import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Controls 2.14 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import utils 1.0 import "controls" import "views" import "stores" OnboardingBasePage { id: root property var startupStore: StartupStore {} backButtonVisible: root.startupStore.currentStartupState.displayBackButton onBackClicked: { root.startupStore.backAction() } function unload() { loader.sourceComponent = undefined } Loader { id: loader anchors.fill: parent sourceComponent: { if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.allowNotifications) { return allowNotificationsViewComponent } else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.welcome) { return welcomeViewComponent } else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.welcomeNewStatusUser || root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.welcomeOldStatusUser || root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.userProfileImportSeedPhrase) { return keysMainViewComponent } else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.userProfileCreate || root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.userProfileChatKey) { return insertDetailsViewComponent } else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.userProfileCreatePassword) { return createPasswordViewComponent } else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.userProfileConfirmPassword) { return confirmPasswordViewComponent } else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.biometrics) { return touchIdAuthViewComponent } else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.userProfileEnterSeedPhrase) { return seedPhraseInputViewComponent } else if (root.startupStore.currentStartupState.stateType === Constants.startupState.login) { return loginViewComponent } return undefined } } Connections { target: root.startupStore.startupModuleInst onAccountSetupError: { if (error === Constants.existingAccountError) { msgDialog.title = qsTr("Keys for this account already exist") msgDialog.text = qsTr("Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase") } else { msgDialog.title = qsTr("Login failed") msgDialog.text = qsTr("Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again.") } } onAccountImportError: { if (error === Constants.existingAccountError) { msgDialog.title = qsTr("Keys for this account already exist") msgDialog.text = qsTr("Keys for this account already exist and can't be added again. If you've lost your password, passcode or Keycard, uninstall the app, reinstall and access your keys by entering your seed phrase") } else { msgDialog.title = qsTr("Error importing seed") msgDialog.text = error } } } MessageDialog { id: msgDialog title: qsTr("Login failed") text: qsTr("Login failed. Please re-enter your password and try again.") icon: StandardIcon.Critical standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok onAccepted: { console.log("TODO: restart flow...") } } Component { id: allowNotificationsViewComponent AllowNotificationsView { startupStore: root.startupStore } } Component { id: welcomeViewComponent WelcomeView { startupStore: root.startupStore } } Component { id: keysMainViewComponent KeysMainView { startupStore: root.startupStore } } Component { id: insertDetailsViewComponent InsertDetailsView { startupStore: root.startupStore } } Component { id: createPasswordViewComponent CreatePasswordView { startupStore: root.startupStore } } Component { id: confirmPasswordViewComponent ConfirmPasswordView { startupStore: root.startupStore } } Component { id: touchIdAuthViewComponent TouchIDAuthView { startupStore: root.startupStore } } Component { id: seedPhraseInputViewComponent SeedPhraseInputView { startupStore: root.startupStore } } Component { id: loginViewComponent LoginView { startupStore: root.startupStore } } }