import sys, os, re import sqlcipher3 import readline from getpass import getpass from common import PasswordFunctions def open_db(file_path, passwordHash: str, kdfIterations: int): db = sqlcipher3.connect(file_path) pageSize = 8192 if file_path.endswith("-v4.db") else 1024 print(f'> Opening database. Selected cipher_page_size: {pageSize}') db.execute(f'PRAGMA key = "{passwordHash}"') db.execute(f'PRAGMA cipher_page_size = {pageSize}') #1024 for older db, 8192 for newer db.execute(f'PRAGMA kdf_iter = {kdfIterations}') db.execute('PRAGMA cipher_hmac_algorithm = HMAC_SHA1') db.execute('PRAGMA cipher_kdf_algorithm = PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1') # db.execute('PRAGMA cipher_compatibility = 3;') return db class Account: def __init__(self, name, keyUid, kdfIterations): = name self.keyUid = keyUid self.kdfIterations = kdfIterations def __str__(self): return f"{} - {self.keyUid}, kdfIterations: {self.kdfIterations}" class Config: def __init__(self): self.args = sys.argv[1:] def input_base_path(self): if len(self.args) > 0: self.base_path = self.args[0] else: self.base_path = input('> Input a base path: ') if not self.base_path.endswith('/'): self.base_path += '/' def read_accounts(self): db = sqlcipher3.connect(self.base_path + '/accounts.sql') accounts = db.execute('SELECT name, keyUid, kdfIterations FROM accounts').fetchall() db.close() if len(accounts) == 0: print("no accoutns found") exit(0) self.accounts = [] print(f'> Accounts found: ') for i, a in enumerate(accounts): account = Account(a[0], a[1], a[2]) self.accounts.append(account) print(f'{i}: {str(account)}') def find_database(self): regex = re.compile(f'{self.selectedAccount.keyUid}(\-v4)?.db$') for _, _, files in os.walk(self.base_path): for file in files: if regex.match(file): return file return '' def select_account(self): if len(self.args) > 1: self.account_index = int(self.args[1]) else: self.account_index = int(input('> Select an account by index: ')) self.selectedAccount = self.accounts[self.account_index] self.database_path = self.base_path + self.find_database() print(f'selected database: {self.database_path}') def input_password(self): if len(self.args) > 2: password = self.args[2] else: password = getpass("> Input password: ") config.password_hash = PasswordFunctions.hash_password(password, old_desktop=False) config = Config() config.input_base_path() config.read_accounts() config.select_account() config.input_password() ## Select and open database db = open_db(config.database_path, config.password_hash, config.selectedAccount.kdfIterations) ## use the `db` instance to execute queries tables = db.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall() print(f"> Database opened. {len(tables)} tables found.") ## loop sql operations while True: cmd = input("SQL> ") if cmd == "exit": break output = db.execute(cmd).fetchall() print(output) db.close()