import QtQuick 2.15 import QtTest 1.15 import shared.popups.send.panels 1.0 import utils 1.0 import Models 1.0 Item { id: root width: 600 height: 400 ListModel { id: savedAddModel Component.onCompleted: { const data = [] for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) data.push({ name: "some saved addr name " + i, ens: [], address: "0x2B748A02e06B159C7C3E98F5064577B96E55A7b4", }) append(data) } } ListModel { id: walletAccountsModel readonly property var data: [ { name: "helloworld", emoji: "😋", colorId: Constants.walletAccountColors.primary, color: "#2A4AF5", address: "0x7F47C2e18a4BBf5487E6fb082eC2D9Ab0E6d7240", walletType: "", currencyBalance: ({amount: 1.25, symbol: "USD", displayDecimals: 2, stripTrailingZeroes: false}), migratedToKeycard: true }, { name: "Hot wallet (generated)", emoji: "🚗", colorId:, color: "#216266", address: "0x7F47C2e98a4BBf5487E6fb082eC2D9Ab0E6d8881", walletType: Constants.generatedWalletType, currencyBalance: ({amount: 10, symbol: "USD", displayDecimals: 2, stripTrailingZeroes: false}), migratedToKeycard: false }, { name: "Family (seed)", emoji: "🎨", colorId: Constants.walletAccountColors.magenta, color: "#EC266C", address: "0x7F47C2e98a4BBf5487E6fb082eC2D9Ab0E6d8882", walletType: Constants.seedWalletType, currencyBalance: ({amount: 110.05, symbol: "USD", displayDecimals: 2, stripTrailingZeroes: false}), migratedToKeycard: false }, { name: "Fab (key)", emoji: "🔑", colorId: Constants.walletAccountColors.camel, color: "#C78F67", address: "0x7F47C2e98a4BBf5487E6fb082eC2D9Ab0E6d8884", walletType: Constants.keyWalletType, currencyBalance: ({amount: 999, symbol: "USD", displayDecimals: 2, stripTrailingZeroes: false}), migratedToKeycard: false } ] Component.onCompleted: append(data) } ListModel { id: recentsModel readonly property var data: [ { activityEntry: { sender: "0x10bbfe4072ebb77e53aa9117c7300531d151feaf", recipient: "0x10bbfe4072ebb77e53aa9117c7300531d151ffff", timestamp: "1715274859", txType: 0, amountCurrency: { objectName: "", amount: 1, symbol:"", displayDecimals: 0, stripTrailingZeroes: true } } }, { activityEntry: { sender: "0x1bbbfe4072ebb77e53aa9117c7300531d151feaf", recipient: "0xebfbfe4072ebb77e53aa9117c7300531d1511111", timestamp: "1709832115", txType: 1, amountCurrency: { objectName: "", amount: 1, symbol:"", displayDecimals: 0, stripTrailingZeroes: true } } } ] Component.onCompleted: append(data) } Component { id: componentUnderTest RecipientSelectorPanel { anchors.fill: parent savedAddressesModel: savedAddModel myAccountsModel: walletAccountsModel recentRecipientsModel: recentsModel } } SignalSpy { id: recipientSelectedSpy target: controlUnderTest signalName: "onRecipientSelected" } SignalSpy { id: recentTabSelectedSpy target: controlUnderTest signalName: "onRecentRecipientsTabSelected" } property RecipientSelectorPanel controlUnderTest: null TestCase { name: "RecipientSelectorPanel" when: windowShown function init() { controlUnderTest = createTemporaryObject(componentUnderTest, root) recipientSelectedSpy.clear() recentTabSelectedSpy.clear() } function test_basicGeometry() { verify(!!controlUnderTest) verify(controlUnderTest.width > 0) verify(controlUnderTest.height > 0) } // TODO: Improve with mouseClick function test_selectRecentsTab() { const tabsComponent = findChild(controlUnderTest, "recipientTypeTabBar") tabsComponent.currentIndex = 2 compare(recentTabSelectedSpy.count, 1) tabsComponent.currentIndex = 1 tabsComponent.currentIndex = 2 compare(recentTabSelectedSpy.count, 2) } function test_checkSharedAddressesCount() { const savedAddressesListComponent = findChild(controlUnderTest, "savedAddressesList") compare(savedAddressesListComponent.count, 10) } function test_checkWalletAccountsCount() { const myAccountsListComponent = findChild(controlUnderTest, "myAccountsList") compare(myAccountsListComponent.count, 4) } function test_checkRecentReceiversCount() { const recentReceiversListComponent = findChild(controlUnderTest, "recentReceiversList") compare(recentReceiversListComponent.count, 2) } // TODO: Click on items and review onRecipientSelected signal } }