#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eof pipefail # This script is used to fetch HomeBrew bottles for PCRE and OpenSSL. trap "echo 'Failed to download bottle. Check your authentication token and network connection.'" EXIT ERR INT QUIT function get_gh_pkgs_token() { curl --fail --show-error -Ls -u "${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://ghcr.io/token | jq -r '.token' } function get_bottle_json() { brew info --json=v1 "${1}" | jq ".[0].bottle.stable.files[\"${2}\"]" } function fetch_bottle() { if [[ -n "${BEARER_TOKEN}" ]]; then AUTH=("-H" "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}") else AUTH=("-u" "_:_") # WARNING: Unauthorized requests can be throttled. fi curl --fail --show-error -Ls "${AUTH[@]}" -o "${1}" "${2}" } if [[ $(uname) != "Darwin" ]]; then echo "This script is intended for use on macOS!" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then echo "usage: $0 " >&2 exit 1 fi BOTTLE_NAME="${1}" BOTTLE_FILTER="${2}" BOTTLE_PATH="/tmp/${BOTTLE_NAME}.tar.gz" # GitHub Packages requires authentication. GITHUB_USER="${GITHUB_USER:-_}" GITHUB_TOKEN="${GITHUB_TOKEN:-_}" if [[ "${GITHUB_USER}" == "_" ]] || [[ "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" == "_" ]]; then echo "No GITHUB_USER or GITHUB_TOKEN variable set!" >&2 echo "GitHub Packages can throttle unauthorized requests." >&2 else echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Fetching GH Pkgs Token" BEARER_TOKEN=$(get_gh_pkgs_token) fi echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Finding bottle URL" echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Selecting: ${BOTTLE_FILTER}" BOTTLE_JSON=$(get_bottle_json "${BOTTLE_NAME}" "${BOTTLE_FILTER}") BOTTLE_URL=$(echo "${BOTTLE_JSON}" | jq -r .url) BOTTLE_SHA=$(echo "${BOTTLE_JSON}" | jq -r .sha256) if [[ "${BOTTLE_URL}" == "null" ]] || [[ "${BOTTLE_SHA}" == "null" ]]; then echo "Failed to identify bottle URL or SHA256! Bottle dropped from Homebrew?" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Fetching bottle for macOS, bottle sha256: ${BOTTLE_SHA}" fetch_bottle "${BOTTLE_PATH}" "${BOTTLE_URL}" trap "rm -fr ${BOTTLE_PATH}" EXIT ERR INT QUIT echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Checking SHA256 checksum" BOTTLE_LOCAL_SHA=$(shasum -a 256 "${BOTTLE_PATH}" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "${BOTTLE_LOCAL_SHA}" != "${BOTTLE_SHA}" ]]; then echo "The SHA256 of downloaded bottle did not match!" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "${BOTTLE_NAME} - Unpacking bottle tarball" mkdir -p "bottles/${BOTTLE_NAME}" tar xzf "${BOTTLE_PATH}" --strip-components 2 -C "bottles/${BOTTLE_NAME}"