Within this commit apart of `ChatContextMenuView` and `MessageContextMenuView`
some other things are fixed:
- pinned messages model (`asyncFetchChatMessagesTask`), which was corrupted most
likely by resolving conflicts
- `pinned by` part of the pinned messages
- set/remove local nickname for a contact
- contacts in a message list and pinned by name, contact in a pinned message list
and pinned by name, one to one chat details and chat tool bar are updated in a way
that they are responsive to the contact's updates
- pinned messages updated received from remote (from the `status-go`) is handled
- load more messages on scroll up for chat/channel added
- sending messages improved in terms of adding new messages to
appropriate position
- scroll to message added on the qml side
- qml connected to the sending message success/failed signals
- admin flag exposed to qml for chat/channel
- `CreateChannelPopup` updated
- `createPopup` function added to the `Global` singleton
- `PinnedMessagesPopup` component moved to `AppMain` and shared
among components beneath
We've recently removed timeline related code from the application.
It seems that either a) new changes have been introduced related to timeline
despite it being removed from the application, or b) a few more changes
where left out as part of the new architecture.
This causes the app to misbehave when selecting sections in the application
nav bar.
This commit fixes this by removing leftover timeline related code.
- `NormalMessageView` component is removed since we work with `CompactMessageView`
and it's the only and default message component in the app.
- `useCompactMode` property removed from local settings since it's not in use as
well and corresponding code is updated accordingly
- `chatType` added to `Constants` to group chat type related values
- `messageContentType` added to `Constants` to group message content type related
- `MessageStore` maintained per message list now
- added new `ChatContentView` component used to display chat/channel content
- components updated to display messages from the new backend
- `StatusChatToolBar` appropriately updated
- mute/unmute feature added to chat/channel list as well as to `StatusChatToolBar`