# Description These `Jenkinsfile`s are used to run CI jobs in Jenkins. You can find them here: https://ci.status.im/job/nim-status-client/ # Builds ## Linux In order to build the Linux version of the application we use the `ubuntu:20.04` Docker image where we install the Qt 5.15.2 provided by [aqt](https://github.com/miurahr/aqtinstall), linuxdeployqt provided by https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt and other dependencies (go, cmake, gcc etc.). We're using Ubuntu 20.04 to ensure glibc compatibility with the oldest still-supported LTS release and to comply with linuxdeployqt requirements. The image is built with [`Dockerfile`](./Dockerfile) using: ``` docker build -t statusteam/nim-status-client-build:latest . ``` And pushed to: https://hub.docker.com/r/statusteam/nim-status-client-build ## MacOS The MacOS builds are run on MacOS hosts and expect Command Line Toold and XCode to be installed, as well as QT being available under `/usr/local/qt`. It also expects the presence of the following credentials: * `macos-keychain-identity` - ID of used signing certificate. * `macos-keychain-pass` - Password to unlock the keychain. * `macos-keychain-file` - Keychain file with the MacOS signing certificate. You can read about how to create such a keychain [here](https://github.com/status-im/infra-docs/blob/master/articles/macos_signing_keychain.md).