feat(CommunitySettings): Implement UI for`edit`, `duplicate` and `remove` actions in community permissions page
- Enabled `duplicate` action (mocked).
- Enabled `delete` action (mocked) and added / updated navigations in case all permissions are removed.
- Added delete confirmation popup.
- Enabled `edit` action (mocked) where changes are detected and the `dirty changes toast` appears properly.
- Created `CommunityPermissionsView` and integrated into the flow.
- Created `PermissionItem` component.
- Added `holdingsListModel`, `permissionsObjectModel` and `channelsListModel` flows with mocked data.
- Added `isPrivate` permission property.
- Added button header in `SettingsPageLayout`
- Added signals/methods for edit/duplicate/remove permissions
- Created new file `OperatorsUtils.qml` specific for `Operators`