string enterSeedPhraseWord2: "EnterSeedPhraseWord2" readonly property string enterPrivateKey: "EnterPrivateKey" readonly property string enterKeypairName: "EnterKeypairName" readonly property string displaySeedPhrase: "DisplaySeedPhrase" readonly property string confirmAddingNewMasterKey: "ConfirmAddingNewMasterKey" readonly property string confirmSeedPhraseBackup: "ConfirmSeedPhraseBackup" } } readonly property QtObject localPairingAction: QtObject { readonly property int actionUnknown: 0 readonly property int actionConnect: 1 readonly property int actionPairingAccount: 2 readonly property int actionSyncDevice: 3 } enum LocalPairingState { Idle = 0, WaitingForConnection = 1, Transferring = 2, Error = 3, Finished = 4 } readonly property var socialLinkPrefixesByType: [ // NB order must match the "socialLinkType" enum above "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] enum DiscordImportErrorCode { Unknown = 1, Warning = 2, Error = 3 } readonly property int communityImported: 0 readonly property int communityImportingInProgress: 1 readonly property int communityImportingError: 2 readonly property int communityChatPublicAccess: 1 readonly property int communityChatInvitationOnlyAccess: 2 readonly property int communityChatOnRequestAccess: 3 readonly property int contactRequestStateNone: 0 readonly property int contactRequestStatePending: 1 readonly property int contactRequestStateAccepted: 2 readonly property int contactRequestStateDismissed: 3 readonly property int maxNbDaysToFetch: 30 readonly property int fetchRangeLast24Hours: 86400 readonly property int fetchRangeLast2Days: 172800 readonly property int fetchRangeLast3Days: 259200 readonly property int fetchRangeLast7Days: 604800 readonly property int limitLongChatText: 500 readonly property int limitLongChatTextCompactMode: 1000 readonly property int notificationPopupTTL: 5000 readonly property string lightThemeName: "light" readonly property string darkThemeName: "dark" readonly property int notifyAllMessages: 0 readonly property int notifyJustMentions: 1 readonly property int notifyNone: 2 readonly property string watchWalletType: "watch" readonly property string keyWalletType: "key" readonly property string seedWalletType: "seed" readonly property string generatedWalletType: "generated" readonly property QtObject walletConnections: QtObject { readonly property string collectibles: "collectibles" readonly property string blockchains: "blockchains" readonly property string market: "market" } enum ConnectionStatus { Success = 0, Failure = 1, Retrying = 2 } readonly property string dummyText: "Dummy" readonly property string windows: "windows" readonly property string linux: "linux" readonly property string mac: "osx" // Transaction states readonly property int addressRequested: 1 readonly property int declined: 2 readonly property int addressReceived: 3 readonly property int transactionRequested: 4 readonly property int transactionDeclined: 5 readonly property int pending: 6 readonly property int confirmed: 7 readonly property int maxTokens: 200 readonly property string zeroAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" readonly property string networkMainnet: "Mainnet" readonly property string networkRopsten: "Ropsten" readonly property string api_request: "api-request" readonly property string web3SendAsyncReadOnly: "web3-send-async-read-only" readonly property string web3DisconnectAccount: "web3-disconnect-account" readonly property string permission_web3: "web3" readonly property string permission_contactCode: "contact-code" readonly property string personal_sign: "personal_sign" readonly property string eth_sign: "eth_sign" readonly property string eth_signTypedData: "eth_signTypedData" readonly property string eth_signTypedData_v3: "eth_signTypedData_v3" readonly property string eth_prod: "" readonly property string eth_staging: "eth.staging" readonly property string eth_test: "eth.test" readonly property string waku_prod: "" readonly property string waku_test: "wakuv2.test" readonly property string status_test: "status.test" readonly property string status_prod: "" readonly property int browserSearchEngineNone: 0 readonly property int browserSearchEngineGoogle: 1 readonly property int browserSearchEngineYahoo: 2 readonly property int browserSearchEngineDuckDuckGo: 3 readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerNone: 0 readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerEtherscan: 1 readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerEthplorer: 2 readonly property int browserEthereumExplorerBlockchair: 3 readonly property int repeatHeaderInterval: 2 readonly property string deepLinkPrefix: 'status-im://' readonly property string joinStatusLink: '' readonly property string communityLinkPrefix: '' readonly property string userLinkPrefix: '' readonly property string statusLinkPrefix: '' readonly property int maxUploadFiles: 5 readonly property double maxUploadFilesizeMB: 10 readonly property int maxNumberOfPins: 3 readonly property string dataImagePrefix: "data:image" readonly property var acceptedImageExtensions: [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".svg", ".gif"] readonly property var acceptedDragNDropImageExtensions: [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".heif", ".tif", ".tiff"] readonly property string mentionSpanTag: `` readonly property string ens_taken: "taken" readonly property string ens_taken_custom: "taken-custom" readonly property string ens_owned: "owned" readonly property string ens_available: "available" readonly property string ens_already_connected: "already-connected" readonly property string ens_connected: "connected" readonly property string ens_connected_dkey: "connected-different-key" readonly property string newBookmark: " " readonly property var ensState: { "taken": qsTr("Username already taken :("), "taken-custom": qsTr("Username doesn’t belong to you :("), "owned": qsTr("Continuing will connect this username with your chat key."), "available": qsTr("✓ Username available!"), "already-connected": qsTr("Username is already connected with your chat key and can be used inside Status."), "connected": qsTr("This user name is owned by you and connected with your chat key. Continue to set `Show my ENS username in chats`."), "connected-different-key": qsTr("Continuing will require a transaction to connect the username with your current chat key."), } readonly property bool isCppApp: typeof cppApp !== "undefined" ? cppApp : false readonly property QtObject startupErrorType: QtObject { readonly property int unknownType: 0 readonly property int importAccError: 1 readonly property int setupAccError: 2 readonly property int convertToRegularAccError: 3 } readonly property string existingAccountError: "account already exists" readonly property string wrongDerivationPathError: "error parsing derivation path" readonly property int minPasswordLength: 10 enum TransactionStatus { Failure = 0, Success = 1 } enum SendType { Transfer, ENSRegister, ENSRelease, ENSSetPubKey, StickersBuy, Bridge } enum ErrorType { SendAmountExceedsBalance, NoRoute, NoError } enum LoginType { Password, Biometrics, Keycard } enum ComputeFeeErrorCode { Success, Infura, Balance, Other } enum ShowcaseVisibility { NoOne = 0, IdVerifiedContacts = 1, Contacts = 2, Everyone = 4 } readonly property QtObject walletSection: QtObject { readonly property string cancelledMessage: "cancelled" } // list of symbols for which pngs are stored to avoid // accessing not existing resources and providing // default icon readonly property var knownTokenPNGs: [ "aKNC", "AST", "BLT", "CND", "DNT", "EQUAD", "HEZ", "LOOM", "MTH", "PAY", "RCN", "SALT", "STRK", "TRST", "WBTC", "AKRO", "aSUSD", "BLZ", "COB", "DPY", "ETH2x-FLI", "HST", "LPT", "MTL", "PBTC", "RDN", "SAN", "STT", "TRX", "WETH", "0-native", "aLEND", "ATMChain", "BNB", "COMP", "DRT", "ETHOS", "HT", "LRC", "MYB", "PLR", "renBCH", "SNGLS", "STX", "TUSD", "WINGS", "0XBTC", "aLINK", "aTUSD", "BNT", "CUSTOM-TOKEN", "DTA", "ETH", "ICN", "MANA", "NEXO", "POE", "renBTC", "SNM", "SUB", "UBT", "WTC", "1ST", "aMANA", "aUSDC", "BQX", "CVC", "EDG", "EVX", "ICOS", "MCO", "NEXXO", "POLY", "REN", "SNT", "SUPR", "UKG", "XAUR", "aBAT", "AMB", "aUSDT", "BRLN", "DAI", "EDO", "FUEL", "IOST", "MDA", "NMR", "POWR", "renZEC", "SNX", "SUSD", "UNI", "XPA", "ABT", "aMKR", "aWBTC", "BTM", "DATA", "EKG", "FUN", "KDO", "MET", "NPXS", "PPP", "REP", "SOCKS", "TAAS", "UPP", "XRL", "aBUSD", "AMPL", "aYFI", "BTU", "DAT", "EKO", "FXC", "KIN", "MFG", "OGN", "PPT", "REQ", "SPANK", "TAUD", "USDC", "XUC", "ABYSS", "ANT", "aZRX", "CDAI", "DCN", "ELF", "GDC", "KNC", "MGO", "OMG", "PT", "RHOC", "SPIKE", "TCAD", "USDS", "ZRX", "aDAI", "APPC", "BAL", "CDT", "DEFAULT-TOKEN", "EMONA", "GEN", "Kudos", "MKR", "OST", "QKC", "RLC", "SPN", "TGBP", "USDT", "ZSC", "aENJ", "aREN", "BAM", "Centra", "DGD", "ENG", "GNO", "LEND", "MLN", "OTN", "QRL", "ROL", "STORJ", "TKN", "VERI", "AE", "aREP", "BAND", "CFI", "DGX", "ENJ", "GNT", "LINK", "MOC", "PAXG", "QSP", "R", "STORM", "TKX", "VIB", "aETH", "aSNX", "BAT", "CK", "DLT", "EOS", "GRID", "LISK", "MOD", "PAX", "RAE", "SAI", "ST", "TNT", "WABI" ] function tokenIcon(symbol) { if (!!symbol && knownTokenPNGs.indexOf(symbol) !== -1) return Style.png("tokens/" + symbol) return Style.png("tokens/DEFAULT-TOKEN") } // Message outgoing status readonly property string sending: "sending" readonly property string sent: "sent" readonly property string delivered: "delivered" readonly property string expired: "expired" readonly property string failedResending: "failedResending" readonly property var preDefinedWalletAccountColors:[ StatusColors.colors['black'], StatusColors.colors['grey'], StatusColors.colors['blue2'], StatusColors.colors['purple'], StatusColors.colors['cyan'], StatusColors.colors['violet'], StatusColors.colors['red2'], StatusColors.colors['yellow'], StatusColors.colors['green2'], StatusColors.colors['moss'], StatusColors.colors['brown'], StatusColors.colors['brown2'] ] readonly property QtObject appTranslatableConstants: QtObject { readonly property string loginAccountsListAddNewUser: "LOGIN-ACCOUNTS-LIST-ADD-NEW-USER" readonly property string loginAccountsListAddExistingUser: "LOGIN-ACCOUNTS-LIST-ADD-EXISTING-USER" readonly property string loginAccountsListLostKeycard: "LOGIN-ACCOUNTS-LIST-LOST-KEYCARD" readonly property string addAccountLabelNewWatchOnlyAccount: "LABEL-NEW-WATCH-ONLY-ACCOUNT" readonly property string addAccountLabelWatchOnlyAccount: "LABEL-WATCH-ONLY-ACCOUNT" readonly property string addAccountLabelExisting: "LABEL-EXISTING" readonly property string addAccountLabelImportNew: "LABEL-IMPORT-NEW" readonly property string addAccountLabelOptionAddNewMasterKey: "LABEL-OPTION-ADD-NEW-MASTER-KEY" readonly property string addAccountLabelOptionAddWatchOnlyAcc: "LABEL-OPTION-ADD-WATCH-ONLY-ACC" } enum CommunitySettingsSections { Overview, Members, Permissions, MintTokens, Airdrops } enum CommunityMembershipSubSections { Members, MembershipRequests, RejectedMembers, BannedMembers } }