import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import StatusQ.Core 0.1 import StatusQ.Core.Theme 0.1 import StatusQ.Components 0.1 import StatusQ.Controls 0.1 as StatusQControls import StatusQ.Popups 0.1 import shared.panels 1.0 import shared.popups 1.0 import shared.status 1.0 import shared.controls 1.0 import 1.0 import "../panels" import "../popups" import "../stores" import utils 1.0 Item { id: root property StartupStore startupStore property bool loading: false function doLogin(password) { if (loading || password.length === 0) return loading = true txtPassword.textField.clear() root.startupStore.setPassword(password) root.startupStore.doPrimaryAction() } function resetLogin() { if(localAccountSettings.storeToKeychainValue === Constants.storeToKeychainValueStore) { connection.enabled = true } else { txtPassword.visible = true txtPassword.forceActiveFocus(Qt.MouseFocusReason) } } Component.onCompleted: { resetLogin() } Connections{ id: connection target: root.startupStore.startupModuleInst onObtainingPasswordError: { enabled = false obtainingPasswordErrorNotification.confirmationText = errorDescription } onObtainingPasswordSuccess: { enabled = false doLogin(password) } } ConfirmationDialog { id: obtainingPasswordErrorNotification height: 270 confirmButtonLabel: qsTr("Ok") onConfirmButtonClicked: { close() } onClosed: { txtPassword.visible = true } } Item { id: element width: 360 height: childrenRect.height anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Image { id: statusIcon width: 140 height: 140 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: Style.png("status-logo") anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } StatusBaseText { id: welcomeBackText text: qsTr("Welcome back") font.weight: Font.Bold font.pixelSize: 17 statusIcon.bottom anchors.topMargin: 10 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter color: Theme.palette.directColor1 } ConfirmAddExistingKeyModal { id: confirmAddExstingKeyModal onOpenModalClicked: { root.startupStore.doTertiaryAction() } } SelectAnotherAccountModal { id: selectAnotherAccountModal startupStore: root.startupStore onAccountSelected: { root.startupStore.setSelectedLoginAccountByIndex(index) resetLogin() } onOpenModalClicked: { root.startupStore.doTertiaryAction() } } Item { id: userInfo height: userImage.height welcomeBackText.bottom anchors.topMargin: 64 width: 318 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter UserImage { id: userImage image: root.startupStore.selectedLoginAccount.thumbnailImage name: root.startupStore.selectedLoginAccount.username colorId: root.startupStore.selectedLoginAccount.colorId colorHash: root.startupStore.selectedLoginAccount.colorHash anchors.left: parent.left } StatusBaseText { id: usernameText text: root.startupStore.selectedLoginAccount.username font.pixelSize: 17 anchors.left: userImage.right anchors.leftMargin: 16 anchors.verticalCenter: userImage.verticalCenter color: Theme.palette.directColor1 } MouseArea { property bool accountPopupWasOpened: false anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: -10 cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor hoverEnabled: true onEntered: { // cache opened state, because it is always false in onClicked // because of CloseOnPressOutsideParent policy of accountsPopup accountPopupWasOpened = accountsPopup.opened } onClicked: { if (!accountPopupWasOpened) { changeAccountBtn.clicked(mouse) } accountPopupWasOpened = accountsPopup.opened } } StatusQControls.StatusFlatRoundButton { "chevron-down" type: StatusQControls.StatusFlatRoundButton.Type.Tertiary width: 24 height: 24 id: changeAccountBtn objectName: "changeAccountBtn" anchors.verticalCenter: usernameText.verticalCenter anchors.right: parent.right onClicked: { if (accountsPopup.opened) { accountsPopup.close() } else { accountsPopup.popup(width-userInfo.width-16, userInfo.height+4) } } StatusPopupMenu { id: accountsPopup closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent width: 346 dim: false Repeater { id: accounts model: root.startupStore.startupModuleInst.loginAccountsModel delegate: AccountMenuItemPanel { label: model.username image: model.thumbnailImage colorId: model.colorId colorHash: model.colorHash onClicked: { root.startupStore.setSelectedLoginAccountByIndex(index) resetLogin() accountsPopup.close() } } } AccountMenuItemPanel { label: qsTr("Add new user") onClicked: { accountsPopup.close() root.startupStore.doSecondaryAction() } } AccountMenuItemPanel { label: qsTr("Add existing Status user") "wallet" onClicked: { accountsPopup.close() root.startupStore.doTertiaryAction() } } } } } Input { id: txtPassword width: 318 height: 70 userInfo.bottom anchors.topMargin: Style.current.padding * 2 anchors.left: undefined anchors.right: undefined anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter enabled: !loading validationErrorAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter validationErrorTopMargin: 10 placeholderText: loading ? qsTr("Connecting...") : qsTr("Password") textField.objectName: "loginPasswordInput" textField.echoMode: TextInput.Password Keys.onReturnPressed: { doLogin(textField.text) } onTextEdited: { validationError = ""; loading = false } } StatusQControls.StatusRoundButton { id: submitBtn width: 40 height: 40 type: StatusQControls.StatusRoundButton.Type.Secondary "arrow-right" opacity: (loading || txtPassword.text.length > 0) ? 1 : 0 userInfo.bottom anchors.topMargin: 34 anchors.left: txtPassword.right anchors.leftMargin: (loading || txtPassword.text.length > 0) ? Style.current.padding : Style.current.smallPadding state: loading ? "pending" : "default" onClicked: { doLogin(txtPassword.textField.text) } // Behavior on opacity { OpacityAnimator { from: 0.5 duration: 200 } } Behavior on anchors.leftMargin { NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } } } Connections { target: root.startupStore.startupModuleInst onAccountLoginError: { if (error) { // SQLITE_NOTADB: "file is not a database" if (error === "file is not a database") { txtPassword.validationError = qsTr("Password incorrect") } else { txtPassword.validationError = qsTr("Login failed: %1").arg(error.toUpperCase()) } loading = false txtPassword.textField.forceActiveFocus() } } } } }