import QtQuick 2.13 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.13 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.13 import "../imports" Item { id: root property var accounts property var contacts property int inputWidth: 272 property int sourceSelectWidth: 136 property alias label: txtLabel.text // If supplied, additional info will be displayed top-right in danger colour (red) property alias additionalInfo: txtAddlInfo.text property var selectedRecipient property bool readOnly: false height: (readOnly ? inpReadOnly.height : inpAddress.height) + txtLabel.height //% "Invalid ethereum address" readonly property string addressValidationError: qsTrId("invalid-ethereum-address") property bool isValid: false || readOnly property var reset: function() {} readonly property var sources: [ //% "Address" qsTrId("address"), //% "Contact" // qsTrId("chat-is-a-contact"), // disable this tempoarily as we work to enable to sending to contacts //% "My account" qsTrId("my-account") ] function resetInternal() { inpAddress.resetInternal() selContact.resetInternal() selAccount.resetInternal() selAddressSource.resetInternal() selContact.reset() selAccount.reset() selAddressSource.reset() isValid = Qt.binding(function() { return false || readOnly }) } enum Type { Address, Contact, Account } function validate() { let isValid = true if (readOnly) { isValid = Utils.isValidAddress(selectedRecipient.address) if (!isValid) { inpReadOnly.validationError = addressValidationError } } else if (selAddressSource.selectedSource === "Address") { isValid = inpAddress.validate() } else if (selAddressSource.selectedSource === "Contact") { isValid = selContact.validate() } root.isValid = isValid return isValid } Text { id: txtLabel visible: label !== "" //% "Recipient" text: qsTrId("recipient") font.pixelSize: 13 font.weight: Font.Medium color: Style.current.textColor height: 18 } Text { id: txtAddlInfo visible: text !== "" text: "" font.pixelSize: 13 font.weight: Font.Medium color: Style.current.danger height: 18 anchors.right: parent.right } RowLayout { txtLabel.bottom anchors.topMargin: 7 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right spacing: 8 Input { id: inpReadOnly visible: root.readOnly Layout.preferredWidth: selAddressSource.visible ? root.inputWidth : parent.width Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillWidth: true anchors.left: undefined anchors.right: undefined //% "No recipient selected" text: (root.selectedRecipient && ? : qsTrId("no-recipient-selected") textField.leftPadding: 14 textField.topPadding: 18 textField.bottomPadding: 18 textField.verticalAlignment: TextField.AlignVCenter textField.font.pixelSize: 15 textField.color: Style.current.secondaryText readOnly: true validationErrorAlignment: TextEdit.AlignRight validationErrorTopMargin: 8 customHeight: 56 } AddressInput { id: inpAddress width: root.inputWidth label: "" visible: !root.readOnly Layout.preferredWidth: selAddressSource.visible ? root.inputWidth : parent.width Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillWidth: true validationError: root.addressValidationError onSelectedAddressChanged: { if (root.readOnly) { return } root.selectedRecipient = { address: selectedAddress, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Address } } onIsValidChanged: { if (selAddressSource.selectedSource === "Address") { root.isValid = isValid } } } ContactSelector { id: selContact contacts: root.contacts visible: false width: root.inputWidth dropdownWidth: parent.width Layout.preferredWidth: selAddressSource.visible ? root.inputWidth : parent.width Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillWidth: true reset: function() { contacts = root.contacts } onSelectedContactChanged: { if (root.readOnly) { return } if(selectedContact && selectedContact.address) { const { address, name, alias, isContact, identicon, ensVerified } = selectedContact root.selectedRecipient = { address, name, alias, isContact, identicon, ensVerified, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact } } } onIsValidChanged: { if (selAddressSource.selectedSource === "Contact") { root.isValid = isValid } } } AccountSelector { id: selAccount accounts: root.accounts visible: false width: root.inputWidth dropdownWidth: parent.width label: "" Layout.preferredWidth: selAddressSource.visible ? root.inputWidth : parent.width Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillWidth: true reset: function() { accounts = root.accounts } onSelectedAccountChanged: { if (root.readOnly || !selectedAccount) { return } const { address, name, iconColor, assets, fiatBalance } = selectedAccount root.selectedRecipient = { address, name, iconColor, assets, fiatBalance, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Account } } } AddressSourceSelector { id: selAddressSource visible: !root.readOnly sources: root.sources width: sourceSelectWidth Layout.preferredWidth: root.sourceSelectWidth Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop reset: function() { sources = root.sources } onSelectedSourceChanged: { if (root.readOnly) { return } let address, name switch (selectedSource) { case "Address": inpAddress.visible = true selContact.visible = selAccount.visible = false root.height = Qt.binding(function() { return inpAddress.height + txtLabel.height }) root.selectedRecipient = { address: inpAddress.selectedAddress, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Address } root.isValid = inpAddress.isValid break; case "Contact": selContact.visible = true inpAddress.visible = selAccount.visible = false root.height = Qt.binding(function() { return selContact.height + txtLabel.height }) let { alias, isContact, identicon, ensVerified } = selContact.selectedContact address = selContact.selectedContact.address name = root.selectedRecipient = { address, name, alias, isContact, identicon, ensVerified, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Contact } root.isValid = selContact.isValid break; case "My account": selAccount.visible = true inpAddress.visible = selContact.visible = false root.height = Qt.binding(function() { return selAccount.height + txtLabel.height }) const { iconColor, assets, fiatBalance } = selAccount.selectedAccount address = selAccount.selectedAccount.address name = root.selectedRecipient = { address, name, iconColor, assets, fiatBalance, type: RecipientSelector.Type.Account } root.isValid = selAccount.isValid break; } } } } } /*##^## Designer { D{i:0;autoSize:true;height:480;width:640} } ##^##*/